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Zusammenfassung Die fünf Formen der UntergattungParus (Periparus) des südlichen Zentral-Asien(rufonuchalis, rubidiventris, beavani, melanolophus, aemodius) werden morphologisch, biologisch-ökologisch und vor allem akustisch differenziert. Die Spezifität der Gesänge gilt als wesentliches Art-Kriterium; sie wird mit Attrappen-Versuchen getestet.1.Rufonuchalis, rubidiventris undbeavani (Fichtenmeisen-Gruppe) bilden im Nepal-Himalaya Arealgrenzen aus.Rufonuchalis undrubidiventris leben dort sympatrisch,rubidiventris undbeavani allopatrisch ohne Introgressionszone. Rubidiventris undbeavani haben übereinstimmende ökologische Ansprüche;rufonuchalis als größere und trockenadaptierte Form weicht merklich ab. Die Arealgrenzen vonrufonuchalis undrubidiventris sind im westlichen Nepal-Himalaya klimatisch bedingt (Monsun!), nicht durch Konkurrenz mit anderenPeriparus-Formen.Reviergesänge der farblich fast ununterscheidbarenrufonuchalis undbeavani divergieren sehr, die vonrubidiventris undbeavani sind gleich. Rufonuchalis verfügt über 2 Gesangstypen: Trillergesang dient der Reviermarkierung, Pfiffgesang der Revierverteidigung. Beide Gesangsformen entsprechen nicht demParus-Gesangsschema, wohl aber der Klappergesang vonrubidiventris undbeavani. Beavani reagiert im Attrappen-Test nur auf denrufonuchalis-Pfiffgesang und besitzt vergleichbare Lautäußerungen.Rufonuchalis-Trillergesang findet beibeavani ebenfalls Entsprechungen, jedoch nicht beirubidiventris.Spezialisierte Trillergesang-Elemente vonrufonuchalis undbeavani werden als homolog betrachtet. Bei diesen allopatrischen Formen konnten sie erhalten bleiben, der mitrufonuchalis sympatrischerubidiventris hat sie reduziert.Die gleichfarbigenrufonuchalis undbeavani haben das Himalaya-System nie kontinuierlich besiedelt; ihre Areale standen ursprünglich über die Waldzonen Zentralasiens miteinander in Verbindung.Akustische Analyse und Verbreitungsmuster weisenrufonuchalis undrubidiventris (mit den Subspeziesrubidiventris undbeavani) als eigene Spezies aus; sie werden zu einer Superspezies verklammert.2. Die Areale vonP. ater aemodius undP. melanolophus stehen im zentralen Himalaya in sekundärem Kontakt; sie bilden dort eine Hybrid-(Introgressions-)Zone von 70 km Breite.An keiner Stelle desaemodius- bzw.melanolophus-Areals kommen die beiden Ausgangsformen bzw. Hybriden und Ausgangsformen nebeneinander vor. Merkliche Zuwanderung in das Hybridgebiet aus östlichen oder westlichen Arealteilen findet nicht statt.Es existieren Hybriden, die nicht intermediär zwischen den Ausgangsformen stehen, sondern von ihnen in Farbmuster und Färbung markant abweichen (rostbäuchige Hybriden).Vom Gebiet reineraemodius-Phäne zu dem reinermelanolophus-Phäne verläuft eine Merkmalsprogression:aemodius-Beige der Unterseite zu Rostrot;aemodius-Beige der Flanken zumelanolophus-Grau. Rostrot der Unterseite schlägt fast ohne Übergang zumelanolophus-Grau um (bisher nur für eine Population belegt).Alle Populationen des Hybridgürtels sind voll fortpflanzungsfähig (Reviergesang, Revierabgrenzung, -Brutfleck, -Gonadenentwicklung). Die Ausgangsformen haben (noch) keine verschiedenen adaptiven Niveaus erreicht; die Hybriden sind bei der Paarbildung (offensichtlich) nicht unterlegen.Isolationsmechanismen zwischen Ausgangsformen und Hybriden sind (heute) nicht (mehr) entwickelt; füraemodius undmelanolophus werden gering entwickelte akustische (und optische) postuliert (Hinweise durch Hybridisation in Gefangenschaft).Rostfarbigkeit wird als altes Merkmal derPeriparus-Gruppe angesehen, sein Auftreten bei den Hybriden als Atavismus.Reviergesänge aus derater/melanolophus-Gruppe sind einander sehr ähnlich. Der Gesang mitteleuropäischera. ater und der vonmelanolophus zeichnet sich durch ansteigende Elemente aus, diea. aemodius fehlen. Auf solche Gesangstypen reagiertaemodius nur mangelhaft.Die Gesänge in den Hybridpopulationen gleichen jenen vonaemodius; das wird auf Lernen desaemodius-Repertoires der Hybriden während des ersten Kontaktes vonmelanolophus undaemodius zurückgeführt.Süddeutschea. ater reagieren nur zur Zeit höchster Revierverteidigungs-Bereitschaft auf einen bestimmtenaemodius-Strophentyp. Auf diesen Strophentyp reagierten auch syntop lebendeP. major; er enthält Merkmale der Gesänge beider Arten.Die genetische Divergenz vonaemodius undmelanolophus — kenntlich an den rostbäuchigen Hybriden — legt nahe, den Artstatus beider bedingt aufrechtzuerhalten: SuperspeziesP. ater mit den SemispeziesP. ater undP. melanolophus.
Acoustic differentiation of phylogenetic relations in theParus (Periparus) group from investigations in the Nepal Himalayas
Summary In the Nepal Himalayas 5 taxa of the subgenusParus (Periparus) exist — the greatest concentration of this subgenus in the whole Palearctic region. The taxa belong to 2 groups: 1.rufonuchalis, rubidiventris, beavani; 2. aemodius, melanolophus (fig. 1). All forms settle in the same altitude belt from about 2800 to 4200 m — three of them even in the same locality.Rufonuchalis is adapted to dry habitats mainly of West Central Asia and is thus restricted in Nepal to the Western parts (fig. 3, 4).The up to now unclarified status of all forms is determined as follows: Distinct species areP. rufonuchalis andP. rubidiventris (with highly different subspeciesP. r. rubidiventris andP. r. beavani) and they are regarded as a superspecies.P. rufonuchalis andP. r. rubidiventris live syntopically in West Nepal and display different territorial songs.Both differ remarkably in body size and bill size. Certain acoustic similarities indicating close relationship could be shown betweenrufonuchalis and the allopatric (fig. 3, 4)rubidiventris beavani; r. beavani reacts to the playback of whistle song (Pfiffgesang, fig. 10) ofP. rufonuchalis (see also fig. 14).The areas ofP. r. rubidiventris andP. r. beavani are separated apparently only by the Bhote Kosi river in East Nepal (fig. 4). Introgression is not (yet) known; the songs are identical (fig. 8). P. melanolophus andP. ater aemodius hybridize in West Nepal in a zone of secondary contact. Their areas are linked by a zone of introgression (fig. 17, 18). In that zone cinnamomeous bellied hybrids locally occur differing thus strikingly in colour from both parental species (fig. 1). Sympatric occurrence ofmelanolophus andater aemodius is not known and is not expected either.Territorial songs ofa. aemodius (fig. 21) andmelanolophus (fig. 25) are very similar and both species obviously do not differ in their ecology. Despite the small introgression belt, similar songs and apparently very similar or even identical adaptive peaks,P. ater andP. melanolophus are still treated as distinct species but reduced to semispecies level. In doing so the genetic divergence betweenater aemodius andmelanolophus indicated by the cinnamomeous bellied hybrids is emphasized.

Mit einem Jahresstipendium des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes und einer Sachbeihilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. — Ergebnisse der Nepal-Reisen 1969/70, 1973 und 1974, Nr. 36. — Nr. 35: Senckenbergiana biol., 56 (4/6): 247–256, 1975.  相似文献   
BackgroundRecent research suggests that schistosomiasis targets for morbidity control and elimination as a public health problem could benefit from a reanalysis. These analyses would define evidence-based targets that control programs could use to confidently assert that they had controlled or eliminated schistosomiasis as a public health problem. We estimated how low Schistosoma haematobium infection levels diagnosed by urine filtration in school-age children should be decreased so that microhematuria prevalence was at, or below, a “background” level of morbidity.MethodologyData obtained from school-age children in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Tanzania, and Zambia who participated in schistosomiasis monitoring and evaluation cohorts were reanalyzed before and after initiation of preventive chemotherapy. Bayesian models estimated the infection level prevalence probabilities associated with microhematuria thresholds ≤10%, 13%, or 15%.Principal findingsAn infection prevalence of 5% could be a sensible target for urogenital schistosomiasis morbidity control in children as microhematuria prevalence was highly likely to be below 10% in all surveys. Targets of 8% and 11% infection prevalence were highly likely to result in microhematuria levels less than 13% and 15%, respectively. By contrast, measuring heavy-intensity infections only achieves these thresholds at impractically low prevalence levels.Conclusions/significanceA target of 5%, 8%, or 11% urogenital schistosomiasis infection prevalence in school-age children could be used to determine whether a geographic area has controlled or eliminated schistosomiasis as a public health problem depending on the local background threshold of microhematuria.  相似文献   
Because they share common precursors and require significant amounts of energy, photosynthesis and defense against herbivores and pathogens may be inversely related. This relationship was examined in Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to herbivory by Trichoplusia ni neonates. The spatial pattern of photosynthesis was compared statistically with that of induction of the defense-related cinnamate-4-hydroxylase (C4H) gene across individual leaves exposed to herbivory in transgenic plants harboring a C4H:GUS gene fusion. In portions of the leaf where C4H:GUS expression was upregulated, photosynthesis was depressed, while non-photochemical quenching was increased, suggesting a trade-off between these two processes. However, photosynthetic damage spread further into surrounding areas than the induction of C4H:GUS expression. Photosynthetic depression was observed up to 1 mm from the edges of holes, whereas C4H:GUS induction typically was limited to about 0.5 mm or less from edges. Other mechanisms may be responsible for the spread of photosynthetic damage beyond where C4H-related defense was induced. Alternatively, C4H induction may reflect a subset of defensive responses more limited in their spatial distribution than the downregulation of photosynthesis. The suppression of photosynthesis in remaining leaf tissue represents a 'hidden cost' of herbivore damage.  相似文献   
Bovine-associated mucoprotein (BAMP), solubilized with water from the delipidated membranes of bovine milk fat globules, is not restricted to fat globules or to the alveolar epithelial cells from which they are formed. BAMP also has a widespread distribution on other bovine glandular epithelial cells and on undifferentiated cells in lymphoid germinal centers and in several fetal tissues. Free BAMP is present in bovine colostrum, milk, other secretory fluids, and in fetal serum but is absent from adult and colostrum-deprived calf sera. In bronchoalveolar fluids, BAMP is preferentially found in the mucus-rich fraction. BAMP is antigenically distinct from all adult serum proteins, free secretory component, beta 2-microglobulin, lactoferrin, alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, and five different caseins. BAMP as a free protein constitutes one-sixth of the total amount of BAMP present in milk. The BAMP-related component of fetal serum lacks antigenic determinants present on the BAMP of milk as demonstrated by immunoprecipitation and partial blocking of immunofluorescence. The fetal component is not fetuin or alpha 1-fetoprotein. These data suggest that BAMP may be useful in studies of the membranes of proliferating or differentiating epithelial cells.  相似文献   
In this work, we describe the utility of Light, Oxygen, or Voltage-sensing (LOV) flavoprotein domains from plant phototropins as a reporter for protein expression and function. Specifically, we used iLOV, an enhanced and more photostable variant of LOV. A pET-based plasmid for protein expression was constructed, encoding a C terminal iLOV-octahistidine (His8)-tag and a HRV 3C protease cleavage recognition site. Ten different proteins, with various sub-cellular locations, were cloned into the plasmid, creating iLOV-His8 tag fusions. To test protein expression and how iLOV could be used as a reporter, the proteins were expressed in three different cell lines, in four different culture media, at two different temperatures. To establish whether the presence of the iLOV tag could have an impact on the functionality, one of the proteins, EspG, was over-expressed and purified. EspG is an “effector” protein normally produced by enterohemorrhagic E. coli strains and “injected” into host cells via the T3SS. We tested functionality of EspG-iLOV fusion by performing functional studies of EspG in mammalian host cells. When EspG-iLOV was microinjected into the host cell, the Golgi apparatus was completely disrupted as had previously been observed for EspG.  相似文献   
The freeze-drying of biological material, which is to be quantitatively analyzed (micro-amount level) for compounds of low or intermediate molecular weight, should be either omitted or handled under strict control. This is because compounds such as amino acids, sugars, flavonoids, glycosides, coenzymes, peptides, etc., might be removed from concentrates and (or) the ground biological material by the high vacuum.  相似文献   
Differential scanning calorimetry has been used to study the thermal stability of bovine serum albumin as affected by binding of fatty acids (lauric acid and stearic acid) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). All the ligands stabilized the protein molecules in a similar manner, but to different levels. A maximum increase in denaturation temperature of 30 degrees C was obtained with lauric acid. The thermograms indicate the presence of several ligand-albumin complexes having different heat stabilities. Variations in pH in 0.9% NaCl affected the heat stability of both ligand-poor and ligand-rich albumin, the former being more sensitive to variations in pH within the physiological range. Variations in NaCl concentration affected the thermal stabilities at neutral pH, expecially at low salt concentrations. While ligand-rich albumin was somewhat destabilized by increasing NaCl concentrations, ligand-poor albumin was strongly stabilized. The potential use of differential scanning calorimetry in ligand-albumin research is discussed.  相似文献   
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