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The liver represents a site of expression of neurotrophins and their receptors. We have characterized the expression and intracellular localization of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor, Trk-A, in liver cells in vivo and in vitro. In both normal and fibrotic liver tissue, Trk-A immunostaining was present in different cell types, including parenchymal cells and cells of the inflammatory infiltrate. In hepatocytes and activated stellate cells (HSC), Trk-A showed a predominant nuclear localization, both in the presence and absence of injury. In cultured HSC, Trk-A was found to be functional, because exposure of the cells to recombinant NGF resulted in stimulation of cell migration and activation of intracellular signaling pathways, including Ras-ERK and PI3K/Akt. Remarkably, in cultured HSC, Trk-A staining was found constitutively in the nucleus. In these cells, Trk-A could be stained only by antibodies directed against the intracellular domain but not by those recognizing the extracellular portion of Trk-A suggesting that the intracellular portion of the receptor is the major determinant of nuclear Trk-A staining. In contrast to HSC, freshly isolated hepatocytes did not show any nuclear localization of the intracellular portion of Trk-A. In pheocromocytoma cells, nuclear staining for Trk-A was not present in conditions of serum deprivation, but could be induced by exposure to NGF or to a mixture of soluble mediators. We conclude that nuclear localization of the intracellular domain of Trk-A is observed constitutively in liver cells such as HSC, while in other cell types it could be induced in response to soluble factors.  相似文献   
It is unknown whether the mammalian cell cycle could impact the assembly of viruses maturing in the nucleus. We addressed this question using MVM, a reference member of the icosahedral ssDNA nuclear parvoviruses, which requires cell proliferation to infect by mechanisms partly understood. Constitutively expressed MVM capsid subunits (VPs) accumulated in the cytoplasm of mouse and human fibroblasts synchronized at G0, G1, and G1/S transition. Upon arrest release, VPs translocated to the nucleus as cells entered S phase, at efficiencies relying on cell origin and arrest method, and immediately assembled into capsids. In synchronously infected cells, the consecutive virus life cycle steps (gene expression, proteins nuclear translocation, capsid assembly, genome replication and encapsidation) proceeded tightly coupled to cell cycle progression from G0/G1 through S into G2 phase. However, a DNA synthesis stress caused by thymidine irreversibly disrupted virus life cycle, as VPs became increasingly retained in the cytoplasm hours post-stress, forming empty capsids in mouse fibroblasts, thereby impairing encapsidation of the nuclear viral DNA replicative intermediates. Synchronously infected cells subjected to density-arrest signals while traversing early S phase also blocked VPs transport, resulting in a similar misplaced cytoplasmic capsid assembly in mouse fibroblasts. In contrast, thymidine and density arrest signals deregulating virus assembly neither perturbed nuclear translocation of the NS1 protein nor viral genome replication occurring under S/G2 cycle arrest. An underlying mechanism of cell cycle control was identified in the nuclear translocation of phosphorylated VPs trimeric assembly intermediates, which accessed a non-conserved route distinct from the importin α2/β1 and transportin pathways. The exquisite cell cycle-dependence of parvovirus nuclear capsid assembly conforms a novel paradigm of time and functional coupling between cellular and virus life cycles. This junction may determine the characteristic parvovirus tropism for proliferative and cancer cells, and its disturbance could critically contribute to persistence in host tissues.  相似文献   
Exudation of organic acid anions by plants as well as root-induced changes in rhizosphere pH can potentially improve phosphate (Pi) availability in the rhizosphere and are frequently found to occur simultaneously. In non-calcareous soils, a major proportion of Pi is strongly sorbed to metal oxi(hydr)oxides of mainly iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) and organic anions are known to compete with Pi for the same sorption sites (ligand exchange) or solubilize Pi via ligand-promoted mineral dissolution. Root-induced co-acidification may also further promote Pi release from soil. The relative efficiency of these different solubilization mechanisms, however, is poorly understood. The aims of this study were to gain a better mechanistic understanding of the solubilizing mechanisms of four carboxylates (citrate, malate, oxalate, malonate) in five soils with high and low P surface site saturation. Results indicate that at a lower P saturation of solid phase sorption sites, ligand-promoted mineral dissolution was the main Pi solubilization mechanism, while ligand exchange became more important at higher soil P concentrations. Co-acidification generally increased Pi solubility in the presence of carboxylates; however the relative solubilizing effect of carboxylates compared to the background electrolyte (KCl) control decreased by 20–50%. In soils with high amounts of exchangeable calcium (Ca), the proton-induced Ca solubilization reduced soluble Pi, presumably due to ionic-strength-driven changes in the electric surface potential favoring a higher Pi retention. Across a wider soil pH range (pH 3–8), Pi solubility increased with increasing alkalinity, as a result of both, more negatively charged sorption sites, as well as DOC-driven changes in Fe and Al solubility, which were further enhanced by the presence of citrate. Overall, the relative efficiency of carboxylates in solubilizing Pi was greatest in soils with medium to high amounts of anionic binding sites (mainly Fe- and Al-oxy(hydr)oxides) and a medium P sorption site coverage, with citrate being most effective in solubilizing Pi.  相似文献   
From a screening on agar plates with bis(benzoyloxyethyl) terephthalate (3PET), a Bacillus subtilis p‐nitrobenzylesterase (BsEstB) was isolated and demonstrated to hydrolyze polyethyleneterephthalate (PET). PET‐hydrolase active strains produced clearing zones and led to the release of the 3PET hydrolysis products terephthalic acid (TA), benzoic acid (BA), 2‐hydroxyethyl benzoate (HEB), and mono‐(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (MHET) in 3PET supplemented liquid cultures. The 3PET‐hydrolase was isolated from non‐denaturating polyacrylamide gels using fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and identified as BsEstB by LC‐MS/MS analysis. BsEstB was expressed in Escherichia coli with C‐terminally fused StrepTag II for purification. The tagged enzyme had a molecular mass of 55.2 kDa and a specific activity of 77 U/mg on p‐nitrophenyl acetate and 108 U/mg on p‐nitrophenyl butyrate. BsEstB was most active at 40°C and pH 7.0 and stable for several days at pH 7.0 and 37°C while the half‐life times decreased to 3 days at 40°C and only 6 h at 45°C. From 3PET, BsEstB released TA, MHET, and BA, but neither bis(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) nor hydroxyethylbenzoate (HEB). The kcat values decreased with increasing complexity of the substrate from 6 and 8 (s?1) for p‐nitrophenyl‐acetate (4NPA) and p‐nitrophenyl‐butyrate (4NPB), respectively, to 0.14 (s?1) for bis(2‐hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET). The enzyme hydrolyzed PET films releasing TA and MHET with a concomitant decrease of the water‐contact angle (WCA) from 68.2° ± 1.7° to 62.6° ± 1.1° due to formation of novel hydroxyl and carboxyl groups. These data correlated with a fluorescence emission intensity increase seen for the enzyme treated sample after derivatization with 2‐(bromomethyl)naphthalene. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2011  相似文献   
Marginal populations are often geographically isolated, smaller, and more fragmented than central populations and may frequently have to face suboptimal local environmental conditions. Persistence of these populations frequently involves the development of adaptive traits at phenotypic and genetic levels. We compared population structure and demographic variables in two fucoid macroalgal species contrasting in patterns of genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity at their southern distribution limit with a more central location. Models were Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. (whose extreme longevity and generation overlap may buffer genetic loss by drift) and Fucus serratus L. (with low genetic diversity at southern margins). At edge locations, both species exhibited trends in life‐history traits compatible with population persistence but by using different mechanisms. Marginal populations of A. nodosum had higher reproductive output in spite of similar mortality rates at all life stages, making edge populations denser and with smaller individuals. In F. serratus, rather than demographic changes, marginal populations differed in habitat, occurring restricted to a narrower vertical habitat range. We conclude that persistence of both A. nodosum and F. serratus at the southern‐edge locations depends on different strategies. Marginal population persistence in A. nodosum relies on a differentiation in life‐history traits, whereas F. serratus, putatively poorer in evolvability potential, is restricted to a narrower vertical range at border locations. These results contribute to the general understanding of mechanisms that lead to population persistence at distributional limits and to predict population resilience under a scenario of environmental change.  相似文献   
Integration of the pCG79 temperature-sensitive plasmid carrying Tn611 was used to generate libraries of mutants with blocked sterol-transforming ability of the sterol-utilizing strains Mycobacterium smegmatis mc(2)155 and Mycobacterium phlei M51-Ept. Of the 10,000 insertional mutants screened from each library, 4 strains with altered activity of the sterol-degrading enzymes were identified. A blocked 4-androstene-3,17-dione-producing M. phlei mutant transformed sitosterol to 23,24-dinorcholane derivatives that are useful starting materials for corticosteroid syntheses. A recombinant plasmid, pFJ92, was constructed from the genomic DNA of one of the insertional mutants of M. smegmatis, 10A12, which was blocked in 3-ketosteroid 9alpha-hydroxylation and carrying the transposon insertion and flanking DNA sequences, and used to isolate a chromosomal fragment encoding the 9alpha-hydroxylase. The open reading frame encodes the 383-amino-acid terminal oxygenase of 3-ketosteroid 9alpha-hydroxylase in M. smegmatis mc(2)155 and has domains typically conserved in class IA terminal oxygenases. Escherichia coli containing the gene could hydroxylate the steroid ring at the 9alpha position.  相似文献   
(Co)variance components and further genetic parameters of boar semen characteristics and reproductive traits were estimated using the REML procedure applied to multi-trait animal models. The calculations were based on data from 210,733 ejaculates stemming from 2862 AI boars and collected from 1990 to 1997 in insemination stations for boars in the Czech Republic. Equal model equations for all traits included the AI station and the breed or breed combination as fixed effects, the interval between two collections for the boar as covariable and the animal and residual effects as random effects. The following heritabilities were estimated: semen volume 0.58, sperm concentration 0.49, progressive motion of spermatozoa 0.38, abnormal spermatozoa 0.34, number of total spermatozoa 0.42, number of insemination doses 0.40, number of piglets born alive 0.08, total number of piglets born 0.05 and conception rate 0.29. Heritabilities and genetic correlations were estimated on average values for each boar.  相似文献   
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