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Eva Johannes  Hubert Felle 《Planta》1987,172(1):53-59
By means of pH-sensitive microelectrodes, cytoplasmic pH has been monitored continuously during amino-acid transport across the plasmalemma of Riccia fluitans rhizoid cells under various experimental conditions. (i) Contrary to the general assumption that import of amino acids (or hexoses) together with protons should lead to cytoplasmic acidification, an alkalinization of 0.1–0.3 pHc units was found for all amino acids tested. Similar alkalinizations were recorded in the presence of hexoses and methylamine. No alkalinization occurred when the substrates were added in the depolarized state or in the presence of cyanide, where the electrogenic H+-pump is inhibited. (ii) After acidification of the cytoplasm by means of various concentrations of acetic acid, amino-acid transport is massively altered, although the protonmotive force remained essentially constant. It is suggested that H+-cotransport is energetically interconnected with the proton-export pump which is stimulated by the amino-acid-induced depolarization, thus causing proton depletion of the cytoplasm. It is concluded that, in order to investigate H+-dependent cotransport processes, the cytoplasmic pH must be measured and be under continuous experimental control; secondly, neither pH nor the protonmotive force across a membrane are reliable quantities for analysing a proton-dependent process.Abbreviations 3-OMG 3-oxymethylglucose - pHc cytoplasmic pH - m electrical potential difference across the respective membrane, i.e. membrane potential - H+/F (=pmf) electrochemical proton gradient  相似文献   
Both Lys-166 and His-291 of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase fromRhodospirillum rubrum have been implicated as the active-site residue that initiates catalysis. To decide between these two candidates, we resorted to site-directed mutagenesis to replace Lys-166 and His-291 with several amino acids. All 7 of the position-166 mutants tested are severely deficient in carboxylase activity, whereas the alanine and serine mutants at position 291 are ∼40% and ∼18% as active as the native carboxylase, essentially ruling out His-291 in theRhodospirillum rubrum carboxylase (and by inference His-298 in the spinach enzyme) as a catalytically essential residue. The ability of some of the mutant proteins to undergo carbamate formation or to bind either ribulosebisphosphate or a transition-state analogue remains largely unimpaired. This implies that Lys-166 is not required for substrate binding; rather, the results corroborate the earlier postulate that Lys-166 functions as an acid-base group in catalysis or in stabilizing a transition state in the reaction pathway.  相似文献   
Unlike most Lactobacillus acidophilus strains, a specific strain, L. acidophilus IFO 3532, was found to grow in rich medium containing 1 M sodium acetate, KCl, or NaCl. This strain could also grow with up to 1.8 M NaCl or 3 M nonelectrolytes (fructose, xylose, or sorbitol) added. Thus, this strain was tolerant to osmotic pressures up to 2.8 osM. A search for an intracellular solute which conferred osmoprotection led to the identification of glycine betaine (betaine). Betaine was accumulated to high concentrations in cells growing in MRS medium supplemented with 1 M KCl or NaCl. Uptake of [14C]betaine by L. acidophilus 3532 cells suspended in buffer was stimulated by increasing the medium osmotic pressure with 1 M KCl or NaCl. The accumulated betaine was not metabolized further; transport was relatively specific for betaine and was dependent on an energy source. Other lactobacilli, more osmosensitive than strain 3532, including L. acidophilus strain E4356, L. bulgaricus 8144, and L. delbrueckii 9649, showed lower betaine transport rates in response to an osmotic challenge than L. acidophilus 3532. Experiments with chloramphenicol-treated L. acidophilus 3532 cells indicated that the transport system was not induced but appeared to be activated by an increase in osmotic pressure.  相似文献   
H+ conductance in de-energized cells of Clostridium thermoaceticum and Clostridium acetobutylicum was determined from the rate of realkalinization of the medium after an acid pulse. In both organisms, cell membrane proton permeability was increased by fermentation end products and ionophores. In C. thermoaceticum, H+ conductance was increased by Na+ ions compared with K+ as counterions. In these cells, addition of Na+, but not K+, elicited efflux of H+; H+ efflux was stimulated by SCN and decreased by various ionophores. We concluded that C. thermoaceticum possesses an electrogenic Na+/H+ antiporter. In contrast, C. acetobutylicum cells did not have an electrogenic Na+/H+ antiporter.  相似文献   
Treatment with 5-azacytidine (5-aza-C) causes an advance in the time of replication and enhances the DNase-I sensitivity of the inactive X chromosome in Gerbillus gerbillus fibroblasts. We found that these changes were not stably inherited and upon removal of the drug the cells reverted to the original state of one active and one inactive X chromosome. In order to determine whether this reversion was random, we used a cell line of female Microtus agrestis fibroblasts in which the two X chromosomes are morphologically distinguishable. In this work we show that the reversion to a late pattern of replication is not random, and the originally late replicating X chromosome is preferentially reinactivated, suggesting an imprinting-like marking of one or both X chromosomes. The changes in the replication pattern of the X chromosome were associated with changes in total DNA methylation. Double treatment of cells with 5-aza-C did not alter this pattern of euchromatin activation and reinactivation. A dramatic advance in the time of replication of the entire X linked constitutive heterochromatin (XCH) region was however, observed in the doubly treated cells. This change in the replication timing of the XCH occurred in both X chromosomes and was independent of the changes observed in the euchromatic region. These observations suggest the existence of at least two independent regulatory sites which control the timing of replication of two large chromosomal regions.Deceased on 2 Jan. 1987  相似文献   
The yeast phase of ten P. brasiliensis isolates were studied to characterize their growth pattern, morphology and ultrastructure. Growth curves were determined after counts of total and viable fungi units (FU) during 20 days. Three growth patterns were observed: slow, reaching approximately 10–30× 106 FU/tube (Pb 18, Pb 265 and PB 2); intermediate, reaching 60–150×106 FU/tube (IVIC Pb 9, IVIC Pb 267, Pb SN, Pb Vitor and Pb Campo Grande) and fast, reaching 180–370×106 FU/tube (Pb 2052 and Pb 192). The highest percentage of viable cells occurred on the 6th day of culture for Pb 192, Pb Campo Grande, Pb 2052 and IVIC Pb 9; on the 8th day for Pb Vitor, Pb SN, Pb 18 and IVIC Pb 267; on the 10th day for Pb 265 and on the 12th day of culture for Pb 2. Mean generation times varied from approximately 21.2 (Pb 2052) to 102.6 hours (Pb 265). The isolates showed similar morphology, except IVIC Pb 267 which did not present a typical yeast-phase at 35°C and the two fast-growing isolates (Pb 2052 and Pb 192) that presented smaller cell sizes and less tendency to clump. The ultrastructure of the isolates was similar: the cell walls presented a width of 0.1 to 0.2 °; the mitochondria presented few cristae and had equivalent patterns of distribution and morphology; the endoplasmic reticulum was scanty, presenting narrow cisternae; the vacuoles, empty or filled with electrondense material, were numerous and two to five nuclei with pores were constantly observed.  相似文献   
Summary A catalogue of indigenous fermented beverages produced by different ethnic groups in Ecuador has been compiled and the microflora of selected examples examined. A diversity of fermentation substrates was encountered depending on the climatic zone. The fermentations are typicallyLactobacillus spp.—yeast fermentations except for one which includes a mould fermentation by a mixed starter ofMoniha sitophila, Rhizopus stolonifer and aFusarium sp. A discussion is made of the role of these beverages in the human ecology of certain regions.
Resumen Se ha confeccionado un catálogo de bebidas indígenas ecuatorianas producidas por distintos grupos étnicos, examinándose la microflora de algunos ejemplos seleccionados. Las fermentaciones son generalmente del tipoLactobacillus sp.—levaduras, excepto en un caso que incluye una fermentación fúngica iniciada de forma mixta porM. sitophila, R. stolonifer y unFusarium sp. Se discute el papel de estas bebidas en la ecologia humana de ciertas regiones.

Résumé Un catalogue des boissons fermentées indigènes produites par divers groupes ethniques de l'Equateur a été compilé et les micro-flores des exemples sélectionnés ont été éxaminés. Les substrats de fermentation varient d'une région climatique à l'autre. Les fermentations sont généralement du typeLactobacillus sp — levures, sauf dans un cas qui comporte une fermentation par des moisissures, avec un mélange initial deMoniha sitophila, Rhizopus stolonifer et une espèce deFusarium. Le rôle de ces boissons dans l'écologie humaine de certaines régions est discuté.
The Mg2+-dependent activity of the tonoplast pyrophosphatase (PPase) was investigated by measuring proton transport and by using the acridine orange technique on intact vacuoles of the aquatic liverwort Riccia fluitans L. In solutions with both Mg2+ and pyrophosphate present, a number of complexes are formed, which could all influence the enzymatic and hence the transport activity of the PPase. Therefore, the individual concentrations of these complexes were calculated and their contributions to proton transport across the tonoplast were tested. From these experiments we conclude that Mg2+ has three different roles: (i) Mg2+ stimulates transport activity of the PPase. (ii) Mg2PPi inhibits PPase-mediated H+ transport, (iii) MgPPi* (= MgPPi2-+ MgHPPi-) is the substrate with an apparent K1/2= 5–10 μM, with no discrimination between MgPPi2- and MgHPPi-.  相似文献   
Focal-animal feeding data obtained from 64 adult baboons during a 3-year period were used together with equivalent data from 46 infants to evaluate hypotheses predicting selection for a birth peak and to study the baboon’s eclectic/selective feeding adaptation, with emphasis on differential feeding by sex, developmental trends, and seasonal use of food classes (fruit, leaf, flower, grass, etc.). The findings suggest that feeding conditions are better in the wet season than in the dry season. Despite large sexual dimorphism, estimates of total amounts eaten were virtually identical for males and females. Infants used all of the same plant-food classes as adults, but proportional differences occurred for some food classes in amounts eaten. Foods eaten proportionately less by infants were probably harder for them to obtain and process or were chosen through inexperience or for exploration. There was considerable between-year variation in amounts of food classes eaten, but the within-year standard deviations were similar, as were also the mean amounts eaten per year. An eclectic/selective feeding adaptation has the advantage of permitting long-run acquisition of adequate nutrition within a context of high feeding variation from season to season and year to year. Mixed results were obtained from hypotheses about selection for a birth peak. Although a peak occurred in the early dry season, this was not the optimal time of birth for survival. Survival was highest for individuals born in the late wet season, when the availability and probably the quality of food for lactating mothers were greatest.  相似文献   
Differences between the effects of training at sea level and at simulated altitude on performance and muscle structural and biochemical properties were investigated in 8 competitive cyclists who trained for 3-4 weeks, 4-5 sessions/week, each session consisting of cycling for 60-90 min continuously and 45-60 min intermittently. Four subjects, the altitude group (AG), trained in a hypobaric chamber (574 torr = 2300 m above sea level), and the other four at sea level (SLG). Before and after training work capacity was tested both at simulated altitude (574 torr) and at sea level, by an incremental cycle ergometer test until exhaustion. Work capacity was expressed as total amount of work performed. Venous blood samples were taken during the tests. Leg muscle biopsies were taken at rest before and after the training period. AG exhibited an increase of 33% in both sea level and altitude performance, while SLG increased 22% at sea level and 14% at altitude. Blood lactate concentration at a given submaximal load at altitude was significantly more reduced by training in AG than SLG. Muscle phosphofructokinase (PFK) activity decreased with training in AG but increased in SLG. All AG subjects showed increases in capillary density. In conclusion, work capacity at altitude was increased more by training at altitude than at sea level. Work capacity at sea level was at least as much improved by altitude as by sea level training. The improved work capacity by training at altitude was paralleled by decreased exercise blood lactate concentration, increased capillarization and decreased glycolytic capacity in leg muscle.  相似文献   
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