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DNA-protein cross-links form when guanine undergoes a 1-electron oxidation in a flash-quench experiment, and the importance of reactive oxygen species, protein, and photosensitizer is examined here. In these experiments, a strong oxidant produced by oxidative quenching of a DNA-bound photosensitizer generates an oxidized guanine base that reacts with protein to form the covalent adduct. These cross-links are cleaved by hot piperidine and are not the result of reactive oxygen species, since neither a hydroxyl radical scavenger (mannitol) nor oxygen affects the yield of DNA-histone cross-linking, as determined via a chloroform extraction assay. The cross-linking yield depends on protein, decreasing as histone > cytochrome c > bovine serum albumin. The yield does not depend on the cytochrome oxidation state, suggesting that reduction of the guanine radical by ferrocytochrome c does not compete effectively with cross-linking. The photosensitizer strongly influences the cross-linking yield, which decreases in the order Ru(phen)(2)dppz(2+) [phen = 1,10-phenanthroline; dppz = dipyridophenazine] > Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) [bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine] > acridine orange > ethidium, in accordance with measured oxidation potentials. A long-lived transient absorption signal for ethidium dication in poly(dG-dC) confirms that guanine oxidation is inefficient for this photosensitizer. From a polyacrylamide sequencing gel of a (32)P-labeled 40-mer, all of these photosensitizers are shown to damage guanines preferentially at the 5' G of 5'-GG-3' steps, consistent with a 1-electron oxidation. Additional examination of ethidium shows that it can generate cross-links between histone and plasmid DNA (pUC19) and that the yield depends on the quencher. Altogether, these results illustrate the versatility of the flash-quench technique as a way to generate physiologically relevant DNA-protein adducts via the oxidation of guanine and expand the scope of such cross-linking reactions to include proteins that may associate only transiently with DNA.  相似文献   
The capture of a new species of the subgenus Migonemyia Galati, 1995 (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae), Migonemyia vaniae sp. nov. in the Ribeira Valley, state of S?o Paulo, Brazil, together with the other two species: Mg. migonei (Fran?a, 1920) and Mg. rabelloi (Galati & Gomes, 1992) lead us to review this subgenus. The new species was described and illustrated. The genitalia of the two other species were also illustrated and some genital characteristics (number of setae on the gonocoxite tuft, ejaculatory ducts and pump and ducts/pump ratio; and number of setae on the tergite VIII of the females) considered important to differentiate the three species, including five populations of Mg. migonei (from Northeastern, Southeastern, and Southern Brazilian regions and of Peru) were submitted to variance analyses. The Mg. migonei population of Northeastern Brazilian region showed distinct smaller values (P < 0.05) than the other Brazilian populations studied as regarding these characteristics. The capture of both sexes of these three species in sympatry confirms the association between the sexes of Mg. rabelloi, recognised as doubtful when this species was originally described. Identification keys for male and female of the three species are presented.  相似文献   


Ypt/Rab GTPases and their GEF activators regulate intra-cellular trafficking in all eukaryotic cells. In S. cerivisiae, the modular TRAPP complex acts as a GEF for the Golgi gatekeepers: Ypt1 and the functional pair Ypt31/32. While TRAPPI, which acts in early Golgi, is conserved from fungi to animals, not much is known about TRAPPII, which acts in late Golgi and consists of TRAPPI plus three additional subunits.  相似文献   
The ability of taxa to cross/hybridize is useful information for plant systematists and breeders. Crossability reflects reproductive isolation and the biological species concept stresses the need for reproductive isolation between species to maintain morphological distincness. For plant breeders knowledge on crossing ability facilitate selection of taxa for character improvement breeding. In this study, the crossing relationships and chromosome numbers within and among Ugandan species of Solanum sect. Solanum is studied by making 800 crosses involving 246 combinations. Less than half of these combinations were successful, producing F1 offspring. All studied accessions are self‐compatible and most accessions crossed readily with accessions of their own species. Interspecific crossings failed either to yield seeds, yielded F1 seeds that did not germinate, or resulted in F1s that did not have stainable pollen – implying a crossing barrier; or stainable pollen, but with chromosome numbers that indicated reproduction by apomixis. The results support the taxonomic treatment of Solanum based on classical, numerical and partly molecular evidences. The material studied represents eight Ugandan taxa: S. americanum, a diploid (2n = 2x = 24); five tetraploids (2n = 4x = 48) S. florulentum, S. memphiticum, S. tarderemotum, S. villosum ssp. villosum and S. villosum ssp. miniatum; and two hexaploids (2n = 6x = 72) S. scabrum subsp. scabrum and S. scabrum subsp. laevis. In addition to confirming the ploidy levels of the Ugandan accessions, the ploidy levels of S. florulentum, S. memphiticum and S. tarderemotum are reported for the first time. Non‐Ugandan material of Solanum sarrachoides was found to be diploid. Knowledge of the crossing behaviour and ploidy levels in Solanum will facilitate breeding for character improvement in these important species that are used commonly as food and/or medicine in eastern Africa.  相似文献   
The success of genome-wide association studies has paralleled the development of efficient genotyping technologies. We describe the development of a next-generation microarray based on the new highly-efficient Affymetrix Axiom genotyping technology that we are using to genotype individuals of European ancestry from the Kaiser Permanente Research Program on Genes, Environment and Health (RPGEH). The array contains 674,517 SNPs, and provides excellent genome-wide as well as gene-based and candidate-SNP coverage. Coverage was calculated using an approach based on imputation and cross validation. Preliminary results for the first 80,301 saliva-derived DNA samples from the RPGEH demonstrate very high quality genotypes, with sample success rates above 94% and over 98% of successful samples having SNP call rates exceeding 98%. At steady state, we have produced 462 million genotypes per week for each Axiom system. The new array provides a valuable addition to the repertoire of tools for large scale genome-wide association studies.  相似文献   
Adenoviruses are DNA viruses that naturally infect many vertebrates, including humans and monkeys, and cause a wide range of clinical illnesses in humans. Infection from individual strains has conventionally been thought to be species-specific. Here we applied the Virochip, a pan-viral microarray, to identify a novel adenovirus (TMAdV, titi monkey adenovirus) as the cause of a deadly outbreak in a closed colony of New World monkeys (titi monkeys; Callicebus cupreus) at the California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC). Among 65 titi monkeys housed in a building, 23 (34%) developed upper respiratory symptoms that progressed to fulminant pneumonia and hepatitis, and 19 of 23 monkeys, or 83% of those infected, died or were humanely euthanized. Whole-genome sequencing of TMAdV revealed that this adenovirus is a new species and highly divergent, sharing <57% pairwise nucleotide identity with other adenoviruses. Cultivation of TMAdV was successful in a human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell line, but not in primary or established monkey kidney cells. At the onset of the outbreak, the researcher in closest contact with the monkeys developed an acute respiratory illness, with symptoms persisting for 4 weeks, and had a convalescent serum sample seropositive for TMAdV. A clinically ill family member, despite having no contact with the CNPRC, also tested positive, and screening of a set of 81 random adult blood donors from the Western United States detected TMAdV-specific neutralizing antibodies in 2 individuals (2/81, or 2.5%). These findings raise the possibility of zoonotic infection by TMAdV and human-to-human transmission of the virus in the population. Given the unusually high case fatality rate from the outbreak (83%), it is unlikely that titi monkeys are the native host species for TMAdV, and the natural reservoir of the virus is still unknown. The discovery of TMAdV, a novel adenovirus with the capacity to infect both monkeys and humans, suggests that adenoviruses should be monitored closely as potential causes of cross-species outbreaks.  相似文献   
Physiological responses of different olive genotypes to drought conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gas exchange rates, chlorophyll fluorescence, pressure–volume relationships, photosynthetic pigments, total soluble sugars, starch, soluble proteins and proline concentrations were investigated in five Olea europaea L. cultivars with different geographical origins (Arbequina, Blanqueta, Cobran?osa, Manzanilla and Negrinha) grown under Mediterranean field conditions. We found considerable genotypic differences among the cultivars. Comparing the diurnal gas exchange rates, we observed that Cobran?osa, Manzanilla and Negrinha had high photosynthetic rate than Arbequina and Blanqueta. The first group reveals to be better acclimated to drought conditions, and appears to employ a prodigal water-use strategy, whereas Blanqueta and Arbequina, with high water-use efficiency, appear to employ a conservative water-use strategy. The degree of midday depression in photosynthesis was genotype dependent, with a maximum in Arbequina and a minimum in Negrinha. The reductions in the photosynthetic rate were dependent from both stomatal and non-stomatal limitations. Elastic adjustment plays an important role as drought tolerance mechanism. The group of cultivars that employ a prodigal water-use strategy revealed high tissue elasticity, whereas Arbequina and Blanqueta revealed high tissue rigidity. We also identified the existence of drought tolerance mechanisms associated with soluble proteins accumulation in the foliage. The high levels of soluble proteins in Arbequina may represent an increased activity of oxidative stress defence enzymes and may also represent a reserve for post stress recovery. In all cultivars, especially in Manzanilla, free proline was accumulated in the foliage. The discussed aspects of drought stress metabolism may have an adaptative meaning, supporting the hypothesis that olive cultivars native to dry regions, such as Cobran?osa, Manzanilla and Negrinha, have more capability to acclimate to drought conditions than cultivars originated in regions with a more temperate climate, like Arbequina and Blanqueta.  相似文献   
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