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The ribonucleotide reductase (RR) 2 gene of the HSV-2 strain G was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in an E. coli cell. The RR2 gene was located on the PstI 2.4 kb fragment, which was cloned and sequenced. The ORF of the gene was 1,011 bp and its termination codon was TAG; also, the CATATAA sequence was present in the promoter of the RR2 gene. A Poly A signal sequence (AATAAA) was found in the 3'-noncoding region. The RR2 proteins that were produced in the E. coli and Vero cells were confirmed using a Western blot analysis. SDS-PAGE revealed that the molecular weights of the fusion-RR2 that was produced in the E. coli cells were approximately 24 kDa and 38 kDa in the Vero cells. The RR2 proteins were soluble. The differences in the molecular weights might be due to modifications in the Vero cells.  相似文献   
Although oxygen concentrations affect the growth and function of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the impact of hypoxia on osteoblastic differentiation is not understood. Likewise, the effect of hypoxia‐induced epigenetic changes on osteoblastic differentiation of MSCs is unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the in vitro hypoxic response of human periosteum‐derived cells (hPDCs). Hypoxia resulted in greater proliferation of hPDCs as compared with those cultured in normoxia. Further, hypoxic conditions yielded decreased expression of apoptosis‐ and senescence‐associated genes by hPDCs. Osteoblast phenotypes of hPDCS were suppressed by hypoxia, as suggested by alkaline phosphatase activity, alizarin red‐S‐positive mineralization, and mRNA expression of osteoblast‐related genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed an increased presence of H3K27me3, trimethylation of lysine 27 on histone H3, on the promoter region of bone morphogenetic protein‐2. In addition, mRNA expression of histone lysine demethylase 6B (KDM6B) by hPDCs was significantly decreased in hypoxic conditions. Our results suggest that an increased level of H3K27me3 on the promoter region of bone morphogenetic protein‐2, in combination with downregulation of KDM6B activity, is involved in the suppression of osteogenic phenotypes of hPDCs cultured in hypoxic conditions. Although oxygen tension plays an important role in the viability and maintenance of MSCs in an undifferentiated state, the effect of hypoxia on osteoblastic differentiation of MSCs remains controversial. In addition, evidence regarding the importance of epigenetics in regulating MSCs has been limited. This study was to examine the role hypoxia on osteoblastic differentiation of hPDCs, and we examined whether histone methylation is involved in the observed effect of hypoxia on osteogenic differentiation of hPDCs.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to determine fertilizer compound ratios suitable for soil conditions and tree seedling growth in recently burned areas in Korean forests. Currently, the conventional fertilizer ratio applied to undisturbed forests in Korea is N:P:K 3:4:1. In this study, Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) seedlings planted in the burned area were fertilized over four growing seasons with the following NPK compound ratios: unfertilized (CON), 3:4:1, 6:4:1, 3:8:1, and 3:4:2. Fertilization generally increased current-year needle nutrient concentrations of the seedlings, and the chlorophyll a:b ratio in CON was significantly lower than in all fertilized plots. Fertilization significantly affected the growth of the pine seedlings, which had 71–87 % more height growth and 29–67 % increased root collar diameter (RCD) compared to CON. The increases in height and RCD were significantly higher with the 6:4:1 and 3:8:1 ratios than with the 3:4:1 ratio. The 3:4:2 and 3:4:1 fertilizer ratios had no effect on the RCD growth of seedlings. This suggests that the early growth of pine seedlings could be improved by providing high N and P supplies to areas affected by forest fires rather than the conventional fertilizer ratio of 3:4:1 in Korean forest soils. Therefore, application of the suitable fertilization ratio may be a very effective way to reduce reforestation cost as well as to shorten restoration period.  相似文献   
Widely known for pest species that include major modulators of temperate forests, the genus Choristoneura is part of the species‐rich tribe Archipini of leafroller moths (Tortricidae). Delimitation of the genus has remained unresolved because no phylogeny has included species endemic to Africa and studies have often omitted the type species of the genus. Further taxonomic confusion has been generated by the transfer of Archips occidentalis (Walsingham) to Choristoneura, creating a homonym with Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman, an important defoliator of North American forests. To define the limits of the genus, we reconstructed a phylogeny using DNA sequences for mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I and nuclear ribosomal 28S genes. Our ingroup included 23 Choristoneura species‐level taxa, complemented by a large sample of outgroups comprising 82 species of Archipini and other Tortricidae. We generated a time‐calibrated tree using fossil and secondary calibrations and we inferred biogeographic and diversification processes in Choristoneura. Our analysis recovered the genus as polyphyletic, with Archips occidentalis, Choristoneura simonyi and Choristoneura evanidana excluded from the main clade. Based on the recovered phylogenies and a redefinition, we restrict Choristoneura primarily to species with a northern hemisphere distribution. Our analysis supports A. occidentalis as the sister group of Cacoecimorpha pronubana, C. simonyi as the sister of ‘Xenotemnapallorana, and C. evanidana as the sister of Archips purpurana. A new combination is proposed: Archips evanidana comb.n. ; the availability of ‘Xenotemna’ as a valid name is discussed and A. occidentalis is considered as an orphaned name within the Archipini. We found support for a Holarctic origin of Choristoneura about 23 Ma, followed by early divergence in the Palearctic region. The main divergence occurred at 16 Ma, with one clade in the Nearctic and another in the Palearctic. Subsequent cladogenetic events were synchronous and related to herbivorous specialization, with each clade divided into coniferophagous and polyphagous lineages. Their specialization as conifer feeders temporally matched the expansion of boreal forest during the Miocene.  相似文献   
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is associated with a high mortality rate, which is related to the insufficient number of appropriate biomarkers and targets. Therefore, there is an urgent need to discover appropriate biomarkers and targets for TNBC. SARNP (Hcc-1 and CIP29) is highly expressed in several cancers. It binds to UAP56, an RNA helicase component of the TREX complex in messenger RNA (mRNA) splicing and export. However, the role of SARNP in mRNA splicing and export and in the progression of breast cancer, especially of TNBC, remains unknown. Therefore, we examined the role of SARNP in mRNA splicing and export and progression of TNBC. We confirmed that SARNP binds to UAP56 and Aly and that SARNP overexpression enhances mRNA splicing, whereas its knockdown suppressed mRNA export. The SARNP overexpression induced the proliferation of MCF7 cells, whereas its knockdown induced E-cadherin expression and downregulated vimentin and N-cadherin expressions in SK-BR-3 and MDA-MB-231 cells. SARNP downregulates E-cadherin expression by interaction with pinin. Mice injected with MDA-MB-231shSARNP cells exhibited a significant reduction in tumor growth and lung metastasis compared with those injected with MDA-MB-231shCon cells in vivo. These findings suggested that SARNP is involved in mRNA splicing and export. SARNP maintains mesenchymal phenotype by escaping from inhibitory interaction with pinin leading to the downregulation of E-cadherin expression.  相似文献   
Understanding stem cell-differentiation at the molecular level is important for clinical applications of stem cells and for finding new therapeutic approaches in the context of cancer stem cells. To investigate genome-wide changes involved in differentiation, we have used immortalized neural stem cell (NSC) line (HB1.F3) and Olig2-induced NSC differentiation model (F3.Olig2). Using microarray analysis, we revealed that Olig2-induced NSC differentiation involves downregulation of Wnt pathway, which was further confirmed by TOPflash/FOPflash reporter assay, RT-PCR analysis, immunoblots, and immunocytochemistry. Furthermore, we found that Olig2-induced differentiation induces the expression of Dickkopf-1(Dkk1), a potent antagonist of Wnt signaling. Dkk1 treatment blocked Wnt signaling in HB1.F3 in a dosage-dependent manner, and induced differentiation into astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. Our results support cancer stem cell hypothesis which implies that signaling pathway for self-renewal and proliferation of stem cells is maintained till the late stage of differentiation. In our proposed model, Dkk1 may play an important role in downregulating self-renewal and proliferation pathway of stem cells at the late stage of differentiation, and its failure may lead to carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Overproduction of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) has been associated with the development of a variety of disorders such as inflammation, heart disease, pulmonary fibrosis, and cancer through its ability to modify various biomolecules. HOCl is a potent oxidant generated by the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system. Recently, we have provided evidence to support the important link between higher levels of HOCl and heme destruction and free iron release from hemoglobin and RBCs. Our current findings extend this work and show the ability of HOCl to mediate the destruction of metal-ion derivatives of tetrapyrrole macrocyclic rings, such as cyanocobalamin (Cobl), a common pharmacological form of vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role as an enzyme cofactor and antioxidant, modulating nucleic acid metabolism and gene regulation. It is widely used as a therapeutic agent and supplement, because of its efficacy and stability. In this report, we demonstrate that although Cobl can be an excellent antioxidant, exposure to high levels of HOCl can overcome the beneficial effects of Cobl and generate proinflammatory reaction products. Our rapid kinetic, HPLC, and mass spectrometric analyses showed that HOCl can mediate corrin ring destruction and liberate cyanogen chloride (CNCl) through a mechanism that initially involves α-axial ligand replacement in Cobl to form a chlorinated derivative, hydrolysis, and cleavage of the phosphonucleotide moiety. Additionally, it can liberate free Co, which can perpetuate metal-ion-induced oxidant stress. Taken together, these results are the first report of the generation of toxic molecular products through the interaction of Cobl with HOCl.  相似文献   
Monellin is a naturally sweet protein that consists of two polypeptide chains and has potential uses as a highly potent non-carbohydrate sweetener. We aimed to make this protein more usable by increasing its stability and expressing it in a high-yielding system. MNEI is a modified version of the protein that consists of the two natural chains of monellin joined via a dipeptide linkage. In the thermostability analysis of MNEI variants, four mutated MNEIs, MNEI-E24L, MNEI-E24F, MNEI-E24W, and MNEI-E24A, had higher melting temperatures than wild-type MNEI and retained their sweet flavor even at temperatures above 70?°C. Our findings indicate that the increased stability of monellin allows it to retain its strong sweetness even under extreme conditions. We successfully overexpressed the thermostable MNEI mutants in tobacco chloroplasts. Here, we report that the MNEI mutants showed enhanced thermostability, and the stable forms of MNEI can be produced through plastid transformation in tobacco.  相似文献   
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