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Background and Aims

Plasma levels of NT-pro-BNP, a natriuretic peptide precursor, are raised in the presence of fluid retention of cardiac origin and can be used as markers of cardiac dysfunction. Recent studies showed high levels of NT pro BNP in patients with cirrhosis. We assessed NT pro-BNP and other parameters of cardiac dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis, with or without ascites, in order to determine whether the behaviour of NT pro BNP is linked to the stage of liver disease or to secondary cardiac dysfunction.


Fifty eight consecutive hospitalized patients mostly with viral or NAFLD-related cirrhosis were studied. All underwent abdominal ultrasound and upper GI endoscopy. Cardiac morpho-functional changes were evaluated by echocardiography and NT-pro-BNP plasma levels determined upon admission. Twenty-eight hypertensive patients, without evidence of liver disease served as controls.


Fifty eight cirrhotic patients (72% men) with a median age of 62 years (11% with mild arterial hypertension and 31% with type 2 diabetes) had a normal renal function (mean creatinine 0.9 mg/dl, range 0.7–1.06). As compared to controls, cirrhotic patients had higher NT pro-BNP plasma levels (365.2±365.2 vs 70.8±70.6 pg/ml; p<0.001). Left atrial volume (LAV) (61.8±26.3 vs 43.5±14.1 ml; p = 0.001), and left ventricular ejection fraction (62.7±6.9 vs. 65.5±4%,; p = 0.05) were also altered in cirrhotic patients that in controls. Patients with F2-F3 oesophageal varices as compared to F0/F1, showed higher e'' velocity (0.91±0.23 vs 0.66±0.19 m/s, p<0.001), and accordingly a higher E/A ratio (1.21±0.46 vs 0.89±0.33 m/s., p = 0.006).


NT-pro-BNP plasma levels are increased proportionally to the stage of chronic liver disease. Advanced cirrhosis and high NT-pro-BNP levels are significantly associated to increased LAV and to signs of cardiac diastolic dysfunction. NT pro-BNP levels could hence be an useful prognostic indicators of early decompensation of cirrhosis.  相似文献   
Drosophila telomeres are elongated by the transposition of telomere-specific retrotransposons rather than telomerase activity. Proximal to the terminal transposon array, Drosophila chromosomes contain several kilobases of a complex satellite DNA termed telomere-associated sequences (TASs). Reporter genes inserted into or next to the TAS are silenced through a mechanism called telomere position effect (TPE). TPE is reminiscent of the position effect variegation (PEV) induced by Drosophila constitutive heterochromatin. However, most genes that modulate PEV have no effect on TPE, and systematic searches for TPE modifiers have so far identified only a few dominant suppressors. Surprisingly, only a few of the genes required to prevent telomere fusion have been tested for their effect on TPE. Here, we show that with the exception of the effete (eff; also called UbcD1) mutant alleles, none of the tested mutations at the other telomere fusion genes affects TPE. We also found that mutations in eff, which encodes a class I ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, act as suppressors of PEV. Thus, eff is one of the rare genes that can modulate both TPE and PEV. Immunolocalization experiments showed that Eff is a major constituent of polytene chromosomes. Eff is enriched at several euchromatic bands and interbands, the TAS regions, and the chromocenter. Our results suggest that Eff associates with different types of chromatin affecting their abilities to regulate gene expression.  相似文献   
The direct correlation between teratological cases and phytoplasma infections was ascertained in spontaneous and cultivated plant species. Plants, belonging to 31 species and 12 families, showing symptoms of growth abnormalities were collected and analysed. Attempted detection of Rhodococcus fascians by isolation, PCR indexing and 16S rRNA sequencing from fasciated tissues allowed to exclude its presence. Nested PCR by universal primers and 16S rRNA sequence analyses indicated the presence of phytoplasmas, belonging to six groups, in the 44% of symptomatic samples. Among the infected species, Austrocylindropuntia exaltata, Opuntia subulata, Euphorbia characias, Euphorbia dendroides, Euphorbia linifolia, Euphorbia myrsinites, Rumex buchephalophorus, Linaria multicaulis and Fedia cornucopiae represent new phytoplasma hosts world-wide. Moreover this is the first report of phytoplasma belonging to subgroup 16SrRNA II-I in Italy. These findings together with the known erratic distribution in plant tissues of these phloem-restricted prokaryotes indicate a close correlation between fasciation and similar growth disorders and phytoplasma infections.  相似文献   
Ghrelin, a circulating growth-hormone releasing peptide derived from stomach, stimulates food intake through neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons of the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus (ARC). We examined the effect of ghrelin microinjected into the ARC and the influence of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) pretreatment with a GHRH or NPY receptor antagonist on ghrelin-induced food intake in free-feeding male rats. Ghrelin (0.1-1 microg) stimulated food intake in a dose-dependent manner, and this effect was reduced by 55-60% by the Y(5) NPY receptor antagonist (10 microg i.c.v.), but not by the GHRH receptor antagonist MZ-4-71 (10 microg i.c.v.). We also evaluated the effects of passive ghrelin immunoneutralization by the microinjection of anti-ghrelin immunoglobulins (IgGs) intracerebroventricularly or directly into the ARC on food intake in free-feeding and fasted male rats. i.c.v. administration of anti-ghrelin IgGs decreased cumulative food intake over 24 h, whereas microinfusion of anti-ghrelin IgGs into the ARC induced only a short-lived (2 and 6 h) effect. Collectively, these data would indicate that centrally derived ghrelin has a major role in the control of food intake in rats and, in this context, blood-born ghrelin would be effective only in relation to its ability to reach the ARC, which is devoid of blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol, and n-propanol on the reaction of hemoglobin with oxygen at various temperatures. The analysis of the results in terms of the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model allowed determination of the overall contribution of the alcohols to the standard enthalpy and entropy differences between the T and R states of hemoglobin. A phenomenological approach allowed us to obtain separately the contributions related to the variations of the bulk dielectric constant of the solvent (bulk electrostatic contributions) and the contributions related to other effects (non-bulk-electrostatic contributions). The values of non-bulk-electrostatic contributions to ΔΔH and ΔΔS supported the suggestion that these contributions are mainly related to protein-solvent hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   
Chloroplast (trnL) and ribosomal (ITS2)sequences and chloroplast DNA (PCR-RFLP andSSR) markers were analysed in two relicUlmaceae tree species: Zelkova abelicea,from Crete, and Z. sicula, from Sicily.The analysis of the plastidial trnLintron and of ITS2 ribosomal sequences revealedtheir divergence from the related speciesZ. carpinifolia, widespread in the Caucasianregion; one base substitution in the trnLintron was detected between the twoMediterranean species, thus suggesting theirrecent separation. Molecular markers(plastidial PCR-RFLP and SSR) showed an evidentgenetic differentiation between Z. siculaand Z. abelicea, the two species beingcharacterised by different haplotypes. Nowithin population variation was detected usingdifferent chloroplast markers inZ. abelicea and Z. sicula. Paleobotanicaldata proved that the genus Zelkova wasabundant and widespread in central Italy untilit became extinct in the continental part ofEurope during last glaciation events andsurvived only in two Mediterranean islands. Thesegregation of the two Mediterranean relicspecies might have occurred as a consequence ofthe strong reduction of their distribution andthe following geographic isolation. Geneticdrift may have determined the drastic reductionof within stand diversity as observed in othersmall, peripheral and geographically isolatedplant populations. The priorities forconservation programs are discussed in thelight of the different genetic resourcesrepresented by the two taxa.  相似文献   
We carried out an open, randomized, phase III, multicenter clinical trial to compare, in neo-adjuvant setting, the clinical response and toxicity of the combination chemotherapy cisplatin + 5-FU with the same combination plus s.c. recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) in patients with advanced (stage III–IV) head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Regimen A was the classical Al Sarraf treatment: 100 mg/m2 cisplatin i.v. on day 1 plus 1000 mg m−2 day−1 5-FU on days 1–5 as a continuous infusion. Regimen B was the same as regimen A plus 4.5 MIU/day rIL-2 s.c. on days 8–12 and 15–19. Treatment was repeated every 3 weeks for three cycles. A total of 33 patients were enrolled in the study; 30 were evaluable for toxicity and 28 for response. Seventeen patients were assigned to group A and 16 were assigned to group B. Three patients (20%) of group A and 4 (31%) of group B had a complete response, 9 patients (60%) of group A and 6 (46%) of group B had a partial response, with an overall response rate of 12 patients (80%) for group A and 10 patients (77%) for group B. Two patients (13%) of group A and 3 patients (23%) group B had stable disease; 1 patient (7%) of group A had progressive disease. Thus, there was not a statistically significant difference in response rate between the two groups and therefore there was no benefit from the addition of immunotherapy with rIL-2 to the standard chemotherapy. Both regimens were well tolerated. There were 2 toxic deaths (6.7%), 1 from hematological causes in group A and 1 from cardiac causes in group B. Myelosuppression and gastrointestinal toxicity, mainly nausea/vomiting and stomatitis, were the most frequent toxicities. The calculated number of patients for the sample has not yet been reached; however, the projection of our present results suggests that it is highly improbable that a clinically significant difference between the two treatment groups will be observed even if the calculated patient sample size is achieved. Received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   
Candida dubliniensis, yeast closely related to Candida albicans, is a new pathogen associated mainly with infections of immunocompromised hosts. In this study, we report the first isolation of three isolates of C. dubliniensis in Slovakia. The first selection of both C. albicans and C. dubliniensis from the other Candida species was done on the basis of specific green color of primoculture grown on CHROMagar Candida. The presumptive identification was completed by supplemental tests: germ-tube formation, production of chlamydospores, ability or inability to grow at 42 and 45,°C and by commercial set API 20C AUX. Parallely, the discrimination between both species was performed by PCR assay using primers specific for Candida dubliniensis  相似文献   
This study investigated chimpanzees spontaneous spatial constructions with objects and especially their ability to repeat inter-object spatial relations, which is basic to understanding spatial relations at a higher level than perception or recognition. Subjects were six chimpanzees—four chimpanzees and two bonobos—aged 6–21 years, all raised in a human environment from an early age. Only minor species differences, but considerable individual differences were found. The effect of different object samples was assessed through a comparison with a previous study. A common overall chimpanzee pattern was also found. Chimpanzees repeated different types of inter-object spatial relations such as insertion (I), or vertical (V), or next-to (H) relations. However chimpanzees repeated I or V relations with more advanced procedures than when repeating H relations. Moreover, chimpanzees never repeated combined HV relations. Compared with children, chimpanzees showed a specific difficulty in repeating H relations. Repeating H relations is crucial for representing and understanding multiple reciprocal spatial relations between detached elements and for coordinating independent positions in space. Therefore, the chimpanzees difficulty indicates a fundamental difference in constructive space in comparison to humans. The findings are discussed in relation to issues of spatial cognition and tool use.  相似文献   
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