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Rotaviruses are the major cause of acute gastroenteritis in infants world-wide. The genome consists of eleven double stranded RNA segments. The major segment encodes the structural protein VP1, the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), which is a minor component of the viral inner core. This study is a detailed bioinformatic assessment of the VP1 sequence. Using various methods we have identified canonical motifs within the VP1 sequence which correspond to motifs previously identified within RdRps of other positive strand, double-strand RNA viruses. The study also predicts an overall structural conservation in the middle region that may correspond to the palm subdomain and part of the fingers and thumb subdomains, which comprise the polymerase core of the protein. Based on this analysis, we suggest that the rotavirus replicase has the minimal elements to function as an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. VP1, besides having common RdRp features, also contains large unique regions that might be responsible for characteristic features observed in the Reoviridae family.  相似文献   
Invasive Candida (IC) infection is the most common cause of endogenous endophthalmitis. Ocular candidiasis develops within three days and at least two weeks of fungemia. There are two characteristic ocular signs: Candida chorioretinitis defined as retina and choroid lesions without vitreal involvement, and Candida endophthalmitis defined as chorioretinitis with extension into the vitreous with characteristic fluffy balls. The most common initial visual symptoms are blurred vision and floaters. Amphotericin B, fluconazole and voriconazole are effective in the treatment of chorioretinitis; however, when vitreous is involved vitrectomy seems necessary. Early antifungal systemic treatment at first evidence of infection in patients at risk of IC, appears to decrease dramatically the incidence of endogenous fungal endophthalmitis, probably healing minimal chorioretinal infections. Routine ophthalmoscopic examination seems of little value in patients with positive blood culture, with early implementation of antifungal treatment, without symptoms of ocular infection and without impairment of the level of consciousness during the episode. However, periodic ophthalmoscopic examination should be performed in children with candidemia and critically ill patients with documented deep Candida infection.  相似文献   
Sialidases or neuramidases are glycoside hydrolases removing terminal sialic acid residues from sialo-glycoproteins and sialo-glycolipids. Viral neuraminidases (NAs) have been extensively characterized and represent an excellent target for antiviral therapy through the synthesis of a series of competitive inhibitors that block the release of newly formed viral particles from infected cells. The human cytosolic sialidase NEU2 is the only mammalian enzyme structurally characterized and represents a valuable model to study the specificity of novel NA inhibitory drugs. Moreover, the availability of NEU2 3D structure represents a pivotal step toward the characterization of the molecular basis of natural substrates recognition by the enzyme. In this perspective, we have carried out a study of molecular docking of NEU2 active site using natural substrates of increasing complexity. Moreover, selective mutations of the residues putatively involved into substrate(s) interaction/recognition have been performed, and the resulting mutant enzymes have been preliminary tested for their catalytic activity and substrate specificity. We found that Q270 is involved in the binding of the disaccharide α(2,3) sialyl-galactose, whereas K45 and Q112 bind the distal glucose of the trisaccharide α(2,3) sialyl-lactose, corresponding to the oligosaccharide moiety of GM3 ganglioside. In addition, E218, beside D46, is proved to be a key catalytic residue, being, together with Y334, the second member of the nucleophile pair required for the catalysis. Overall, our results point out the existence of a dynamic network of interactions that are possibly involved in the recognition of the glycans bearing sialic acid.  相似文献   
Phagosomes are critical compartments for innate immunity. However, their role in the protection against murine listeriosis has not been examined. We describe here that listericidal phago-receptosomes are induced by the function of IFN-γ or IL-6 as centralized compartments for innate and adaptive immunity because they are able to confer protection against murine listeriosis. These phago-receptosomes elicited LLO(91-99)/CD8(+)- and LLO(189-201)/CD4(+)-specific immune responses and recruited mature dendritic cells to the vaccination sites controlled by T cells. Moreover, they present exceptional features as efficient vaccine vectors. First, they compartmentalize a novel listericidal STAT-1-mediated signaling pathway that confines multiple innate immune components to the same environment. Second, they show features of MHC class II antigen-loading competent compartments for cathepsin-D-mediated LLO processing. Third, murine cathepsin-D deficiencies fail to develop protective immunity after vaccination with listericidal phago-receptosomes induced by IFN-γ or IL-6. Therefore, it appears that the connection of STAT-1 and cathepsin-D in a single compartment is relevant for protection against listeriosis.  相似文献   
Functional amyloids have been identified in a wide range of organisms, taking on a variety of biological roles and being controlled by remarkable mechanisms of directed assembly. Here, we report that amyloid fibrils constitute the ribs of the buoyancy organelles of Anabaena flos-aquae. The walls of these gas-filled vesicles are known to comprise a single protein, GvpA, arranged in a low pitch helix. However, the tertiary and quaternary structures have been elusive. Using solid-state NMR correlation spectroscopy we find detailed evidence for an extended cross-β structure. This amyloid assembly helps to account for the strength and amphiphilic properties of the vesicle wall. Buoyancy organelles thus dramatically extend the scope of known functional amyloids.  相似文献   
Density functional theory (DFT) methods were used to simulate the environment of vanadium in several V proteins, such as vanadyl-substituted carboxypeptidase (sites A and B), vanadyl-substituted chloroplast F(1)-ATPase (CF(1); site 3), the reduced inactive form of vanadium bromoperoxidase (VBrPO; low- and high-pH sites), and vanadyl-substituted imidazole glycerol phosphate dehydratase (IGPD; sites α, β, and γ). Structural, electron paramagnetic resonance, and electron spin echo envelope modulation parameters were calculated and compared with the experimental values. All the simulations were performed in water within the framework of the polarizable continuum model. The angular dependence of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] on the dihedral angle θ between the V=O and N-C bonds and on the angle φ between the V=O and V-N bonds, where N is the coordinated aromatic nitrogen atom, was also found. From the results it emerges that it is possible to model the active site of a vanadium protein through DFT methods and determine its structure through the comparison between the calculated and experimental spectroscopic parameters. The calculations confirm that the donor sets of sites B and A of vanadyl-substituted carboxypeptidase are [[Formula: see text], H(2)O, H(2)O, H(2)O] and [N(His)(||), N(His)(⊥), [Formula: see text], H(2)O], and that the donor set of site 3 of CF(1)-ATPase is [[Formula: see text], OH(Thr), H(2)O, H(2)O, [Formula: see text]]. For VBrPO, the coordination modes [N(His)(||), N(His)(∠), OH(Ser), H(2)O, H(2)O(ax)] for the low-pH site and [N(His)(||), N(His)(∠), OH(Ser), OH(-), H(2)O(ax)] or [N(His)(||), N(His)(∠), [Formula: see text], H(2)O] for the high-pH site, with an imidazole ring of histidine strongly displaced from the equatorial plane, can be proposed. Finally, for sites α, β, and γ of IGPD, the subsequent deprotonation of one, two, and three imidazole rings of histidine and the participation of a carboxylate group of a glutamate residue ([N(His)(||), [Formula: see text], H(2)O, H(2)O], [N(His)(||), N(His)(||), [Formula: see text], H(2)O], and [N(His)(||), N(His)(||), [Formula: see text], OH(-), [Formula: see text]], respectively) seems to be the most plausible hypothesis.  相似文献   
We previously described the expression of a tumour-targeting antibody (mAb H10) in Nicotiana benthamiana by vacuum-agro-infiltration and the remarkable yields of highly pure protein achieved. The objective of the present work was to investigate different strategies for transient overexpression of the mAb H10 in which glycan configuration was modulated and assess how these strategies affect the accumulation yield and stability of the antibody. To this aim, three procedures have been assayed: (1) Site-directed mutagenesis to abolish the glycosylation site; (2) endoplasmic reticulum retention (C-terminal SEKDEL fusion) to ensure predominantly high-mannose type glycans; and (3) expression in a N. benthamiana RNAi down-regulated line in which β1,2-xylosyltransferase and α1,3-fucosyltransferase gene expression is silenced. The three antibody variants (H10-Mut) (H10-SEKDEL) (H10(XylT/FucT)) were transiently expressed, purified and characterised for their glycosylation profile, expression/purification yield and antibody degradation pattern. Glycosylation analysis of H10(XylT/FucT) demonstrated the absence of plant complex-type sugars, while H10-SEKDEL, although substantially retained in the ER, revealed the presence of β1,2-xylose and α1,3-fucose residues, indicating a partial escape from the ER retrieval system. Antibody accumulation and purification yields were not enhanced by ER retention. All H10 antibody glyco-forms revealed greater degradation compared to the original, resulting mostly in the formation of Fab fragments. In the case of aglycosylated H10-Mut, more than 95% of the heavy chain was cleaved, confirming the pivotal role of the sugar moiety in protein stability. Identification of possible 'fragile' sites in the H10 antibody hinge region could be of general interest for the development of new strategies to reduce antibody degradation and increase the yield of intact IgGs in plants.  相似文献   
Flavonoids have been reported to exert multiple biological effects that include acting as pro-oxidants at very high doses. The authors determined a structural alert to identify the clastogenic activity of a series of flavonoids with pro-oxidant activity. The methodology was based on a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study. Specifically, the authors developed a virtual screening method for a clastogenic model using the topological substructural molecular design (TOPS-MODE) approach. It represents a useful platform for the automatic generation of structural alerts, based on the calculation of spectral moments of molecular bond matrices appropriately weighted, taking into account the hydrophobic, electronic, and steric molecular features. Therefore, it was possible to establish the structural criteria for maximal clastogenicity of pro-oxidant flavonoids: the presence of a 3-hydroxyl group and a 4-carbonyl group in ring C, the maximal number of hydroxyl groups in ring B, the presence of methoxyl and phenyl groups, the absence of a 2,3-double bond in ring C, and the presence of 5,7 hydroxyl groups in ring A. The presented clastogenic model may be useful for screening new pro-oxidant compounds. This alert could help in the design of new and efficient flavonoids, which could be used as bioactive compounds in nutraceuticals and functional food.  相似文献   


In the MACRO study, patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) were randomised to first-line treatment with 6 cycles of capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX) plus bevacizumab followed by either single-agent bevacizumab or XELOX plus bevacizumab until disease progression. An additional retrospective analysis was performed to define the prognostic value of tumour KRAS status on progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and response rates.

Methodology/Principal Findings

KRAS data (tumour KRAS status and type of mutation) were collected by questionnaire from participating centres that performed KRAS analyses. These data were then cross-referenced with efficacy data for relevant patients in the MACRO study database. KRAS status was analysed in 394 of the 480 patients (82.1%) in the MACRO study. Wild-type (WT) KRAS tumours were found in 219 patients (56%) and mutant (MT) KRAS in 175 patients (44%). Median PFS was 10.9 months for patients with WT KRAS and 9.4 months for patients with MT KRAS tumours (p = 0.0038; HR: 1.40; 95% CI:1.12–1.77). The difference in OS was also significant: 26.7 months versus 18.0 months for WT versus MT KRAS, respectively (p = 0.0002; HR: 1.55; 95% CI: 1.23–1.96). Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that KRAS was an independent variable for both PFS and OS. Responses were observed in 126 patients (57.5%) with WT KRAS tumours and 76 patients (43.4%) with MT KRAS tumours (p = 0.0054; OR: 1.77; 95% CI: 1.18–2.64).


This analysis of the MACRO study suggests a prognostic role for tumour KRAS status in patients with mCRC treated with XELOX plus bevacizumab. For both PFS and OS, KRAS status was an independent factor in univariate and multivariate analyses.  相似文献   
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