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Oxidation of glutathione within Escherichia coli cells by diamide, (CH(3))(2)NCON=NCON(CH(3))(2), stops growth but does not cause cell death. Normal growth rates are resumed after periods which vary in length according to the diamide concentration. Consumption of excess reagent with added glutathione quickly reverses the inhibition. Another thiol-oxidizing agent, azoester, C(6)H(5)N=NCOOCH(3), causes lysis.  相似文献   
With the goal of discovering more selective anti-inflammatory drugs, than COX inhibitors, to attenuate prostaglandin signaling, a fragment-based screen of hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase was performed. The 76 crystallographic hits were sorted into similar groups, with the 3-cyano-quinoline 1a (FP IC50?=?220,000?nM, LE?=?0.43) being a potent member of the 6,6-fused heterocyclic cluster. Employing SAR insights gained from structural comparisons of other H-PGDS fragment binding mode clusters, the initial hit 1a was converted into the 70-fold more potent quinoline 1d (IC50?=?3,100?nM, LE?=?0.49). A systematic substitution of the amine moiety of 1d, utilizing structural information and array chemistry, with modifications to improve inhibitor stability, resulted in the identification of the 300-fold more active H-PGDS inhibitor tool compound 1bv (IC50?=?9.9?nM, LE?=?0.42). This selective inhibitor exhibited good murine pharmacokinetics, dose-dependently attenuated PGD2 production in a mast cell degranulation assay and should be suitable to further explore H-PGDS biology.  相似文献   
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy each have clinical potential in identifying human gastrointestinal (GI) pathologies, yet their diagnostic capability in mouse models is unknown. In this study, we combined the 2 modalities to survey the GI tract of a variety of mouse strains and ages and to sample dysplasias and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of the intestines. Segments (length, 2.5 cm) of duodenum and lower colon and the entire esophagus were imaged ex-vivo with combined OCT and LIE We evaluated 30 normal mice (A/J and 10- and 21-wk-old and retired breeder C57BL/6J) and 10 mice each of 2 strains modeling colon cancer and IBD (Apc(Min) and IL2-deficient mice, respectively). Histology was used to classify tissue regions as normal, Peyer patch, dysplasia, adenoma, or IBD. Features in corresponding OCT images were analyzed. Spectra from each category were averaged and compared via Student t tests. OCT provided structural information that led to identification of the imaging characteristics of healthy mouse GI. With histology as the 'gold standard,' we developed preliminary image criteria for early disease in the form of adenomas, dysplasias, and IBD. LIF characterized the endogenous fluorescence of mouse GI tract, with spectral features corresponding to collagen, NADH, and hemoglobin. In the IBD sample, LIF emission spectra displayed potentially diagnostic peaks at 635 and 670 nm, which we attributed to increased porphyrin production by bacteria associated with IBD. OCT and LIF appear to be useful and complementary modalities for ex vivo imaging of mouse GI tissues.  相似文献   
There have been considerable attempts in the past to relate phenotypic trait—habitat temperature of organisms—to their genotypes, most importantly compositions of their genomes and proteomes. However, despite accumulation of anecdotal evidence, an exact and conclusive relationship between the former and the latter has been elusive. We present an exhaustive study of the relationship between amino acid composition of proteomes, nucleotide composition of DNA, and optimal growth temperature (OGT) of prokaryotes. Based on 204 complete proteomes of archaea and bacteria spanning the temperature range from −10 °C to 110 °C, we performed an exhaustive enumeration of all possible sets of amino acids and found a set of amino acids whose total fraction in a proteome is correlated, to a remarkable extent, with the OGT. The universal set is Ile, Val, Tyr, Trp, Arg, Glu, Leu (IVYWREL), and the correlation coefficient is as high as 0.93. We also found that the G + C content in 204 complete genomes does not exhibit a significant correlation with OGT (R = −0.10). On the other hand, the fraction of A + G in coding DNA is correlated with temperature, to a considerable extent, due to codon patterns of IVYWREL amino acids. Further, we found strong and independent correlation between OGT and the frequency with which pairs of A and G nucleotides appear as nearest neighbors in genome sequences. This adaptation is achieved via codon bias. These findings present a direct link between principles of proteins structure and stability and evolutionary mechanisms of thermophylic adaptation. On the nucleotide level, the analysis provides an example of how nature utilizes codon bias for evolutionary adaptation to extreme conditions. Together these results provide a complete picture of how compositions of proteomes and genomes in prokaryotes adjust to the extreme conditions of the environment.  相似文献   
Loop-tail (Lp) mice show a very severe neural tube defect, craniorachischisis, which is caused by mis-sense mutations in the Vangl2 gene. The membrane protein Vangl2 belongs to a highly conserved group of proteins that regulate planar polarity in certain epithelia, and that are also important for convergent extension movements during gastrulation and neurulation. A specific anti-Vangl2 antiserum was produced and used to examine the tissue, cell type, and sub-cellular localization of Vangl2 during embryogenesis. Vangl2 protein is expressed at high levels in the neural tube and shows a dynamic expression profile during neurulation. After neural tube closure, robust Vangl2 staining is detected in several neural and neurosensory tissues, including cerebral cortex, dorsal root ganglia, olfactory epithelium, retina, mechanosensory hair cells of the cochlea, and optic nerve. Vangl2 is also expressed during organogenesis in a number of tubular epithelia, including the bronchial tree, intestinal crypt/villus axis, and renal tubular segments derived from ureteric bud and from metanephric mesenchyme. Examination of Vangl2 localization in the neural tubes and cochleas of the normal and Lp/Lp embryos shows disruption of normal membrane localization of Vangl2 in independent alleles at Lp (Lp, Lp(m1Jus)) as well as overall decrease in the expression level.  相似文献   


Recent developments in cosmology radically change the conception of the universe as well as the very notions of "probable" and "possible". The model of eternal inflation implies that all macroscopic histories permitted by laws of physics are repeated an infinite number of times in the infinite multiverse. In contrast to the traditional cosmological models of a single, finite universe, this worldview provides for the origin of an infinite number of complex systems by chance, even as the probability of complexity emerging in any given region of the multiverse is extremely low. This change in perspective has profound implications for the history of any phenomenon, and life on earth cannot be an exception.  相似文献   
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Cell‐replacement therapies have emerged as a promising strategy to slow down or replace neuronal loss. Compared to other stem cell types, endometrium‐derived stem cells (EDSCs) are an attractive source of stem cells for cellular therapies because of their ease of collection and vast differentiation potential. Here we demonstrate that endometrium‐derived stem cells may be transplanted into an MPTP exposed monkey model of PD. After injection into the striatum, endometrium‐derived stem cells engrafted, exhibited neuron‐like morphology, expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and increased the numbers of TH positive cells on the transplanted side and dopamine metabolite concentrations in vivo. Our results suggest that endometrium‐derived stem cells may provide a therapeutic benefit in the primate model of PD and may be used in stem cell based therapies.  相似文献   
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