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Introduction. The Kuril Islands Chain demarcates the boundary between the circumpolar and East Asian floras in the amphi-Pacific and is a trans-Oceanic migration route from warm-temperate insular East Asia to north-east Asia and Beringia. This paper reviews the flora of the northern part of Iturup Island in regards to its bryogeography and taxonomic diversity, as well as its relative position among other bryophyte floras of north-east and East Asia.

Methods. The paper uses morphological methods to identify the species composition and detrended correspondence analysis to identify the position of the northern Iturup Island in the system of local floras of the eastern, extra-tropical, Pacific.

Key results. The flora is closely related to the bryophyte floras of the southern Kurils and Hokkaido Island, but has been found to be distinctly distant from the ‘true’ cool-temperate East Asian floras, as well as from the boreal and hemiarctic floras of north-east Asia. Instead, the floras of the south Kurils and northern Hokkaido Island belong to a peculiar intermediate phytogeographic province that cannot be unambiguously placed in either the East Asian or circumboreal floristic regions. The hemiboreal character of the bryophyte flora of northern Iturup Island is in contrast to the general appearance of many of the dominant vegetation communities on the island, which are more characteristic of the hemiarctic.

Conclusion. There is no robust evidence to refer the bryophyte flora of northern Iturup either to the circumboreal or East Asian Floristic Region, the flora belongs to a unique intermediate province between the two regions.  相似文献   
UBXD1 is a member of the poorly understood subfamily of p97 adaptors that do not harbor a ubiquitin association domain or bind ubiquitin-modified proteins. Of clinical importance, p97 mutants found in familial neurodegenerative conditions Inclusion Body Myopathy Paget's disease of the bone and/or Frontotemporal Dementia and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are defective at interacting with UBXD1, indicating that functions regulated by a p97-UBXD1 complex are altered in these diseases. We have performed liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of UBXD1-interacting proteins to identify pathways in which UBXD1 functions. UBXD1 displays prominent association with ERGIC-53, a hexameric type I integral membrane protein that functions in protein trafficking. The UBXD1-ERGIC-53 interaction requires the N-terminal 10 residues of UBXD1 and the C-terminal cytoplasmic 12 amino acid tail of ERGIC-53. Use of p97 and E1 enzyme inhibitors indicate that complex formation between UBXD1 and ERGIC-53 requires the ATPase activity of p97, but not ubiquitin modification. We also performed SILAC-based quantitative proteomic profiling to identify ERGIC-53 interacting proteins. This analysis identified known (e.g. COPI subunits) and novel (Rab3GAP1/2 complex involved in the fusion of vesicles at the cell membrane) interactions that are also mediated through the C terminus of the protein. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting analysis confirmed the proteomic interaction data and it also revealed that an UBXD1-Rab3GAP association requires the ERGIC-53 binding domain of UBXD1. Localization studies indicate that UBXD1 modules the sub-cellular trafficking of ERGIC-53, including promoting movement to the cell membrane. We propose that p97-UBXD1 modulates the trafficking of ERGIC-53-containing vesicles by controlling the interaction of transport factors with the cytoplasmic tail of ERGIC-53.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces matrix degradation and markedly stimulates the production of several cytokines, i.e., interleukin-1β, −6, and −10, by disc cells and chondrocytes. We performed a series of experiments to compare cellular responses of cells from the bovine intervertebral disc (nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus) and from bovine articular cartilage to LPS. Alginate beads containing cells isolated from bovine intervertebral discs and articular cartilage were cultured with or without LPS in the presence of 10% fetal bovine serum. The DNA content and the rate of proteoglycan synthesis and degradation were determined. In articular chondrocytes, LPS strongly suppressed cell proliferation and proteoglycan synthesis in a dose-dependent manner and stimulated proteoglycan degradation. Compared with articular chondrocytes, nucleus pulposus cells responded in a similar, although less pronounced manner. However, treatment of annulus fibrosus cells with LPS showed no significant effects on proteoglycan synthesis or degradation. A slight, but statistically significant, inhibition of cell proliferation was observed at high concentrations of LPS in annulus fibrosus cells. Thus, LPS suppressed proteoglycan synthesis and stimulated proteoglycan degradation by articular chondrocytes and nucleus pulposus cells. The effects of LPS on annulus fibrosus cells were minor compared with those on the other two cell types. The dissimilar effects of LPS on the various cell types suggest metabolic differences between these cells and may further indicate a divergence in pathways of LPS signaling and a differential sensitivity to exogenous stimuli such as LPS.This work was supported in part by NIH grants 2-P50-AR39239 and 1-P01-AR48152.  相似文献   
Minichromosome maintenance (MCM) helicases are the presumptive replicative helicases, thought to separate the two strands of chromosomal DNA during replication. In archaea, the catalytic activity resides within the C-terminal region of the MCM protein. In Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus the N-terminal portion of the protein was shown to be involved in protein multimerization and binding to single and double stranded DNA. MCM homologues from many archaeal species have highly conserved predicted amino acid similarity in a loop located between β7 and β8 in the N-terminal part of the molecule. This high degree of conservation suggests a functional role for the loop. Mutational analysis and biochemical characterization of the conserved residues suggest that the loop participates in communication between the N-terminal portion of the helicase and the C-terminal catalytic domain. Since similar residues are also conserved in the eukaryotic MCM proteins, the data presented here suggest a similar coupling between the N-terminal and catalytic domain of the eukaryotic enzyme.  相似文献   
PFKFB3 is the gene that codes for the inducible isoform of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase (iPFK2), a key regulatory enzyme of glycolysis. As one of the targets of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), PFKFB3/iPFK2 is up-regulated by thiazolidinediones. In the present study, using PFKFB3/iPFK2-disrupted mice, the role of PFKFB3/iPFK2 in the anti-diabetic effect of PPARγ activation was determined. In wild-type littermate mice, PPARγ activation (i.e. treatment with rosiglitazone) restored euglycemia and reversed high fat diet-induced insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. In contrast, PPARγ activation did not reduce high fat diet-induced hyperglycemia and failed to reverse insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in PFKFB3+/− mice. The lack of anti-diabetic effect in PFKFB3+/− mice was associated with the inability of PPARγ activation to suppress adipose tissue lipolysis and proinflammatory cytokine production, stimulate visceral fat accumulation, enhance adipose tissue insulin signaling, and appropriately regulate adipokine expression. Similarly, in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes, knockdown of PFKFB3/iPFK2 lessened the effect of PPARγ activation on stimulating lipid accumulation. Furthermore, PPARγ activation did not suppress inflammatory signaling in PFKFB3/iPFK2-knockdown adipocytes as it did in control adipocytes. Upon inhibition of excessive fatty acid oxidation in PFKFB3/iPFK2-knockdown adipocytes, PPARγ activation was able to significantly reverse inflammatory signaling and proinflammatory cytokine expression and restore insulin signaling. Together, these data demonstrate that PFKFB3/iPFK2 is critically involved in the anti-diabetic effect of PPARγ activation.  相似文献   
Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a reversible developmental genetic programme of transdifferentiation of polarised epithelial cells to mesenchymal cells. In cancer, EMT is an important factor of tumour cell plasticity and has received increasing attention for its role in the resistance to conventional and targeted therapies. In this paper we provide an overview of EMT in human malignancies, and discuss contribution of EMT to the development of the resistance to Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)-targeted therapies in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Patients with the tumours bearing specific mutations in EGFR have a good clinical response to selective EGFR inhibitors, but the resistance inevitably develops. Several mechanisms responsible for the resistance include secondary mutations in the EGFR gene, genetic or non-mutational activation of alternative survival pathways, transdifferentiation of NSCLC to the small cell lung cancer histotype, or formation of resistant tumours with mesenchymal characteristics. Mechanistically, application of an EGFR inhibitor does not kill all cancer cells; some cells survive the exposure to a drug, and undergo genetic evolution towards resistance. Here, we present a theory that these quiescent or slow-proliferating drug-tolerant cell populations, or so-called “persisters”, are generated via EMT pathways. We review the EMT-activated mechanisms of cell survival in NSCLC, which include activation of ABC transporters and EMT-associated receptor tyrosine kinase AXL, immune evasion, and epigenetic reprogramming. We propose that therapeutic inhibition of these pathways would eliminate pools of persister cells and prevent or delay cancer recurrence when applied in combination with the agents targeting EGFR.  相似文献   
Human monoclonal antibodies (HuMAbs) demonstrate great potential for passive immunotherapy against HIV-1. The gp41 transmembrane envelope glycoprotein of HIV has an important role in the pathogenicity of AIDS and importantly displays considerably less hypervariability than the gp120 surface envelope HIV glycoprotein, which makes it particularly a better candidate for the development of passive and active immunotherapies. The general aim of this study was to develop HuMAbs to HIV surface glycoproteins and particularly gp41. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from an HIV-seropositive long-term nondisease progressing patient. B-cells from this individual were then immortalized by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation, and antibody production was stabilized by fusion of transformed cells with a heteromyeloma. Subsets of the human heterohybridomas so generated were analyzed by ELISA. The hybridoma with the highest binding by immunoassay against gp160 was further analyzed. This hybridoma, designated as clone 37 (C37), was determined to be an IgM Kappa antibody and overlapping peptides of HIV envelope proteins (derived from the MN tissue culture line adapted HIV isolate) were used to map the specific binding domain of this HuMAb. Overlapping peptides designated 2026 (SWSNKSLDDIWNN, AA614-626), and 2027 (DDIWNNMTWMQWEREIDNYT, AA621-640) within the HIV-1 gp41 transmembrane glycoprotein were demonstrated to bind to C37 indicating that the specific binding domain for the antibody was DDIWNN. High affinity binding of C37 by ELISA to recombinant gp41 was demonstrated as well. Few IgM HuMAbs against HIV have been generated and characterized. Theoretically, because of the pentameric binding nature of IgM antibodies as well as their very efficient ability to activate complement, such reagents could have potential as anti-HIV agents.  相似文献   
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