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Cream, Carlos L., Aihua Li, and Eugene E. Nattie. RTNTRH causes prolonged respiratory stimulation. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 792-799, 1997.We injectedthyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 10 nl; 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 10 mM),its inactive free acid form (TRHOH; 1 mM), or a metabolite with lowTRH-receptor binding affinity, histidine-proline diketopiperazine (cHP;1 mM), into the retrotrapezoid nucleus of anesthetized rats. Injectionlocation was verified by anatomic analysis. Lower doses (0.25-0.5mM) significantly increased both the product of integrated phrenicamplitude and frequency(Phr · f) and f for 20-30min compared with artificial cerebrospinal fluid control injections. Higher doses (1.0-10 mM) produced greater and long-lastingstimulation of Phr · f,Phr, and f and of blood pressure. Thisstimulation reached values 150% of baseline and durations of 270 minafter a single injection. TRHOH (1 mM ) or cHP (1 mM) had no effect onPhr but increased f, as did 1 mM TRH. We concludethat TRH has a very powerful stimulatory effect in the retrotrapezoidnucleus region on Phr · f, withthe Phr response seemingly specific for TRHreceptors. Similar responses of f to TRHOH and cHP suggest it may benonspecific.

The articular surfaces and vertebral foramen area of the first cervical vertebra are sexually dimorphic and can be used to sex complete or fragmentary specimens. Eight measurements were taken from the articular regions (superior and inferior) of 100 first cervical vertebrae from Terry collection specimens housed at the Smithsonian Institution. Seven regression and seven discriminant function equations were created that predict sex with 77–85% and 75–85% accuracy, respectively. In separate control tests, measurements from 100 first cervical vertebrae from Hamann-Todd collection individuals (Cleveland Museum of Natural History) and from 34 archaeological specimens were used with the Terry equations. The control samples were sexed with 60—85% accuracy. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The occlusion of capillary vessels results in low oxygen tension in adjacent tissues which triggers a signaling cascade that culminates in neovascularization. Using bovine retinal capillary endothelial cells (BRCEC), we investigated the effects of short-term hypoxia on DNA synthesis, phosphotyrosine induction, changes in the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor receptor (bFGFR), protein kinase C (PKCα), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), and SH2-containing protein (SHC). The effect of protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and phosphatase inhibitors on hypoxia-induced phosphotyrosine was also studied. Capillary endothelial cells cultured in standard normoxic (pO2 = 20%) conditions were quiesced in low serum containing medium and then exposed to low oxygen tension or hypoxia (pO2 = 3%) in humidified, 5% CO2, 37°C, tissue culture chambers, on a time-course of up to 24 h. DNA synthesis was potentiated by hypoxia in a time-dependent manner. This response positively correlated with the cumulative induction of phosphotyrosine and the downregulation of bFGFR (Mr ~ 85 kDa). Protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors, herbimycin-A, and methyl 2,5-dihydroxycinnamate, unlike genistein, markedly blocked hypoxia-induced phosphotyrosine. Prolonged exposure of cells to phosphatase inhibitor, sodium orthovanadate, also blocked hypoxia-induced phosphotyrosine. The expression of HSP70, PKCα, and SHC were not markedly altered by hypoxia. Taken together, these data suggest that short-term hypoxia activates endothelial cell proliferation in part via tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins and changes in the expression of the FGF receptor. Thus, endothelial cell mitogenesis and neovascularization associated with low oxygen tension may be controlled by abrogating signaling pathways mediated by protein tyrosine kinase and phosphatases. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Y-organs are the ecdysial glands of crustaceans, responsible for synthesis and secretion of ecdysteroid hormones. For this purpose, the glands acquire cholesterol as obligate precursor entirely from circulating high-density lipoprotein (HDL). A preceding study provided evidence for the mechanism of acquisition: Y-organs take up cholesterol bound to HDL by an energy-requiring process, receptor-mediated absorptive endocytosis. The present study characterized the receptors involved utilizing isolated Y-organ membranes. HDL binding was saturable and specific; a dissociation constant (Kd) of 1.08 × 10?7 M and a binding maximum at equilibrium (Bmax) of 70 μg HDL protein/mg membrane protein, were obtained. Binding was decreased by protease and was dependent upon calcium. Y-organs are regulated negatively by a peptide hormone from the eystalks, molt-inhibiting hormone (MIH). Y-organ membranes from de-eyestalked crabs (MIH absent) exhibited the same Kd value as membranes from intact crabs, but a Bmax 17% higher. Thus, MIH activity apparently does not change the binding affinity of HDL, but decreases the number of binding sites. These results agree with our previous findings that MIH depresses ecdysteroid synthesis in part by inhibiting cholesterol uptake. Generally, Y-organ cells appear to contain receptors for HDL that are of high affinity and high binding capacity, similar to the characteristics reported for the binding of insect HDL (vitellogenin) to fat bodies and oocytes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Two-dimensional 1H NMR techniques were used to determine the spatial structure of ectatomin, a toxin from the venom of the ant Ectatomma tuberculatum. Nearly complete proton resonance assignments for two chains of ectatomin (37 and 34 amino acid residues, respectively) were obtained using 2D TOCSY, DQF-COSY and NOESY experiments. The cross-peak volumes in NOESY spectra were used to define the local structure of the protein and generate accurate proton-proton distance constraints employing the MARDIGRAS program. Disulfide bonds were located by analyzing the global fold of ectatomin, calculated with the distance geometry program DIANA. These data, combined with data on the rate of exchange of amide protons with deuterium, were used to obtain a final set of 20 structures by DIANA. These structures were refined by unrestrained energy minimization using the CHARMm program. The resulting rms deviations over 20 structures (excluding the mobile N- and C-termini of each chain) are 0.75 ? for backbone heavy atoms, and 1.25 ? for all heavy atoms. The conformations of the two chains are similar. Each chain consists of two α-helices and a hinge region of four residues; this forms a hairpin structure which is stabilized by disulfide bridges. The hinge regions of the two chains are connected together by a third disulfide bridge. Thus, ectatomin forms a four-α-helical bundle structure.  相似文献   
The merozoite cap protein-1 (MCP-1) of Plasmodium falciparum follows the distribution of the moving Junction during invasion of erythrocytes. We have cloned the gene encoding this protein from a cDNA library using a monoclonal antibody. The protein lacks a signal sequence and has no predicted trans-membrane domains; none of the antisera reacts with the surfaces of intact merozoites, indicating that the cap distribution is submembranous. MCP-1 is divided into three domains. The N-terminal domain includes a 52-amino-acid region that is highly conserved in a large family of bacterial and eukaryotic proteins. Based on the known functions of two proteins of this family and the pattern of amino acid conservation, it is predicted that this domain may possess oxido-reductase activity, since the active cysteine residue of this domain is invariant in all proteins of the family. The other two domains of MCP-1 are not found in any other members of this protein family and may reflect the specific function of MCP-1 in invasion. The middle domain is negatively charged and enriched in glutamate; the C-terminal domain is positively charged and enriched in lysine. By virtue of its positive charge, the C-terminal domain resembles domains in some cytoskeleton-associated proteins and may mediate the interaction of MCP-1 with cytoskeleton in Plasmodium.  相似文献   
Huckleberry plants evaluated at 13 sites in the southern Cascade Mountains of Washington State during August 1980 showed significantly lower fruit yields where subjected to heavy ash deposition following the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens. High insect pollinator mortality is suspected as the major causal factor. The impact of such effects of volcanic activity on Native American subsistence is discussed.  相似文献   
Antibodies to synthetic myelin basic protein peptide S82 (TTHYG-SLPQKAQGHRPQDEG) did not react with synthetic peptide S8 (GSLPQKAQGHRPQDENG) and only partially so with synthetic peptide S79 (AQGHRPQDEG); however, the antibodies did react to a considerable extent with an equimolar mixture of S8 and S79. Since the anti-S82 antibodies had previously been shown to be directed to a non-sequential format determinant dependent on the conformation of secondary structure, it seems probable that the mixture of S8 and S79 assumed a format that neither one individually possessed to any great degree.Special Issue dedicated to Dr. Elizabeth Roboz-Einstein.Supported by Research Grants NS-10237 (Duke) and NS-15322 (St. Luke's) from the National Institutes of Health and by RG1197-B7 from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.  相似文献   
A method is presented that can be used to perform histochemical and morphometric analyses on the same muscle fiber. Freshly dissected fibers from medial gastrocnemius muscle of adult guinea pig were kept at a resting length and rapidly frozen. Serial frozen cross-sections were cut and reacted for myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase and succinic dehydrogenase. The adjacent section, while still frozen, was immersed into 20 degrees C glutaraldehyde fixative to which EGTA was added to minimize artifactious contraction. The fixed section was processed for electron microscopy and the section rotated before thin sectioning to give longitudinal sections enabling study of sarcomeres. Ultrastructure was well-preserved despite slight disorganization of the contractile filaments and some vesiculation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The Z line width was measured and the mitochondrial volume fraction estimated by point counting morphometry from 89 fibers. The fibers with dark myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase staining have Z widths of 547 +/- 165 A (n=69) and thoshosphatase staining have Z widths of 547 +/- 165 A (n=69) and those with light stain have 1023 +/- 113 A (n=20). The density of the succinic dehydrogenase reaction product in the fibers was divided into dark and light and the mitochondrial volume fractions were foud to be 4.3 +/- 2.1% (n=52) and 1.0 +/- 1.1% (n=37), respectively.  相似文献   
Summary The chemiosmotic hypothesis predicts that the mechanism by which weak acids uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria is identical to the mechanism by which they transport hydrogen ions across artificial bilayer membranes. We report here the results of a kinetic study of uncoupler-mediated hydrogen ion transport across bilayer membranes. We made electrical relaxation measurements on black lipid membranes exposed to the substituted benzimidazole 5,6-dichloro-2-trifluoromethylbenzimidazole. The simplest model consistent with our experimental data allowed us to deduce values for adsorption coefficients and rate constants. Our major conclusions are that the back diffusion of the neutral species is the rate limiting step for the steady state transport of hydrogen ions, that both the neutral and charged forms of the uncoupler adsorb strongly to the interfaces, and that the reactions at the membrane-solution interfaces occur sufficiently rapidly for equilibrium to be maintained. Independent measurements of the adsorption coefficients of both the neutral and anionic forms of the weak acid and also of the permeability of the membrane to the neutral form agreed well with the values deduced from the kinetic study.  相似文献   
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