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The K-562 cell line is a culture of human leukemia stem cells originally derived from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia in blast crisis. We have subjected such cells, in the log phase of growth, to countercurrent distribution in a charge-sensitive dextran-polyethylene glycol aqueous-phase system, a method that fractionates cells on the basis of subtle differences in their surface properties, and found that: (1) The cell population is heterogeneous since it is composed of cells with different partition ratios. (2) There is a correlation between increasing cell partition ratios and increasing cell electrophoretic mobilities. (3) Cells under different parts of the distribution curve have dissimilar ratios of cells in different parts of the cell cycle, a phenomenon that may, at least partially, be the basis for the subfractionation of these cells. There is a clear tendency for cells in G0+G1+early S to decrease and for those in late S+G2+M to increase with increasing partition ratios. (4) Sialic acid is a major surface charge component of the cells as evidenced by a dramatic drop in their partition ratios after treatment with neuraminidase.  相似文献   
Pathway of indole metabolism by a denitrifying microbial community   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The metabolism of indole in a mineral-salts medium inoculated with 9% anaerobically digested nitrate-reducing sewage sludge was studied. The sequential occurrence of four structurally-related compounds — oxindole, isatin, dioxindole, and anthranilic acid — was detected using high-performance liquid or thin-layer chromatography. Mass spectrometry and proton nuclear resonance were used to identify isatin and dioxindole isolated from the culture fluids. Prior exposure of the microorganisms to indole, oxindole, isatin, or anthranilic acid resulted in accelerated decomposition of these compounds in a pattern that was consistent with a proposed pathway for the metabolism of indole under denitrifying conditions.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effect of serum on the growth and survival ofLegionella pneumophila Bloomington 2 was investigated. When incubated in the presence of 20%–50% normal human serum for 10 h, viability was decreased by >99%. Heat-inactivated or <40% normal serum supplemented with 50 M iron was not inhibitory. The addition of guinea pig complement to heat-inactivated serum resulted in killing of approximately 98% of the cells. Growth in buffered yeast extract broth was inhibited by the addition of ferric iron-binding compounds. Minimum bactericidal concentrations at 37°C were 10 M apotransferrin, 35 M 1,10-phenanthroline, and 50 M deferoxamine. Addition of iron chelators to normal serum did not accelerate killing. Egg yolk-passaged virulent strains and agar-grown avirulent strains exhibited similar serum sensitivity. Results of this study indicate that complement and serum transferrin are antagonistic to the growth ofLegionella in serum.  相似文献   
Fifty mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAb) specific for HLA class I epitopes were compared for their reactivity against two closely related nonhuman primate species, pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina, Mn) and longtailed macaques (M. fascicularis, Mfl), which diverged from the hominoids 23–40 million years ago. An analysis of Nei's genetic identity (I) and distance (D) based on reactivity of all class I-specific mAb showed, as expected, that the macaques are more closely related to each other (1=0.959) than to man (I=0.782 for Mn and 0.859 for Mfl). However, there were clear differences in genetic similarity with respect to certain epitopes. Macaques were most different from each other and from man in expression of heterologous epitopes recognized by the mouse that are not polymorphic among humans. In contrast, the most polymorphic epitopes unique to single HLA alleles, so-called private epitopes, were present in all the species, and neither macaque species could be distinguished from humans, suggesting that certain class I private epitopes may be highly conserved in evolution.[/p]Abbreviations used in this paper D Nei's index of genetic distance - I Nei's index of genetic identity - mAb monoclonal antibodies - Mfl Macaca fascicularis - MHC major histocompatibility complex - Mn Macaca nemestrina - PF phenotypic frequency  相似文献   
Three mammalian eukaryotic initiation factors (eIF) are required for the ATP-dependent binding of mRNA to the 40 S ribosomal subunit. These three factors, eIF-4A, eIF-4B, and eIF-4F, have also been isolated from wheat germ. Three assays were used to measure the ability of the wheat germ factors to interact with and/or substitute for the mammalian factors. Two assay systems were used to measure partial reactions involving the interaction of the three factors, ATP, and mRNA: 1) RNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis and 2) cross-linking of the factors to the 5' cap of oxidized mRNA. A third assay system was used to measure the ability of the factors to support initiation of protein synthesis. The results of the ATP hydrolysis and cross-linking experiments indicate that the wheat germ factors can interact with or substitute for the mammalian factors. Wheat germ eIF-4A appears to be functionally equivalent to mammalian eIF-4A. Wheat germ eIF-4B and eIF-4F appear to be isozymes possessing functions similar to mammalian eIF-4F. Wheat germ eIF-4B does not appear to be a functional equivalent to the mammalian eIF-4B. In a complete translation system from wheat germ, mammalian factors partially substitute for wheat germ factors, whereas the wheat germ factors are ineffective in the mammalian system.  相似文献   
Reactive disulfide reagents (RDSs) with a biotin moiety have been synthesized and found to cause Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles. The RDSs oxidize SH sites on SR proteins via a thiol-disulfide exchange, with the formation of mixed disulfide bonds between SR proteins and biotin. Biotinylated RDSs identified a 106-kDa protein which was purified by biotin-avidin chromatography. Disulfide reducing agents, like dithiothreitol, reverse the effect of RDSs and thus promoted active re-uptake of Ca2+ and dissociated biotin from the labeled protein indicating that biotin was covalently linked to the 106-kDa protein via a disulfide bond. Several lines of evidence indicate that this protein is not Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase and is not a proteolytic fragment or a subunit of the 400-kDa Ca2+-ryanodine receptor complex (RRC). Monoclonal antibodies against the ATPase did not cross-react with the 106-kDa protein, and polyclonal antibodies against the 106-kDa did not cross-react with either the ATPase or the 400-kDa RRC. RDSs did not label the 400-kDa RRC with biotin. Linear sucrose gradients used to purify the RRC show that the 106-kDa protein migrated throughout 5-20% linear sucrose gradients, including the high sucrose density protein fractions containing 400-kDa RRC. Protease inhibitors diisopropylfluorophosphate used to prevent proteolysis of 400-kDa proteins did not alter the migration of 106-kDa in sucrose gradients nor the patterns of biotin labeling of the 106-kDa protein. Incorporation of highly purified 106-kDa protein (free of RRC) in planar bilayers revealed cationic channels with large Na+ (gNa+ = 375 +/- 15 pS) and Ca2+ (gCa2+ = 107.7 +/- 12 pS) conductances which were activated by micromolar [Ca2+]free or millimolar [ATP] and blocked by micromolar ruthenium red or millimolar [Mg2+]. Thus, the SR contains a sulfhydryl-activated 106-kDa Ca2+ channel with apparently similar characteristics to the 400-kDa "feet" proteins.  相似文献   
Reactive disulfide compounds (RDSs) with a pyridyl ring adjacent to the S-S bond such as 2,2'-dithiodipyridine (2,2'-DTDP), 4,4'-dithiodipyridine, and N-succinimidyl 3(2-pyridyldithio)propionate (SPDP) trigger Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles. They are known to specifically oxidize free SH sites via a thiol-disulfide exchange reaction with the stoichiometric production of thiopyridone. Thus, the formation of a mixed S-S bond between an accessible SH site on an SR protein and a RDS causes large increases in SR Ca2+ permeability. Reducing agents, glutathione (GSH) or dithiothreitol reverse the effect of RDSs and permit rapid re-uptake of Ca2+ by the Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase. The RDSs, 2,2'-DTDP, 4,4'-dithiodipyridine and SPDP displaced [3H]ryanodine binding to the Ca2+-receptor complex at IC50 values of 7.5 +/- 0.2, 1.5 +/- 0.1, and 15.4 +/- 0.1 microM, respectively. RDSs did not alter the rapid initial phase of Ca2+ uptake by the pump, stimulated ATPase activity, and induced release from passively loaded vesicles with nonactivated pumps; thus they act at a Ca2+ release channel and not at the Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase. Efflux rates increased in 0.25-1.0 mM [Mg2+]free then decreased in 2-5 mM [Mg2+]free. Adenine nucleotides inhibited the oxidation of SHs on SR protein by RDSs and thus reduced Ca2+ efflux rates. However, once RDSs oxidized these SH sites and opened the Ca2+ release pathway, subsequent additions of nucleotides stimulated Ca2+ efflux. In skinned fibers, 2,2'-dithiodipyridine elicited rapid twitches which were blocked by ruthenium red. These results indicate that RDSs trigger Ca2+ release from SR by oxidizing a critical SH group, and thus provide a method to covalently label the protein(s) involved in causing these changes in Ca2+ permeability.  相似文献   
The cellular inhibitor of apoptosis (c‐IAP) proteins are E3 ubiquitin ligases that are critical regulators of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor (TNFR)‐mediated signalling. Through their E3 ligase activity c‐IAP proteins promote ubiquitination of receptor‐interaction protein 1 (RIP1), NF‐κB‐inducing kinase (NIK) and themselves, and regulate the assembly of TNFR signalling complexes. Consequently, in the absence of c‐IAP proteins, TNFR‐mediated activation of NF‐κB and MAPK pathways and the induction of gene expression are severely reduced. Here, we describe the identification of OTUB1 as a c‐IAP‐associated deubiquitinating enzyme that regulates c‐IAP1 stability. OTUB1 disassembles K48‐linked polyubiquitin chains from c‐IAP1 in vitro and in vivo within the TWEAK receptor‐signalling complex. Downregulation of OTUB1 promotes TWEAK‐ and IAP antagonist‐stimulated caspase activation and cell death, and enhances c‐IAP1 degradation. Furthermore, knockdown of OTUB1 reduces TWEAK‐induced activation of canonical NF‐κB and MAPK signalling pathways and modulates TWEAK‐induced gene expression. Finally, suppression of OTUB1 expression in zebrafish destabilizes c‐IAP (Birc2) protein levels and disrupts fish vasculature. These results suggest that OTUB1 regulates NF‐κB and MAPK signalling pathways and TNF‐dependent cell death by modulating c‐IAP1 stability.  相似文献   
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