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vas RNA has been identified in germ-line cells and its precursors in zebrafish, with the result that the germ-line lineage can be traced throughout embryogenesis. In the present study, we described vas localization and the migration of vas-positive cells in goldfish, using whole mount in situ hybridization. The signals of vas mRNA localization appeared at the marginal part of the first to third cleavage planes. The eight signals were detected during the period from the 8- cells to the 512-cell stage. At the late-blastula stage, additional numbers of vas-positive cells were observed, suggesting the proliferation of these cells. At the segmentation period, vas-positive cells showed a long extended distribution along the embryonic axis, but did not form any clusters. vas-positive cells were occasionally distributed at the head region, especially around the future otic vesicle. These signals were inherited to the primordial germ cells, suggesting that vas-positive cells were primordial germ cells (PGCs) in goldfish.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to determine the degree of fitting an approximation equation for oxygen uptake (Vo(2)) in decrement-load exercise (DLE). Work rate was started from 120 watts and was decreased by a rate of 15 watts per min. The initial work rate of DLE corresponded to 72+/-10% of the work rate at anaerobic threshold determined in incremental-load exercise (ILE). Vo(2) in DLE increased rapidly, reached a peak, and decreased linearly until the end of the exercise. Vo(2) in DLE was higher than that in ILE at the same work rate except in the early periods in ILE and DLE. This difference ranged from 300 to 400 ml/min. This difference is a result of repayment of oxygen debt in DLE and from the oxygen deficit induced by the delay of response of Vo(2) in ILE. As work rate in DLE can be obtained by the difference between work rates in constant-load exercise (CLE) and ILE, we postulated that the approximation equation for Vo(2) kinetics in DLE could be expressed by a combination of approximation equations in CLE and in ILE. When time delay was taken into consideration in this equation, the fitting of data obtained by using the equation was better than that of data obtained by using the equation without a parameter of time delay. The degree of fitting ranged from 94 to 98% (r(2)). Thus, it seems that Vo(2) including oxygen debt in DLE can be approximated by the equation used in this study.  相似文献   
Ito I  Watanabe S  Kimura T  Kirino Y  Ito E 《Zoological science》2003,20(11):1327-1335
Although primary olfactory systems in various animals display spontaneous oscillatory activity, its functional significance in olfactory processing has not been elucidated. The tentacular ganglion, the primary olfactory system of the terrestrial slug Limax marginatus, also displays spontaneous oscillatory activity at 1-2 Hz. In the present study, we examined the relationship between odor-evoked spike activity and spontaneous field potential oscillations in the tentacular nerve, representing the pathway from the primary olfactory system to the olfactory center. Neural activity was recorded from the tentacular nerve before, during and after application of various odors (garlic, carrot, and rat chow) to the sensory epithelium and the changes in firing rate and spontaneous oscillations were analyzed. We detected the baseline amplitude of the oscillations and baseline spike activity before stimulation. Odor stimulations for 20 s or 60 s evoked a transient increase in the firing rate followed by a decrease in the amplitude of spontaneous oscillations. The decrease in the amplitude was larger in the first 8 s of stimulation and subsequently showed recovery during stimulation. The amplitude of the recovered oscillations often fluctuated. Odor-evoked spikes appeared when the amplitude of the recovered oscillations was transiently small. These results suggest that the large oscillations could inhibit spike activity whereas the first transient increase in spike activity was followed by the decrease in the oscillation amplitude. Our results indicate that there is a significant negative correlation between spontaneous oscillations and odor-evoked spike activity, suggesting that the spontaneous oscillations contribute to the olfactory processing in slugs.  相似文献   
Spontaneously developing pocks (S pocks) of Streptomyces azureus ATCC14921 were formed by the both functions of conjugative plasmid pSA1 and lysogenic phage SAt2. The formation was affected by the dose of UV irradiation. The mean pock diameter in cultures treated with UV light at 0, 7.1, 14.2 and 21.3 x 10(2) microW. erg/cm, respectively, were 1.3, 0.4, 2.2, and 0.5 mm. The dose affected conjugative plasmid pSA1 related to pock formation. There was UV damage of autonomous pSA1 replicon and UV induction of the chromosomal integrated sequence. Increases and decreases in the amount of autonomous pSA1 replicon corresponded to increases and decreases, respectively, in the diameter of the pocks. Both pSA1 and SAt2 syntheses were developed in the large pocks (1.3 and 2.2 mm), but only SAt2 synthesis was developed in the pinhole pocks (0.4 and 0.5 mm).  相似文献   
Several species of microalgae (phytoplankton), 4 species of freshwater algae and 4 species of marine diatoms, were cultured germ-free in the laboratory. The presence of free D-amino acids was verified in these species by a reversed-phase HPLC analysis. D-Aspartate was detected in all the microalgae examined, but D-alanine was only present in the marine diatoms. The D-amino acid content in Asterionella sp. of the marine diatoms increased from the exponential phase to the stationary phase and then decreased to the phase of decline.  相似文献   
Accelerated formation and accumulation of advanced glycation end products, as well as increased flux of glucose through polyol pathway, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular complications. We investigated effects of advanced glycation end products on the levels of aldose reductase mRNA, protein, and activity in human microvascular endothelial cells. When endothelial cells were cultured with highly glycated bovine serum albumin, aldose reductase mRNA in endothelial cells demonstrated concentration-dependent elevation. The increase in aldose reductase mRNA was accompanied by elevated protein expression and enzyme activity. Significant increase in the enzyme expression was also observed when endothelial cells were cultured with serum obtained from diabetic patients with end-stage renal disease. Pretreatment of the endothelial cells with probucol or vitamin E prevented the advanced glycation end products-induced increases in aldose reductase mRNA and protein. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays using the nuclear extracts of the endothelial cells treated with advanced glycation end products showed enhancement of specific DNA binding activity for AP-1 consensus sequence. These results indicate that accelerated formation of advanced glycation end products in vivo may elicit activation of the polyol pathway, possibly via augmented oxidative stress, and amplify endothelial cell damage leading to diabetic microvascular dysfunction.  相似文献   
(1) Escherichia coli 70S ribosomes showed intrinsic ATPase and GTPase activities, although they were much lower than those of rat liver ribosomes. The latter activity was higher than the former one. (2) The ATPase activity was inhibited by GTP and GMP-P(NH)P, and the GTPase activity was inhibited by ATP and AMP-P(NH)P, indicating a close relationship between the two enzymes. (3) Elongation components alone or in combination enhanced the ATPase activity, indicating the possible correlation of ribosomal ATPase with elongational components. (4) Vanadate at the concentrations that did not inhibit the GTPase activities of EF-Tu and EF-G, depressed the poly(U)-dependent polyphe synthesis, suggesting that ribosomal ATPase (GTPase) participates in peptide elongation by inducing positive conformational changes of ribosomes required for the attachment of elongational components.  相似文献   
Fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) form a family of proteins displaying tissue-specific expression. These proteins are involved in fatty acid (FA) transport and metabolism by mechanisms that also appear to be tissue-specific. Cellular retinoid binding proteins are related proteins with unknown roles in FA transport and metabolism. To better understand the origin of these tissue-specific differences we report new measurements, using the acrylodated intestinal fatty acid binding protein (ADIFAB) method, of the binding of fatty acids (FA) to human fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) from brain, heart, intestine, liver, and myelin. We also measured binding of FA to a retinoic acid (CRABP-I) and a retinol (CRBP-II) binding protein and we have extended to 19 different FA our characterization of the FA-ADIFAB and FA-rat intestinal FABP interactions. These studies extend our previous analyses of human FABP from adipocyte and rat FABPs from heart, intestine, and liver. Binding affinities varied according to the order brain approximately myelin approximately heart > liver > intestine > CRABP > CRBP. In contrast to previous studies, no protein revealed a high degree of selectivity for particular FA. The results indicate that FA solubility (hydrophobicity) plays a major role in governing binding affinities; affinities tend to increase with increasing hydrophobicity (decreasing solubility) of the FA. However, our results also reveal that, with the exception of the intestinal protein, FABPs exhibit an additional attractive interaction for unsaturated FA that partially compensates for their trend toward lower affinities due to their higher aqueous solubilities. Thermodynamic potentials were determined for oleate and arachidonate binding to a subset of the FABP and retinoid binding proteins. FA binding to all FABPs was enthalpically driven. The DeltaH degrees values for paralogous FABPs, proteins from the same species but different tissues, reveal an exceptionally wide range of values, from -22 kcal/mol (myelin) to -7 kcal/mol (adipocyte). For orthologous FABPs from the same tissue but different species, DeltaH degrees values were similar. In contrast to the enthalpic dominance of FA binding to FABP, binding of FA to CRABP-I was entropically driven. This is consistent with the notion that FA specificity for FABP is determined by the enthalpy of binding. Proteins from different tissues also revealed considerable heterogeneity in heat capacity changes upon FA binding, DeltaC(p) values ranged between 0 and -1.3 kcal mol(-1) K(-1). The results demonstrate that thermodynamic parameters are quite different for paralogous but are quite similar for orthologous FABP, suggesting tissue-specific differences in FABP function that may be conserved across species.  相似文献   
Previous studies focused on indels in the complement C345 protein family identified a number of potential protein-protein interaction sites in components C3 and C5. Here, one of these sites in C5, near the alpha-chain C terminus, was examined by alanine-scanning mutagenesis at 16 of the 18 non-alanine residues in the sequence KEALQIKYNFSF RYIYPLD. Alanine substitutions affected activities in the highly variable manner characteristic of binding sites. Substitutions at the lysine or either phenylalanine residue in the central KYNFSF sequence had the greatest effects, yielding mutants with <20% of the normal activity. These three mutants were also resistant to the classical pathway (CP) C5 convertase, with sensitivities roughly proportional to their hemolytic activities, but had normal susceptibilities to the cobra venom factor (CVF)-dependent convertase. Synthetic peptide MGKEALQIKYNFS-NH2 was found similarly to inhibit CP but not CVF convertase activation, and the effects of alanine substitutions in this peptide largely reflected those of the equivalent mutations in C5. These results indicate that residues KYNFSF form a novel, distal binding site for the CP, but not CVF convertase. This site lies approximately 880 residues downstream of the convertase cleavage site within a module that has been independently named C345C and NTR; this module is found in diverse proteins including netrins and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases.  相似文献   
Four ruminal Prevotella type strains, P. ruminicola JCM8958T, P. bryantii B14T, P. albensis M384T, and P. brevis ATCC19188T, were characterized for polysaccharide-degrading activities with the reducing sugar release assay and zymogram analyses. Carboxymethylcellulase, xylanase, and polygalacturonate (PG)-degrading enzyme activities were determined in cultures grown on oat spelt xylan, xylose, arabinose, cellobiose, and glucose as sole growth substrates. P. ruminicola and P. albensis showed carboxymethylcellulase induction patterns. When xylan was supplied as a sole growth substrate, xylanase activities produced by P. bryantii and P. albensis were at least 18- and 11-fold higher, respectively, than during growth on other carbohydrates, suggesting that the regulation of the xylanases was highly specific to xylan. All strains constitutively produced PG-degrading enzymes. The corresponding activity of P. bryantii was more than 40-fold higher than in other strains. Zymogram analyses routinely detected the presence of high-molecular-weight (100–170 kDa) polysaccharide-degrading enzymes in ruminal Prevotella. Characteristics of the polysaccharide-degrading activities showed diversity of ruminal Prevotella species. Received: 29 November 1999 / Accepted: 1 February 2000  相似文献   
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