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The antibiotic ionophore ionomycin translocates Ca from an aqueous medium into or across an organic immiscible phase. At pH 8.0, ionomycin translocates less Ca than A23187, the effects of these ionophores being additive to one another. The capacity of ionomycin to translocate Ca across the organic phase is dramatically decreased when the pH of the aqueous media is reduced from 8.0 to 7.5 or lower values. Ionomycin also mediates Ca exchange-diffusion in liposomes, the magnitude of such a process being greater in fluid than in rigid liposomes. At a physiological pH (7.4), ionomycin is unexpectedly as potent as A23187 in mediating Ca transport in fluid liposomes. These findings suggest that the capacity of ionophores to translocate Ca across model membranes depends on both the transverse and lateral mobility of the ionophoretic molecules. The relative importance of the latter phenomenon itself largely depends on the stoichiometry of the Ca-ionophore complex.  相似文献   
When partially purified platelet-rat lysate is injected in the rat aorta, transformation of prophospholipase into phospholipase is observed. Blood prophospholipases are activated almost entirely during about 15 minutes; aortic phospholipase are entirely activated for a longer time.  相似文献   
Lipoprotein lipase (EC from rat adipose tissue was purified by affinity chromatography with heparin-Sepharose. Elution was carried out with buffered solutions of increasing NaCl molarity. Proteins without affinity for heparin were eluted with 0.5 M NaCl, while lipoprotein lipase activity was eluted as two peaks with 1.16 M NaCl (In earlier work on human adipose tissue (Etienne et al. (1974) C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris 279, 1487-1490) two fractions with lipoprotein lipase activity were also obtained). Phospholipase activity was detected in the fraction eluted with buffered 0.5 M NaCl and containing proteins without affinity for heparin. On feeding the fasting rats with fresh cream or glucose two peaks were also obtained, but the first peak had clearly increased while the second one had remained virtually unchanged.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Urea is the major nitrogen (N) form supplied as fertilizer in agriculture. However, urease, a nickel-dependent enzyme, allows plants to use external or internally generated urea as a nitrogen source. Since a urease inhibitor is frequently applied in conjunction with urea fertilizer, the N-metabolism of plants may be affected. The aim of this study was to determine physiological and molecular effects of nickel deficiency and a urease inhibitor on urea uptake and assimilation in oilseed rape.


Plants were grown on hydroponic solution with urea as the sole N source under three treatments: plants treated with nickel (+Ni) as a control, without nickel (?Ni) and with nickel and phenylphosphorodiamidate (+Ni+PPD). Urea transport and assimilation were investigated.


The results show that Ni-deficiency or PPD supply led to reduced growth and reduced 15N-uptake from urea. This effect was more pronounced in PPD-treated plants, which accumulated high amounts of urea and ammonium. Thus, Ni-deficiency or addition of PPD, limit the availability of N and decreased shoot and root amino acid content. The up-regulation of BnDUR3 in roots indicated that this gene is a component of the stress response to nitrogen-deficiency. A general decline of glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and activation of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and increases in its expression level were observed in control plants. At the same time, in (?N) or (+Ni+PPD) treated plants, no increases in GS or GDH activities and expression level were found.


Overall results showed that plants require Ni as a nutrient (while most widely used nutrient solutions are devoid of Ni), whether they are grown with or without a urea supply, and that urease inhibitors may have deleterious effects at least in hydroponic grown oilseed rape.  相似文献   
Pollen dispersal in sugar beet production fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pollen-mediated gene flow has important implications for biodiversity conservation and for breeders and farmers’ activities. In sugar beet production fields, a few sugar beet bolters can produce pollen as well as be fertilized by wild and weed beet. Since the crop, the wild beets, and the weed beets are the same species and intercross freely, the question of pollen flow is an important issue to determine the potential dispersal of transgenes from field to field and to wild habitats. We report here an experiment to describe pollen dispersal from a small herbicide-resistant sugar beet source towards male sterile target plants located along radiating lines up to 1,200 m away. Individual dispersal functions were inferred from statistical analyses and compared. Pollen limitation, as expected in root-production fields, was confirmed at all the distances from the pollen source. The number of resistant seeds produced by bait plants best fitted a fat-tailed probability distribution curve of pollen grains (power–law) dependent on the distance from the pollen source. A literature survey confirmed that power–law function could fit in most cases. The b coefficient was lower than 2. The number of fertilized flowers by background (herbicide-susceptible) pollen grains was uniform across the whole field. Airborne pollen had a fertilization impact equivalent to that of one adjacent bolter. The individual dispersal function from different pollen sources can be integrated to provide the pollen cloud composition for a given target plant, thus allowing modeling of gene flow in a field, inter-fields in a small region, and also in seed-production area. Long-distance pollen flow is not negligible and could play an important role in rapid transgene dispersal from crop to wild and weed beets in the landscape. The removing of any bolting, herbicide-resistant sugar beet should be compulsory to prevent the occurrence of herbicide-resistant weed beet, thus preventing gene flow to wild populations and preserving the sustainable utility of the resistant varieties. Whether such a goal is attainable remains an open question and certainly would be worth a large scale experimental study.  相似文献   
Abstract Two strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from patients with toxic shock symptoms have been reported to carry genes related to S. aureus enterotoxins B and C by dot-blot hybridisation, although the corresponding superantigenic toxins were not detected immunologically. We here show that these strains produce no superantigens capable of stimulating proliferation of human mononuclear leukocytes or rabbit splenocytes, and that no DNA homologous to the seb or sec genes can be detected by PCR. However, stimulation of human monocytes by whole killed bacteria induced dose-dependent production of the cytokines TNFα, IL-1 β and IL-6, which may be responsible for the clinical symptoms in these patients.  相似文献   
Changes in soil nutrient availability during long‐term ecosystem development influence the relative abundances of plant species with different nutrient‐acquisition strategies. These changes in strategies are observed at the community level, but whether they also occur within individual species remains unknown. Plant species forming multiple root symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, and nitrogen‐(N) fixing microorganisms provide valuable model systems to examine edaphic controls on symbioses related to nutrient acquisition, while simultaneously controlling for plant host identity. We grew two co‐occurring species, Acacia rostellifera (N2‐fixing and dual AM and ECM symbioses) and Melaleuca systena (AM and ECM dual symbioses), in three soils of contrasting ages (c. 0.1, 1, and 120 ka) collected along a long‐term dune chronosequence in southwestern Australia. The soils differ in the type and strength of nutrient limitation, with primary productivity being limited by N (0.1 ka), co‐limited by N and phosphorus (P) (1 ka), and by P (120 ka). We hypothesized that (i) within‐species root colonization shifts from AM to ECM with increasing soil age, and that (ii) nodulation declines with increasing soil age, reflecting the shift from N to P limitation along the chronosequence. In both species, we observed a shift from AM to ECM root colonization with increasing soil age. In addition, nodulation in A. rostellifera declined with increasing soil age, consistent with a shift from N to P limitation. Shifts from AM to ECM root colonization reflect strengthening P limitation and an increasing proportion of total soil P in organic forms in older soils. This might occur because ECM fungi can access organic P via extracellular phosphatases, while AM fungi do not use organic P. Our results show that plants can shift their resource allocation to different root symbionts depending on nutrient availability during ecosystem development.  相似文献   
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