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Rhodobacter capsulatus strain BK5 possesses a membrane bound respiratory nitrate reductase rather than the periplasmic enzyme found in other strains. The enzyme in strain BK5 is shown to be both functionally and structurally related to the nitrate reductase of Paracoccus denitrificans and Escherichia coli.Abbreviation TMAO trimethylamine-N-oxide  相似文献   
In eukaryotic cells, two enzymes, DNA polymerases alpha and delta, are thought to play major roles in DNA synthesis. I have used butylphenyl dGTP (BuPdGTP), a potent inhibitor of purified DNA polymerase alpha, to assess the relative activities of these enzymes in two permeabilized cell systems. In both instances BuPdGTP eliminated all of the activity which was sensitive to aphidicolin. However, no conditions were found where BuPdGTP preferentially inhibited the synthesis of Okazaki fragments--the presumed products of DNA polymerase alpha activity. This implies that DNA polymerase activities on the two sides of the replication fork are unable to operate independently, being just two elements of the integrated replication machinery that undertakes DNA synthesis in permeabilized cells.  相似文献   
Portia is a genus of specialized web-invading salticids that use aggressive mimicry. Some other salticids leap into webs to catch spiders but do not use aggressive mimicry. Pholcus phalangioides is a web-building spider with a special defensive behaviour—called whirling—in which it swings its body around in a circle while keeping its long legs on the silk. Pholcus phalangioides is preyed on by Portia and probably other salticid spiders in nature. Interactions between P. phalangioides and 13 species of salticids were studied in the laboratory to compare how effective salticids with different styles of predation were at catching the pholcids. Four species of Portia were studied and each was more efficient at catching P. phalangioides than were the other nine salticids tested. For one species—Portia fimbriata—individuals from three different populations were studied. The Queensland P. fimbriata used aggressive mimicry more consistently and were more efficient at catching P. phalangioides than were the other species of Portia and the other populations of P. fimbriata . The salticids that were the most efficient at catching pholcids were also better able to avoid setting off whirling by the pholcids. An experiment in which pholcids were artificially induced to whirl whenever the predator was near provided additional evidence that whirling is an effective defence of pholcids against predation by salticids.  相似文献   
The geochemistry of available soil Se varies enormously in different localities, and the corresponding amounts moving up through crops to food vary accordingly. In a belt extending from northeastern to south central China, the available soil Se was measured by human blood Se levels. Severe deficiency occurred at 8–26 ng/mL; subadequate amounts occurred in large areas with 32–83 ng/mL; adequate amounts of 200–300 ng/mL occurred in large cities; and toxic amounts of 3000–7800 ng/mL occurred in terrace areas where runoff from the uplands evaporated, and in certain other soils. Some heart deaths (Keshan Disease) occurred in children 1 to 10 yr of age in the most deficient areas, but were prevented by 230–900 μg/wk Se supplementation. One mg Se/wk was the adult dosage. In Se deficient areas, the life span of adults was lowered severely (35 to 45 yr), with heart muscle damage common at autopsy. Se and Zn deficiencies are apparently associated with stomach cancer. The geochemistry of Se in the USA is also highly variable, blood Se ranging from 100–350 ng/mL. Se data for individuals are limited; however, ischemic heart death correlated inversely with blood Se in 25 cities of 22 states (r=?70;p<.01). Counties of Wisconsin and Florida are highly variable in human heart death and cancer death rates, as are the 50 states, suggesting Se geographic variability.  相似文献   
Sterol carrier protein2-like activity in rat intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sterol carrier protein2 (SCP2)-like activity has been demonstrated in rat intestinal mucosal homogenates and in isolated intestinal cells from both crypt and villus zones. The results indicate the presence of a protein with similar molecular weight and antigenicity to that of authentic SCP2 purified from rat liver cytosol. Like liver SCP2, mucosal cytosol stimulates pregnenolone production in rat adrenal mitochondria and acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase activity of liver and mucosal microsomes. The distribution of SCP2-like activity as determined by radioimmunoassay indicates high levels in mitochondria and cytosol and relatively lower levels in microsomes and in brush-border membranes. The widespread distribution of SCP2-like protein in the intestine is consistent with potential transfer functions in all phases of cholesterol processing.  相似文献   
Antibodies raised against the synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxy-terminal 24 amino acids (305-328) of the heavy chain of the hemagglutinin molecule of influenza virus A/X-31 (H3) bind this peptide at three antigenic sites. These sites were identified by assaying binding of polyclonal BALB/c mouse antipeptide sera to the complete set of all possible di-, tri, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octapeptides homologous with the 24-residue sequence. Individual epitopes were defined and essential residues identified by testing the binding of monoclonal antibodies to sets of peptide analogues in which every one of the homologous residues was replaced in turn by each of the 19 alternative genetically coded amino acids. The immunodominant epitope was shown to be a linear sequence of five amino acids, 314LKLAT318. Replacement of any one of these residues with any other amino acid resulted in loss of antibody binding, indicating that all five are essential to the interaction and that they are probably contact residues. Another antigenic site contains at least two overlapping epitopes: polyclonal sera recognize predominantly an epitope or epitopes encompassed by the linear sequence 320MRNVPEKQT328, whereas the epitope defined by a particular monoclonal antibody comprises the seven amino acids 322NVPEKQT328, of which N322, E325, and Q327 were implicated as contact residues.  相似文献   
The survival of mice after whole-body exposure to a modified fission neutron-gamma field (n: gamma = 1:1) was used to examine radiation protection by WR-2721, 16,16-dimethyl PGE2(DiPGE2), and the combination of both agents. Administration of WR-2721 (453 mg/kg) increased the LD50/30 from 5.24 to 7.17 Gy (DMF = 1.37), whereas pretreatment with DiPGE2 (1.6 mg/kg) increased the LD50/30 to 5.77 Gy (dose modification factor (DMF) = 1.10). The combination of 453 mg/kg WR-2721 and 0.4 mg/kg DiPGE2 resulted in an LD50/30 of 7.33 Gy, yielding a DMF of 1.39. However, no significant difference in protection was obtained with the combination of the two agents compared to that seen with WR-2721 alone.  相似文献   
1. Isolated amphibian hearts and pectoris cutaneous muscles were exposed either to DNP or to caffeine, thereby producing severe myofilament damage. 2. No accompanying change in sarcolemma permeability was detected by monitoring either CK or LDH release or Procion yellow entry in the heart, or by Procion entry in amphibian skeletal muscle. 3. The findings are in contrast with mammalian cardiac and skeletal muscles, and confirm that the pathways leading to myofilament degradation and to the breakdown in sarcolemma organization are separate.  相似文献   
The plasma lipid and lipoprotein responses to two modified isoenergetic diets including meat were studied in 15 free living men with hyperlipidaemia (mean plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations 8·1 and 3·4 mmol/l). A reference diet (diet A, 42% energy from fat, ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids (P:S ratio) 0·2) was compared with a fat reduced diet (diet B, 35% energy from fat, P:S ratio 0·5) and with a further fat modified diet supplemented with fibre (diet C, 27% energy from fat, P:S ratio 1·0). Daily intake of meat and meat products (180 g/day) was the same in each dietary period; that in diet A had a fat content typical of the average British diet, whereas that in diets B and C was based on very lean meat and meat products. During consumption of diet B the plasma cholesterol concentration fell by 8·6% and low density lipoprotein cholesterol by 11%. During consumption of diet C plasma cholesterol fell by 18·5% and low density lipoprotein cholesterol by 23·8%. Triglyceride and high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations and body weight did not change appreciably during the study.A modified diet including a moderate amount of lean meat and meat products is compatible with a reduced lipoprotein mediated risk of atherosclerotic heart disease.  相似文献   
In the nervous system, a variety of cell types respond to external stimuli through the inositol lipid signalling pathways. The stimulus-coupled sequence of intracellular events has been investigated in a homogeneous model system, the cloned mammalian neural cell line NG115-401L. The neural peptide bradykinin stimulates a rapid production of identified inositol phosphate isomers and an intracellular Ca2+ discharge followed by a persistent plasma membrane influx. The temporal sequence suggests that Ins(1,4,5)P3 or Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 or both may coordinate these events in a neuronal cell, as has been suggested in other cell types. Thapsigargin, an irritant and tumour-promoting plant product, produces calcium transients in the absence of inositol phosphate production, and may provide a new tool for investigating the interactions between inositol phosphates and changes in cellular calcium homeostasis. In the 401L line, high levels of radiolabelled InsP5 and InsP6 have been detected, which has led to the evaluation of their possible occurrence and actions in normal brain. Both InsP5 and InsP6 are produced from a radiolabelled myo-inositol precursor in intact mature brain in a region-specific manner. This suggests that both inositol polyphosphates may be end products of regionally regulated biosynthetic pathways. When microinjected into a nucleus of the brainstem, or iontophoretically applied to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, both InsP5 and InsP6, but not Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 isomers, appear to be potent neural stimulants. These results suggest that the inositol lipid signalling pathways may generate both intracellular and extracellular signals in brain.  相似文献   
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