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Protein crystals, routinely prepared for the elucidation of protein 3D structures by X-ray crystallography, present an ordered and highly accurate 3D array of protein molecules. Inherent to the 3D arrangement of the protein molecules in the crystal is a complementary 3D array of voids made of interconnected cavities and exhibiting highly ordered porosity. The permeability of the porosity of chemically crosslinked enzyme protein crystals to low molecular weight solutes, was used for enzyme mediated organic synthesis and size exclusion chromatography. This permeability might be extended to explore new potential applications for protein crystals, for example, their use as bio-templates for the fabrication of novel, nano-structured composite materials. The quality of composites obtained from "filling" of the ordered voids in protein crystals and their potential applications will be strongly dependent upon an accurate preservation of the order in the original protein crystal 3D array during the "filling" process. Here we propose and demonstrate the feasibility of monitoring the changes in 3D order of the protein array by a step-by-step molecular level monitoring of a model system for hydrogel bio-templating by glutaraldehyde crosslinked lysozyme crystals. This monitoring is based on step-by-step comparative analysis of data obtained from (i) X-ray crystallography: resolution, unit cell dimensions and B-factor values and (ii) fluorescence decay kinetics of ultra-fast laser activated dye, impregnated within these crystals. Our results demonstrated feasibility of the proposed monitoring approach and confirmed that the stabilized protein crystal template retained its 3D structure throughout the process.  相似文献   
α-Isopropylmalate synthase (α-IPMS) catalyzes the metal-dependent aldol reaction between α-ketoisovalerate (α-KIV) and acetyl-coenzyme A (AcCoA) to give α-isopropylmalate (α-IPM). This reaction is the first committed step in the biosynthesis of leucine in bacteria. α-IPMS is homodimeric, with monomers consisting of (β/α)(8) barrel catalytic domains fused to a C-terminal regulatory domain, responsible for binding leucine and providing feedback regulation for leucine biosynthesis. In these studies, we demonstrate that removal of the regulatory domain from the α-IPMS enzymes of both Neisseria meningitidis (NmeIPMS) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuIPMS) results in enzymes that are unable to catalyze the formation of α-IPM, although truncated NmeIPMS was still able to slowly hydrolyze AcCoA. The lack of catalytic activity of these truncation variants was confirmed by complementation studies with Escherichia coli cells lacking the α-IPMS gene, where transformation with the plasmids encoding the truncated α-IPMS enzymes was not able to rescue α-IPMS activity. X-ray crystal structures of both truncation variants reveal that both proteins are dimeric and that the catalytic sites of the proteins are intact, although the divalent metal ion that is thought to be responsible for activating substrate α-KIV is displaced slightly relative to its position in the substrate-bound, wild-type structure. Isothermal titration calorimetry and WaterLOGSY nuclear magnetic resonance experiments demonstrate that although these truncation variants are not able to catalyze the reaction between α-KIV and AcCoA, they are still able to bind the substrate α-KIV. It is proposed that the regulatory domain is crucial for ensuring protein dynamics necessary for competent catalysis.  相似文献   
The eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) is a human antimicrobial protein involved in the host immune defense that belongs to the pancreatic RNase A family. ECP displays a wide range of antipathogen activities. The protein is highly cationic and its bactericidal activity is dependant on both cationic and hydrophobic surface exposed residues. Previous studies on ECP by site-directed mutagenesis indicated that the RNase activity is not essential for its bactericidal activity. To further understand the ECP bactericidal mechanism, we have applied enzymatic and chemical limited cleavage to search for active sequence determinants.Following a search for potential peptidases we selected the Lys-endoproteinase, which cleaves the ECP polypeptide at the carboxyl side of its unique Lys residue, releasing the N-terminal fragment (0-38).Chemical digestion using cyanogen bromide released several complementary peptides at the protein N-terminus. Interestingly, ECP treatment with cyanogen bromide represents a new example of selective chemical cleavage at the carboxyl side of not only Met but also Trp residues. Recombinant ECP was denatured and carboxyamidomethylated prior to enzymatic and chemical cleavage. Irreversible denaturation abolishes the protein bactericidal activity.The characterization of the digestion products by both enzymatic and chemical approaches identifies a region at the protein N-terminus, from residues 11 to 35, that retains the bactericidal activity. The most active fragment, ECP(0-38), is further compared to ECP derived synthetic peptides. The region includes previously identified stretches related to lipopolysaccharide binding and bacteria agglutination. The results contribute to define the shortest ECP minimized version that would retain its antimicrobial properties. The data suggest that the antimicrobial RNase can provide a scaffold for the selective release of cytotoxic peptides.  相似文献   
The growth of various chemically and virally transformed cell types in culture is inhibited when they are in contact with normal cell types. We show that this growth inhibition is contingent on the presence of junctional communication between the normal and transformed cells (heterologous communication), as probed with a 443 dalton microinjected fluorescent tracer. In cell combinations where heterologous communication is weak or absent there is no detectable growth inhibition; the inhibition appears when communication is induced by cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation, and only then. In cell combinations where heterologous communication is spontaneously strong, the growth inhibition is present, but it is abolished when the communication is blocked by retinol or retinoic acid. The cell-to-cell membrane channels of gap junctions are the likely conduits of the signals for this growth control.  相似文献   
Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analyses were performed to determine the reactivity and fate of benzene (BEN) and formaldehyde (FA) in culture medium. BEN (solubility in water: 500 ppm) does not react with culture medium, either with or without fetal calf serum, but its volatility, even in closed vials, is so great that 90% of a 250-ppm solution is lost to the head space after 1 h at 24°C. FA, as a 37% aqueous solution, is a complex mixture that changes composition after 15-min incubation at 38°C. FA is extremely reactive in culture medium containing fetal calf serum, and is much less reactive with medium components in the absence of serum. There is a dramatic increase in the number of daughter products in FA-treated medium over time, such that those seen immediately after FA is added to medium have been replaced after 60-min incubation (38°C in closed vials) by many other interaction products. Methods ensuring maximum solubilization and minimal volatilization of BEN during exposure are essential for obtaining reproducible data on the mutagenic potential of BEN. The volatilization of FA from stock formalin solutions, and, more importantly, the interaction product(s) formed by this highly reactive compound with medium components, especially those in serum, are probably the critical aspects of an effective testing protocol for FA.  相似文献   
Alexandrium taylori Balech is a phototrophic marine dinoflagellate. It produced recurrent blooms during the summer months (July and August) of 1994 to 1997 in La Fosca beach (NW Mediterranean). In addition to a motile vegetative form, A. taylori had two benthic forms: temporary cysts and resting cysts. Temporary cysts were a temporally quiescent stage produced from the ecdysis of the vegetative cell in both natural populations and laboratory cultures. Temporary cysts may divide to form motile cells. Resting cysts had a thicker wall than the temporary cysts and had a red accumulation body. Gametes and planozygotes were also observed in laboratory cultures. Alexandrium taylori showed in situ diurnal vertical migration with an increase of vegetative cells in the water column in the morning through midday, with concentrations peaking in the afternoon followed by lower levels at night. Most vegetative cells lost their thecae and flagella, and with them their motility, turning into temporary cysts that settled in the early evening. The number of temporary cysts in the water column rose in the evening and at night. The temporary cysts gave rise to motile cells the following morning. Synthesis of DNA occurred in vegetative cells at night, and a preferential period of cell division occurred at sunrise. The estimated division rate in the field was 0.4–0.5 vegetative cells·day−1. Temporary cysts had twice the DNA of a G1 vegetative cell. The minimum in situ division rate of the temporary cysts was 0.14 day−1. The role of the resting and temporary cyst population in the annual recurrence and maintenance of the A. taylori bloom is discussed.  相似文献   
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