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Different values have resulted in conflicts between anglers and conservation lobbies in the management of trout in South Africa. Key to the conflict is the demarcation of boundaries to areas in which brown trout Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss currently occur, or are likely to establish following stocking for angling. To provide a longer-term perspective on these areas, we developed models to link salmonid biological thermal thresholds to elevation. These, when applied spatially using a digital elevation model with a probability of occurrence model, provided the basis for estimating potentially available thermal habitat for these two cold water species. Here, we acknowledge that other variables (stocking history; river connectivity) also play a role in understanding trout distributions. Using a simple scenario of an increase in mean daily water temperatures of 2 °C, we demonstrated that both brown and rainbow trout are likely to exhibit considerable range reductions in the future. Because it is possible that these range restrictions will result in an increasing desire to introduce trout into areas above their current distribution limits for the maintenance of angling opportunities, conservation managers should prioritise these areas, with management interventions seeking to understand what will help to limit introductions.  相似文献   
从茎花葱臭木种子中分离得到5个化合物,经理化与波谱分析鉴定为β-谷甾醇(1)、没食子酸乙酯(2)、胡萝卜苷(3)、1-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖基-(2S,3S,4R,8Z)-2-N-(2 ′-羟基二十四烷酰氨基)十八二氧鞘氨-8-烯(4)和2,3,2″,3″-四氢穗花杉双黄酮(5).这5个化合物均首次从该植物中分离得到.其中化合物5进行细胞毒活性测试,没有显示抑制活性.  相似文献   
5-HT(五羟色胺)能神经元是起源最早的神经元之一,在传统的神经元形成前,成长中的轴突就可释放5-HT,并且通过5-HT的各种亚型受体来实现不同的功能。近年来,随着5-HT、5-HTRs(五羟色胺受体)的基因克隆及5-HT受体选择性激动剂和拮抗剂的研究发展,5-HT系统在学习记忆中的作用越发明确,许多研究结果表明:5-HT系统在记忆的巩固、短时程记忆(STM)及长时程记忆(LTM)中起重要作用,5-HT1A受体更是在非脊椎动物及哺乳动物的脑中都高度表达,并通过相似的信号转导途径参与学习与记忆的形成和巩固。本文将介绍5-HT1A受体、5-HT1A受体激动剂、5-HT1A受体拮抗剂及其与学习记忆的联系,重点综述5-HT1A受体参与学习记忆的信号转导途径研究进展,讨论5-HT1A受体参与学习记忆的可能性分子神经生物学机制。  相似文献   
Angiotensin II (ANG II) promotes neointimal growth in the balloon-injured rat carotid artery. However, the mechanism by which ANG II stimulates neointimal growth during vascular injury is not known. In cultured vascular smooth muscle cells, ANG II activates Akt through cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2)-dependent phospholipase D2 (PLD2). This study was conducted to determine whether ANG II-induced neointimal thickening is mediated via cPLA2- and PLD2-activated Akt in balloon-injured rat carotid arteries. ANG II-stimulated neointimal growth was inhibited by exposure of the injured carotid arteries to an adenovirus containing a dominant negative Akt mutant (intima-to-media ratio from 3.01 +/- 0.31 to 1.44 +/- 0.14, P < 0.01) or a retrovirus containing cPLA2 small interfering RNA (siRNA; intima-to-media ratio from 3.01 +/- 0.31 to 1.16 +/- 0.36, P < 0.001) or PLD2 siRNA (intima-to-media ratio from 3.01 +/- 0.31 to 1.33 +/- 0.11, P < 0.001). The effect of cPLA2 and PLD2 siRNA to reduce the ANG II-induced increase in neointimal thickening was associated with reduced expression of cPLA2 and PLD2 as determined by immunohistochemical analysis in injured carotid arteries. Western blot analysis showed that Akt phosphorylation that was increased by ANG II was inhibited in injured carotid arteries 2 days after exposure to cPLA2 or PLD2 siRNA or in injured arteries isolated after exposure to these agents for 30 min and then placed in tissue culture media for 24 h in the presence of these agents. These data suggest that the ANG II-induced neointimal growth is mediated by the activation of Akt through a mechanism dependent on cPLA2 and PLD2 activation in balloon-injured rat carotid arteries.  相似文献   
Rotavirus gene structure and function.   总被引:127,自引:0,他引:127       下载免费PDF全文
Knowledge of the structure and function of the genes and proteins of the rotaviruses has expanded rapidly. Information obtained in the last 5 years has revealed unexpected and unique molecular properties of rotavirus proteins of general interest to virologists, biochemists, and cell biologists. Rotaviruses share some features of replication with reoviruses, yet antigenic and molecular properties of the outer capsid proteins, VP4 (a protein whose cleavage is required for infectivity, possibly by mediating fusion with the cell membrane) and VP7 (a glycoprotein), show more similarities with those of other viruses such as the orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses, and alphaviruses. Rotavirus morphogenesis is a unique process, during which immature subviral particles bud through the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). During this process, transiently enveloped particles form, the outer capsid proteins are assembled onto particles, and mature particles accumulate in the lumen of the ER. Two ER-specific viral glycoproteins are involved in virus maturation, and these glycoproteins have been shown to be useful models for studying protein targeting and retention in the ER and for studying mechanisms of virus budding. New ideas and approaches to understanding how each gene functions to replicate and assemble the segmented viral genome have emerged from knowledge of the primary structure of rotavirus genes and their proteins and from knowledge of the properties of domains on individual proteins. Localization of type-specific and cross-reactive neutralizing epitopes on the outer capsid proteins is becoming increasingly useful in dissecting the protective immune response, including evaluation of vaccine trials, with the practical possibility of enhancing the production of new, more effective vaccines. Finally, future analyses with recently characterized immunologic and gene probes and new animal models can be expected to provide a basic understanding of what regulates the primary interactions of these viruses with the gastrointestinal tract and the subsequent responses of infected hosts.  相似文献   
肠道病毒71型作为引起儿童群体常见传染性手足口病(HFMD)的主要病原,具有导致少量感染个体出现脑炎等神经系统病变以及相关心肺功能衰竭的病理学特性.因此其预防性疫苗的研发具有重要的公共卫生意义.在前期工作的基础上,一种EV71灭活病毒疫苗(人二倍体细胞)在本研究中基于恒河猴婴猴模型进行了相应的免疫保护性分析.以160EU剂量对2~3月龄婴猴进行0,4周免疫后,动物在第4周接受了剂量为10。~CCID50的病毒经呼吸道的攻击.对病毒攻击后动物在14天内的临床症状、血液生物学、器官病原学分布以及病理学检测的动态观察表明,经疫苗免疫的动物未出现对照动物所具有的特征性临床表现,其血液生物学及病理学检测均无异常.同时,器官病原学分布亦呈阴性.结合动物中和抗体的明确增长及对照动物的综合表现分析,本文的工作证实了该EV71灭活病毒疫苗(人二倍体细胞)在恒河猴婴猴体内的免疫保护性.  相似文献   
蒜香藤(Pseudocalymma alliaceum Sandw.)又名紫铃藤,为紫葳科(Bignoniaceae)常绿藤状灌木,原产于南美洲的圭亚那和巴西。蒜香藤花、叶在搓揉之后,有浓浓的大蒜香味,其叶深绿富有光泽,花形大而优美,中国许多地方已引种栽培,一般作为篱笆、围墙美化或凉亭、棚架装饰之用。蒜香藤具有浓郁的蒜香,甚至可作为蒜的替代物用于烹饪。但有关其叶挥发性成分研究尚未见报道。本文利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC—MS)分析了西双版纳植物园引种栽培的蒜香藤叶挥发油的化学成分,以期为合理开发和利用蒜香藤植物资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   
We previously characterized three neutralization-positive epitopes (NP1 [1a and 1b], NP2, and NP3) and three neutralization-negative epitopes on the simian rotavirus SA11 VP4 with 13 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Conformational changes occurred as a result of the binding of NP1 MAbs to the SA11 spike VP4, and enhanced binding of all neutralization-negative MAbs was observed when NP1 MAbs bound VP4 in a competitive MAb capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. To further understand the structure and function of VP4, we have continued studies with these MAbs. Electron microscopic and sucrose gradient analyses of SA11-MAb complexes showed that triple-layered viral particles disassembled following treatment with NP1b MAbs 10G6 and 7G6 but not following treatment with NP1a MAb 9F6, NP2 MAb 2G4, and NP3 MAb 23. Virus infectivity was reduced approximately 3 to 5 logs by the NP1b MAbs. These results suggest that NP1b MAb neutralization occurs by a novel mechanism. We selected four neutralization escape mutants of SA11 with these VP4 MAbs and characterized them by using plaque reduction neutralization assays, hemagglutination inhibition assays, and an antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. These analyses support the previous assignment of the NP1a, NP1b, NP2, and NP3 MAbs into separate epitopes and confirmed that the viruses were truly neutralization escape mutants. Nucleotide sequence analyses found 1 amino acid (aa) substitution in VP8* of VP4 at (i) aa 136 for NP1a MAb mutant 9F6R, (ii) aa 180 and 183 for NP1b MAb mutants 7G6R and 10G6R, respectively, and (iii) aa 194 for NP3 MAb mutant 23R. The NP1b MAb mutants showed an unexpected enhanced binding with heterologous nonneutralization MAb to VP7 compared with parental SA11 and the other mutants. Taken together, these results suggest that the NP1b epitope is a critical site for VP4 and VP7 interactions and for virus stability.  相似文献   
A central goal for most biopharmaceutical companies is to reduce the development timeline to reach clinical proof of concept. This objective requires the development of tools that ensure the quality of biotherapeutic material destined for the clinic. Recent advances in high throughput protein analytics provide confidence in our ability to assess productivity and product quality attributes at early stages of cell line development. However, one quality attribute has, until recently, been absent from the standard battery of analytical tests facilitating informed choices early in cell line selection: genetic sequence confirmation. Techniques historically used for mutation analysis, such as detailed mass spectrometry, have limitations on the sample number and turnaround times making it less attractive at early stages. Thus, we explored the utility of Next‐Generation Sequencing (NGS) as a solution to address these limitations. Amplicon sequencing is one such NGS technique that is robust, rapid, sensitive, and amenable to multiplexing, all of which are essential attributes for our purposes. Here we report a NGS method based upon amplicon sequencing that has been successfully incorporated into our cell line development workflow alongside other high‐throughput protein analytical assays. The NGS method has demonstrated its value by identifying at least one Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) clone expressing a variant form of the biotherapeutic in each of the four clinical programs in which it has been utilized. We believe this sequence confirmation method is essential to safely accelerating the time to clinical proof of concept of biotherapeutics, and guard against delays related to sequence mutations. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:813–817, 2016  相似文献   
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