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Among bacterial protein toxins, the cytolethal distending toxins (CDTs) are unique in their ability to activate the DNA damage checkpoint responses, causing cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in intoxicated cells. We provide direct evidence that natural intoxication of cells with the Haemophilus ducreyi CDT (HdCDT) holotoxin induces DNA double-strand breaks similarly to ionizing radiation. Upon DNA damage, epithelial cells and fibroblasts promote the formation of actin stress fibres via activation of the small GTPase RhoA. This phenomenon is not toxin specific, but is part of the ATM-induced cellular responses to genotoxic stresses, including ionizing radiation. Activation of RhoA is associated with prolonged cell survival, as HdCDT-treated epithelial cells expressing a dominant-negative form of RhoA detach and consequently die faster than cells expressing a functional RhoA. Our data highlight several novel aspects of CDT biology: (i) we show that a member of the CDT family causes DNA double-strand breaks in naturally intoxicated cells, acting as a true genotoxic agent; and (ii) we disclose the existence of a novel signalling pathway for intracellularly triggered activation of the RhoA GTPase via the ATM kinase in response to DNA damage, possibly required to prolong cell survival.  相似文献   
The appearance of growth advantage in stationary phase or GASP was originally detected in Escherichia coli. The presence of this phenotype in other enterobacteria such as Enterobacter cloacae, Salmonella typhimurium, Providencia stuartii and Shigella dysenteriae is described in this work. E. cloacae GASP strains presented lower levels of RpoS than the parental strain, although no mutation in the gene or its promoter was detected. This work offers evidence of GASP rpoS-independent pathways as GASP was also acquired in knock-out rpoS E. cloacae and E. coli strains.  相似文献   
Different classes of photoreceptors (PRs) allow animals to perceive various types of visual information. In the Drosophila eye, the outer PRs of each ommatidium are involved in motion detection while the inner PRs mediate color vision. In addition, flies use a specialized class of inner PRs in the "dorsal rim area" of the eye (DRA) to detect the e-vector of polarized light, allowing them to exploit skylight polarization for orientation. We show that homothorax is both necessary and sufficient for inner PRs to adopt the polarization-sensitive DRA fate instead of the color-sensitive default state. Homothorax increases rhabdomere size and uncouples R7-R8 communication to allow both cells to express the same opsin rather than different ones as required for color vision. Homothorax expression is induced by the iroquois complex and the wingless (wg) pathway. However, crucial wg pathway components are not required, suggesting that additional signals are involved.  相似文献   
In this paper the possible involvement of the mannose-receptor on the non-specific recognition and phagocytosis of heat killed yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) head-kidney leucocytes was established by studying the ability of different sugars to inhibit the uptake of the yeast cells by leucocytes. Leucocytes were preincubated for 30min with different concentrations of sugar (alpha-mannan, d-mannose, d-fucose, l-fucose, d-glucose, d-glucosamine and n-acetyl-glucosamine, all of them described as specific ligands of the vertebrate mannose-receptor) and afterwards incubated with FITC-labelled yeast cells for phagocytosis assays. The phagocytic ability (percentage of cells with one or more ingested yeast cells within the total cell population) and capacity (number of ingested yeast cells per cell) of leucocytes was analysed by flow cytometry. The results demonstrate the potential existence of a specific receptor-sugar or receptor-yeast cell binding process, which was saturable, specific and dose-dependent. More specifically, when leucocytes were preincubated with appropriate doses of d-mannose, d- or l-fucose, d-glucose or n-acetyl-glucosamine the phagocytosis of yeast cells by head-kidney leucocytes was partially blocked. Seabream leucocytes were also preincubated with chloroquine, a lysosomotropic drug which downregulates (in a nonspecific manner) the expression of mannose-receptors in mammals, before phagocytosis assays were performed. The results demonstrated that the phagocytosis of yeast was completely blocked by this substance. The overall results seem to corroborate the presence of the mannose-receptor in seabream phagocytes, which is involved in the non-specific binding and phagocytosis of yeast cells by head-kidney leucocytes.  相似文献   
Several common situations in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) farming, such as air exposure, crowding and the use of anaesthetics, have been demonstrated to be stressful. In the present study, these conditions were simulated in the laboratory, after which head-kidney natural cytotoxic cell (NCC) activity was evaluated. For this, several specimens were air exposed for 2 min, returned to the aquarium and sampled from 0 to 4 days after exposure. NCC activity was significantly lower on the day following air-exposure compared with the control (rested fish) but not at any other time studied. Other fish were crowded (100 kg biomass m(-3), 2 h), returned to an aquarium with the same density as the control group (9 kg m(-3)) and sampled from 0 to 4 days after treatment. Head-kidney NCC activity was statistically increased compared with the control (resting) fish, 1 day after crowding. Anaesthesis for 1 h with 60 or 200 microl 2-phenoxyethanol l(-1)had no significant effect on NCC activity, while the use of 50 mg MS222 l(-1)for 1 h reduced such activity (by about 40%) compared with the control. In other experiments, fish were consecutively treated with crowding and anaesthetics. When treated with the lowest 2-phenoxyethanol concentration after crowding, the NCC activity inhibition was abolished compared with the activity in fish treated either with crowding or anaesthetic alone, while the use of the highest concentration increased such inhibition. The use of MS222 after crowding did not produce any differential effect compared with the fish treated with only one of the factors. In conclusion, NCC activity is affected differently according to the stress factor applied (hypoxia, crowding and/or anaesthetics). Differences in the effects provoked by these stressors on other seabream innate immune parameters are discussed.  相似文献   
DyDOC describes soil carbon dynamics, with a focus on dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The model treats the soil as a three-horizon profile, and simulates metabolic carbon transformations, sorption reactions and water transport. Humic substances are partitioned into three fractions, one of which is immobile, while the other two (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) can pass into solution as DOC. DyDOC requires site-specific soil characteristics, and is driven by inputs of litter and water, and air and soil temperatures. The model operates on hourly and daily time steps, and can simulate carbon cycling over both long (hundreds-to-thousands of years) and short (daily) time scales. An important feature of DyDOC is the tracking of 14C, from its entry in litter to its loss as DO14C in drainage water, enabling information about C dynamics to be obtained from both long-term radioactive decay, and the characteristic 14C pulse caused by thermonuclear weapon testing during the 1960s ("bomb carbon"). Parameterisation is performed by assuming a current steady state. Values of a range of variables, including C pools, annual DOC fluxes, and 14C signals, are combined into objective functions for least-squares minimisation. DyDOC has been applied successfully to spruce forest sites at Birkenes (Norway) and Waldstein (Germany), and most of the parameters have similar values at the two sites. The results indicate that the supply of DOC from the surface soil horizon to percolating water depends upon the continual metabolic production of easily leached humic material. In contrast, concentrations and fluxes of DOC in the deeper soil horizons are controlled by sorption processes, involving comparatively large pools of leachable organic matter. Times to reach steady state are calculated to be several hundred years in the organic layer, and hundreds-to-thousands of years in the deeper mineral layers. It is estimated that DOC supplies 89% of the mineral soil carbon at Birkenes, and 73% at Waldstein. The model, parameterised with "steady state" data, simulates short-term variations in DOC concentrations and fluxes, and in DO14C, which are in approximate agreement with observations.  相似文献   
Under certain conditions, olive trees grown on calcareous soils suffer from iron chlorosis. In the present study several olive varieties and scion-rootstock combinations were evaluated for their tolerance to iron chlorosis. Plants were grown over several months in pots with a calcareous soil, under two fertilization treatments. These consisted of periodic applications of nutrient solutions containing either, 30 μmol/L FeEDDHA or not Fe. Tolerance was assessed by the chlorosis and growth parameters of plants grown without Fe, compared to those plants grown with Fe. Results show that there are differences in tolerance among olive varieties and that tolerance is mainly determined by the genotype of the rootstock. These results open the way to use tolerant varieties for those conditions where iron chlorosis could become a problem.  相似文献   
Mammalian cells harbor three highly homologous and widely expressed members of the ras family (H-ras, N-ras, and K-ras), but it remains unclear whether they play specific or overlapping cellular roles. To gain insight into such functional roles, here we generated and analyzed H-ras null mutant mice, which were then also bred with N-ras knockout animals to ascertain the viability and properties of potential double null mutations in both loci. Mating among heterozygous H-ras(+/-) mice produced H-ras(-/-) offspring with a normal Mendelian pattern of inheritance, indicating that the loss of H-ras did not interfere with embryonic and fetal viability in the uterus. Homozygous mutant H-ras(-/-) mice reached sexual maturity at the same age as their littermates, and both males and females were fertile. Characterization of lymphocyte subsets in the spleen and thymus showed no significant differences between wild-type and H-ras(-/-) mice. Analysis of neuronal markers in the brains of knockout and wild-type H-ras mice showed that disruption of this locus did not impair or alter neuronal development. Breeding between our H-ras mutant animals and previously available N-ras null mutants gave rise to viable double knockout (H-ras(-/-)/N-ras(-/-)) offspring expressing only K-ras genes which grew normally, were fertile, and did not show any obvious phenotype. Interestingly, however, lower-than-expected numbers of adult, double knockout animals were consistently obtained in Mendelian crosses between heterozygous N-ras/H-ras mice. Our results indicate that, as for N-ras, H-ras gene function is dispensable for normal mouse development, growth, fertility, and neuronal development. Additionally, of the three ras genes, K-ras appears to be not only essential but also sufficient for normal mouse development.  相似文献   
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