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Comparative studies of intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence of apyrases purified from two potato tuber varieties (Pimpernel and Desirée) were performed to determine differences in the microenvironment of the nucleotide binding site. The dissociation constants (K(d)) of Pimpernel apyrase for the binding of different fluorescent substrate analogs: methylanthranoyl (MANT-), trinitrophenyl (TNP-), and epsilon -derivatives of ATP and ADP were determined from the quenching of Trp fluorescence, and compared with K(d) values previously reported for Desirée enzyme. Binding of non-fluorescent substrate analogues decreased the Trp emission of both isoapyrases, indicating conformational changes in the vicinity of these residues. Similar effect was observed with fluorescent derivatives where, in the quenching effect, the transfer of energy from tryptophan residues to the fluorophore moiety could be additionally involved. The existence of energy transfer between Trp residues in the Pimpernel enzyme was demonstrated with epsilon -analogues, similar to our previous observations with the Desirée. From these results we deduced that tryptophan residues are close to or in the nucleotide binding site in both enzymes. Experiments with quenchers like acrylamide, Cs(+) and I(-), both in the presence and absence of nucleotide analogues, suggest the existence of differences in the nucleotide binding site of the two enzymes. From the results obtained in this work, we can conclude that the differences found in the microenvironment of the nucleotide binding site can explain, at least in part, the kinetic behaviour of both isoenzymes.  相似文献   
Nieto C  Espinosa M 《Plasmid》2003,49(3):281-285
Plasmid pMV158 has been employed to construct cloning non-mobilizable vectors for various Gram-positive organisms. Here we report the construction of a mobilizable pMV158-based plasmid that harbors the gene encoding the green fluorescent protein under the control of a promoter inducible by maltose. The plasmid was mobilized between strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae as well as from S. pneumoniae to Lactococcus lactis or Enterococcus faecalis at the same frequency as its parental. Transconjugant that received the GFP-tagged plasmid could be detected by their fluorescence, which was especially high in E. faecalis cells.  相似文献   
A colorimetric method for measuring the viability of Leishmania promastigotes is described that is based on the reduction of the tetrazolium salt, XTT, to a water-soluble formazan. Values obtained by the XTT method correlated well with parasite number (r=0.965) and with methods that rely upon the reduction of MTT or MTS (r=0.96 and 0.97, respectively). The IC(50) values obtained by XTT method with amphotericin-B, miltefosine and ketoconazole were similar to those previously reported by other methods. The XTT method proved to be a reliable and convenient method for the screening of methanolic extracts from 1059 plants and was used for the bioassay-guided fractionation of the alkaloid aegeline from Sarcorhachis naranjoana.  相似文献   
The method ofsurfactant instillation into the lungs for treatment of neonatalrespiratory distress syndrome is an important attribute of delivery,and it may determine the overall efficacy of treatment. Previousstudies primarily focused on the rate at which the bolus is instilled.These findings show that rapid injections lead to a more homogenousdistribution, whereas slow infusions drain into the dependent lung withrespect to gravity, resulting in a heterogeneous deposition. Theseresults suggest that it is beneficial to form a meniscus, from which amore homogenous dispersal can proceed. The objective of the presentstudy was to develop a functional criterion for meniscus formationduring bolus injection. An in vitro experiment was used to examine theclinical setting of surfactant instillation. The physical variablesexamined were the bolus viscosity (µ) and density (), gravity(g), injection rate (Q), orientation of thetrachea with respect to gravity (), tracheal size(D), surface tension (), andcatheter size (d). All quantitieswere varied, except gravity and catheter size. Experimental resultsshow that a meniscus will form whenNSt > 0.004Re2/3, whereNSt is Stokesnumber and Re is Reynolds number,NSt = µQ/D4gsin,a ratio of viscous effects to gravitational effects, and Re = QD/d2µ,a ratio of inertial effects to viscous effects. Rapid injections, highviscosity, and small inclination with respect to gravity promotemeniscus formation. These results can be used to refine the guidelinesfor administration of surfactant replacement therapy.

In this study, the ability of Bothrops asper snake venom (BaV) to increase the production of prostaglandins PGE2 and PGD2 was assessed in a mouse model in vivo and in inflammatory cells in vitro. In addition, the expressions of COX-1 and COX-2 were assessed. BaV induced an increment in the in vivo synthesis of PGE2 and PGD2, together with an enhanced expression of COX-2, but not of COX-1. However, enzymatic activities of COX-1 and COX-2 were increased. Incubation of isolated macrophages and neutrophils with a sub-cytotoxic concentration of BaV in vitro resulted in increased release of PGE2 and PGD2 by macrophages and PGE2 by neutrophils, concomitantly with an increment in the expression of COX-2, but not of COX-1 by both cell types. Our results demonstrate the ability of BaV to promote the expression of COX-2 and to induce the synthesis of proinflammatory prostaglandins. Macrophages and neutrophils may be important targets for this venom under in vivo situation.  相似文献   
Deforestation and fragmentation are major components of global change; both are contributing to the rapid loss of tropical forest area with important implications for ecosystem functioning and biodiversity conservation. The forests of South Ecuador are a biological ‘hotspot’ due to their high diversity and endemism levels. We examined the deforestation and fragmentation patterns in this area of high conservation value using aerial photographs and Aster satellite scenes. The registered annual deforestation rates of 0.75% (1976–1989) and 2.86% (1989–2008) for two consecutive survey periods, the decreasing mean patch size and the increasing isolation of the forest fragments show that the area is under severe threat. Approximately 46% of South Ecuador’s original forest cover had been converted by 2008 into pastures and other anthropogenic land cover types. We found that deforestation is more intense at lower elevations (premontane evergreen forest and shrubland) and that the deforestation front currently moves in upslope direction. Improved awareness of the spatial extent, dynamics and patterns of deforestation and forest fragmentation is urgently needed in biologically diverse areas like South Ecuador.  相似文献   
Understanding the principles underlying the plasticity of signal transduction networks is fundamental to decipher the functioning of living cells. In Myxococcus xanthus, a particular chemosensory system (Frz) coordinates the activity of two separate motility systems (the A- and S-motility systems), promoting multicellular development. This unusual structure asks how signal is transduced in a branched signal transduction pathway. Using combined evolution-guided and single cell approaches, we successfully uncoupled the regulations and showed that the A-motility regulation system branched-off an existing signaling system that initially only controlled S-motility. Pathway branching emerged in part following a gene duplication event and changes in the circuit structure increasing the signaling efficiency. In the evolved pathway, the Frz histidine kinase generates a steep biphasic response to increasing external stimulations, which is essential for signal partitioning to the motility systems. We further show that this behavior results from the action of two accessory response regulator proteins that act independently to filter and amplify signals from the upstream kinase. Thus, signal amplification loops may underlie the emergence of new connectivity in signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   
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