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Vasopressin antiserum was given to two day old rats and the nociceptive thresholds were evaluated three months later. The rats were hypersensitive to pain when electrical current, but not heat, was used as the noxious stimulus. These animals were also insensitive to cold-water swim, a non-opioid form of stress analgesia. The vasopressin content in the pituitary or in the hypothalamus was not however modified by the neonatal treatment. The present results suggest a physiological role for vasopressin in non-opioid pain inhibitory systems.  相似文献   
Summary We cloned the Penicillium chrysogenum trpC gene from a genomic library by complementation of an Escherichia coli trpC mutant lacking phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase activity. The gene ecodes a 2.7 kb poly(A)+ RNA. We localized the gene by sequence analysis in a 2.9 kb DNA insert found in the smallest plasmid selected from the library. Sequence data strongly suggest that the organization of the gene is similar to that described in other Ascomycetes. We found that a DNA fragment which codes only for the carboxy-terminal protion of the polypeptide is sufficient for complementation of the E. coli trpC9830 mutation.  相似文献   
These experiments in the slowly adapting stretch receptor of crayfish test the effects of brief length perturbations (i.e., pulses) when presented in isolation at different constant elongations or superimposed on trapezoidal stretches of different amplitudes. Within "in vivo" lengths, during static responses, perturbations reduced firing rates to below control values and, in extreme cases, could silence the receptor. This effect, or "down-step," was sustained, occurred above a threshold pulse amplitude and background stretch, and increased with both stimulus characteristics, but was not present during dynamic responses. Beyond "in vivo" lengths, and in a few cases within those limits but close to the extremes, the receptor was silent but perturbations could restore activity. Lengthening pulses were more effective than shortening ones in generating after-effects. Perturbations change, during indefinitively long periods, the receptor's length or static sensitivity acting as a negative feedback which tends to maintain the discharge rate within fixed values. Perturbations disclose marked nonlinearities, which suggest that the classical view of a proportional control in the reflex loop in which the receptor participates may not operate in natural conditions.  相似文献   
Influenza virus-specific RNA has been synthesized in vitro, using cytoplasmic or microsomal fractions of influenza virus-infected MDCK cells. The RNA polymerase activity was stimulated 5-30 times by priming with ApG. About 20-30% of the product was polyadenylated. Most of the in vitro product was of positive polarity, as shown by hybridization to strand specific probes and by T1 fingerprinting of the poly(A)+ and poly(A)- RNA segments encoding haemagglutinin and nucleoprotein. The size of poly(A)- RNA segments, determined on sequencing gels, was indistinguishable from that of virion RNA, whereas poly(A)+ RNA segments contain poly(A) tails approximately 50 nucleotides long. The size of in vitro synthesized RNA segments was also determined by gel electrophoresis of S1-treated double-stranded RNAs, obtained by hybridization of poly(A)+ or poly(A)- RNA fractions with excess of unlabelled virion RNA. The results of these experiments indicate that poly(A)- RNA contains full-length complementary RNA. This conclusion is further substantiated by the presence of additional oligonucleotides in the T1 fingerprints of in vitro synthesized poly(A)- haemagglutinin or nucleoprotein RNA, selected by hybridization to cloned DNA probes corresponding to the 3' termini of the genes.  相似文献   
The regrowth of 27 temperature-sensitive division mutants of Streptococcus faecium ATCC 9790 was examined after various periods of incubation at the nonpermissive temperature. Several of the mutants blocked at various stages of septum formation or of daughter-cell separation divided in a partially or completely synchronous way after a short incubation at the nonpermissive temperature. All four lytic mutants blocked early in the cell division cycle divided at a normal rate after a brief lag.  相似文献   
Extraction with dimethyl sulfoxide of wood-meal of the stem of bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella), a south Brazilian hardwood, that was defatted and delignified by treatment with aqueous chlorine at 0–5° followed by extraction with cold ethanol, gave a soluble O-acetylated 4-O-methyl-d-glucurono-d-xylan having (1→4)-linked β-d-xylopyranosyl residues that were unsubstituted (65%) and 2-O-(14%), 3-O- (16%), and 2,3-di-O-acetylated (5%), as determined by methylation analysis. Another preparation obtained by use of refluxing ethanol in the delignification process showed neither removal nor migration of acetyl groups. By comparison with synthetic, partly O-acetylated d-xylans of known composition, 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy indicated that O-acetyl group migration does not occur during treatment with cold aqueous chlorine, refluxing ethanol, or water at 70°. Methyl 2-O-acetyl-4-O-methyl-β-d-xylopyranoside (6) was also unaffected by aqueous chlorine. O-Acetyl group migration took place more readily in aqueous and dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of 6 than of O-acetyl-d-xylans. The lowest temperatures at which migration was observed in monosaccharides was at 50 and 70° for solutions in D2O and (CD3)2SO, respectively.  相似文献   
Résumé Dans le but d'étudier des souches d'actinomycètes productrices de substances antifongiques de structure non-polyénique, 13, échantillons de sol prélevés dans le sud de la France ont été examinés. L'utilisation de milieux sélectifs a permis d'isoler 486 souches d'actinomycètes qui ont été testées vis-à-vis de quatre espèces de champignons et de levures: 18% des souches isolées sont actives sur au moins l'une des espèces utilisées. Parmi celles-ci 14 souches, productrices de substances de structure non-polyénique, ont été sélectionnées après étude des spectres d'absorption en UV des surnageants de culture, des extraits butanoliques de ces surnageants ou des extraits méthanoliques de mycélium. L'utilisation d'un test bactérien de toxicité à court terme (SOS Chromotest) a permis de montrer que 10 souches sur 14 présentent aussi une activité génotoxique.
Summary In order to study actinomycete strains producing non-polyenic antifungal substances 13 soil samples were collected in S. France. By using selective media 486 strains of actinomycetes were isolated and tested on four species of moulds and yeasts: 18% of the isolated strains were active against one or more of the test organisms. From these isolates 14 producers of non-polyenic antifungal substances were selected by means of u.v. absorption spectra of culture supernatant fractions, butanol extracts of these fractions, or methanol extracts of mycelium. A rapid bacterial toxicity assay (SOS Chromotest) demonstrated that 10 of the 14 selected strains had genotoxic activity.

Resumen Para el estudio de cepas de actinomicetes productores de sustancias antifúngicas no poliénicas, se recogieron 13 muestras de suelo en el S. de Francia. Utilizando medios selectivos se aislaron 486 cepas de actinomicetes que se ensayaron frente a cuatro especies de mohos y levaduras: 18% de las cepas aisladas mostraron actividad frente a uno o más de los organismos utilizados en el test. De estas cepas se seleccionaron 14 que eran productoras de sustancias antifúngicas no poliénicas mediante el espectro de absorción al U.V. de las fracciones sobrenadantes del cultivo, de extractos butanólicos de dichas fracciones o de extractos metanólicos del micelio. Un ensayo rápido de toxicidad bacteriana (SOS Chromotest) mostró que de las 14 cepas seleccionadas lo tenían actividad genotóxica.
Human platelets incubated in the presence of 54 microM [1-14C]22:6 produced hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid (HDHE) at about half the rate with which 12-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid is produced from [1-14C]arachidonic acid. More than 90% of the radioactivity in HDHE was distributed among two major isomers, 14-HDHE and 11-HDHE. The production of HDHEs was unaffected by indomethacin but completely inhibited by 5,8,11,14-heneicosatetraynoic acid, which suggests that the hydroxy fatty acids are produced by lipoxygenase. The proportions of HDHE isomers varied with the concentration of 22:6. The ratio 14-HDHE/11-HDHE was higher at 6.8 microM 22:6 than when platelets were incubated with 54 microM 22:6. It is suggested that the amounts of these isomers produced will depend both on the availability of 22:6 as well as by competition of this acid with other acids for lipoxygenase.  相似文献   
The chromosomal location of the active NORs has been analyzed by a silver impregnation procedure in theSteropleurus martorelli complex. A primary NOR, which is always present at the first meiotic prophase, has been found in each of the four described races. In addition to this, all races possess one or two secondary NORs which are less active than the former and can be occasionally shown. Usually only one of the two homologous chromosomes has been found to be involved with nucleolus organisation.These results are discussed in relation to hypotheses on the chromosome differentiation of this species complex.  相似文献   
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