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The study examines the basic morphological and ecological features of Dolly Varden from Lake Kronotskoe (Russia, Kamchatka). Seven valid morphs different in head proportions, feeding, timing, and place of spawning have been determined in this ecosystem. The basic morphometric characteristics clearly separate Lake Kronotskoe morphs from each other, as well as from its potential ancestor (Dolly Varden). According to CVA analysis, the most notable morphological characteristics determining the mouth position are the length of a lower jaw and rostrum. Furthermore, five of seven morphs inhabit different depth zones of the lake and feed on different food resources. Our data suggest that reproductive isolation may be maintained by temporal/spatial isolation for two morphs with lacustrine spawning, and by spatial isolation only for the rest of the morphs with riverine spawning. The sympatric diversity of the Lake Kronotskoe charrs is exceptionally wide, and there are no other examples for seven sympatric morphs of genus Salvelinus to coexist within a single ecosystem. This study puts forward a three‐step hypothetical model of charr divergence in Lake Kronotskoe as a potential ground for future studies.  相似文献   
Identifying the mechanisms initiating sympatric diversification in vertebrates has remained a conceptual challenge. Here, we analyse an assemblage of sympatric charr (Salvelinus malma) morphs from landlocked Lake Kronotskoe basin as a model to uncover the divergence pathways in freshwater fishes during the early life history stages. All morphs have distinct developmental biology, but a similar developmental rate retardation compared to the ancestor. Our study reveals that adult morphological differences, which acquire functionality at maturation, originate in the early juvenile stages due to heterochrony in skeletogenesis and allometric changes triggered by variation in metabolic activity. The craniofacial differences among the morphs result from asynchronous development of several skeletal modules. The accelerated ossification of teeth‐armed bones occurs in predatory feeding morphs, whereas cranial cover ossification is promoted in benthivorous morphs. These contrasting growth patterns have led to seven phenotypes that span a range far beyond the ancestral variability. The most distinct morphs are a riverine spawning, epilimnetic predator and a lacustrine spawning, profundal benthic feeder. Taken together, we argue that the adaptive morphological differentiation in these sympatric freshwater fishes is driven by diverging patterns in ossification rate and metabolic activity against a background of uneven somatic growth. This divergence is primarily associated with basic environmental differences on the nursery grounds that might be unrelated to resource use. This nonheritable phenotype divergence is then exposed to natural selection that could result in further adaptive genetic changes.  相似文献   

Charrs of the genus Salvelinus form distinct trophic morphs living in sympatry in numerous postglacial lakes. Here we demonstrate that charrs can diversify into amphipod foraging specialists and sedentary macrobenthos consumers in the shallow-water ecosystems. This pattern was revealed in three out of six lakes under exploration supported by differences in stomach content, trophic-transmitted parasite, and stable isotope ratio analyzes. The body shape and growth rate comparison indicates that this kind of trophic-based diversification emerges at a juvenile stage and is maintained throughout the whole life. The restriction in gene flow found between the morphs allows to propose the possibility for the hereditable-based specialization to evolve. We found that those diversification phenomena are possible only in the lakes situated in vicinity of the ocean coastline, while no evidence of this split was found for inland mountain lakes. We suggest that the trophic-based diversification in the littoral ecosystems is accounted for the heterogeneity in the ecological conditions and food resources’ distribution linked to coastal wind action. This phenomenon was previously reported for the charr in Lake Fjellfrosvatn, Scandinavia, so it seems to be some universal yet poorly described kind of disruptive selection pressure for northern latitude fishes.

The water-distilled essential oil the leaves of Coridothymus capitatus were analyzed by GC/MS and also analyzed by direct thermal desorption GC/MS. Comparison was made between two analyses techniques. The essential oil consisted mainly of monoterpenes 98.9%, while oxygenated hydrocarbons were identified as 55.6 % and non-oxygenated hydrocarbons as 43.6%. As major components were found carvacrol (35.6%), p-cymene (21.0%), thymol (18.6%), gamma-terpinene (12.3%), alpha-terpinene (3.2%), beta-myrcene (3.0%) and alpha-thujene (1.3%) by hydrodistillation and by the GC/MS method. The direct thermal desorption GC/MS analysis also showed the same major components, namely carvacrol (51.6%), thymol (21.7%), p-cymene (9.7%) gamma-terpinene (8.2%), alpha-terpinene (1.64%). The essential oil of C. capitatus showed strong activity against S. aureus, P. vulgaris, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, K. pneumonia, B.  相似文献   
During mass spawning of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha in two rivers of central Karaginskii Bay (Kamchatka), the average coverage of the spawning hillock did not vary much (0.6?C0.7 m2) even though the abundance of the spawning adults varied greatly. When the abundance of spawning females was less than 1.4 ind. per m2 of spawning ground, the spawning hillocks did not interlock. When the abundance of spawning females varied from 1.7 to 1.8 ind./m2, the spawning hillocks interlocked, and approximately 20?C25% of them were re-excavated. When the abundance of spawning females was higher than 2.0 ind./m2, all the early-deposited spawning hillocks were re-excavated. The re-excavation of the spawning hillocks increased the population mortality also by the mass pre-spawning death of the breeders and spawning outside the spawning grounds. Meanwhile, fish-kill of the eggs in the spawning hillocks was not observed, and the mortality of embryos and larvae did not depend on the spawning intensity. The ratio of live and dead embryos in the spawning hillocks before their hatching was approximately 60%, varying from 44 up to 92% in regard to the environment of the spawning ground (autumn low water, freezing, and siltation). Significant correlation was found between the survivability and grain-size composition of the spawning hillocks when the impact of small-size fraction was a limiting factor.  相似文献   
The paper reviews the published materials on phylogeny and philogeography of the salmonid fishes belonging to the genus Salvelinus within the framework of allopatric evolution. The present paper provides concise data on the origins of the main groups, the ways of their historical expansion and discusses the formation of the present ranges, taking into account the reconstruction of paleoclimate factors. Issues on the phylogenetic relations between the main groups, dating the major phylogenetic events, as well as the phylogenetic tree topology matchings are discussed here.  相似文献   
To date a considerable amount of data on sympatric diversification of the laсustrine fish has been accumulated and many important advances made. However, the evolutionary mechanisms of the process still remain unclear. The paper discusses fish polymorphism in the water bodies of different latitudes, but the major focus is the question of sympatry in the charrs of the genus Salvelinus across the northern lakes. Numerous cases of diversification were comparatively analyzed, which provides evidence for the existence of several main pathways of evolutionary process. The pathways are controlled by environmental factors, which determine the structure of the lake ecosystems in the northern latitudes.  相似文献   
Comparative characteristics are presented of hydrological conditions, toxicological situation (chemical composition by 35 elements and water biotesting), macrozoobenthos, and fish population in a salmon river at the impact zone of volcanic activity and in a pure tributary flowing in similar natural conditions. It is shown that extremal life conditions for hydrobionts are formed under the influence of volcanic activity: excess of maximum admissible concentration of injurious substances for water bodies of fish cultural importance by five elements, turbidity up to 371.5 mg/l, and pH up to 5.3. Mean abundance of macrozoobenthos and spawning density of salmons on a polluted stretch in comparison with the pure-water tributary is lower by 15 and 20 times, respectively. In sticklebacks of the genus Pungitius living in the polluted stretch, the part of fish with asymmetry of gill rakers, of rays in pectoral fins, and of lateral scutes is significantly higher (by 2.5 times), as well as the part of asymmetric characters per specimen (by 3.7 times).  相似文献   
During the last two decades, discoveries of new members of actinomycetes and novel metabolites from marine environments have drawn attention to such environments, such as sediment and sponge. For the successful isolation of actinomycetes from marine environments, many factors including the use of enrichment and pre-treatment techniques, and the selection of growth media and antibiotic supplements should be taken into account. High-throughput cultivation is an innovative technique that mimics nature, eliminates undesired, fast-growing bacteria and creates suitable conditions for rare, slow-growing actinomycetes. This review comprehensively evaluates the traditional and innovative techniques and strategies used for the isolation of actinomycetes from marine sponge and sediment samples.  相似文献   
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