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Levels of the obese gene product leptin are often elevated in obesity and may contribute to obesity-induced cardiovascular complications. However, the role of leptin in obesity-associated cardiac abnormalities has not been clearly defined. This study was designed to determine the influence of high-fat diet-induced obesity on cardiac contractile response of leptin. Mechanical and intracellular Ca(2+) properties were evaluated using an IonOptix system in cardiomyocytes from adult rats fed low- and high-fat diets for 12 weeks. Cardiomyocyte contractile and intracellular Ca(2+) properties were examined including peak shortening, duration and maximal velocity of shortening/relengthening (TPS/TR(90), +/-dl/dt), Fura-2-fluorescence intensity change (DeltaFFI), and intracellular Ca(2+) decay rate (tau). Expression of the leptin receptor (Ob-R) was evaluated by western blot analysis. High-fat diet increased systolic blood pressure and plasma leptin levels. PS and +/-dl/dt were depressed whereas TPS and TR(90) were prolonged after high-fat diet feeding. Leptin elicited a concentration-dependent (0-1,000 nmol/l) inhibition of PS, +/-dl/dt, and DeltaFFI in low-fat but not high-fat diet-fed rat cardiomyocytes without affecting TPS and TR(90). The Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) inhibitor AG490, the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor SB203580, and the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor L-NAME abrogated leptin-induced cardiomyocyte contractile response in low-fat diet group without affecting the high-fat diet group. High-fat diet significantly downregulated cardiac expression of Ob-R. Elevation of extracellular Ca(2+) concentration nullified obesity-induced cardiomyocyte mechanical dysfunction and leptin-induced depression in PS. These data indicate presence of cardiac leptin resistance in diet-induced obesity possibly associated with impaired leptin receptor signaling.  相似文献   
Objective: High‐fat and marginally copper‐deficient diets impair heart function, leading to cardiac hypertrophy, increased lipid droplet volume, and compromised contractile function, resembling lipotoxic cardiac dysfunction. However, the combined effect of the two on cardiac function is unknown. This study was designed to examine the interaction between high‐fat and marginally copper‐deficient diets on cardiomyocyte contractile function. Research Methods and Procedures: Weanling male rats were fed diets incorporating a low‐ or high‐fat diet (10% or 45% of kcal from fat, respectively) with adequate (6 mg/kg) or marginally deficient (1.5 mg/kg) copper content for 12 weeks. Contractile function was determined with an IonOptix system including peak shortening (PS), time‐to‐PS, time‐to‐90% relengthening, maximal velocity of shortening/relengthening, and intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]I) rise and decay. Results: Neither dietary treatment affected blood pressure or glucose levels, although the high‐fat diet elicited obesity and glucose intolerance. Both diets depressed PS, maximal velocity of shortening/relengthening, and intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]I) rise and prolonged time‐to‐90% relengthening and Ca2+ decay without an additive effect between the two. Ca2+ sensitivity, apoptosis, lipid peroxidation, nitrosative damage, tissue ceramide, and triglyceride levels were unaffected by either diet or in combination. Phospholamban (PLB) but not sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+‐ATPase was increased by both diets. Endothelial NO synthase was depressed with concurrent treatments. The electron transport chain was unaffected, although mitochondrial aconitase activity was inhibited by the high‐fat diet. Discussion: These data suggest that high‐fat and marginally copper deficient diets impaired cardiomyocyte contractile function and [Ca2+]i homeostasis, possibly through a similar mechanism, without obvious lipotoxicity, nitrosative damage, and apoptosis.  相似文献   
西藏墨脱格当乡野生虎捕食家畜现状与保护建议   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
曾经在西藏东南的阔叶林中广泛分布的孟加拉虎,目前仅有一个小种群残留在墨脱县境内。2000年5-6月间,在大型家畜遭受野生虎捕食最严重的墨脱县格当乡展开调查,试图寻找减轻虎害的方法。结果表明:1994-1995年虎的捕食率达到最高,对牛和骡马的捕食率分别是17.9%和9.4%;但1996年后,捕食率分别降低到7.8%和1.8%,这可能与1996年当地曾捕杀过一头虎有关。1993-1999年间,全乡牛的数量下降了11%,但骡马数量上升了23%,这是因为当地为增加运输能力而从别处购得骡马。据反映,目前格当乡境内大约有4-5头虎。1997年和1999年,均见母虎和小虎同行,说明该种群尚有繁殖。在抽样的21户居民家中,1999年4月到2000年5月间,66.6%的人家有大型牲畜遭虎捕杀,共损失牛27头,马12匹,而自1993年以来,21户中共有18户(85.8%),有牲畜被杀记录,共计损失117头。其中对牛的捕食率达19.7%,对马达11.9%,平均每户损失牛1.2头,骡马0.5匹。非法狩猎减少了虎的猎物如野猪、羚牛等的数量,是老虎转向家畜的主要原因之一。虎害已对格当乡群众的经济造成较大负面影响。但格当乡以及周边地区保护着中国最后的野生孟加拉虎种群,为确保虎的长期生存同时减少人-虎冲突,建议改变目前放牧方式,尽可能联合放牧、增加看护;改善放牧地条件,清除牧场周围蕨草丛;减少对羚牛等有蹄类的猎杀,以减少对老虎猎物种群的破坏;对部分家畜移入棚内试行圈养,既保护家畜,又提高乳制品产量和增加农家肥料;实行多种经营方法,建议养一些山羊和家禽;政府应该帮助安置好部分愿意外迁的居民,这样既满足这些居民的需要,同时也减轻对当地野生动物种群的压力。  相似文献   


Major population movements, social structure, and caste endogamy have influenced the genetic structure of Indian populations. An understanding of these influences is increasingly important as gene mapping and case-control studies are initiated in South Indian populations.


We report new data on 155 individuals from four Tamil caste populations of South India and perform comparative analyses with caste populations from the neighboring state of Andhra Pradesh. Genetic differentiation among Tamil castes is low (RST = 0.96% for 45 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) markers), reflecting a largely common origin. Nonetheless, caste- and continent-specific patterns are evident. For 32 lineage-defining Y-chromosome SNPs, Tamil castes show higher affinity to Europeans than to eastern Asians, and genetic distance estimates to the Europeans are ordered by caste rank. For 32 lineage-defining mitochondrial SNPs and hypervariable sequence (HVS) 1, Tamil castes have higher affinity to eastern Asians than to Europeans. For 45 autosomal STRs, upper and middle rank castes show higher affinity to Europeans than do lower rank castes from either Tamil Nadu or Andhra Pradesh. Local between-caste variation (Tamil Nadu RST = 0.96%, Andhra Pradesh RST = 0.77%) exceeds the estimate of variation between these geographically separated groups (RST = 0.12%). Low, but statistically significant, correlations between caste rank distance and genetic distance are demonstrated for Tamil castes using Y-chromosome, mtDNA, and autosomal data.


Genetic data from Y-chromosome, mtDNA, and autosomal STRs are in accord with historical accounts of northwest to southeast population movements in India. The influence of ancient and historical population movements and caste social structure can be detected and replicated in South Indian caste populations from two different geographic regions.  相似文献   
The translational decoding properties of tRNAs are modulated by naturally occurring modifications of their nucleosides. Uridines located at the wobble position (nucleoside 34 [U(34)]) in eukaryotic cytoplasmic tRNAs often harbor a 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl (mcm(5)) or a 5-carbamoylmethyl (ncm(5)) side chain and sometimes an additional 2-thio (s(2)) or 2'-O-methyl group. Although a variety of models explaining the role of these modifications have been put forth, their in vivo functions have not been defined. In this study, we utilized recently characterized modification-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells to test the wobble rules in vivo. We show that mcm(5) and ncm(5) side chains promote decoding of G-ending codons and that concurrent mcm(5) and s(2) groups improve reading of both A- and G-ending codons. Moreover, the observation that the mcm(5)U(34)- and some ncm(5)U(34)-containing tRNAs efficiently read G-ending codons challenges the notion that eukaryotes do not use U-G wobbling.  相似文献   
Kluyveromyces lactis gamma-toxin is a tRNA endonuclease that cleaves Saccharomyces cerevisiae [see text] between position 34 and position 35. All three substrate tRNAs carry a 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm(5)s(2)U) residue at position 34 (wobble position) of which the mcm(5) group is required for efficient cleavage. However, the different cleavage efficiencies of mcm(5)s(2)U(34)-containing tRNAs suggest that additional features of these tRNAs affect cleavage. In the present study, we show that a stable anticodon stem and the anticodon loop are the minimal requirements for cleavage by gamma-toxin. A synthetic minihelix RNA corresponding to the anticodon stem loop (ASL) of the natural substrate [see text] is cleaved at the same position as the natural substrate. In [see text], the nucleotides U(34)U(35)C(36)A(37)C(38) are required for optimal gamma-toxin cleavage, whereas a purine at position 32 or a G in position 33 dramatically reduces the cleavage of the ASL. Comparing modified and partially modified forms of E. coli and yeast [see text] reinforced the strong stimulatory effects of the mcm(5) group, revealed a weak positive effect of the s(2) group and a negative effect of the bacterial 5-methylaminomethyl (mnm(5)) group. The data underscore the high specificity of this yeast tRNA toxin.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP) in West Africa has been closed down at the end of 2002. All subsequent control will be transferred to the participating countries and will almost entirely be based on periodic mass treatment with ivermectin. This makes the question whether elimination of infection or eradication of onchocerciasis can be achieved using this strategy of critical importance. This study was undertaken to explore this issue. METHODS: An empirical approach was adopted in which a comprehensive analysis was undertaken of available data on the impact of more than a decade of ivermectin treatment on onchocerciasis infection and transmission. Relevant entomological and epidemiological data from 14 river basins in the OCP and one basin in Cameroon were reviewed. Areas were distinguished by frequency of treatment (6-monthly or annually), endemicity level and additional control measures such as vector control. Assessment of results were in terms of epidemiological and entomological parameters, and as a measure of inputs, therapeutic and geographical coverage rates were used. RESULTS: In all of the river basins studied, ivermectin treatment sharply reduced prevalence and intensity of infection. Significant transmission, however, is still ongoing in some basins after 10-12 years of ivermectin treatment. In other basins, transmission may have been interrupted, but this needs to be confirmed by in-depth evaluations. In one mesoendemic basin, where 20 rounds of four-monthly treatment reduced prevalence of infection to levels as low as 2-3%, there was significant recrudescence of infection within a few years after interruption of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Ivermectin treatment has been very successful in eliminating onchocerciasis as a public health problem. However, the results presented in this paper make it almost certain that repeated ivermectin mass treatment will not lead to the elimination of transmission of onchocerciasis from West Africa. Data on 6-monthly treatments are not sufficient to draw definitive conclusions.  相似文献   
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