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The potential clinical and economic impact of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy is immense. MSCs act through multiple pathways: (1) as “trophic” cells, secreting various factors that are immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, proangiogenic, proliferative, and chemoattractive; (2) in conjunction with cells native to the tissue they reside in to enhance differentiation of surrounding cells to facilitate tissue regrowth. Researchers have developed methods for the extraction and expansion of MSCs from animal and human tissues. While many sources of MSCs exist, including adipose tissue and iliac crest bone graft, compact bone (CB) MSCs have shown great potential for use in orthopaedic surgery. CB MSCs exert powerful immunomodulatory effects in addition to demonstrating excellent regenerative capacity for use in filling boney defects. CB MSCs have been shown to have enhanced response to hypoxic conditions when compared with other forms of MSCs. More work is needed to continue to characterize the potential applications for CB MSCs in orthopaedic trauma.  相似文献   
We searched for a drug capable of sensitization of sarcoma cells to doxorubicin (DOX). We report that the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor PI103 enhances the efficacy of DOX in several sarcoma cell lines and interacts with DOX in the induction of apoptosis. PI103 decreased the expression of MDR1 and MRP1, which resulted in DOX accumulation. However, the enhancement of DOX-induced apoptosis was unrelated to DOX accumulation. Neither did it involve inhibition of mTOR. Instead, the combination treatment of DOX plus PI103 activated Bax, the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, and caspase 3. Caspase 3 activation was also observed in xenografts of sarcoma cells in nude mice upon combination of DOX with the specific PI3K inhibitor GDC-0941. Although the increase in apoptosis did not further impact on tumor growth when compared to the efficient growth inhibition by GDC-0941 alone, these findings suggest that inhibition of PI3K may improve DOX-induced proapoptotic effects in sarcoma. Taken together with similar recent studies of neuroblastoma- and glioblastoma-derived cells, PI3K inhibition seems to be a more general option to sensitize tumor cells to anthracyclines.  相似文献   
Leaf longevity (LL) varies more than 20‐fold in tropical evergreen forests, but it remains unclear how to capture these variations using predictive models. Current theories of LL that are based on carbon optimisation principles are challenging to quantitatively assess because of uncertainty across species in the ‘ageing rate:’ the rate at which leaf photosynthetic capacity declines with age. Here, we present a meta‐analysis of 49 species across temperate and tropical biomes, demonstrating that the ageing rate of photosynthetic capacity is positively correlated with the mass‐based carboxylation rate of mature leaves. We assess an improved trait‐driven carbon optimality model with in situLL data for 105 species in two Panamanian forests. We show that our model explains over 40% of the cross‐species variation in LL under contrasting light environment. Collectively, our results reveal how variation in LL emerges from carbon optimisation constrained by both leaf structural traits and abiotic environment.  相似文献   
We investigated whether platelet-activating factor (PAF) increased epithelial or endothelial permeability in isolated-perfused rabbit lungs. PAF was either injected into the pulmonary artery or instilled into the airway of lungs perfused with Tyrode's solution containing 1% bovine serum albumin. The effect of adding neutrophils or platelets to the perfusate was also tested. Perfusion was maintained 20-40 min after adding PAF and then a fluid filtration coefficient (Kf) was determined to assess vascular permeability. At the end of each experiment, one lung was lavaged, and the lavagate protein concentration (BALP) was determined. Wet weight-to-dry weight ratios (W/D) were determined on the other lung. PAF added to the vascular space increased peak pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) from 13.5 +/- 3.1 (mean +/- SE) to 24.2 +/- 3.3 cmH2O (P less than 0.05). The effect was amplified by platelets [Ppa to 70.8 +/- 8.0 cmH2O (P less than 0.05)] but not by neutrophils [Ppa to 22.0 +/- 1.4 cmH2O (P less than 0.05)]. Minimal changes in Ppa were observed after instilling PAF into the airway. The Kf, W/D, and BALP of untreated lungs were not increased by injecting PAF into the vasculature or into the air space. The effect of PAF on Kf, W/D, and BALP was unaltered by adding platelets or neutrophils to the perfusate. PAF increases intravascular pressure (at a constant rate of perfusion) but does not increase epithelial or endothelial permeability in isolated-perfused rabbit lungs.  相似文献   
The authors describe and illustrate two trematodes from Belize (Central America): Paramaritremopsis solielangi n. sp. from the small intestine of Arenaria interpres is characterised by a body length of 478 m, two short and pre-acetabular caeca, part of the uterus in close association with the cirrus-sac and left caecum, vitelline glands in the shape of a horseshoe, a short pre-ovarian cirrus-sac containing a long, cylindrical, voluminous and unarmed cirrus (size when evaginated: 150×20–30 m) and Microphallus kinsellai n. sp. from the caeca of Actitis macularia characterised by a body length of 370 m and a phallus which is 30 m in diameter and asymmetrical (basically a pad with a moderately developed accessory lobe) and a straight ejaculatory canal. Levinseniella carteretensis is another microphallid recovered from Arenaria interpres. The term of ``phallus' is proposed to name the male copulatory organ which characterizes the Microphallinae.  相似文献   
Annulus cells release ATP in response to vibratory loading in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mechanical forces regulate the developmental path and phenotype of a variety of tissues and cultured cells. Vibratory loading as a mechanical stimulus occurs in connective tissues due to energy returned from ground reaction forces, as well as a mechanical input from use of motorized tools and vehicles. Structures in the spine may be particularly at risk when exposed to destructive vibratory stimuli. Cells from many tissues respond to mechanical stimuli, such as fluid flow, by increasing intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](ic)) and releasing adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), extracellularly, as a mediator to activate signaling pathways. Therefore, we examined whether ATP is released from rabbit (rAN) and human (hAN) intervertebral disc annulus cells in response to vibratory loading. ATP release from annulus cells by vibratory stimulation as well as in control cells was quantitated using a firefly luciferin-luciferase assay. Cultured hAN and rAN cells had a basal level of extracellular ATP ([ATP](ec)) in the range of 1-1.5 nM. Vibratory loading of hAN cells stimulated ATP release, reaching a net maximum [ATP] within 10 min of continuous vibration, and shortly thereafter, [ATP] declined and returned to below baseline level. [ATP] in the supernatant fluid of hAN cells was significantly reduced compared to the control level when the cells received vibration for longer than 15 min. In rAN cells, [ATP] was increased in response to vibratory loading, attaining a level significantly greater than that of the control after 30 min of continuous vibration. Results of the current study show that resting annulus cells secrete ATP and maintain a basal [ATP](ec). Annulus cells may use this nucleotide as a signaling messenger in an autocrine/paracrine fashion in response to vibratory loading. Rapid degradation of ATP to ADP may alternatively modulate cellular responses. It is hypothesized that exposure to repetitive, complex vibration regimens may activate signaling pathways that regulate matrix destruction in the disc. As in tendon cells, ATP may block subsequent responses to load and modulate the vibration response. Rabbit annulus cells were used as a readily obtainable source of cells in development of an animal model for testing effects of vibration on the disc. Human cells obtained from discarded surgical specimens were used to correlate responses of animal to human cells.  相似文献   
Corynebacterium glutamicum grows on a variety of carbohydrates and organic acids as single or combined sources of carbon and energy. Here we show the ability of C. glutamicum to grow on ethanol with growth rates up to 0.24 h(-1) and biomass yields up to 0.47 g dry weight (g ethanol)(-1). Mutants of C. glutamicum deficient in phosphotransacetylase (PTA), isocitrate lyase (ICL) and malate synthase (MS) were unable to grow on ethanol, indicating that acetate activation and the glyoxylate cycle are essential for utilization of this substrate. In accordance, the expression profile of ethanol-grown C. glutamicum cells compared to that of glucose-grown cells revealed an increased expression of genes encoding acetate kinase (AK), PTA, ICL and MS. Furthermore, the specific activities of these four enzymes as well as those of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) were found to be high in ethanol-grown and low in glucose-grown cells. Growth of C. glutamicum on a mixture of glucose and ethanol led to a biphasic growth behavior, which was due to the sequential utilization of glucose before ethanol. Accordingly, the specific activities of ADH, ALDH, AK, PTA, ICL and MS in cells grown in medium containing both substrates were as low as in glucose-grown cells in the first growth phase, but increased 5- to 100-fold during the second growth phase. The results indicate that ethanol catabolism in C. glutamicum is subject to carbon source-dependent regulation, i.e., to a carbon catabolite control.  相似文献   
Plasmids containing derivatives of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae leucyl-tRNA (tRNA3 3 Leu ) gene that vary in anticodon sequence were constructed and transformed into the pathogen Candida albicans and S. cerevisiae. C. albicans could readily be transformed with plasmids encoding leucyl-tRNA genes with the anticodons CAA and UAA (recognizing the codons UUG and UUA) and expression of the heterologous tRNALeu could be demonstrated by Northern RNA blotting. In contrast, no transformants were obtained if the anticodons were UAG (codons recognized CUN, UUR) and CAG (codon CUG), indicating that the insertion of leucine at CUG codons is toxic for C. albicans. All tRNALeu-encoding plasmids transformed S. cerevisiae with equally high efficiencies. These results provide in vivo evidence that non-standard decoding of CUG codons is essential for the viability of C. albicans.  相似文献   
The primary purposes of this research were to describe and classify the circulating hemocytes of Cancer magister and devise a method for making differential hemocyte counts for crustaceans. C. magister hemocytes were classified using two simple criteria: the presence or absence of cytoplasmic granules and staining characteristics of the granules, if present. Hyalinocytes (HC) were devoid of granules, intermediate granulocytes (IG) contained basophilic granules or a mixture of basophilic and acidophilic granules, and eosinophilic granulocytes (EG) contained large, acidophilic granules. Hemocyte renewal and a hypothetical maturation sequence of C. magister hemocytes are described and discussed. Differential counts revealed that granulocytes were more abundant than hyalinocytes. For 22 crabs, the mean percentage (and range) of each hemocyte class was: IG, 65.97 (57.50–73.80); EG, 17.76 (4.70–26.47); and HC, 16.25 (3.40–34.67). After additional data are collected and analyzed, the routine use of differential counts may prove to be a valuable method for monitoring the status and health of C. magister and perhaps other crustaceans as well.  相似文献   
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