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A growing number of receptors, often associated with the innate immune response, are being identified as targets for bacterial toxins of the beta‐stranded pore‐forming family. These findings raise the new question of whether the receptors are activated or merely used as docking points facilitating the formation of a pore. To elucidate whether the Staphylococcus aureus Panton‐Valentine leukocidin and the leukotoxin HlgC/HlgB act through the C5a receptor (C5aR) as agonists, antagonists or differ from the C5a complement‐derived peptide, their activity is explored on C5aR‐expressing cells. Both leukotoxins equally bound C5aR in neutrophils and in stable transfected U937 cells and initiated mobilization of intracellular Ca2+. HlgC/HlgB requires the presence of robust intracellular acidic Ca2+ stores in order to evoke a rise in free [Ca2+]i, while the LukS‐PV/LukF‐PV directly altered reticular Ca2+ stores. Intracellular target specificity is conferred by the F‐subunit associated to the S‐subunit binding the receptor. Furthermore, internalization of the two leukotoxin components (S‐ and F‐subunits) associated to C5aR is required for the initiation of [Ca2+]i mobilization. Electrophysiological recordings on living cells demonstrated that LukS‐PV/LukF‐PV does not alter the membrane resistance of C5aR‐expressing cells. The present observations suggest that part of the pore‐forming process occurs in distinct intracellular compartments rather than at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   


Genomic selection (GS) in forestry can substantially reduce the length of breeding cycle and increase gain per unit time through early selection and greater selection intensity, particularly for traits of low heritability and late expression. Affordable next-generation sequencing technologies made it possible to genotype large numbers of trees at a reasonable cost.


Genotyping-by-sequencing was used to genotype 1,126 Interior spruce trees representing 25 open-pollinated families planted over three sites in British Columbia, Canada. Four imputation algorithms were compared (mean value (MI), singular value decomposition (SVD), expectation maximization (EM), and a newly derived, family-based k-nearest neighbor (kNN-Fam)). Trees were phenotyped for several yield and wood attributes. Single- and multi-site GS prediction models were developed using the Ridge Regression Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (RR-BLUP) and the Generalized Ridge Regression (GRR) to test different assumption about trait architecture. Finally, using PCA, multi-trait GS prediction models were developed. The EM and kNN-Fam imputation methods were superior for 30 and 60% missing data, respectively. The RR-BLUP GS prediction model produced better accuracies than the GRR indicating that the genetic architecture for these traits is complex. GS prediction accuracies for multi-site were high and better than those of single-sites while multi-site predictability produced the lowest accuracies reflecting type-b genetic correlations and deemed unreliable. The incorporation of genomic information in quantitative genetics analyses produced more realistic heritability estimates as half-sib pedigree tended to inflate the additive genetic variance and subsequently both heritability and gain estimates. Principle component scores as representatives of multi-trait GS prediction models produced surprising results where negatively correlated traits could be concurrently selected for using PCA2 and PCA3.


The application of GS to open-pollinated family testing, the simplest form of tree improvement evaluation methods, was proven to be effective. Prediction accuracies obtained for all traits greatly support the integration of GS in tree breeding. While the within-site GS prediction accuracies were high, the results clearly indicate that single-site GS models ability to predict other sites are unreliable supporting the utilization of multi-site approach. Principle component scores provided an opportunity for the concurrent selection of traits with different phenotypic optima.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1597-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
IntroductionClinical synovitis is often associated with damage to bone and cartilage. Previous data have suggested that joint erosions (JE) are more prevalent than joint space narrowing (JSN) and that the two processes are partly independent of each other. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the presence of JE in an individual joint can lead to development of JSN and if existing JSN leads to new onset of JE, in the absence of synovitis.MethodsThe Prospective Multi-Centre Randomised, Double-Blind, Active Comparator-Controlled, Parallel-Groups Study Comparing the Fully Human Monoclonal Anti-TNFα Antibody Adalimumab Given Every Second Week With Methotrexate Given Weekly and the Combination of Adalimumab and Methotrexate Administered Over 2 Years in Patients With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (PREMIER) enrolled early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who were randomized to one of three treatments: methotrexate (MTX), adalimumab (ADA), or ADA + MTX. All evaluable joints with JE and JSN measures at 26 and 52 weeks and synovitis assessments from week 26 to 52 were included. Synovitis was assessed every 2–8 weeks by swollen joint counts between weeks 26 and 52. Radiographs were taken at week 26 and 52. Two readers, blinded to time and sequence, scored 14 bilateral joints individually for JE and JSN. Multivariate logistic modeling was used to characterize the dependence of JE/JSN onset at 52 weeks. Analyses were performed based on treatment arm and were also performed within individual joints.ResultsJE and swelling were independently and comparably associated with onset of JSN at week 52. Assessment by individual joints indicated that existing JE, independent of swelling, was significantly associated with JSN onset in higher proportions of metatarsophalangeal (MTP; 7/10) than proximal interphalangeal (PIP; 1/8) or metacarpophalangeal (MCP; 1/10) joints. Treatment with ADA + MTX prevents JE/JSN progression independently of its ability to suppress synovitis and limits JE/JSN onset and progression in joints with existing damage.ConclusionsExisting JE predisposes individual joints to development of JSN independently of synovitis in the same joint. Weight-bearing MTP joints with JE may be at increased risk for JSN when compared with MCPs and PIPs.

Trial registration

Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00195663. Registered 13 September 2005.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-015-0626-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
IntroductionThe pleiotropic cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of different diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). ALX-0061 is a bispecific Nanobody® with a high affinity and potency for IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), combined with an extended half-life by targeting human serum albumin. We describe here the relevant aspects of its in vitro and in vivo pharmacology.MethodsALX-0061 is composed of an affinity-matured IL-6R-targeting domain fused to an albumin-binding domain representing a minimized two-domain structure. A panel of different in vitro assays was used to characterize the biological activities of ALX-0061. The pharmacological properties of ALX-0061 were examined in cynomolgus monkeys, using plasma levels of total soluble (s)IL-6R as pharmacodynamic marker. Therapeutic effect was evaluated in a human IL-6-induced acute phase response model in the same species, and in a collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model in rhesus monkeys, using tocilizumab as positive control.ResultsALX-0061 was designed to confer the desired pharmacological properties. A 200-fold increase of target affinity was obtained through affinity maturation of the parental domain. The high affinity for sIL-6R (0.19 pM) translated to a concentration-dependent and complete neutralization of sIL-6R in vitro. In cynomolgus monkeys, ALX-0061 showed a dose-dependent and complete inhibition of hIL-6-induced inflammatory parameters, including plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen and platelets. An apparent plasma half-life of 6.6 days was observed after a single intravenous administration of 10 mg/kg ALX-0061 in cynomolgus monkeys, similar to the estimated expected half-life of serum albumin. ALX-0061 and tocilizumab demonstrated a marked decrease in serum CRP levels in a non-human primate CIA model. Clinical effect was confirmed in animals with active drug exposure throughout the study duration.ConclusionsALX-0061 represents a minimized bispecific biotherapeutic of 26 kDa, nearly six times smaller than monoclonal antibodies. High in vitro affinity and potency was demonstrated. Albumin binding as a half-life extension technology resulted in describable and expected pharmacokinetics. Strong IL-6R engagement was shown to translate to in vivo effect in non-human primates, demonstrated via biomarker deregulation as well as clinical effect. Presented results on preclinical pharmacological properties of ALX-0061 are supportive of clinical development in RA.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-015-0651-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
In pigs, myogenesis is a biphasic phenomenon with the formation of primary and secondary fibres. Hyperplasia was reported to be accomplished around 90 days of gestation. However, some studies suggest a substantial increase in the total fibre number (TFN) from birth to weaning by counting fibre number in the muscle cross sections. The aim of this study was to establish in which way TFN increases after birth and whether this increase is imputable to new (tertiary) myofibres and/or fibre elongation. The semitendinosus muscle of 128 piglets was examined at days 1 (n = 63), 7 (n = 12), 21 (n = 12), and 28 (n = 41) of age. TFN was increased at days 7, 21 and 28 of age when compared with day 1 (P < 0.01). From day 1 to 28, TFN increased from 463 × 103 to 825 × 103. Microscopy of longitudinal and transversal serial sections revealed that at day 7 of age very small fibres expressing the embryonic myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform were apparent all over the muscle. In addition, intrafascicular terminations of normal-sized fibres expressed the embryonic MyHC isoform. These data suggest that the TFN in the pig muscle is not fixed at birth and its postnatal increase may be related to both elongation of existing muscle fibres and genesis of tertiary myofibres, mainly between birth and 3 weeks of age.  相似文献   
Vessels are primarily formed from an inner endothelial layer that is secondarily covered by mural cells, namely vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in arteries and veins and pericytes in capillaries and veinules. We previously showed that, in the mouse embryo, Msx1(lacZ) and Msx2(lacZ) are expressed in mural cells and in a few endothelial cells. To unravel the role of Msx genes in vascular development, we have inactivated the two Msx genes specifically in mural cells by combining the Msx1(lacZ), Msx2(lox) and Sm22α-Cre alleles. Optical projection tomography demonstrated abnormal branching of the cephalic vessels in E11.5 mutant embryos. The carotid and vertebral arteries showed an increase in caliber that was related to reduced vascular smooth muscle coverage. Taking advantage of a newly constructed Msx1(CreERT2) allele, we demonstrated by lineage tracing that the primary defect lies in a population of VSMC precursors. The abnormal phenotype that ensues is a consequence of impaired BMP signaling in the VSMC precursors that leads to downregulation of the metalloprotease 2 (Mmp2) and Mmp9 genes, which are essential for cell migration and integration into the mural layer. Improper coverage by VSMCs secondarily leads to incomplete maturation of the endothelial layer. Our results demonstrate that both Msx1 and Msx2 are required for the recruitment of a population of neural crest-derived VSMCs.  相似文献   


This study compares environmental impacts of two primary packaging alternatives used for injectable drugs: the traditional method based on glass vials and the method developed by Aseptic Technologies based on polymer vials. A critical review by an external LCA expert was made.  相似文献   
F165(1) and the pyelonephritis-associated pili (Pap) are two members of the type P family of adhesive factors that play a key role in the establishment of disease caused by extraintestinal Escherichia coli (ExPEC) strains. They are both under the control of an epigenetic and reversible switch that defines the number of fimbriated (ON) and afimbriated (OFF) cells within a clonal population. Our present study demonstrates that the high level of ON cells found during F165(1) phase variation is due to altered stability of the DNA complex formed by the leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp) at its repressor binding sites 1-3; after each cell cycle, complex formation is also modulated by the local regulator FooI (homologue to PapI) which promotes the transit of Lrp towards its activator binding sites 4-6. Furthermore, we identified two nucleotides (T490, G508) surrounding the Lrp binding site 1 that are critical to maintaining a high OFF to ON switch rate during F165(1) phase variation, as well as switching Pap fimbriae towards the OFF state.  相似文献   
Connectivity is critical to the maintenance of biodiversity in fragmented landscapes, but its effects differ depending on the arrangement of linkages within a habitat network. Additionally, heterogeneity in habitat quality within the habitat network can alter patterns of diversity at local and regional scales in the metacommunity. Using a controlled experiment we examined the interactive effects of habitat connectivity, network form (linear vs square), and habitat patch quality on a moss‐inhabiting microarthropod community. We fragmented moss habitat while controlling for habitat loss, and altered habitat patch quality by regulating moisture conditions in landscapes differing in patch arrangement. Habitat patch quality had a significant effect on patterns of species richness, extinction, abundance and biomass. The effects of network form on diversity were strongest in heterogeneous landscapes. Gamma and beta diversity were greatest in continuous and linear landscapes. However, linear habitat networks showed marked patch specific edge effects that were detrimental to diversity under heterogeneous conditions. We provide direct evidence that habitat network structure impacts species community properties through mass effects, that are most evident when heterogeneity in habitat patch quality is present within the network. We conclude that habitat quality at the individual patch level and the distribution of high‐quality habitat within the network are important factors affecting biodiversity in metacommunities.  相似文献   
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