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Belousov LV  Ermakov AS 《Ontogenez》2001,32(4):288-294
Relaxation of tensions of the surface of Xenopus laevis embryos at the late blastula stage leads to deep and diverse developmental defects and increased variability in mutual position and volume ratios of the axial rudiments. Here, we demonstrate that the development of such embryos was markedly normalized if the relaxed tensions were restored in one of two ways: (1) isotropic stretching of the blastocoel roof induced by incubation of relaxed embryos in a hypotonic medium or (2) anisotropic stretching of embryos on two needles. In the latter case, we succeeded in restoring the morphological axis not only after longitudinal stretching, but also after transverse stretching, and the new axis had signs of anteroposterior polarity. The role of isotropic and anisotropic tensions in organization of the early amphibian development is discussed.  相似文献   
EEG spectral characteristics were studied in two age groups (7–8.5 and 8.5–10 years) of mentally healthy children and children with learning problems at rest and during performance of a Raven test. It was shown that slow frequencies are more pronounced in the EEG of 7- to 8.5-year-old children with learning problems than in EEG of healthy children of the same age group. An immature form of EEG activation, i.e., an increase not only in the but also in the frequencies during activity, was characteristic of these children. The reaction of the activation of the definitive type develops between the 8.5–10 years of age. This reaction is correlated with an increase in the efficiency of the sensory perceptive and sensorimotor activity. The distinctive feature of children with learning problems between 8.5–10 years of age is a greater expression of slow frequencies in the baseline EEG of the frontal (in particular, left frontal) areas of the cortex. The obtained results are considered as a reflection of a retardation of the functional maturation of the brain structures responsible for the deficit of involuntary and voluntary attention and the disorder of a systemic organization of perception and analytical–synthetic brain activity as compared to the normal age characteristics. Possible neurophysiological mechanisms responsible for learning problems in junior schoolchildren are discussed on the basis of the obtained results and evidence from the literature.  相似文献   
When Gd3+, a trivalent lanthanide, binds phospholipids with a high affinity, it elicits strong electrostatic effects on the surface of the lipid bilayer. Two experimental methods were applied to monitor the changes in the boundary and surface potentials induced by Gd3+ adsorption on liposomes and planar lipid bilayer membranes (BLM) made from phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylcholine (PC) and their mixtures. The membrane surface charge density was changed by either varying the PS/PC ratio or by changing the degree of PS headgroup ionization in the range of pH between 2.5 and 7.5. The Gouy-Chapman-Stern (GCS) theory combined with the condition of mass balance in the experimental cell was used for quantitative treatment of ion adsorption and related changes in the diffuse part of the electrical double layer (surface potential). Data obtained using microelectrophoresis of liposome suspensions were well described within the framework of the modified GCS theory with constants of 5.10(4) and 10(3) M-1 for Gd3+ association with PS and PC, respectively (Yu. A. Ermakov, A. Z. Averbakh, and S. I. Sukharev, Biol. Membrany 14:434-445 (1997) (in Russian)). The intramembrane field compensation (IFC) technique used to study Gd3+ adsorption on planar lipid bilayers by monitoring the entire boundary potential gave completely different results. An observed drastic difference (approximately 140 mV) between the changes of boundary and surface potential was interpreted as the change in the dipole potential induced by binding of Gd3+. The magnitude of the surface dipole increased with the concentration of PS in PS/PC mixtures and became significant at most negative surface charges (more than 80% of PS in the mixture) and strongly correlated with the degree of PS ionization at different pH. The nature of structural changes at the membrane/water interface induced by Gd(3+)-PS interaction and possible lipid clusterization are discussed in the context of their biological importance.  相似文献   
Raman spectroscopy holds promise as a rapid objective non-invasive optical method for the detection of carotenoid compounds in human tissue in vivo. Carotenoids are of interest due to their functions as antioxidants and/or optical absorbers of phototoxic light at deep blue and near UV wavelengths. In the macular region of the human retina, carotenoids may prevent or delay the onset of age-related tissue degeneration. In human skin, they may help prevent premature skin aging, and are possibly involved in the prevention of certain skin cancers. Furthermore, since carotenoids exist in high concentrations in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and are routinely taken up by the human body through the diet, skin carotenoid levels may serve as an objective biomarker for fruit and vegetable intake. Before the Raman method can be accepted as a widespread optical alternative for carotenoid measurements, direct validation studies are needed to compare it with the gold standard of high performance liquid chromatography. This is because the tissue Raman response is in general accompanied by a host of other optical processes which have to be taken into account. In skin, the most prominent is strongly diffusive, non-Raman scattering, leading to relatively shallow light penetration of the blue/green excitation light required for resonant Raman detection of carotenoids. Also, sizable light attenuation exists due to the combined absorption from collagen, porphyrin, hemoglobin, and melanin chromophores, and additional fluorescence is generated by collagen and porphyrins. In this study, we investigate for the first time the direct correlation of in vivo skin tissue carotenoid Raman measurements with subsequent chromatography derived carotenoid concentrations. As tissue site we use heel skin, in which the stratum corneum layer thickness exceeds the light penetration depth, which is free of optically confounding chromophores, which can be easily optically accessed for in vivo RRS measurement, and which can be easily removed for subsequent biochemical measurements. Excellent correlation (coefficient R = 0.95) is obtained for this tissue site which could serve as a model site for scaled up future validation studies of large populations. The obtained results provide proof that resonance Raman spectroscopy is a valid non-invasive objective methodology for the quantitative assessment of carotenoid antioxidants in human skin in vivo.  相似文献   
Embryonic dentate fascia was grafted into the somatosensory neocortex of adult rats. Nine months post-grafting, the ultrastructural and morphometric analysis of the giant synapses established between the grafted granular neurons and inappropriate targets in the recipient brain was performed. As compared to the intact synaptic endings in the control hippocampus, differences were found in both the number and distribution of large dense-core synaptic vesicles, which store the neuropeptide co-transmitters. The peptidergic vesicle proportion (of total vesicle pool) within the ectopic giant synapses was 5.8 +/- 0.6% (versus 3.3 +/- 0.6% in the control). Clusters of large dense-core vesicles near the active zones of aberrant connections were observed almost 7.9 times more frequently than that of normal contacts. These data provide evidence that neuropeptide transmitters are critical for the maintenance of synaptic connections between the heterotopic dentate grafts and host brain.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that high levels of the macular xanthophyll carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin may be protective against visual loss from age-related macular degeneration. To study this protective effect further, it is important to measure macular carotenoid levels noninvasively in a wide variety of subjects. We have developed and validated resonance Raman spectroscopy as a sensitive and specific objective method to measure macular carotenoid levels in the living human eye. In this minireview, the principles and implementation of ocular carotenoid resonance Raman spectroscopy are reviewed, and the results of observational cross-sectional studies and of prospective supplementation studies on subjects with and without macular pathology are summarized. We have recently extended this technology to an imaging mode which will further enhance our understanding of the roles of lutein and zeaxanthin in normal macular function and in the prevention of age-related visual loss.  相似文献   
In four ground squirrel species from the Volga region—yellow (Spermophilus fulvus), russet (S. major), little (S. pygmaeus), and speckled (S. suslicus)—four hybridization variants (major/fulvus, major/pygmaeus, major/suslicus, and pygmaeus/suslicus) have been reliably described. Earlier we have shown that populations of S. major from the Volga region were characterized by wide introgression of mtDNA from S. fulvus and S. pygmaeus, which probably, resulted from ancient hybridization [5]. In this study, the same populations were used to analyze the introgression of the Y chromosome, which (unlike mtDNA) is paternally inherited. Three genes, ZfY, SRY, and SmcY were tested as Y-chromosomal candidate markers. It was demonstrated that Y chromosome of ground squirrels lacked the ZfY gene, while its homologous structure, ZfY(X), was presumably linked to the X chromosome. The SRY region examined was rather conservative. In particular, the sequences determined in S. major and S. fulvus were identical, while three out of four substitutions found in S. pygmaeus were located in the coding region. The SmcY gene was found to be the most suitable marker, providing distinguishing of all of the four ground squirrel species by nine nucleotide substitutions. Introgression at the Y chromosome was observed only in two cases: in one S. major individual (out of 51 phenotypically pure animals) caught in the major/fulvus sympatry zone, and in four (one litter) out of fourteen S. fulvus individuals caught in close vicinity of the sympatry zone of these two species. Among 28 S. pymaeus and 9 S. suslicus individuals, no foreign SmcY genes were detected. Two colonies of the “hybrid swarm” type were examined with eight major/suslicus hybrids analyzed in the first and seventeen major/fulvus hybrids in the second colony. The prevalence of the S. major paternal lineages was observed in both colonies (87.5 and 82.4%, respectively). The data obtained suggest that compared to wide mtDNA introgression, introgression of Y chromosome in the Volga region ground squirrels is statistically significantly less frequent event.  相似文献   
In addition to their natural substrates GDP and GTP, the bacterial translational GTPases initiation factor (IF) 2 and elongation factor G (EF-G) interact with the alarmone molecule guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp), which leads to GTPase inhibition. We have used isothermal titration calorimetry to determine the affinities of ppGpp for IF2 and EF-G at a temperature interval of 5-25 °C. We find that ppGpp has a higher affinity for IF2 than for EF-G (1.7-2.8 μM Kdversus 9.1-13.9 μM Kd at 10-25 °C), suggesting that during stringent response in vivo, IF2 is more responsive to ppGpp than to EF-G. We investigated the effects of ppGpp, GDP, and GTP on IF2 interactions with fMet-tRNAfMet demonstrating that IF2 binds to initiator tRNA with submicromolar Kd and that affinity is altered by the G nucleotides only slightly. This—in conjunction with earlier reports on IF2 interactions with fMet-tRNAfMet in the context of the 30S initiation complex, where ppGpp was suggested to strongly inhibit fMet-tRNAfMet binding and GTP was suggested to strongly promote fMet-tRNAfMet binding—sheds new light on the mechanisms of the G-nucleotide-regulated fMet-tRNAfMet selection.  相似文献   
Mouse Monoclonal antibodies against human adiponectin were produced by the routine method and the specificity of antibodies was verified. These monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) interacted with the monomeric and trimeric forms of recombinant adiponectin according to the results of a Western blot analysis. Human blood serum was fractionated by gel filtration, and the protein of these fractions was stained using labeled MoAbs. It was established that a single high-molecular-weight form (HMW) of endogenous adiponectin was detected by this method. The use of competitive enzymelinked immunoassay on the basis of the obtained MoAbs allowed us to show that the sera of healthy male donors contains lower adiponectin concentrations than that of female donors (8.42 ± 1.59 μg/ml vs. 11.01 ± 2.58 μg/ml, p = 0.01). We also detected statistically significant lower adiponectin levels in the serum of patients with coronary artery disease for both men (6.01 ± 2.73 μg/ml vs. 8.42 ± 1.59 μg/ml, p = 0.015) and women (5.79 ± 2.98 μg/ml vs. 11.01 ± 2.58 μg/ml, p = 0.0003). Therefore, the developed methods for the analysis of the HMW form of adiponectin can be helpful in the diagnostics of the possible implications and assessment of unfavorable prognoses in patients with cardiovascular disorders.  相似文献   
Multiple signalling pathways maintain human embryonic stem cells (hESC) in an undifferentiated state. Here we sought to define the significance of G protein signal transduction in the preservation of this state distinct from other cellular processes. Continuous treatment with drugs targeting G(αs)-, G(α-i/o)- and G(α-q/11)-subunit signalling mediators were assessed in independent hESC lines after 7days to discern effects on normalised alkaline phosphatase positive colony frequency vs total cell content. This identified PLCβ, intracellular free calcium and CAMKII kinase activity downstream of G(α-q/11) as of particular importance to the former. To confirm the significance of this finding we generated an agonist-responsive hESC line transgenic for a G(α-q/11) subunit-coupled receptor and demonstrated that an undifferentiated state could be promoted in the presence of an agonist without exogenously supplied bFGF and that this correlated with elevated intracellular calcium. Similarly, treatment of unmodified hESCs with a range of intracellular free calcium-modulating drugs in biologically defined mTESR culture system lacking exogenous bFGF promoted an hESC phenotype after 1week of continuous culture as defined by co-expression of OCT4 and NANOG. At least one of these drugs, lysophosphatidic acid significantly elevates phosphorylation of calmodulin and STAT3 in this culture system (p<0.05). These findings substantiate a role for G-protein and calcium signalling in undifferentiated hESC culture.  相似文献   
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