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High lipid levels are being used in modern salmonid diets to promote rapid growth; however there is a limiting supply of the traditional fish oils as the fish farming industry expands. One way to utilize the lipid sources better, could be to find ways to stimulate fatty acid (FA) oxidation so that Atlantic salmon use more energy for muscle growth and less for storage in perivisceral adipose tissue. We have previously shown that dietary inclusion of the thia FA tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) promoted hepatic beta-oxidation and reduced total body lipid levels. However, dietary TTA also had some negative effects, leading to accumulation of sulfone and sulfoxide metabolites of TTA in the kidney and increasing mortality rates, particularly at low water temperatures. Therefore we also wish to investigate the effects of TTA on kidney function at high and low temperatures, including some immune system parameters. The production of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) immunoreactive material from exogenously added arachidonic acid in isolated head kidney macrophages was affected by both diet and temperature. The phagocytic activity in these cells was reduced by DTA in the 12 degrees C group and there was significantly higher protein degradation in head kidney macrophages at 12 degrees C compared to 5 degrees C in all dietary groups. Interestingly, the incorporation of thia FAs in the kidney was higher at 5 degrees C (0.3% TTA and 0.6% DTA) than at 12 degrees C (0.1% TTA and 0.5% DTA). Additionally, there were lower levels of saturated FAs, while higher levels of polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) in the kidney of TTA fed fish at 5 degrees C. We also observed temperature-independent tubular dilatation and a reduction in the density of melanomacrophages of the kidney in salmon fed TTA. Nevertheless, the mRNA expression of some immune-relevant genes in head kidney tissue was not affected by TTA-inclusion in salmon diets. In conclusion, it is clear that 0.6% TTA-inclusion in the feed leads to changes in the kidney function particularly at low water temperatures.  相似文献   
Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Singer is a widely distributed wood‐decaying polypore fungus found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Despite its huge distribution range it occurs rather patchily and seems narrowly associated with old‐growth forest stands. Notably, it has been used as an ‘indicator species’, believed to reflect the long‐term presence of dead wood, naturalness of forest stands, and indirectly, species richness and possibly composition. In this study we focused on the last issue – whether or not there is a link between the occurrence of A. lapponica and the species richness and composition of other wood‐decaying fungi. Selecting log characteristics and microclimate as similar as possible, we compared 12 logs with and 12 logs without visible fruit bodies of A. lapponica to examine: 1) if visible fruit bodies corresponded with molecular identification of the mycelia, 2) if fungal species richness and composition of the substrate were related to A. lapponica occurrence, and 3) if A. lapponica was restricted to certain parts of the log. Fungal species were recorded by inspecting visible fruit bodies and by culture isolation and ITS sequencing from wood disc samples. Laboratory and field identification of A. lapponica had 71% correspondence, and mycelia were identified in two logs without visible fruit bodies. Twice as many fungal species were detected using ITS sequencing compared to fruit body identification. Total species richness was similar between the two log categories, but number of species per log was slightly higher in A. lapponica logs. Antrodia serialis (Fr.) Donk, and possibly also Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.:Fr.) P. Karst. and Phellinus nigrolimitatus (Romell) Bourdot & Galzin, occurred more frequently in A. lapponica logs. Mycelia of A. lapponica were restricted to less decayed parts of the wood in the centre of the middle part of the logs.  相似文献   
In seasonal environments, parturition of most vertebrates generally occurs within a short time‐window each year. This synchrony is generally interpreted as being adaptive, as early born young survive better over the critical season than late born young. Among large herbivores, the factors involved in driving among‐ and within‐individual variation in parturition date are poorly understood. We explored this question by analyzing the relative importance of attributes linked to female quality (longevity, median adult body mass and cohort), time‐dependent attributes linked to female condition (reproductive success the previous year, relative annual body mass and offspring cohort (year)), and age in shaping observed variation in parturition date of roe deer. A measure of quality combining the effects of female longevity and median adult body mass accounted for 11% of the observed among‐individual variation in parturition date. Females of 2 yr old give birth 5 d later than older females. Our study demonstrates that high quality (heavy and long‐lived) females give birth earlier than low quality females. Temporally variable attributes linked to female condition, such as reproductive success in the previous year and relative annual body mass, had no detectable influence on parturition date. We conclude that parturition date, a crucial determinant of reproductive success, is shaped by attributes linked to female quality rather than by time‐dependent attributes linked to female condition in income breeders (individuals that rely on current resource intake rather than on accumulated body reserves to offset the increased energy requirements due to reproduction) such as roe deer.  相似文献   
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) expression and signaling are altered in a variety of cancers, but the functional impact of these alterations is uncertain. In this study we investigated the impact of expression of multiple BMPs and their signaling pathway components in human B-cell lymphoma. BMP messages, in particular BMP7, were detected in normal and malignant B cells. Addition of exogenous BMPs inhibited DNA synthesis in most lymphoma cell lines examined, but some cell lines were resistant. Tumor specimens from three out of five lymphoma patients were also resistant to BMPs, as determined by no activation of the BMP effectors Smad1/5/8. We have previously shown that BMP-7 potently induced apoptosis in normal B cells, which was in contrast to no or little inhibitory effect of this BMP in the lymphoma cells tested. BMP-resistance mechanisms were investigated by comparing sensitive and resistant cell lines. While BMP receptors are downregulated in many cancers, we documented similar receptor levels in resistant and sensitive lymphoma cells. We found a positive correlation between activation of Smad1/5/8 and inhibition of DNA synthesis. Gene expression analysis of two independent data sets showed that the levels of inhibitory Smads varied across different B-cell lymphoma. Furthermore, stable overexpression of Smad7 in two different BMP-sensitive cell lines with low endogenous levels of SMAD7, rendered them completely resistant to BMPs. This work highlights the role of Smads in determining the sensitivity to BMPs and shows that upregulation of Smad7 in cancer cells is sufficient to escape the negative effects of BMPs.  相似文献   
Over half of the salmon consumed globally are farm-raised. The introduction of oil-adjuvanted vaccines into salmon aquaculture made large-scale production feasible by preventing infections. The vaccines that are given i.p. contain oil adjuvant such as mineral oil. However, in rodents, a single i.p. injection of adjuvant hydrocarbon oil induces lupus-like systemic autoimmune syndrome, characterized by autoantibodies, immune complex glomerulonephritis, and arthritis. In the present study, whether the farmed salmon that received oil-adjuvanted vaccine have autoimmune syndrome similar to adjuvant oil-injected rodents was examined. Sera and tissues were collected from vaccinated or unvaccinated Atlantic salmon (experimental, seven farms) and wild salmon. Autoantibodies (immunofluorescence, ELISA, and immunoprecipitation) and IgM levels (ELISA) in sera were measured. Kidneys and livers were examined for pathology. Autoantibodies were common in vaccinated fish vs unvaccinated controls and they reacted with salmon cells/Ags in addition to their reactivity with mammalian Ags. Diffuse nuclear/cytoplasmic staining was common in immunofluorescence but some had more specific patterns. Serum total IgM levels were also increased in vaccinated fish; however, the fold increase of autoantibodies was much more than that of total IgM. Sera from vaccinated fish immunoprecipitated ferritin and approximately 50% also reacted with other unique proteins. Thrombosis and granulomatous inflammation in liver, and immune-complex glomerulonephritis were common in vaccinated fish. Autoimmunity similar to the mouse model of adjuvant oil-induced lupus is common in vaccinated farmed Atlantic salmon. This may have a significant impact on production loss, disease of previously unknown etiology, and future strategies of vaccines and salmon farming.  相似文献   


Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is a competitive inhibitor of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) that is associated with endothelial dysfunction, and is a risk marker for cardiovascular disease, a significant problem in Type 1 diabetes. The aim of the present study was to measure circulating ADMA, and define its association with endothelial dysfunction and endothelial markers in people with Type 1 diabetes with low likelihood of macrovascular disease.


Sixty-one young people with Type 1 diabetes without macrovascular disease or nephropathy and 62 healthy volunteers underwent brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) and assay of plasma ADMA and adhesion molecules.


Age, gender, BMI, lipid profile and renal function were similar in the two groups. People with Type 1 diabetes had impaired FMD compared to healthy controls (5.0 ± 0.4 vs 8.9 ± 0.4%; p < 0.001). Plasma ADMA levels were significantly lower in the people with diabetes compared to healthy controls (0.52 ± 0.12 vs 0.66 ± 0.20 μmol/l, p < 0.001). Plasma ICAM-1, E-selectin and PAI-1 levels were significantly higher in people with diabetes compared to healthy controls (median 201 (IQR 172–226) vs 180 (156–216) μg/l, p = 0.027; 44.2 (32.6–60.9) vs. 33.1 (22.4–51.0) μg/l; p = 0.003 and 70.8 (33.3–85.5) vs 46.3 (23.9–76.8) μg/l, p = 0.035). Plasma ADMA and VCAM-1 levels were positively correlated (r = 0.37, p = 0.003) in people with diabetes. There was no correlation between the plasma ADMA and FMD.


ADMA levels are not associated with endothelial dysfunction in young adults with Type 1 diabetes without microalbuminuria or known macrovascular disease. This suggests that the impaired endothelial function in these individuals is not a result of eNOS inhibition by ADMA.  相似文献   
Inorganic ions in cold-hardiness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cold exposure and freezing may affect ion distribution in several ways and reduce physiologically important ionic gradients. Both freeze-avoiding and freeze-tolerant organisms have developed mechanisms to handle this stress. Supercooled insects seem to be able to maintain their ionic gradients even at temperatures far below zero. When freeze-tolerant insects freeze, ions diffuse down their concentration gradients across the cell membranes and reach electrochemical equilibrium. They quickly reverse this transmembrane diffusion when they are thawed. Trace metals may affect mechanisms for cold-hardening in different ways and reduce cold-hardiness. Freezing may give rise to toxic concentrations of metal ions, and freeze-tolerant organisms probably need to inactivate toxic trace metals. Ice nucleating agents may be important in this context.  相似文献   
A main objective of game management on public lands in Norway is to ensure that harvest levels are sustainable while securing hunting access to the public. The willow ptarmigan is a popular but red-listed small game species, and it is challenging for managers to optimize harvest levels based on uncertain population estimates and limited knowledge of the factors influencing hunting impact. We studied how willow ptarmigan hunting effort, catch per unit effort, and harvest rates were influenced by ptarmigan density, topography, vegetation, and infrastructure. Data were collected during 2013–2016 from 162 hunting blocks covering 26,828 km2 state-owned land in the counties Nordland and Troms, northern Norway. Hunting effort averaged 1.27 days/km2 (SD?=?2.08), and it was the highest in areas close to roads and cabins. We found an opposite effect on the catch per unit effort (CPUE, mean?=?0.77 ptarmigan/day, SD?=?0.48), which was lower close to roads. There was a marked positive effect of density on CPUE, whereas terrain steepness (slope) had a negative effect. On average, harvest removed <?10% of the autumn population in the hunting areas during the study period. This indicates a relatively low and partially compensatory hunting mortality in most years and areas. Although this study shows a low harvest rate, we recommend managers to survey ptarmigan populations, hunting effort, and harvest, especially in easily accessible areas close to infrastructure and in periods of low population density.  相似文献   
The chiefly Holarctic Hydrobius species complex (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) currently consists of Hydrobius arcticus Kuwert, 1890, and three morphological variants of Hydrobius fuscipes (Linnaeus, 1758): var. fuscipes, var. rottenbergii and var. subrotundus in northern Europe. Here molecular and morphological data are used to test the species boundaries in this species complex. Three gene segments (COI, H3 and ITS2) were sequenced and analyzed with Bayesian methods to infer phylogenetic relationships. The Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent (GMYC) model and two versions of the Bayesian species delimitation method BPP, with or without an a priori defined guide tree (v2.2 & v3.0), were used to evaluate species limits. External and male genital characters of primarily Fennoscandian specimens were measured and statistically analyzed to test for significant differences in quantitative morphological characters. The four morphotypes formed separate genetic clusters on gene trees and were delimited as separate species by GMYC and by both versions of BPP, despite specimens of Hydrobius fuscipes var. fuscipes and Hydrobius fuscipes var. subrotundus being sympatric. Hydrobius arcticus and Hydrobius fuscipes var. rottenbergii could only be separated genetically with ITS2, and were delimited statistically with GMYC on ITS2 and with BPP on the combined data. In addition, six or seven potentially cryptic species of the Hydrobius fuscipes complex from regions outside northern Europe were delimited genetically. Although some overlap was found, the mean values of six male genital characters were significantly different between the morphotypes (p < 0.001). Morphological characters previously presumed to be diagnostic were less reliable to separate Hydrobius fuscipes var. fuscipes from Hydrobius fuscipes var. subrotundus, but characters in the literature for Hydrobius arcticus and Hydrobius fuscipes var. rottenbergii were diagnostic. Overall, morphological and molecular evidence strongly suggest that Hydrobius arcticus and the three morphological variants of Hydrobius fuscipes are separate species and Hydrobius rottenbergii Gerhardt, 1872, stat. n. and Hydrobius subrotundus Stephens, 1829, stat. n. are elevated to valid species. An identification key to northern European species of Hydrobius is provided.  相似文献   
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