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We studied the effects of removal of breeding nomadic avian predators (the kestrel, Falco tinnunculus and Tengmalm's owl, Aegolius funereus) on small mammals (voles of the genera Microtus and Clethrionomys and the common shrew, Sorex araneus) during 1989–1992 in western Finland to find out if these predators have a regulating or limiting impact on their prey populations. We removed potential breeding sites of raptors from five manipulation areas (c. 3 km2 each), whereas control areas had nest-boxes in addition to natural cavities and stick-nests. Densities of small mammals were monitored by snap-trapping in April, June, and August, and densities of mammalian predators (the least weasel, Mustela nivalis nivalis, the stoat, M. erminea and the red fox, Vulpes vulpes) by snow tracking in early spring and late autumn. The yearly mean number of raptor breeding territories was 0.2–1.0 in reduction areas and 3.0–8.2 in control areas. Breeding raptors alone did not regulate prey populations in the long term, but probably caused short-term changes in the population dynamics of both the main prey, the sibling vole (Microtus rossiaemeridionalis) and an alternative prey (the common shrew). The densities of an alternative prey, the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) decreased in raptor reduction areas, most likely due to increased least weasel predation pressure in the absence of breeding avian predators.  相似文献   
We investigated the functional response of the least weasel ( Mustela nivalis nivalis ) in a series of experiments conducted in large outdoor enclosures (0.5 ha). Radiocollared Microtus voles were released in the enclosures at different densities (4, 8, 16 and 100/ha) three days before the release of a radiocollared weasel. During the three-day experiment every vole killed was replaced with another one as soon as possible to retain constant prey density. The results demonstrated type II functional response with the predation rate reaching 50% of the asymptotic rate at a vole density of 15 individuals per ha. More voles were killed at the highest densities than would be expected from the known energy demands of weasels. Female and male voles were killed in proportion to their abundances in the enclosures, and no difference in predation risk was detected between voles released in the enclosure before the weasel (residents) and during the experiment (transients).  相似文献   
We studied egg size variation of Tengmalm's owls in western Finland during 1981–1990. The owls fed on voles whose population fluctuated in a predictable manner: low (1981, 1984, 1987, 1990), increase (1982, 1985, 1988) and peak (1983, 1986, 1986) phases of the cycle occurred every third year. Eggs were largest in the increase phase of the vole cycle, even though that voles were more abundant and egg-laying started earlier in the peak phase than in the increase phase. This suggests that owls invest mostly in egg size when vole abundance increases along with survival chances of offspring. Territory quality and female age had no effects on egg size, but egg size decreased with laying data in the increase phase of the vole cycle. Egg size was significantly positively related to the male age in the increase phase, but the opposite relationship was significant in the peak phase of the vole cycle. The partners of adult males also decreased their egg volume from the increase to the peak phase, whereas the partners of yearling males produced their largest eggs in the peak phase of the vole cycle. This suggests the importance of experience in prevailing food fluctuations. Possibly male Tengmalm's owls can adjust the intensity of courtship feeding not only in relation to the food abundance on their territories at the time of egg laying, but also to the survival prospects of their offspring. Phenotypic plasticity seems to play a substantial role, as the egg size repeatabilities of individual females and partners of individual males were low. Obviously, under cyclic food conditions, predictability and inter-generational trade-offs are important to life history traits.  相似文献   
Spatial variation in the strength of trophic cascades in arctic tundra has been related to flows of subsidies across ecosystem boundaries. Here, we ask whether the input of marine subsidies in tundra systems would cause spatial variation in the strength of rodent–plant interactions between coastal areas, where predators have access to marine‐derived resources, and non‐subsidized inland areas of northern Fennoscandia. We present a detailed evaluation of predator–rodent–vegetation interactions along a coast‐inland gradient, during the 2011 rodent outbreak and the two following decline years, by using direct assessments of rodent impacts and tracing of marine‐derived nutrients in the food web. Our results revealed that the main rodent predator during summer, the long‐tailed jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus, did not benefit from marine resources while breeding (relative dietary proportion in chicks’ diet = 0–3%). Contrary to this pattern, parasitic jaegers S. parasiticus, bred exclusively near the coast and preyed effectively on both marine resources (41% of chicks’ diet) and rodents (12%). Mammalian predators also showed a higher activity during winter near the coast. Despite overall higher predator numbers, no evidence was found for lower rodent population growth rates during the three monitoring summers and for weaker rodent grazing impacts in the coastal area. Instead, we documented pronounced damages caused by lemmings and voles on bryophytes and vascular plants, especially dwarf shrubs (e.g. Vaccinum myrtillus) all along the coast–inland gradient. Taken together, our results did not support the hypothesis that marine subsidies would trigger a trophic cascade in coastal tundra areas of northern Fennoscandia during a major rodent outbreak, probably due to a relatively low diversity of marine‐subsidized predators in the region. Comparative observational and experimental studies at large spatial scales in various arctic regions are absolutely necessary for a better understanding of factors causing regional variations in the functioning of arctic food webs.  相似文献   
Twenty-four Finnhorse mares were examined by rectal palpation and ultrasonography every 6 h during late oestrus to determine the time of ovulation. Milk and serum samples were collected every 6 h after the detected ovulation for progesterone analysis. The progesterone rises took place within 0–54 h and 0–60 h after ovulation, in milk and serum, respectively. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in progesterone levels were observed for the first time 12–18 h and 18–24 h after ovulation, in serum and milk, respectively, as compared to progesterone levels 0–6 h after ovulation.  相似文献   
Membrane potentials of particles present in a subcellular brain preparation, called synaptoneurosomes, have been monitored by measurement of changes in the absorbance of a cyanine dye, DiS-C2-5. The membrane potential of the particles seems to be dependent on both Cl- and K+ diffusion potentials, as judged from dependence of the absorbance changes on the K+ equilibrium potential across the membrane in the presence of Ba2+ or when Cl- was replaced with gluconate. The apparent high Cl- permeability of the membrane preparation was reduced in the presence of picrotoxin, a finding suggesting endogenous activation of receptor-linked Cl- channels. Glutamate and kainate caused depolarization of the membranes present in the preparation. This effect was only seen if K+ channels had been blocked in the presence of Ba2+ or 4-aminopyridine. No responses were observed with other glutamate receptor agonists (quisqualate or N-methyl-D-aspartate). The membrane potential of particles present in conventional synaptosomal preparations neither had a high Cl- permeability nor reacted to glutamate or kainate in the present conditions. The results suggest that synaptoneurosome preparations may be used for functional studies on postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor-linked membrane potential changes with optical probes of membrane potential.  相似文献   
Erkki Korpimäki 《Oecologia》1986,69(2):195-201
Summary I studied the importance of geographical location, snow cover and food to the fluctuations in 30 breeding populations of Tengmalm's owl (Aegolius funereu) in Europe. Cyclicity indices were positively related both to latitude and longitude, but within Fennoscandia they were better correlated with snow cover. Population fluctuations increased northward, while food niche breadth and degree of site tenacity decreased northwards.Microtine fluctuations become more pronounced northwards and are more synchronized, while number of alternative prey increases southwards. These factors promote instability in North European and stability in central European owl populations. Furthermore, snow conditions were more important within Fennoscandia, since this small owl cannot hunt voles protected by deep snow. Environmental predictability and diversity of available food for Tengmalm's owl increase southwards in Europe. Thus, the owl is a resident generalist predator of small mammals and birds in central Europe and adopts a partial migration strategy (males being resident and females nomadic) in South and West Finland, changing its habits to nomadic microtine specialist in areas with pronounced vole cycles (in northern Fennoscandia). These changes fit well with the recent suggestion that gradients in density variations of small rodents are related to sustainable numbers of generalist predators.  相似文献   
Synopsis Parental care of Tilapia mariae was observed in nature (Ethiop River, Nigeria) and in aquaria with or without intruders present. In the field, 25–30% of nests are guarded by one parent, normally the female. It is assumed that most missing males have deserted. Males who participate in brood care exhibit both close brood guarding and brood defence at a lower level than females, and hence seem to invest less than females. Broods were guarded under three distinct types: (1) female at the brood, male in surroundings, (2) parents take turns, or (3) parents stay together at the brood. Each pair used predominantly one type until the young swam freely, thereafter type 3. Females defended most in type 3, but male attack rate did not differ among the types. Type 3 seems related to increased risk of brood predation and type 2 to the female's foraging needs, being more common when she is small and the mates do not differ much in size. The unequal guarding times of type 1 indicate rather a low parental investment by the male (and thus risk of desertion) than specialization in roles on equal investment basis. Parental behaviour exhibited in aquaria differed in many ways from that in nature. The role types were indistinct and there were more signs of motivational conflict between the mates. Isolated pairs avoided joint guarding in the embryo period and while switching, female turns were much longer than male turns, unlike in nature. When intruders were added, males attacked them more than did females.  相似文献   
When rabies reappeared in Finland in April 1988, the country had been rabies free since 1959. Soon a picture of sylvatic rabies become evident, its main vector and victim being the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). Between 8 April 1988 and 16 February 1989, 66 virologically verified cases were recorded (48 raccoon dogs, 12 red foxes, 2 badgers, 2 cats, l dog and 1 dairy bull) in an area estimated at 1700 km2 in south-eastern Finland. The greatest distance between recorded cases was 67 km. A positive reaction with monoclonal antibody p-41 indicated that the virus was an arctic-type strain. A field trial on oral immunization of small predators was initiated in September 1988 using Tübingen fox baits according to the Bavarian model of bait distribution. Each bait contained 5*107 TCID50/ml modified live rabies virus (SAD-B19). The 6 months’ surveillance indicate a seroconversion rate of 72% (N=126) in the raccoon dog population, 67% (N=56) in the red foxes and 13% (N=16) in the badgers, when titers ≥1.0 IU/ml are considered seropositive. In the whole follow-up period, no statistically significant difference could be detected between the raccoon dogs and red foxes in the rate of seroconversion or in the uptake of tetracycline from the baits. Notably high antibody levels were recorded in both raccoon dogs and red foxes within 4–5 months after vaccination. Of the seropositive animals, the proportion of animals with titers 3.0 IU/ml or greater was higher in raccoon dogs (73%) than in red foxes (51%) (x2= 5.29, p< 0.05). The trial shows that raccoon dogs can be immunized against rabies in the field with vaccine baits originally developed for controlling sylvatic rabies in foxes.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. As a spring-feeding moth committed to immature foliage, the autumnal moth Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) must have egg hatch synchronised with the bud-burst of its host plants. Due to large individual variation in the length of the pupal period, however, E. autumnata populations exhibit a prolonged period of flight and oviposition. Because the timing of oviposition in autumn is associated with the timing of egg hatch in the following spring, the time window for egg hatch expands and more potential hosts may become attainable. This suggestion was evaluated under field conditions by rearing E. autumnata eggs and larvae on four different hosts.
2. The performance of E. autumnata was measured by using estimates for fecundity (pupal mass) as well as survivorship of eggs and larvae. Based on the availability of foliage and phenological synchrony between larval and leaf development, early-laid eggs and the larvae originating from them were predicted to perform better on the hosts that have early-flushing leaves. On the late-flushing hosts, the larvae that hatched later were predicted to perform better than the larvae that hatched earlier. Half of the trials were exposed to predators and parasitoids, while the rest were conducted inside mesh-bags preventing larval dispersal and mortality due to natural enemies.
3. The results of the experiment did not support the simple predictions. In particular, host-plant quality and natural enemies appeared to operate discordantly between early- and late-laid eggs. Larvae from the late-laid eggs had rapid development during the larval stages and pupated at the same time and with the same pupal mass as the larvae hatched from the early-laid eggs.
4. The results indicate an occurrence of several, unknown selective forces in E. autumnata populations maintaining variation in the length of the pupal period, timing of oviposition, and timing of egg hatch.  相似文献   
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