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Predicting the structural effects of insertions in proteins by homology modeling remains a challenge. To investigate the molecular basis for conformational adaptations to insertions, ten mutants of ubiquitin were generated by introducing five different inserts, varying from five to 11 residues in size, at two different sites. Most insertion sequences were derived from homologous positions in structurally homologous ubiquitin-like proteins; to test sequence specificity, insertions were made into both homologous and non-homologous sites in ubiquitin. Structural inferences from NMR data suggest that each insertion site shows a reflex response to insertions: the sequence of the insertion has much less impact on structural adaptations than does the site of the insertion. Further, each site responds to insertions in a unique but consistent manner. For a given insertion site, different inserted sequences give rise to different stabilities, but the relationship between stability and sequence is not yet clear. However, the change in stability is similar for all insertions in a given site.  相似文献   
The role of host factors in regulating bacterial transposition has never been comprehensively addressed, despite the potential consequences of transposition. Here, we describe a screen for host factors that influence transposition of IS903, and the effect of these mutations on two additional transposons, Tn10 and Tn552. Over 20,000 independent insertion mutants were screened in two strains of Escherichia coli; from these we isolated over 100 mutants that altered IS903 transposition. These included mutations that increased or decreased the extent of transposition and also altered the timing of transposition during colony growth. The large number of gene products affecting transposition, and their diverse functions, indicate that the overall process of transposition is modulated at many different steps and by a range of processes. Previous work has suggested that transposition is triggered by cellular stress. We describe two independent mutations that are in a gene required for fermentative metabolism during anaerobic growth, and that cause transposition to occur earlier than normal during colony development. The ability to suppress this phenotype by the addition of fumarate therefore provides direct evidence that transposition occurs in response to nutritional stress. Other mutations that altered transposition disrupted genes normally associated with DNA metabolism, intermediary metabolism, transport, cellular redox, protein folding and proteolysis and together these define a network of host proteins that could potentially allow readout of the cell's environmental and nutritional status. In summary, this work identifies a collection of proteins that allow the host to modulate transposition in response to cell stress.  相似文献   
We used captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to test whether corticosterone responses differed in birds held under normal laboratory conditions or conditions of chronic stress. Surprisingly, both basal corticosterone concentrations and corticosterone responses to acute stress were significantly reduced when birds were chronically stressed. To determine the mechanism underlying this reduced response, animals under both conditions were injected with lactated Ringer's solution (control), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), arginine vasotocin (AVT), or dexamethasone (DEX). ACTH increased corticosterone concentrations above stress-induced levels in both cases, although maximum responses were lower in chronically stressed birds. AVT did not augment the corticosterone response under nonchronically stressed conditions, but it did under chronically stressed conditions. DEX reduced maximal corticosterone concentrations in both cases. Neither ovine nor rat corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) altered normal stress responses. These data indicate that changes in responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to ACTH and AVT serve to downregulate corticosterone responses during chronic stress. Furthermore, these data lead to the following hypothesis: ACTH output from the pituitary limits maximum corticosterone concentrations under normal conditions, but reduced AVT release from the hypothalamus regulates lower corticosterone concentrations under chronic stress conditions.  相似文献   
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) represents the mammalian form of the core component of a kinase cascade that is conserved between fungi, plants, and animals. AMPK plays a major role in protecting mammalian cells from metabolic stress by switching off biosynthetic pathways that require ATP and switching on ATP-regenerating pathways. In this report, we describe the isolation and characterization of the gene for the noncatalytic bovine gamma1 subunit of AMPK. The bovine ampkgamma1 (PRKAG1) gene spans in excess of 14 kb and is located at BTA 5q21-q22. It consists of 12 exons ranging in size from 38 b to 166 b, interspersed with 11 introns that range between 97 b and 6753 b in length. The coding region of the bovine gene shares 93% and 90% nucleotide sequence similarity with its human and rat counterparts, and the bovine AMPKgamma1 protein is 98% and 95% identical to its human and rat homologs, respectively, in amino acid sequence. SNP discovery using a cattle DNA panel revealed a number of polymorphisms that may be useful for the evaluation of ampkgamma1 as a candidate gene for energy metabolism-related production traits.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in nearly every biological process examined to date, but little is known of the identity or function of miRNA in sperm cells or their potential involvement in spermatogenesis. The objective was to identify differences in miRNA expression between normal porcine sperm samples and those exhibiting high percentages of morphological abnormalities or low motility. Quantitative RT-PCR was performed on sperm RNA to compare expression levels of 10 specific miRNAs that are predicted to target genes that code for proteins involved in spermatogenesis, sperm structure, motility, or metabolism. There were increases in the expression of four miRNAs, let-7a, -7d, -7e, and miR-22, in the abnormal group (P < 0.05), whereas miR-15b was decreased compared to controls (P < 0.05). Two miRNAs, let-7d and let-7e, were increased in the low motility group when compared to controls (P < 0.05). Bioinformatic analyses revealed that messenger RNA targets of the differentially expressed miRNAs encode proteins previously described to play roles in sperm function. Although the precise role of miRNA in sperm remains to be determined, their changes as associated with morphology and motility signify a critical biological function. Perhaps they are remnants of spermatogenesis, stored for a later role in fertilization, or are delivered to the oocyte to influence early embryonic development. Although there is no single cause of male infertility, the identification of miRNAs associated with sperm motility, structural integrity, or metabolism could lead to the development of a microarray or real time-based diagnostic assay to provide an assessment of male fertility status.  相似文献   
The molecular complexity of biological tissue and the spatial and temporal variation in the biological processes involved in human disease requires new technologies and new approaches to provide insight into disease processes. Imaging mass spectrometry is an effective tool that provides molecular images of tissues in the molecular discovery process. The analysis of human tissue presents special challenges and limitations because the heterogeneity among human tissues and diseases is much greater than that observed in animal models, and discoveries made in animal tissues might not translate well to their human counterparts. In this article, we briefly review the challenges of imaging human tissue using mass spectrometry and suggest approaches to address these issues.  相似文献   
In voice research, in vitro tensile stretch experiments of vocal fold tissues are commonly employed to determine the tissue biomechanical properties. In the standard stretch-release protocol, tissue deformation is computed from displacements applied to sutures inserted through the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages, with the cartilages assumed to be rigid. Here, a non-contact optical method was employed to determine the actual tissue deformation of vocal fold lamina propria specimens from three excised human larynges in uniaxial tensile tests. Specimen deformation was found to consist not only of deformation of the tissue itself, but also deformation of the cartilages, as well as suture alignment and tightening. Stress-stretch curves of a representative load cycle were characterized by an incompressible Ogden model. The initial longitudinal elastic modulus was found to be considerably higher if determined based on optical displacement measurements than typical values reported in the literature. The present findings could change the understanding of the mechanics underlying vocal fold vibration. Given the high longitudinal elastic modulus the lamina propria appeared to demonstrate a substantial level of anisotropy. Consequently, transverse shear could play a significant role in vocal fold vibration, and fundamental frequencies of phonation should be predicted by beam theories accounting for such effects.  相似文献   
Antitumor nitrogen mustards, such as bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine (mechlorethamine), are useful chemotherapeutic agents with a long history of clinical application. The antitumor effects of nitrogen mustards are attributed to their ability to induce DNA-DNA and DNA-protein cross-links (DPCs) that block DNA replication. In the present work, a mass spectrometry-based methodology was employed to characterize in vivo DNA-protein cross-linking following treatment of human fibrosarcoma (HT1080) cells with cytotoxic concentrations of mechlorethamine. A combination of mass spectrometry-based proteomics and immunological detection was used to identify 38 nuclear proteins that were covalently cross-linked to chromosomal DNA following treatment with mechlorethamine. Isotope dilution HPLC-ESI(+)-MS/MS analysis of total proteolytic digests revealed a concentration-dependent formation of N-[2-(S-cysteinyl)ethyl]-N-[2-(guan-7-yl)ethyl]methylamine (Cys-N7G-EMA) conjugates, indicating that mechlorethamine cross-links cysteine thiols within proteins to N-7 positions of guanine in DNA.  相似文献   
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