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A large body of research has aimed to determine the neurochemical factors driving differential sensitivity to ethanol between individuals in an attempt to find predictors of ethanol abuse vulnerability. Here we find that the locomotor activating effects of ethanol are markedly greater in DBA/2J compared to C57BL/6J mice, although it is unclear as to what neurochemical differences between strains mediate this behavior. Dopamine elevations in the nucleus accumbens and caudate-putamen regulate locomotor behavior for most drugs, including ethanol; thus, we aimed to determine if differences in these regions predict strain differences in ethanol-induced locomotor activity. Previous studies suggest that ethanol interacts with the dopamine transporter, potentially mediating its locomotor activating effects; however, we found that ethanol had no effects on dopamine uptake in either strain. Ex vivo voltammetry allows for the determination of ethanol effects on presynaptic dopamine terminals, independent of drug-induced changes in firing rates of afferent inputs from either dopamine neurons or other neurotransmitter systems. However, differences in striatal dopamine dynamics did not predict the locomotor-activating effects of ethanol, since the inhibitory effects of ethanol on dopamine release were similar between strains. There were differences in presynaptic dopamine function between strains, with faster dopamine clearance in the caudate-putamen of DBA/2J mice; however, it is unclear how this difference relates to locomotor behavior. Because of the role of the dopamine system in reinforcement and reward learning, differences in dopamine signaling between the strains could have implications for addiction-related behaviors that extend beyond ethanol effects in the striatum.  相似文献   
Y-family DNA polymerases bypass DNA adducts in a process known as translesion synthesis (TLS). Y-family polymerases make contacts with the minor groove side of the DNA substrate at the nascent base pair. The Y-family polymerases also contact the DNA major groove via the unique little finger domain, but they generally lack contacts with the major groove at the nascent base pair. Escherichia coli DinB efficiently and accurately copies certain minor groove guanosine adducts. In contrast, we previously showed that the presence in the DNA template of the major groove-modified base 1,3-diaza-2-oxophenothiazine (tC) inhibits the activity of E. coli DinB. Even when the DNA primer is extended up to three nucleotides beyond the site of the tC analog, DinB activity is strongly inhibited. These findings prompted us to investigate discrimination against other major groove modifications by DinB and its orthologs. We chose a set of pyrimidines and purines with modifications in the major groove and determined the activity of DinB and several orthologs with these substrates. DinB, human pol kappa, and Sulfolobus solfataricus Dpo4 show differing specificities for the major groove adducts pyrrolo-dC, dP, N6-furfuryl-dA, and etheno-dA. In general, DinB was least efficient for bypass of all of these major groove adducts, whereas Dpo4 was most efficient. DinB activity was essentially completely inhibited by the presence of etheno-dA, while pol kappa activity was strongly inhibited. All three of these DNA polymerases were able to bypass N6-furfuryl-dA with modest efficiency, with DinB being the least efficient. We also determined that the R35A variant of DinB enhances bypass of N6-furfuryl-dA but not etheno-dA. In sum, we find that whereas DinB is specific for bypass of minor groove adducts, it is specifically inhibited by major groove DNA modifications.  相似文献   
Ascorbic acid (AA) exhibits significant anticancer activity at pharmacologic doses achievable by parenteral administration that have minimal effects on normal cells. Thus, AA has potential uses as a chemotherapeutic agent alone or in combination with other therapeutics that specifically target cancer-cell metabolism. We compared the effects of AA and combinations of AA with the glycolysis inhibitor 3-(3-pyridinyl)-1-(4-pyridinyl)-2-propen-1-one (3-PO) on the viability of three non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines to the effects on an immortalized lung epithelial cell line. AA concentrations of 0.5 to 5 mM caused a complete loss of viability in all NSCLC lines compared to a <10% loss of viability in the lung epithelial cell line. Combinations of AA and 3-PO synergistically enhanced cell death in all NSCLC cell lines at concentrations well below the IC50 concentrations for each compound alone. A synergistic interaction was not observed in combination treatments of lung epithelial cells and combination treatments that caused a complete loss of viability in NSCLC cells had modest effects on normal lung cell viability and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. Combination treatments induced dramatically higher ROS levels compared to treatment with AA and 3-PO alone in NSCLC cells and combination-induced cell death was inhibited by addition of catalase to the medium. Analyses of DNA fragmentation, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage, annexin V-binding, and caspase activity demonstrated that AA-induced cell death is caused via the activation of apoptosis and that the combination treatments caused a synergistic induction of apoptosis. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of AA against NSCLC cells and that combinations of AA with 3-PO synergistically induce apoptosis via a ROS-dependent mechanism. These results support further evaluation of pharmacologic concentrations of AA as an adjuvant treatment for NSCLC and that combination of AA with glycolysis inhibitors may be a promising therapy for the treatment of NSCLC.  相似文献   
Ecologists often use mark-recapture to estimate demographic variables such as abundance, growth rate, or survival for samples of wild animal populations. A common assumption underlying mark-recapture is that all animals have an equal probability of detection, and failure to meet or correct for this assumption–as when certain members of the population are either easier or more difficult to capture than other animals–can lead to biased and inaccurate demographic estimates. We built within-year and among-years Cormack-Jolly-Seber recaptures-only models to identify causes of capture heterogeneity for a population of colonially nesting cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) caught using mist-netting as a part of a 20-year mark-recapture study in southwestern Nebraska, U.S.A. Daily detection of cliff swallows caught in stationary mist nets at their colony sites declined as the birds got older and as the frequency of netting at a site within a season increased. Experienced birds’ avoidance of the net could be countered by sudden disturbances that startled them into a net, such as when we dropped a net over the side of a bridge or flushed nesting cliff swallows into a stationary net positioned at a colony entrance. Our results support the widely held, but seldom tested, belief that birds learn to avoid stationary mist nets over time, but also show that modifications of traditional field methods can reduce this source of recapture heterogeneity.  相似文献   
The southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, shows clear phenotypic differences between shallow water (red coloured) and deeper water (pale coloured) individuals. Translocations of individuals from deeper water to shallower waters are currently being trialled as a management strategy to facilitate a phenotypic change from lower value pale colouration, common in deeper waters, to the higher value red colouration found in shallow waters. Although panmixia across the J. edwardsii range has been long assumed, it is critical to assess the genetic variability of the species to ensure that the level of population connectivity is appropriately understood and translocations do not have unintended consequences. Eight microsatellite loci were used to investigate genetic differentiation between six sites (three shallow, three deep) across southern Tasmania, Australia, and one from New Zealand. Based on analyses the assumption of panmixia was rejected, revealing small levels of genetic differentiation across southern Tasmania, significant levels of differentiation between Tasmania and New Zealand, and high levels of asymmetric gene flow in an easterly direction from Tasmania into New Zealand. These results suggest that translocation among Tasmanian populations are not likely to be problematic, however, a re-consideration of panmictic stock structure for this species is necessary.  相似文献   
Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) transfers cholesteryl ester and triglyceride between HDL and apoB-containing lipoproteins. Anacetrapib (ANA), a reversible inhibitor of CETP, raises HDL cholesterol and lowers LDL cholesterol in dyslipidemic patients. We previously demonstrated that ANA increases macrophage-to-feces reverse cholesterol transport and fecal cholesterol excretion in hamsters, and increased preβ HDL-dependent cholesterol efflux via ABCA1 in vitro. However, the effects of ANA on in vivo preβ HDL have not been characterized. In vitro, ANA inhibited the formation of preβ, however in ANA-treated dyslipidemic hamsters, preβ HDL levels (measured by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis) were increased, in contrast to in vitro findings. Because changes in plasma preβ HDL have been proposed to potentially affect markers of cholesterol absorption with other CETP inhibitors, a dual stable isotope method was used to directly measure cholesterol absorption in hamsters. ANA treatment of hamsters (on either dyslipidemic or normal diet) had no effect on cholesterol absorption, while dalcetrapib-treated hamsters displayed an increase in cholesterol absorption. Taken together, these data support the notion that ANA promotes preβ HDL functionality in vivo, with no effects on cholesterol absorption.  相似文献   
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