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Summary Two shoot populations of the rhizomatous, patchforming herb Solidago canadensis were studied throughout a developmental cycle in two abandoned pasture sites in southern Ontario. The shoot cohorts that emerged in spring dominated the two populations; subsequent recruitment was very low. Shoot mortality was highest in June and was concentrated in the smallest size classes. Both populations showed a pronounced bimodal size structure for most of the growth cycle. Relative growth rate of shoots declined as the growing season progressed and tended to be lowest in the smallest size classes. Inflorescence production depended on shoot size. The calculated relationship between log mean weight and log density of shoots was not constant during the growth cycle and the calculated maximum biomass values do not transgress the ultimate thinning line suggested from previously published data.Address for proofs and present address: Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool, L69 3BX. England  相似文献   
Determination of seed vigor was attempted by comparing ATP-levels of deteriorating seed to germination percentage and production of dry matter. Immediately after imbibition of any seed lot investigated, a production of ATP took place. This ATP-accumulation invariably reached a plateau after 6 h of imbibition. Two well germinating seed lots of rape, one of cauliflower and one of sugar beet, were artificially aged by means of elevated storage temperature and humidity. Every second week through 16 weeks of deterioration the levels of ATP, ADP and AMP after 7 h of imbibition were compared with the germination percentage. While ADP- and AMP-contents of germinating seed displayed no change (when imbibed 7 h) during the period of artificial aging, seed deterioration was reflected in the ATP-levels long before loss of viability could be detected by the conventional germination test.
When ATP-levels per seed were related to germination percentage throughout the aging, all four seed lots displayed similar patterns although the absolute figures differed. In contrast to the conventional "per seed' basis, however, ATP per gram seed not only displayed similar deterioration patterns, but the absolute values were also of the same magnitude.  相似文献   
Factors have been investigated which govern the electrophilic reactivity of alkyl halides with thiolate anions in aqueous solution. In the series of alkyl halides studied, some are potential metal-directed affinity labels, while others are frequently used in protein modification. Previous data on the kinetics of this type of alkylation are compared with the present results. The influence of electronic, polar, and steric factors on alkyl halide reactivity is seen. The following order of reactivity for alkyl halides bearing different α substituents was observed: RCH2CH(X)COOCH3 > RCH2CH(X)CONH2 > RCH2CH(X)COOH > RCH2CH2X > RCH2CH(X)CH2OH. The metal-directed affinity labels are imidazole derivatives, some of which have substituents in their imidazole ring. The effect of the imidazole ring and of ring substitution on reactivity is seen. The nucleophilic reactivity of thiols is highly pH dependent since the thiolate anion (RS?) is the reactive species, but only minor differences emerged between different free thiolates.  相似文献   
Rapidly adhering cells (RA cells) from the amniotic fluid of a pregnancy with fetal anencephaly were investigated by immunofluorescence assay with an antiserum against glial cells. After 24 hours'' cultivation a high proportion of the cells showed positive glial-specific fluorescence, whereas no staining was seen in cells from samples of normal amniotic fluid. At the 24th week the mother was delivered of a stillborn infant with anencephaly. Immunofluorescence staining of RA cells with glial-specific antiserum may be used for the differential diagnosis of fetal abnormalities associated with a high alpha-fetoprotein concentration in amniotic fluid.  相似文献   
Free (non-protein) amino acids were measured in whole rat liver and in unmodified lysosomes which were prepared from rat liver by the technique of free-flow electrophoresis. Significant intralysosomal pools of threonine, serine, valine, cystine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, lysine and arginine were found. No efflux occurred from rat liver lysosomes in isotonic buffered sucrose at 0°C, but all amino acids showed various degrees of efflux at 200 and 370.  相似文献   
The reported expression of the cell surface-associated, mainly mesenchymal glycoprotein fibronectin by cultured glial cells is in discrepancy with recent work on brain tissue failing to demonstrate any glial or neuronal fibronectin. We have investigated the expression of fibronectin in relation to glial fibrillary acidic protein in cultured human glial and glioma cell lines as well as in cultures derived from newborn rat brain. Using double immunofluorescence technique we found that cells containing glial fibrillary acidic protein do not express fibronectin, and vice versa. The only exception to this rule was the occasional finding of fibronectin at points of cell-to-cell adhesion also in relation to cells containing glial fibrillary acidic protein. The results were also tested by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the culture media of the human cell lines, and by subcultures from the brain of newborn rat, cultures stimulated with dibutyryl cyclic AMP (db-cAMP), and by vinblastine treatment of the cells. The lack of expression of fibronectin in cells containing glial fibrillary acidic protein, a gliospecific cytoskeletal protein, is discussed with reference to glio-mesenchymal interactions and glial markers in vitro.  相似文献   
This paper offers the suggestion that heat shock inhibition of tubulin synthesis accounts for the molecular mechanism by which periodic heat shocks induce cell synchrony in Tetrahymena. Each heat shock (34 °C) represses tubulin synthesis and blocks the division cycle at the point when the oral structure, rich in microtubules, would normally begin to assemble. Recovery (at 28 °C) from each heat shock is characterized by parallel derepression of tubulin synthesis and of oral development. Changes in protein synthesis patterns are complex when the temperature is shifted up and down between 28 and 34 °C and further experimental support is required in support of the hypothesis here forwarded.  相似文献   
In this work we report that phosphate anions interact with the anion binding site of alcohol dehydrogenase from horse liver. In protection experiments against the two affinity labels, iodoacetic acid and bromo-imidazolylpropionic acid, the dissociation constant for the enzyme-phosphate complex at pH 7.0 is, based on total phosphate, found to be 20 +/- 5 mM. The 1,4-piperazinediethanesulfonate anion has a lower affinity for the anion binding site, the dissociation at pH 7.0 being 130 +/- 20 mM. The anion-independent dissociation constants for the reversible enzyme-affinity label complexes are at pH 7.0, 1.35 +/- 0.2 mM for iodoacetic acid and 0.39 +/- 0.05 mM for bromo-imidazolylpropionic acid. These findings have important implications with respect to past and future work on this well known enzyme.  相似文献   
Both neuronal and glial cell differentiation occur in reaggregating cell cultures of mouse cerebellums, as evidenced by electron microscopy and immunofluorescence to the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA). However, after the initial 10 days in culture a process occurs in which the neuronal cells degenerate while glial cells predominate. We have found that when poly-l-lysine is added to the culture medium either for the entire culture period or during the latter days of culture, i.e., Days 4 through 10, the neuronal character is stabilized, as evidenced by acetylcholin-esterase levels and electron microscopy, while the gliosis is inhibited. Culturing reaggregating cells in poly-l-lysine containing medium from Days 0 through 4 has no inhibitory influence on the gliosis observed on Day 10. Cerebellar cells cultured as monolayers on plastic surfaces coated with poly-l-lysine express an intense immunofluoresence with antisera to GFA as do cells grown on uncoated flasks. The data suggest that poly-l-lysine in reaggregating cell cultures stabilizes the neuronal cells by some unknown mechanism. It is postulated that a stable neuronal population reduces the trend toward gliosis in cerebellar aggregates.  相似文献   
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