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This report presents evidence that enzymes present in crude extracts prepared from developing cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris can catalyze the transfer of radioactivity from UDP-N-[14C]acetylglucosamine into a chitobiosyl-lipid, lipid-oligosaccharide, and glycoprotein. Kinetic evidence supports the concept that the N-acetylglucosamine-containing lipids are precursors to the glycoprotein. Evidence is also presented which shows an interaction between GDP-mannose and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine when used as substrates for the synthesis of lipid-oligosaccharide and glycoprotein. Kinetic evidence, as well as isolation and characterization of the oligosaccharides released from lipid by mild acid hydrolyses, support the conclusion that mannose and N-acetylglucosamine are contained in the same oligosaccharide and that N-acetylglucosamine is present at the reducing end of the oligosaccharide. Ninety-eight per cent of the radioactivity which is incorporated from UDP-N-[14C]acetylglucosamine into the insoluble residue is solubilized by protease treatment. The glycopeptide released is quite similar in size and composition to the glycopeptide released by proteolytic digestion of vicilin, the major storage protein of Phaseolus vulgaris.  相似文献   
S Thor  J Ericson  T Br?nnstr?m  T Edlund 《Neuron》1991,7(6):881-889
We have used immunocytochemical methods to localize the homeodomain LIM protein Isl-1 in the adult rat. Isl-1 immunoreactivity is expressed in polypeptide hormone-producing cells of the endocrine system, in neurons of the peripheral nervous system, and in a subset of brain nuclei. Isl-1 is also expressed in a subset of motoneurons in the spinal cord and brain stem, but not in regions of the central nervous system involved in sensory function or in neocortical areas. The pattern of expression of Isl-1 suggests that this gene may be involved in the specification and maintenance of differentiated phenotypical properties of these cells.  相似文献   
Role of tRNA modification in translational fidelity   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In transfer RNA many different modified nucleosides are found, especially in the anticodon region. In this region, pseudouridine (psi) is found in positions 38, 39 or 40 in a subset of tRNA species, 2-methylthio-6-hydroxyisopentenyladenosine (ms2io6A) is found in position 37 in tRNAs that read codons starting with U and 1-methylguanosine (m1G) is found in position 37 in tRNAs reading codons of the UCCNG type. We have used the mutants hisT, miaA and miaB and trmD, which are deficient in the biosynthesis of psi, ms2io6A, and m1G, respectively, to study the functional aspects of the respective modified nucleosides. We have shown: (1) Presence of psi improved the cellular growth rate, the polypeptide step-time, and the efficiency of an amber suppressor, but did not appreciably sense the codon context. (2) Presence of ms2io6A improved the cellular growth rate, the polypeptide step-time and the efficiency of several amber suppressor tRNAs. It also had a profound effect on the codon context sensitivity of the tRNA. (3) Presence of m1G improved the cellular growth rate and the polypeptide steptime and also prevented the tRNA from shifting the reading frame. Thus, these three modified nucleosides present in the anticodon region have apparently different functions.  相似文献   
The influences of buffers and iron chelators on the rate of autoxidation of Fe2+ were examined in the pH range 6.0–7.4. The catalysis by Fe2+ and Fe3+ of the autoxidation of dithiothreitol was also investigated. In buffers which are non- or poor chelators of iron, 0.25 mM Fe2+, and 0.3 mM dithiothreitol when present with iron, oxidize within minutes at pH 7.4 and 30°C. The stability of each increases as the pH is decreased and more than 90% of each remains after 1 h at pH 6.0. In the presence of buffers or oxy-ligands which preferentially and strongly chelate Fe3+ over Fe2+, Fe2+ autoxidizes rapidly in the pH range 6.0–7.4 while dithiothreitol is protected. Ligands which preferentially bind strongly to Fe2+ stabilize both Fe2+ and dithiothreitol at pH 7.4. Dithiothreitol readily reduces Fe3+ in non-chelating buffers or in the presence of strong chelators of Fe2+, however, the ferrous ions produced are prone to reoxidation at higher pH values. These results show that Fe2+ and dithiothreitol are very susceptible to autoxidation in the neutral pH range, and that the rates are strongly influenced by the presence of chelators of Fe2+ and Fe3+. The rapid autoxidations of these species need to be taken into account when designing and interpreting experiments involving Fe2+ or both dithiothreitol and iron.  相似文献   
SCCmec in staphylococci: genes on the move   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) elements are, so far, the only vectors described for the mecA gene encoding methicillin resistance in staphylococci. SCCmec elements are classified according to the type of recombinase they carry and their general genetic composition. SCCmec types I-V have been described, and SCC elements lacking mecA have also been reported. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about SCC structure and distribution, including genetic variants and rudiments of the elements. Its origin is still unknown, but one assumes that staphylococcal cassette chromosome is transferred between staphylococci, and mecA-positive coagulase-negative staphylococci may be a potential reservoir for these elements. Staphylococcal genomes seem to change continuously as genetic elements move in and out, but no mechanism of transfer has been found responsible for moving SCC elements between different staphylococcal species. Observations suggesting de novo production of methicillin-resistant staphylococci and horizontal gene transfer of SCCmec will be discussed.  相似文献   
Passerida is a monophyletic group of oscine passerines that includes almost 3500 species (about 36%) of all bird species in the world. The current understanding of higher-level relationships within Passerida is based on DNA-DNA hybridizations [C.G. Sibley, J.E. Ahlquist, Phylogeny and Classification of Birds, 1990, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT]. Our results are based on analyses of 3130 aligned nucleotide sequence data obtained from 48 ingroup and 13 outgroup genera. Three nuclear genes were sequenced: c-myc (498-510 bp), RAG-1 (930 bp), and myoglobin (693-722 bp), as well one mitochondrial gene; cytochrome b (879 bp). The data were analysed by parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian inference. The African rockfowl and rockjumper are found to constitute the deepest branch within Passerida, but relationships among the other taxa are poorly resolved--only four major clades receive statistical support. One clade corresponds to Passeroidea of [C.G. Sibley, B.L. Monroe, Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, 1990, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT] and includes, e.g., flowerpeckers, sunbirds, accentors, weavers, estrilds, wagtails, finches, and sparrows. Starlings, mockingbirds, thrushes, Old World flycatchers, and dippers also group together in a clade corresponding to Muscicapoidea of Sibley and Monroe [op. cit.]. Monophyly of their Sylvioidea could not be corroborated--these taxa falls either into a clade with wrens, gnatcatchers, and nuthatches, or one with, e.g., warblers, bulbuls, babblers, and white-eyes. The tits, penduline tits, and waxwings belong to Passerida but have no close relatives among the taxa studied herein.  相似文献   
A temperature-sensitive mutant of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 was isolated. At the nonpermissive temperature cell division stopped and multinucleated filaments were formed. DNA, RNA, or protein synthesis was not affected until after about two generations. Different physiological conditions, such as anaerobiosis and different growth media, suppress the division deficiency at high temperatures. Certain mutations causing a reduced polypeptide chain elongation rate also suppress the division deficiency. The mutation is recessive and shown to be in the structural gene for release factor I (prfA). DNA sequencing of both the wild-type (prfA+) and mutant (prfA101) allele revealed a GC-to-AT transition in codon 168. Like other known prfA mutants, prfA101 can suppress amber mutations. The division defect in the prfA101 mutant strain could not be suppressed by overexpression of the ftsQAZ operon. Moreover, at the nonpermissive temperature the mutant shows a normal heat shock and SOS response and has a normal ppGpp level. We conclude that the prfA101-mediated defect in cell division is not directed through any of these metabolic pathways, which are all known to affect cell division. We speculate that the altered release factor I induces aberrant synthesis of an unidentified protein(s) involved in the elaborate process of septation.  相似文献   
Essentially chlorophyll-free mitochondria from photosynthetic (leaf) and non-photosynthetic tissue (petiole) were isolated from spinach (Spinacia oleracea). Leaf mitochondria were found to contain more phosphatidylcholine than phosphatidylethanolamine compared with petiole mitochondria. Galactolipids were found in small and equal amounts (5 mol of galactolipids/100 mol of galactolipids and phospholipids) in both leaf and petiole mitochondria. Fatty acid composition showed a significant difference in the amounts of C18:2 and C18:3 acids. The C18:2/C18:3 ratio was more than twice as high in all of the phospholipids studied from petiole mitochondria compared with the ratio in leaf mitochondria. More than 50% (mol/100 mol) of the fatty acids in the major lipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and cardiolipin) in petiole mitochondria were C18:2. In the minor lipids (phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylglycerol), C16:0 dominated in both leaf and petiole mitochondria.  相似文献   
The distribution of genetic diversity in Mycelis muralis, or wall lettuce, was investigated at a European scale using 12 microsatellite markers to infer historical and contemporary forces from genetic patterns. Mycelis muralis has the potential for long-distance seed dispersal by wind, is mainly self-pollinated, and has patchily distributed populations, some of which may show metapopulation dynamics. A total of 359 individuals were sampled from 17 populations located in three regions, designated southern Europe (Spain and France), the Netherlands, and Sweden. At this within-region scale, contemporary evolutionary forces (selfing and metapopulation dynamics) are responsible for high differentiation between populations (0.34 < F(ST) < 0.60) but, contrary to expectation, levels of within-population diversity, estimated by Nei's unbiased expected heterozygosity (H(E)) (0.24 < H(E) < 0.68) or analyses of molecular variance (50% of the variation found within-populations), were not low. We suggest that the latter results, which are unusual in selfing species, arise from efficient seed dispersal that counteracts population turnover and thus maintains genetic diversity within populations. At the European scale, northern regions showed lower allelic richness (A = 2.38) than populations from southern Europe (A = 3.34). In light of postglacial colonization hypotheses, these results suggest that rare alleles may have been lost during recolonization northwards. Our results further suggest that mutation has contributed to genetic differentiation between southern and northern Europe, and that Sweden may have been colonized by dispersers originating from at least two different refugia.  相似文献   
人类端粒酶启动子(hTERT启动子)在肿瘤基因治疗中的有效性已经得到了证实. 然而,hTERT启动子有限的肿瘤靶向转录活性困扰着它的临床应用.早期研究已经揭示,核心hTERT启动子上的-34位E-box元件与该启动子的肿瘤靶向转录活性有关.为进一步探索核心hTERT启动子序列3′端富余E-box元件是否能提高启动子的肿瘤靶向转录能力,用化学合成方法在野生型hTERT(WT-hTERT)核心启动子片段(编码蛋白起始子ATG上游-268 bp~-10 bp)的3′端接入3个E-box序列, 构建成修饰型hTERT(Mod-hTERT)启动子. 然后,分别用WT-hTERT和Mod-hTERT启动子去调控增强型绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)及荧光素酶报告基因在293FT、HepGⅡ、SGC7901、U2OS、以及原代培养人成纤维细胞(PHF)中表达. 结果表明, 在Mod-hTERT启动子的各实验组细胞中,能够在端粒酶阳性的293FT、HepGⅡ及 SGC7901细胞组中观测到EGFP的表达,而在端粒酶阴性的U2OS及PHF细胞组中没有观测到EGFP的表达;在端粒酶阳性的293FT、HepGⅡ和SGC7901细胞株中,Mod-hTERT启动子调控下的荧光素酶活性要高于WT-hTERT启动子组(P<0.01); 而在端粒酶阴性的U2OS细胞组中,Mod-hTERT启动子调控下的荧光素酶活性则低于WT-hTERT启动子组(P<0.01); 在PHF细胞组中,Mod-hTERT启动子组与WT-hTERT启动子组的荧光素酶活性差异不显著(P>0.05).研究提示,在3′端增加E-box元件可以提高核心hTERT启动子序列的肿瘤靶向转录活性.  相似文献   
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