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The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is a master cell regulator involved in CD8+ T cell proliferation and differentiation. In human CD8+ T cells, this pathway induces differentiation into memory cells or a “stem cell memory like” population, which is preferentially present in cord blood. To better understand the role of canonical Wnt signals in neonatal or adult blood, we compared the proteins associated with β-catenin, in nonstimulated and Wnt3a-stimulated human neonatal and adult naive CD8+ T cells. Differentially recruited proteins established different complexes in adult and neonatal cells. In the former, β-catenin-associated proteins were linked to cell signaling and immunological functions, whereas those of neonates were linked to proliferation and metabolism. Wnt3a stimulation led to the recruitment and overexpression of Wnt11 in adult cells and Wnt5a in neonatal cells, suggesting a differential connexion with planar polarity and Wnt/Ca2+ noncanonical pathways, respectively. The chromatin immunoprecipitation polymerase chain reaction β-catenin was recruited to a higher level on the promoters of cell renewal genes in neonatal cells and of differentiation genes in those of adults. We found a preferential association of β-catenin with CBP in neonatal cells and with p300 in the adult samples, which could be involved in a higher self-renewal capacity of the neonatal cells and memory commitment in those of adults. Altogether, our results show that different proteins associated with β-catenin during Wnt3a activation mediate a differential response of neonatal and adult human CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   
Year-round continuous reproduction in tropical regions is an established paradigm in marine ecology. In this study, we tested this paradigm using the ghost shrimp Callichirus seilacheri from the tropical eastern Pacific as a model species. We also examined size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment cycle to contribute to the biological knowledge of this species. To this end, a total of 456 individuals of C. seilacheri were collected during 12 months of sampling. Population structure was symmetrical for both sexes, and the overall sex ratio did not differ from evenness. Males outnumbered females in smaller size classes, though, revealing a potential sex-dependent mortality in small individuals. The breeding pattern followed the well-marked seasonal regime of the region, with ovigerous females registered during the rainy season. While natural variation in the seawater temperature had no influence on reproduction of this species, changes in water salinity possibly triggered the appearance of egg-bearing females in the population. Recruitment occurred throughout the year but was more intense during the dry season, following the appearance of ovigerous females. The adaptability of the life cycle of C. seilacheri to the seasonal climate provides further evidence that reproduction in tropical species is not always continuous.  相似文献   
Abstract: A total of 175 spotted snapper Lutjanus guttatus were collected monthly in the Los Cobanos and Puerto La Libertad, El Salvador, from January to December 2000 to determine its feeding habits. The fishes studied ranged 9.8 - 58.0 cm in total length. Were collected using push-net and hook and line. This snapper is a bentonic opportunistic carnivorous predator. The total biomass of the stomach contents was 260.5 g. Crustaceans (Squillidae, Portunidae, Dynomenidae. Penaeidae, Sicyoniidae, Callianassidae), were the most abundant group: they accounted for 50.4% of the total biomass. Numerically, Portunus asper was the most abundant prey. Ontogenic differences were observed in the diet. In juveniles (16 cm TL). at any time of the year, the most frequent and abundant components were crustaceans and in adults were crustaceans, fishes and mollusks. The relative importance of different components of the diet was assessed with two indexes that combine. in different ways. percentage frequency of occurrence, percentage number and percentage weight of prey categories. The commercial use this resource and the absence of management strategies are discussed.  相似文献   
The Gal/GalNAc lectin of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites plays an important role in adhesion. The distribution and final destiny of the lectin during the interaction with host cells are poorly understood. Using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against the lectin we studied by immunocytochemistry the in vitro and in vivo interaction of E. histolytica trophozoites with human and hamster hepatocytes. We also analyzed the presence and distribution of the lectin in a mouse model of intestinal amoebiasis. In all cases, trophozoites were highly labeled by anti-lectin antibodies. Cultured human and hamster hepatocytes in contact with, or localized at the vicinity of parasites were also labeled by anti-lectin antibodies. Most of the labeled hepatocytes showed variable degrees of cell damage. Hepatocytes distantly localized from the parasites were also stained with the anti-lectin antibodies. Immunolabeling of tissue sections from different stages of the development of experimental amoebic liver abscess in hamsters showed inflammatory foci containing lectin-labeled trophozoites, hepatocytes, and sinusoidal and inflammatory cells. Lectin-containing hepatocytes had vacuolated cytoplasm with some nuclei with a condensed appearance. Damaged intestinal epithelium also was labeled with anti-lectin antibodies in a mouse model of intestinal amoebiasis. Electron microscopy of axenically cultured trophozoites using gold-labeled monoclonal and polyclonal anti-lectin antibody showed that plasma membrane, vacuole membranes and areas of cell cytosol were labeled. Higher deposits of gold particles in plasma membrane suggestive of cell secretion were observed. Our results demonstrated that Gal/GalNAc lectin was bound and captured by different target cells, and that host cells containing the lectin showed signs of cell damage. The contribution of lectin transfer to host cells in adherence and cell injury remains to be determined.  相似文献   
The turbellarian Urastoma cyprinae (Graff) occurs on the gills of various bivalve species including the mussel Mytilus galloprovinciallis, where it is known to cause serious damage. More recently, it has been shown that the worms are strongly attracted to the gill of the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and are capable of inducing changes to the composition of proteolytic enzymes of the host mucus. Such changes may be attributable to secretory products released by the worms. Mucous glands (11-18 mum in diameter) produce minute spherules (0.7-0.9 mum in diameter) tightly bound together. The glands occupy approximately 20% of the body volume and are the most voluminous secretory organs in the worm. The smaller rhabdoid glands are unevenly distributed throughout the peripheral parenchyma and contain secretory granules of 0.35-1.2 mum in diameter. The latter occur most prominently along the distal margins of the epidermis. The frontal pole of U. cyprinae consists of a complex assembly of mucous and rhabdoid gland cells as well as other glandular structures. Collectively, these bodies release their contents to the outside via narrow gland necks. The overall organization is consistent with the frontal gland previously described for other free-living turbellarians, including other rhabdocoels. A variety of secretory products, displaying variations in staining properties, have likewise been identified in association with the body wall from other regions of the worm. This work attempts to gain a better appreciation of the secretory structures associated with the worm tegument, focusing primarily on the widespread mucous and rhabdoid glands. The secretions play a role in host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   
Synthesis of 5'-S-vinyl-5'-thioadenosine 5, 5'-S-ethynyl-5'-thioadenosine 7 and 5'-S-cyano-5'-thioadenosine 9 is described. Incubation of AdoHcy hydrolase with 5, 7 and 9 resulted in time- and concentration-dependent inactivation of the enzyme and partial depletion of its NAD(+) content. From these results and characterisation of metabolites released during the inactivation process, hypothetical mechanisms are suggested. The antiviral activity of 5, 7 and 9 was examined. Significant activities were noted with 5 against Vaccinia, Junin and Taccaribe viruses.  相似文献   
Social organisation of colonies of obligate plant-ants can affect their interaction with myrmecophyte hosts and with other ants competing for the resources they offer. An important parameter of social organisation is whether nest sites of a colony include one or several host individuals. We determined colony boundaries in a plant-ant associated with the rainforest understorey tree Leonardoxa africana subsp. africana, found in coastal forests of Cameroon (Central Africa). This myrmecophyte is strictly associated with two ants, Petalomyrmex phylax and Cataulacus mckeyi. Plants provide food and nesting sites for P. phylax, which protects young leaves against insect herbivores. This mutualism is often parasitised by C. mckeyi, which uses but does not protect the host. The presence of C. mckeyi on a tree excludes the mutualistic ant. Because Petalomyrmex -occupied trees are better protected, their growth and survival are superior to those of Cataulacus -occupied trees, giving P. phylax an advantage in occupation of nest sites. C. mckeyi often colonises trees that have lost their initial associate P. phylax, as a result of injury to the tree caused by disturbance. Polydomy may allow C. mckeyi to occupy small clumps of trees, without the necessity of claustral colony foundation in each tree. Investigating both the proximate (behavioural repertoire, colony odour) and the ultimate factors (genetic structure) that may influence colony closure, we precisely defined colony boundaries. We show that colonies of C. mckeyi are monogynous and facultatively polydomous, i.e. a colony occupies one to several Leonardoxa trees. Workers do not produce males. Thus, the hypothesis that polydomy allows workers in queenless nests to evade queen control for their reproduction is not supported in this instance. This particular colony structure may confer on C. mckeyi an advantage in short-distance dispersal, and this could help explain its persistence within the dynamic Leonardoxa system.  相似文献   
The interaction of the neuropeptide methionine-enkephalin (Menk) with bicelles was investigated by solid-state NMR. Bicelles composed of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dicaproylphosphatidylcholine (DCPC) were modified to investigate the effect of the lipid headgroup and electrostatic charges on the association with Menk. A total of 10 mol % of DMPC was replaced by zwitterionic phosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE), anionic phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG), or phosphatidylserine (DMPS). The preparation of DMPE-doped bicelles (Bic/PE) is reported for the first time. The (31)P and (2)H NMR results revealed changes in the lipid dynamics when Menk interacts with the bicellar systems. (2)H NMR experiments showed a disordering effect of Menk on the lipid chains in all the bicelles except Bic/PG, whereas the study of the choline headgroups indicated a decreased order of the lipids only in Bic/PE and Bic/PG. Our results suggest that the insertion depth of Menk into bicelles is modulated by their composition, more specifically by the balance between hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Menk would be buried at the lipid polar/apolar interface, the depth of penetration into the hydrophobic membrane core following the scaling Bic > Bic/PE > Bic/PS at the slightly acidic pH used in this study. The peptide would not insert into the bilayer core of Bic/PG and would rather remain at the surface.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial respiratory chain is required for the induction of some yeast hypoxic nuclear genes. Because the respiratory chain produces reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can mediate intracellular signal cascades, we addressed the possibility that ROS are involved in hypoxic gene induction. Recent studies with mammalian cells have produced conflicting results concerning this question. These studies have relied almost exclusively on fluorescent dyes to measure ROS levels. Insofar as ROS are very reactive and inherently unstable, a more reliable method for measuring changes in their intracellular levels is to measure their damage (e.g. the accumulation of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) in DNA, and oxidative protein carbonylation) or to measure the expression of an oxidative stress-induced gene, e.g. SOD1. Here we used these approaches as well as a fluorescent dye, carboxy-H(2)-dichloro-dihydrofluorescein diacetate (carboxy-H(2)-DCFDA), to determine whether ROS levels change in yeast cells exposed to anoxia. These studies reveal that the level of mitochondrial and cytosolic protein carbonylation, the level of 8-OH-dG in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, and the expression of SOD1 all increase transiently during a shift to anoxia. These studies also reveal that carboxy-H(2)-DCFDA is an unreliable reporter of ROS levels in yeast cells shifted to anoxia. By using two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight), we have found that specific proteins become carbonylated during a shift to anoxia and that some of these proteins are the same proteins that become carbonylated during peroxidative stress. The mitochondrial respiratory chain is responsible for much of this carbonylation. Together, these findings indicate that yeast cells exposed to anoxia experience transient oxidative stress and raise the possibility that this initiates the induction of hypoxic genes.  相似文献   
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