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Bovine thyroid tissue exhibited cAMP-dependent and Ca2+-dependent protein kinase activities as well as a basal (cAMP- and Ca2+-independent) one, and phosphoprotein phosphatase activity. Although the former two protein kinase activities were not clearly demonstrated using endogenous protein as substrate, they were clearly shown in soluble, particulate and plasma membrane fractions using exogenous histones as substrate. The highest specific activities were in the plasma membrane. The apparent Km values of cAMP and Ca2+ for the membrane-bound protein kinase were 5 . 10(-8) M and 8.3 . 10(-4) M in the presence of 1 Mm EGTA), respectively. The apparent Km values of Mg2+ were 7.10-4M (without (in the cAMP and Ca2+), 5 . 10(-4) M (with cAMP) and 1.3 . 10(-3) M (with Ca2+), and those of ATP were 3.5 . 10(-5)M (with or without cAMP) and 8.5 . 10(-5) M (with Ca2+). The Ca2+-dependent protein kinase could be dissociated from the membrane by EGTA-washing. The enzyme activity so released was further activated by added phospholipid (phosphatidylserine/1,3-diolein), but not by calmodulin. Phosphoprotein phosphatase activity was also clearly demonstrated in all of the fractions using 32P-labeled mixed histones as substrate. The activity was not modified by either cAMP or Ca2+, but was stimulated by a rather broad range (5-25 mM) of Mg2+ and Mn2+. NaCl and substrate concentrations also influenced the activity. Pyrophosphate, ATP, inorganic phosphate and NaF inhibited the activity in a dose-dependent manner. Trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, dibucaine and Triton X-100 (above 0.05%, w/v) specifically inhibited the Ca2+-dependent protein kinase in plasma membranes. Repetitive phosphorylation of intrinsic and extrinsic proteins by the membrane-bound enzyme activities clearly showed an important co-ordination of them at the step of protein phosphorylation. These findings suggest that these enzyme activities in plasma membranes may contribute to regulation of thyroid function in response to external stimuli.  相似文献   
Glucose metabolism in splenocytes from the BB rat was studied for the presence of abnormalities in [14C] 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-dGlc) uptake, [U-14C]glucose conversion to 14CO2, and the production of lactate and pyruvate. Cells were studied freshly isolated ("resting"), and following culture both unstimulated (control) and stimulated with concanavalin A (ConA) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) + ionomycin. Both resting and control cells from diabetic (BBd) and diabetes-prone (BBdp) rats transported more (p less than 0.05) 2-dGlc than did cells from nondiabetes-prone (BBn) rats. Consistent with prior in vivo activation, sustained in vitro, lactate production was higher (p less than 0.05) under control conditions in BBd and BBdp than in BBn cells. Lactate production increased less with ConA and PMA + ionomycin in both BBd and BBdp than in BBn cells. PMA + ionomycin increased 2-dGlc uptake as much in BBd and BBdp cells as in BBn cells. Elevated rates of pyruvate production were observed in BBd cells under resting, control, and (especially) ConA conditions, suggesting an abnormality in pyruvate conversion to lactate. Few changes were observed in 14CO2 production. The presence of similar abnormalities in BBdp cells to those of the BBd cells suggests that the diabetic state is not causal, and the absence of an in vitro effect of 15 mmol/liter glucose in BBn cells further tends to exclude hyperglycemia as a cause of these alterations.  相似文献   
The major surface antigen of the mammalian bloodstream form of Trypanosoma brucei, the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), is attached to the cell membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. The VSG anchor is susceptible to phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). Candidate precursor glycolipids, P2 and P3, which are PI-PLC-sensitive and -resistant respectively, have been characterized in the bloodstream stage. In the insect midgut stage, the major surface glycoprotein, procyclic acidic repetitive glycoprotein, is also GPI-anchored but is resistant to PI-PLC. To determine how the structure of the GPI anchor is altered at different life stages, we characterized candidate GPI molecules in procyclic T. brucei. The structure of a major procyclic GPI, PP1, is ethanolamine-PO4-Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1-6 Man alpha 1-GlcN-acylinositol, linked to lysophosphatidic acid. The inositol can be labeled with [3H]palmitic acid, and the glyceride with [3H]stearic acid. We have also found that all detectable ethanolamine-containing GPIs from procyclic cells contain acylinositol and are resistant to cleavage by PI-PLC. This suggests that the procyclic acidic repetitive glycoprotein GPI anchor structure differs from that of the VSG by virtue of the structures of the GPIs available for transfer.  相似文献   
A novel enzyme activity was detected in the extracellular fluid of Bjerkandera sp. BOS 55. The purified enzyme could oxidize several compounds, such as Phenol red, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol (DMP), Poly R-478, ABTS and guaiacol, with H2O2 as an electron acceptor. In contrast, veratryl alcohol was not a substrate. This enzyme also had the capacity to oxidize DMP in the absence of H2O2. With some substrates, a strong inhibition of the peroxidative activity by Mn2+ was observed. Phenol red oxidation was inhibited by 84% with only 1 mM of this metal ion. Because DMP oxidation by this enzyme is only slightly inhibited by Mn2+, this substrate should not be used in assays to detect manganese peroxidase. The enzyme is tentatively named 'Manganese-Inhibited Peroxidase'.  相似文献   
Debarking wastewaters of the forest industry contain high concentrations of tannins that are inhibitory to methane bacteria. The tannins can be polymerized to nontoxic colored compounds by the applications of an autoxidation pretreatment, enabling the anaerobic treatment of easily biodegradable components in the wastewater. The continuous anaerobic treatment of untreated and autoxidized pine bark extract was studied in laboratory-scale columns packed with a granular sludge bed. The autoxidation doubled the conversion efficiency of bark extract COD to methane (from 19 to 40%). After 5 months of operation, anaerobic treatment of the autoxidized extracts was feasible at high influent concentrations (14 g COD/L) and loading rates (26 g biodegradable COD/L . d) with 98% elimination of the biodegradable fraction. The detoxification pretreatment polymerized the toxic tannins to poorly biodegradable high molecular weight tannins and humic compounds which were not eliminated during anaerobic treatment. Although the original tannins of the untreated extract were eliminated by 60%, they were not biodegraded to volatile fatty acids and methane but instead were transformed to phenolic degradation intermediates (phenol, p-cresol, 3-phenyl-propionate, and carboxycyclohexane). Therefore, the autoxidation pretreatment did not decrease the content of readily biodegradable substrates which accounted for 53% of the extract COD. The recalcitrant COD expected in the effluents of reactors treating autoxidized debarking waste-water can be effectively separated by calcium precipitation prior to anaerobic treatment.  相似文献   
Summary Homologous high molecular weight storage prolamins were purified from grain of wheat, rye and barley using combinations of gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography and preparative isoelectric focusing. Sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the components were single bands with apparent mol.wts. of above 100,000. Molecular weights determined by sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation were considerably lower; 54,700, 67,600 and 69,600 for the components from barley, rye and wheat respectively. Amino acid analysis showed the presence of 13.6 to 16.5 mol% glycine, 29.6 to 34.0 mol% glutamate + glutamine, 11.4 to 13.7 mol% proline and a total of 4.0 to 5.7 mol% basic amino acids. Automated N-terminal amino acid sequencing of the component from wheat showed the presence of cysteine residues at positions 5 and 10, and this is discussed in relation to the possible role of these proteins in the visco-elastic gluten network.  相似文献   
Summary Unidirectional fluxes of35SO4 across and into rabbit ileal epithelium were measured under short-circuit conditions, mostly at a medium SO4 concentration of 2.4mm. Unidirectional mucosa (m)-to-serosa (s) ands-to-m fluxes (J ms,J sm) were 0.456 and 0.067 moles hr–1 cm–2, respectively.J ms was 2.7 times higher in distal ileum than in mid-jejunum. Ouabain abolished net SO4 transport (J net) by reducingJ ms. Epinephrine, a stimulus of Cl absorption, had no effect on SO4 fluxes. Theophylline, a stimulus of Cl secretion, reducedJ ms without affectingJ sm, causing a 33% reduction inJ net. Other secretory stimuli (8-Br-cAMP, heat-stable enterotoxin, Ca-ionophore A23187) had similar effects. Replacement of all Cl with gluconate markedly reducedJ net through both a decrease inJ ms and an increase inJ sm. The anion-exchange inhibitor, 4-acetoamido-4-isothiocyano-2,2-sulfonic acid stilbene (SITS), when added to the serosal side, reducedJ ms by 94%, nearly abolishingJ net. SITS also decreasedJ sm by 75%. Mucosal SITS (50 m) was ineffective. 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-sulfonic acid stilbene (DIDS) had effects similar to SITS but was less potent. Measurements of initial rates of epithelial uptake from the luminal side (J me) revealed the following: (1)J me is a saturable function of medium concentration with aV max of 0.94 moles hr–1 cm–2 and aK 1/2 of 1.3mm; (2) replacing all Na with choline abolishedJ me; (3) replacing all Cl with gluconate increasedJ me by 40%; (4) serosal SITS had no effect onJ me; and (5) stimuli of Cl secretion had no effect onJ me or increased it slightly. Determination of cell SO4 with35SO4 indicated that, at steady-state, the average mucosal concentration is 1.1 mmoles per liter cell water, less than half the medium concentration. Cell SO4 was increased to 3.0mm by adding SITS to the serosal side. Despite net transport rates greater than 1.4 Eq hr–1 cm–2, neither addition of SO4 to the SO4-free medium nor addition of SITS to SO4-containing medium altered short-circuit current. The results suggest that (1) ileal SO4 absorption consists of Na-coupled influx (symport) across the brush border and Cl-coupled efflux (antiport) across the basolateral membrane; (2) the overall process is electrically neutral; (3) the medium-to-cell Cl concentration difference may provide part of the driving force for net SO4 absorption; and (4) since agents affecting Cl fluxes (both absorptive and secretory) have little effect on SO4 fluxes, the mechanisms for their transcellular transports are under separate regulation.  相似文献   
Secretion of cell wall-bound acid phosphatase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs along a restricted portion of the cell surface. Acid phosphatase activity produced during derepressed synthesis on a phosphate-limited growth medium is detected with an enzyme-specific stain and is localized initially to the bud portion of a dividing cell. After two to three generations of phosphate-limited growth, most of the cells can be stained; if further phosphatase synthesis is repressed by growth in excess phosphate, dividing cells are produced in which the parent but not the bud can be stained. Budding growth is interrupted in α-mating-type cells by a pheromone (α-factor) secreted by the opposite mating type; cell surface growth continues in the presence of α-factor and produces a characteristic cell tip. When acid phosphatase synthesis is initiated during α-factor treatment, only the cell tip can br stained; when phosphate synthesis is repressed during α-factor treatment, the cell body but not the tip can be stained. A mixture of derepressed α cells and phosphatase-negative α cells form zygotes in which mainly one parent cell surface can be stained. The cell cycle mutant, cdc 24 (Hartwell, L.H. 1971. Exp. Cell Res. 69:265-276), fails to bud and, instead, expands symmetrically as a sphere at a nonpermissive temperature (37 degrees C). This mutant does not form a cell tip during α-factor treatment at 37 degrees C, and although acid phosphatade secretion occurs at this temperature, it is not localized. These results suggest that secretion reflects a polar mode of yeast cell- surface growth, and that this organization requires the cdc 24 gene product.  相似文献   
The effects of both hyperthermia alone and X-rays combined with hyperthermia on mouse testis have been investigated. Testis weight on heating time was observed for temperatures in the range 39.5 to 43.75 degrees C. The relationship between the reaction rate and the reciprocal of absolute temperature indicated that, over the temperature range considered, the activation energy associated with such thermal damage was (646 +/- 45) x 10(3) J mol-1. No evidence was obtained to indicate a change in slope of the Arrhenius plot over this temperature range. Finally, despite the high sensitivity of the testis to heat and X-rays, no thermal enhancement of the weight loss after irradiation was observed when thermal treatments which, if given alone would produce some observable damage, were administered immediately after irradiation.  相似文献   
1. The anatomical arrangement of the cardioregulatory nerves and their physiological activity during cardiac modulation were analysed in Procambarus clarkii. 2. The bilaterally arranged pairs of cardioinhibitors and cardioaccelerator axons, in nerves SN II and SN III respectively, were physiologically identified by correlating spikes in SN II and SN III with the same spikes in the dorsal nerve, which innervates the heart. 3. The cardioinhibitor neurone fired tonically in varied sporadic bursts. During periods of cardiac inhibition, however, this neurone discharged in a long chain of spikes at a characteristic frequency of 40-50Hz. 4. The cardioaccelerator neurone fired tonically at 2-3 Hz but on occasion its activity reached 12 Hz. 5. Three inhibitory cardiac reflexes were analysed. The sensory modalities for the reflexes included (a) stretch of the dorsal pericardial wall, (b) chemical stimulation of coxal hair sensilla with glucose and (c) tactile stimulation of hair sensilla in and below the gill chamber, on the antennae, the antennules and on the anterior cephalothorax. 6. The discharge of both cardioinhibitor neurones showed a weak temporal correlation suggesting a common presynaptic drive, while the pair of cardioaccelerators appeared to have a reciprocal relationship with the cardioinhibitors.  相似文献   
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