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We describe the purification of Ca2+-dependent actin modulator proteins from bovine thyroid using DNase I affinity chromatography and diethylaminoethylcellulose chromatography. The 40K actin modulator has been purified to 98% homogeneity. It is a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of approximately 40 000 and an isoelectric point of 8.1. Its amino acid composition is different from previously described actin-associated proteins and thyroid actin. On the basis of the centrifugation assay and the DNase I inhibition assay, the actin complexed with the 40K protein is G-actin in its conformation rather than F-actin oligomers. Substoichiometric concentrations of the 40K protein rapidly inhibit actin polymerization in the presence of physiological concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+. An 80K actin modulator also has been purified to 98% homogeneity. It is a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of approximately 80 000 and an isoelectric point of 6.35-7.0. Its amino acid composition is different from those of villin, gelsolin, and leukocyte actin polymerization inhibitor. On the basis of the DNase inhibition assay and the centrifugation assay, the nonprecipitable actin associated with the 80K protein was F-actin in its conformation. The 80K protein acts very efficiently as a Ca2+-dependent nucleator for actin assembly and reduces its viscosity. In addition to the 40K and 80K actin modulators, 91K and 95K actin-associated proteins were partially purified. The 91K-95K fraction has similar activity to the 80K protein regarding precipitation of F-actin. The 125I-G-actin polyacrylamide gel overlay technique [Snabes, M. C., Boyd, A.E., & Bryan, J. (1981) J. Cell Biol. 90, 809-812] revealed that both the 91K and 95K proteins bind 125I-actin after sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaDodSO4) electrophoresis while the 80K and 40K proteins do not. Thyroid 91K protein comigrated with a human platelet 91K actin binding protein on NaDodSO4 gels and may be similar to macrophage gelsolin. The 95K protein may be similar to villin, the intestinal cytoskeletal protein.  相似文献   
Using open-magnitude scaling, we compared the relationships between breathlessness, inspiratory esophageal pressure swing (delta Pes), and ventilation in pregnancy and postpartum. Thirteen healthy women performed progressive cycle exercise tests at 33 +/- 2 wk gestation and 12 +/- 3 wk postpartum. Pulmonary function and maximal transdiaphragmatic pressure did not change. Minute ventilation (VE) was greater in the third trimester. This increase was entirely due to the increase in tidal volume (VT; 0.74 +/- 0.18 vs. 0.54 +/- 0.18 liters at rest, P less than 0.01; 1.56 +/- 0.3 vs. 1.24 +/- 0.24 liters at 48 W, P less than 0.001). delta Pes (15.3 +/- 3.0 vs. 11.9 +/- 3.5 cmH2O at 48 W, P less than 0.01) and breathlessness (1.8 +/- 1.4 vs. 1.0 +/- 0.9 at 48 W, P less than 0.05) were greater in the third trimester. However, the relationships between VT and delta Pes and between delta Pes and breathlessness were identical in the two conditions. The VT-tidal abdominal volume (Vab) and Vab-tidal gastric pressure swing (delta Pga) relationships were similar in the two conditions. In conclusion, the relationship between delta Pes and breathlessness is the same in the third trimester and postpartum. The increased VE is responsible for the breathlessness in the third trimester. Despite progressive abdominal distension by the gravid uterus, the VT-Vab and Vab-delta Pga relationships were the same in the two conditions.  相似文献   
The impact of low humidity in ambient air on water relations,nitrate uptake, and translocation of recently absorbed nitrogen,was investigated in 5-week-old tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill cv. Ailsa Craig) plants grown hydroponically in a completenutrient solution. Plants were subjected to dry air (relativehumidity 2–4% for 6 h. The transpiration rate increasedseveral-fold and the shoot water content decreased by almost20%, whereas root water content was unaffected. No effect onin vitro nitrate reductase (NR) activity was detected when usingan EDTA-contraining assay buffer. Replacement of EDTA with Mg2+revealed a significant decline in shoot NR activity, which suggestsphosphorylation of the enzyme during the stress treatment. Plantswere grown in a split-root system, in which one root half wasfed 15N-nitrate during the treatment, in order to determinenitrate uptake and translocation of recently absorbed nitrogenin the plants. Uptake of nitrate was substantially inhibited,but the proportion of absorbed 15N that was translocated tothe shoots was only slightly affected. In untreated plants,71% of the 15N recovered in roots had been retranslocated fromthe shoots, whereas in plants subjected to stress the deliveryof 15N from shoots to roots appeared to be completely inhibited.The data show that lowered humidity in air has significant effectson both uptake of nitrate as well as translocation of nitrogenwithin the plants. Some of these effects appear to be commonwith those observed in plants subjected to reduced water potentialsin the root environment and point to the possibility of theshoot water relations being highly influential on nitrogen uptakeand translocation. Key words: Air humidity, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase activity, nitrogen translocation, tomato, water stress  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cyclase-associated protein (CAP or Srv2p) is multifunctional. The N-terminal third of CAP binds to adenylyl cyclase and has been implicated in adenylyl cyclase activation in vivo. The widely conserved C-terminal domain of CAP binds to monomeric actin and serves an important cytoskeletal regulatory function in vivo. In addition, all CAP homologs contain a centrally located proline-rich region which has no previously identified function. Recently, SH3 (Src homology 3) domains were shown to bind to proline-rich regions of proteins. Here we report that the proline-rich region of CAP is recognized by the SH3 domains of several proteins, including the yeast actin-associated protein Abp1p. Immunolocalization experiments demonstrate that CAP colocalizes with cortical actin-containing structures in vivo and that a region of CAP containing the SH3 domain binding site is required for this localization. We also demonstrate that the SH3 domain of yeast Abp1p and that of the yeast RAS protein guanine nucleotide exchange factor Cdc25p complex with adenylyl cyclase in vitro. Interestingly, the binding of the Cdc25p SH3 domain is not mediated by CAP and therefore may involve direct binding to adenylyl cyclase or to an unidentified protein which complexes with adenylyl cyclase. We also found that CAP homologous from Schizosaccharomyces pombe and humans bind SH3 domains. The human protein binds most strongly to the SH3 domain from the abl proto-oncogene. These observations identify CAP as an SH3 domain-binding protein and suggest that CAP mediates interactions between SH3 domain proteins and monomeric actin.  相似文献   
The application of the expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor for the anaerobic treatment of low-strength soluble wastewaters using ethanol as a model substrate was investigated in laboratory-scale reactors at 30oC. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was above 80% at organic loading rates up to12 g COD/L . d with influent concentrations as low as 100 to 200 mg COD/L. These results demonstrate the suitability of the EGBS reactor for the anaerobic treatment of low-strength wastewaters. The high treatment performance can be attributed to the intense mixing regime obtained by high hydraulic and organic loads. Good mixing of the bulk liquid phase for the substrate-biomass contact and adequate expansion of the substrate-biomass contact and adequate expansion of the sludge bed for the degassing were obtained when the liquid upflow velocity (V(up)) was greater than 2.5 m/h. Under such conditions, an extremely low apparent K(s) value for acetoclastic methanogenesis of 9.8 mg COD/L was observed. The presence of dissolved oxygen in the wastewater had no detrimental effect on the treatment performance. Sludge piston flotation from pockets of biogas accumulating under the sludge bed occurred at V(up) lower than 2.5 m/h due to poor bed expansion. This problem is expected only in small diameter laboratory-scale reactors. A. more important restriction of the EGSB reactor was the sludge washout occurring at V(up) higher than 5.5 m/h and which was intensified at organic loads higher than 7 g COD/L. d due to buoyancy forces from the gas production. To achieve an equilibrium between the mixing intensity and the sludge hold-up, the operation should be limited to an organic loading rate of 7 g COD/L d. and to a liquid up-flow velocity between 2.5 and 5.5 m/h (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Long tandem dinucleotide repeats composed of alternating purines and pyrimidines [RY(i)] are abundant and highly polymorphic. Simple RY(i) are predominately composed of one tandem repeat of a dinucleotide sequence. In contrast, cryptic RY(i [cRY(i)] are composed of multiple short dinucleotide repeats. Herein, we describe the racial distribution of alleles for a polymorphic cRY(i) in the factor IX gene. Allele I is absent in Asians, whereas allele III is rare or absent in Caucasians or blacks. A polymorphic cRY(i) analyzed previously shows even more dramatic variation among racial groups, hinting that a battery of cRY(i) might have utility in assessing the racial origin of a DNA sample.  相似文献   
The effects of pulsed microwaves (2.45 GHz, 10 μs, 100 pps, SAR: 81.5 kW/kg peak, 81.5 W/kg average) on membrane input resistance and action potential (AP) interval statistics were studied in spontaneously active ganglion neurons of land snails (Helix aspersa), at strictly constant temperature (20.8±.07°C worst case). Statistical comparison with sham-irradiated neurons revealed a significant increase in the mean input resistance of neurons exposed to pulsed microwaves (P ? .05 ). Pulsed microwaves had no visible effect on mean AP firing rate; this observation was confirmed by analysis of interspike intervals (ISIs). Using an integrator model for spontaneously active neurons, we found the net input current to be more variable in neurons exposed to pulsed microwaves. The mean input current was not affected. The standard deviation of ISIs and the autocorrelation of the input current were marginally affected, but these changes were not consistent across neurons. Although the observed effects were less obvious than those reported in other studies, they represent evidence of a direct interaction between neurons and pulsed microwaves, in the absence of macroscopic temperature changes. The data do not suggest a single, specific mechanism for such interaction. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The nature and evolution of positive emotion is a major question remaining unanswered in science and philosophy. The study of feelings and emotions in humans and animals is dominated by discussion of affective states that have negative valence. Given the clinical and social significance of negative affect, such as depression, it is unsurprising that these emotions have received more attention from scientists. Compared to negative emotions, such as fear that leads to fleeing or avoidance, positive emotions are less likely to result in specific, identifiable, behaviours being expressed by an animal. This makes it particularly challenging to quantify and study positive affect. However, bursts of intense positive emotion (joy) are more likely to be accompanied by externally visible markers, like vocalisations or movement patterns, which make it more amenable to scientific study and more resilient to concerns about anthropomorphism. We define joy as intense, brief, and event-driven (i.e. a response to something), which permits investigation into how animals react to a variety of situations that would provoke joy in humans. This means that behavioural correlates of joy are measurable, either through newly discovered ‘laughter’ vocalisations, increases in play behaviour, or reactions to cognitive bias tests that can be used across species. There are a range of potential situations that cause joy in humans that have not been studied in other animals, such as whether animals feel joy on sunny days, when they accomplish a difficult feat, or when they are reunited with a familiar companion after a prolonged absence. Observations of species-specific calls and play behaviour can be combined with biometric markers and reactions to ambiguous stimuli in order to enable comparisons of affect between phylogenetically distant taxonomic groups. Identifying positive affect is also important for animal welfare because knowledge of positive emotional states would allow us to monitor animal well-being better. Additionally, measuring if phylogenetically and ecologically distant animals play more, laugh more, or act more optimistically after certain kinds of experiences will also provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the evolution of joy and other positive emotions, and potentially even into the evolution of consciousness.  相似文献   
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