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A discrete time model was built to understand the origin of the sex-specific population structure of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni. We have estimated both male/female individual ratio and male/female genotype ratio of this parasite taking into account all the experimental published values on differential male and female life-history traits all along the life cycle. We considered in our model male and female life-history traits when both separated and together. The model showed that both male/female individual ratio and male/female genotype ratio of S. mansoni adults are biased toward males in each combination. This bias was more important in male/female genotype ratio than in the male/female individual ratio for the same initial values of cercarial development success. This model could explain the sex specific population structure of this parasite. Firstly, we showed that the male-biased individual ratio finds its origin in the vertebrate host. Secondly, we showed that the male-biased genotype ratio originates prior to any interrelationship between adult worms and could generate by itself a sex-specific genetic structure.  相似文献   
Polyphenols in biological fluids are generally estimated by HPLC with UV, electrochemical or fluorimetric detection. We describe herein a method specially developed to estimate biomarkers of polyphenol consumption in human urine. We simultaneously quantified 15 polyphenols and their related compounds in human urine using an HPLC coupled with electrospray ionization mass-mass (HPLC-ESI-MS-MS) method with an analytical run time of 6 min. The method has been validated with respect to linearity, precision, and accuracy in intra- and inter-day assays. It has been applied to human urine samples collected from volunteers after consumption of different polyphenol-rich beverages in controlled conditions.  相似文献   
We explore two possible hypotheses about the ecological factors driving the evolution of hemocyte load in insects. The first is parasite infection risk, its variability and the genetic diversity of parasites. The other supposes that all the other factors of environmental stress drive the evolution through a pleiotropic selection on metabolic rate. The two hypotheses are tested with data on hemocyte load and ecology of six Drosophila species of the melanogaster subgroup. Hemocyte load correlates significantly with the parasite-driven selection index, but not with the stress selection index. The result being based on too little data to conclude definitely, this work must be considered more as a methodological research based on published results on insect physiology immunity and ecology rather than an empirical evidence of such a relationship.  相似文献   
Most studies which aim at detecting effects of parasites on fish show that intermediate stages of parasites affect their host while adult parasites are usually less virulent in the final host. We studied the effect of the acanthocephalan Acanthocephaloides propinquus on one of its final hosts, the fish Gobius bucchichii. This study showed that the adult parasites affect host fitness. Moreover, our results showed that at the same level of infection in male and female gobiids, the female's reproductive success was negatively correlated to parasite abundance while the male's reproductive success was not. The negative effects on females includes reductions in gonado-somatic index and egg production. We hypothesized that it might be more difficult for females to compensate the cost of parasitism because of the very high cost of egg production. We discussed these results in terms of host population regulation.  相似文献   
The ectoparasite fauna of two damselfishes, Stegastes nigricans and Dascyllus aruanus, from Moorea Island in French Polynesia was investigated. Gills of these damselfishes were infected with congeneric Monopisthocotylea Monogenea belonging to the genus Haliotrema. Stegastes nigricans were found to harbour a guild of three Haliotrema species whereas only one species inhabited D. aruanus. Microhabitat distribution, inter- and intraspecific competition and interspecific associations on the gill were studied. Observations on site preference revealed no spatial segregation between the three congeneric species inhabiting the gills of S. nigricans. Juvenile and adult monogeneans of that guild occurred on the same microhabitat. The dominant species Haliotrema sp. 1 did not expand on the microhabitat when the intensity of infection increased. Interspecific association tests revealed positive and negative associations. Haliotrema sp. 4 expanded its distribution on the gills of Dascyllus aruanus when the intensity of infection increased suggesting the likelihood of intraspecific competition. Juvenile and adult monogeneans of Haliotrema sp. 4 appeared to segregate as a result of intraspecific competition. This competition may exist to enhance resource availability when the gill habitat is limited. Overlaps between niche breadth and species microhabitat were revealed for monogenean species inhabiting S. nigricans. Interspecific competition did not appear to play an important role in the distribution of S. nigricans congeneric ectoparasites. Reinforcement of reproductive barriers may have led to the avoidance of hybridization.  相似文献   
We sequenced DNA fragments from four monogenean species of the genus Lamellodiscus and their three fish host species from the genus Pagellus in the North Mediterranean Sea, in order to estimate the molecular divergence and the coevolutionary interactions in this association. By comparing the ITS1 sequences of the parasites, we assessed their level of interspecific differences and tested the phylogenetic status of Lamellodiscus virgula and Lamellodiscus obeliae, formerly described as two different species. Moreover, we wanted to know if closely related parasites used closely related hosts, to investigate the coevolutionary interactions in this complex. Phylogenetic relationships among Lamellodiscus species were estimated with partial 18S ribosomal DNA sequences while mitochondrial cytochrome-b DNA sequences were used for their fish hosts. The ITS1 sequences appear to be highly variable among Lamellodiscus species, except L.virgula and L.obeliae, suggesting an old divergence time or a rapid molecular evolution within this genus. This fish-parasite association seems to exhibit coevolutionary interactions. L.virgula and L.obeliae are proposed to be a single species on the basis of their almost identical ITS1 sequences.  相似文献   
Naringenin, the predominant flavanone in grapefruit, mainly occurs as glycosides such as naringenin-7- rhamnoglucoside or naringenin-7-glucoside. This study compared kinetics of absorption of naringenin and its glycosides in rats either after a single flavanone-containing meal or after adaptation to a diet for 14 days. Regardless of the diet, circulating metabolites were glucurono- and sulfoconjugated derivatives of naringenin. The kinetics of absorption of naringenin and naringenin-7-glucoside were similar, whereas naringenin-7-rhamnoglucoside exhibited a delay in its intestinal absorption, resulting in decreased bioavailability. After naringenin-7-glucoside feeding, no glucoside was found in the cecum. However, after feeding naringenin-7-rhamnoglucoside, some naringenin-7-rhamnoglucoside accumulated in cecum before being hydrolyzed by intestinal microflora. Adaptation to flavanone diets did not induce accumulation of plasma naringenin. Moreover, flavanone cecal content markedly decreased after adaptation, and almost no naringenin-7-rhamnoglucoside was recovered after naringenin-7-rhamnoglucoside feeding, suggesting that an adaptation of cecal microflora had occurred. Overall, these data indicate that flavanones are efficiently absorbed after feeding to rats and that their bioavailability is related to their glycosidic moiety.  相似文献   
A large number of flavonoids, mostly O-glycosides, are found in foods of plant origin. The bound sugar moiety is known to influence their bioavailability. We examined here the effect of the nature of the sugar on the absorption of the glycosides. Four groups of rats (n = 6) received a meal containing 20 mg of quercetin equivalents supplied as aglycone, quercetin 3-glucoside, quercetin 3-rhamnoside or rutin. Plasma were hydrolysed by a beta-glucuronidase/sulfatase and analyzed by HPLC coupled to UV detection at 370 nm. Four hours after the beginning of the meal, the quercetin metabolites present in plasma were identical in all groups but their total concentrations were quite different. With pure quercetin the circulating levels were 1.7 +/- 1.8 microM, but this level was three fold higher when quercetin was supplied as quercetin 3-glucoside (33.2 +/- 3.5 microM). By contrast, the plasma concentrations of quercetin metabolites was quite low with the rutin meal (about 3 microM) and undetectable after the quercetin 3-rhamnoside meal. These data suggest that the 3-O-glucosylation improves the absorption of quercetin in the small intestine, whereas the binding of a rhamnose or of a glucose-rhamnose moiety to the aglycone markedly depressed its absorption. Additionnal experiments have shown that the higher plasma levels measured after the meal containing quercetin 3-glucoside compared to quercetin were maintained throughout a 24 hour period following the meal. In conclusion, the nature of the glycosylation markedly influences the efficiency of quercetin absorption in rats. Quercetin 3-glucose can be absorbed in the small intestine and is better absorbed than quercetin itself. By contrast, glycosides containing a rhamnose moiety could not be absorbed in the small intestine.  相似文献   
Quercetin and catechin are among the major flavonoids in plant foods and their intake has been associated to a risk reduction in several degenerative diseases. The aim of the present study was to bring data on the bioavailability of quercetin and catechin when administered simultaneously. The study was performed on rats adapted to diets containing (i) 0.25% quercetin, or (ii) 0.25% catechin, or (iii) 0.25% quercetin+0.25% catechin. Quercetin, catechin and their metabolites were determined in plasma, urine and liver by HPLC with UV or coulometric detection. When quercetin and catechin were fed in association, their respective plasma concentration significantly decreased (-35% and -28% respectively), whereas the urinary and hepatic concentrations were only affected for quercetin (-36%). These data may be explained by a competitive interaction between quercetin and catechin at the digestive level, leading to a reduction of the intestinal absorption of quercetin and a possible delaying of catechin absorption over time. The simultaneous administration of quercetin and catechin had no effect on the formation of their glucurono and sulfo conjugates, indicating the absence of competition between quercetin and catechin for the corresponding conjugative enzymes.  相似文献   
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