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Summary The tracheal systems of five insect species (two species of ants, worker bee, housefly and the cabbage butterfly) have been studied by scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts. This technique, which is commonly used for the investigation of vertebrate vasculature, is adapted to demonstrate the ultrastructure of the insect respiratory organ. The problem of filling a blind ending system was solved by injecting the resin Mercox into the evacuated tracheae through a thoracal spiracle. After polymerization of the resin, the tissue was digested enzymatically and chemically. The three-dimensional structure of the tracheal system was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The technique used here displays for the first time the complex morphology of the entire tracheal system in fine detail, especially the structure of spiracles, airsacs, tracheae and tracheoles. Smooth-walled terminal tracheoles show up in flight muscles. The finest tracheoles that could be identified have diameters of approximately 70 nm. This approaches the finest tracheoles portrayed by transmission electron micrographs.  相似文献   
A panel of sera from 892 autoimmune patients was screened by indirect immunofluorescence on mammalian cells. Seventy-three sera were identified that recognize the nucleolus. Three of these sera appear to stain the nucleolus in yeast, suggesting that they recognize highly conserved antigens. These three sera also immunoprecipitate mammalian U3 snRNA-containing particles, which reside in the nucleolus and have been implicated in rRNA processing. Double immunofluorescence experiments with anti-nucleolus and anti-tubulin antibodies revealed a novel form of non-random nuclear organization in yeast. The spindle pole body and the nucleolus — both of which are associated with the nuclear envelope — preferentially localize at opposite ends of the nucleus. Organization of these and other components into specific regions of the nucleus may be important for optimizing their proper function.  相似文献   
Fifty-six compounds from the odor of calling, sexually mature, laboratory reared males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were isolated by headspace trapping on Tenax columns and identified using GC/MS techniques (69 total compounds were detected). Electroantennogram responses (EAGs) to 54 of the 56 identified compounds as well as 5 analogs were tested on both sexes. Significant differences between the sexes in their responsiveness were found in 9 of the 54 identified compounds tested. There was no correlation between the amplitude of the EAG response and the relative abundance of compound identified from headspace analysis. Of the five major identified components, three elicited relatively small EAG responses, while two elicited large EAGs compared to the hexan-1-ol standard. The relative ranking of EAG responses were: methyl and ethyl hexenoates and hexanoates > C4–C6 esters and/or acetates > ethyl and methyl octenoates > monoterpenes > sesquiterpenes > C2–C5 acetates, alcohols and ketones. Behavioral bioassays on each of the five major identified components as well as a blend of six of the compounds showed some degree of attractancy to virgin females which in some cases approached the response to a pheromonal standard (male odors absorbed onto filter paper). These results are discussed in relationship to the insect's antennal sensitivity to putative pheromone components and/or allomonal components and to other reported C. capitata pheromone studies.
Résumé Cinquante-six composés de l'odeur de mâles de C. capitata Weidemann, élevés en laboratoire, sexuellement mûrs et en appel, ont été isolés par piégeage sur colonnes tenax et identifiés par la technique GC/MS (69 composés avaient été détectés en tout). Les électroantennogrammes (EAGs) ont été examinés chez les deux sexes pour 54 des 56 composés identifiés et 5 de leurs analogues. Des différences significatives entre les sexes ont été observées pour 9 des 54 composés identifiés. Il n'y avait pas de corrélation entre l'ampleur de l'EAG et l'abondance relative du composé lors de son isolement. Pour les 5 principaux composés identifiés, 3 ont induit des EAGs relativement faibles, tandis que 2 étaient importants, par comparaison avec l'Hexane-1-ol utilisé comme témoin. Le classement relatif des EAG a été: hexénoates et hexanoates d'éthyl et de méthyl C4–C6 esters et/ou acétates octénoates d'éthyl ou de méthyl monoterpènes sesquiterpènes C2–C5 acétates, alcools et kétones. Les expériences de comportement avec chacun des 5 composés principaux identifiés, comme avec des mélanges de 6 composés ont mis en évidence une attraction des femelles vierges qui dans quelques cas avoisine la réponse à la phéromone témoin (odeur du mâle absorbée sur papier filtre). Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de la sensibilité de l'antenne d'insexte aux composés supposés de la phéromone et aux composés allomonaux, et en fonction des autres études connues sur les phéromones de C. capitata.
Rotifers described from the Andes by Murray (1913) and De Beauchamp (1939) as Notholca foliacea (Ehrenberg) are reviewed and re-assessed as Notholca walterkostei De Paggi, 1982. They are compared with N. foliacea and details of the lorica of this species seen with the scanning electron microscope are presented.  相似文献   
Platelet GPIIbIIIa is only synthesized in megakaryocyte or in cell lines with megakaryocytic features. The sequence for GPIIb and GPIIIa have recently been derived from cDNAs obtained from HEL cells. The sequence of these proteins produced by the megakaryocyte, has however, not been determined yet. This study describes full length cDNAs for GPIIb and GPIIIa isolated from megakaryocyte cDNA libraries. The cDNA sequences indicate the presence of nucleotide differences, between the sequence of the GPIIIa cDNAs from HEL cells, endothelial cells and megakaryocytes. One difference was also observed between HEL and megakaryocyte GPIIb at position 633 where a cystein in the megakaryocyte GPIIb, is replaced by a serine in the HEL sequence. The mRNA species for GPIIb (3.4kb) and GPIIIa (6.1 kb) were of the same size in HEL cells and human megakaryocytes.  相似文献   
Previous analysis of Rendille household herd composition revealed a transition from camel to cattle ownership for sedentary impoverished Rendille pastoralists of northern Kenya. In an attempt to delineate determinants of livestock holdings, logistic regression analysis of 112 household herds from the Rendille settlement of Korr, Marsabit District, Kenya was undertaken. Results indicated that household wealth, measured in present livestock holdings, past drought losses, and livestock sales, formed better predictors of cattle ownership than did household characteristics pertaining to labor supply, wage earners, age-set membership, and birth order of household head. These results are discussed in light of pastoral strategies designed to minimize risk.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effects of the 1984 drought upon household wealth differences in a community of Ariaal pastoralists of northern Kenya. The database consists of 1985 post-drought livestock counts and informants' statements of species-specific drought loss, compared to 1976 livestock counts on the same 38 households. The analysis confirms the hypothesis that the drought resulted in increased household wealth inequalities. It is suggested that the combination of differential herd growth, differential participation in the cash market, and differential loss to the drought has contributed to a polarization within Ariaal of rich and poor, resulting in rural proletarianization and urban migration.  相似文献   
Conclusions Current neurochemical studies of the NMDA receptor macromolecular complex are yielding new insights into the interactions of the subunits of this complex and the associated potential clinical benefits of selective modulation of these subnits. Such studies offer the great potential for a new generation of pharmacotherapies for a wide range of CNS disorders, including stroke, a condition for which there is currently no effective pharmacological treatment. However, it is essential to understand that the first generation products in this area may not be optimal pharmacotherapies, such that haracterization of possible receptor subtypes and understanding the molecular biology of the component proteins of the receptor complex will be crucial in the design of the optimal pharmacological modulators of the NMDA receptor complex.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Erminio Costa  相似文献   
A mathematical model of capillary-tissue exchange is presented and the method of solution of the resulting equations is described. The model includes the mutual interaction of fluid movement across the capillary wall and the convection and diffusion of a number of solutes. A variety of solutions for situations of physiological interest are obtained and discussed.  相似文献   
The proteolytic specificity of chicken cathepsin L was studied using bovine -casein as substrate. The peptide mixtures obtained after various times of hydrolysis were separated by RP-HPLC and ten peptides were identified. Chicken cathepsin L accepts proline residues in all positions except P 1 . Looking at the amino acid residues on the amino side of the scissile bond we found three times the Tyr-Pro pair at P 1 –P 2 positions and that the S 1 subsite can interact with modified amino acids such as phosphoserine.Abbreviations RP-HPLC reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography - NMec N-methyl coumarylamide - TEA triethylamine - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   
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