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Thioredoxin-interacting protein (Txnip) knockout (TKO) mice exhibit impaired response to fasting. Herein, we showed that activation of adenine monophosphate-activated protein kinase and cellular AMP levels were diminished in the heart and soleus muscle but not in gastrocnemius muscle of fasting TKO mice. Similarly, glycogen content in fasted TKO mice was increased in oxidative muscles but was not different in glycolytic muscles. These data suggest Txnip deficiency has a higher impact on oxidative muscle than glycolytic muscles and provide new insights into the metabolic role of Txnip.  相似文献   
Paspalum notatum Flügge is a warm-season forage grass with mainly diploid (2n = 20) and autotetraploid (2n = 40) representatives. Diploid races reproduce sexually and require crosspollination due to a self-incompatible mating system, while autotetraploids reproduce by aposporous apomixis. The objectives of this work were to develop a genetic linkage map of Paspalum notatum Flügge at the tetraploid level, identify the linkage/s group/s associated with apomixis and carry out a general characterization of its mode of inheritance. A pseudo test-cross F1 family of 113 individuals segregating for the mode of reproduction was obtained by crossing a synthetic completely sexual tetraploid plant (Q4188) as female parent with a natural aposporous individual (Q4117) as pollen donor. Map construction was based on single-dose markers (SDAFs) segregating from both parents. Two linkage maps (female and male) were constructed. Within each map, homologous groups were assembled by detecting repulsion-phase linked SDAFs. Putative Q4188 and Q4117 homolog groups were identified by mapping shared single dose markers (BSDF). The Q4188 map consisted of 263 markers distributed on 26 co-segregation groups over a total genetic distance of 1.590.6 cM, while the Q4117 map contained 216 loci dispersed on 39 co-segregation groups along 2.265.7 cM, giving an estimated genome coverage of 88% and 83%, respectively. Seven and 12 putative homologous chromosomes were detected within Q4188 and Q4117 maps, respectively. Afterward, ten female and male homologous chromosomes were identified by mapping BSDFs. In the Q4117 map, a single linkage group was associated with apospory. It was characterized by restriction in recombination and preferential chromosome pairing. A BPSD marker mapping within this group allowed the detection of the female homolog and the putative four male groups of the set carrying apospory.  相似文献   
It is well known that T cell differentiation and maturation in the thymus is tightly controlled at multiple checkpoints. However, the molecular mechanism for the control of this developmental program is not fully understood. A number of protein tyrosine kinases, such as Zap-70, Lck, and Fyn, have been shown to promote signals required for thymocyte development, whereas a tyrosine phosphatase Src homology domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase (Shp)1 has a negative effect in pre-TCR and TCR signaling. We show in this study that Shp2, a close relative of Shp1, plays a positive role in T cell development and functions. Lck-Cre-mediated deletion of Shp2 in the thymus resulted in a significant block in thymocyte differentiation/proliferation instructed by the pre-TCR at the beta selection step, and reduced expansion of CD4(+) T cells. Furthermore, mature Shp2(-/-) T cells showed decreased TCR signaling in vitro. Mechanistically, Shp2 acts to promote TCR signaling through the ERK pathway, with impaired activation of ERK kinase observed in Shp2(-/-) T cells. Thus, our results provide physiological evidence that Shp2 is a common signal transducer for pre-TCR and TCR in promoting T cell maturation and proliferation.  相似文献   
Lymphatic filariasis (LF) and soil-transmitted helminths (STH) have been targeted since 2000 in Haiti, with a strong mass drug administration (MDA) program led by the Ministry of Public Health and Population and its collaborating international partners. By 2012, Haiti’s neglected tropical disease (NTD) program had reached full national scale, and with such consistently good epidemiological coverage that it is now able to stop treatment for LF throughout almost all of the country. Essential to this success have been in the detail of how MDAs were implemented. These key programmatic elements included ensuring strong community awareness through an evidence-based, multi-channel communication and education campaign facilitated by voluntary drug distributors; strengthening community trust of the drug distributors by ensuring that respected community members were recruited and received appropriate training, supervision, identification, and motivation; enforcing a “directly observed treatment” strategy; providing easy access to treatment though numerous distribution posts and a strong drug supply chain; and ensuring quality data collection that was used to guide and inform MDA strategies. The evidence that these strategies were effective lies in both the high treatment coverage obtained– 100% geographical coverage reached in 2012, with almost all districts consistently achieving well above the epidemiological coverage targets of 65% for LF and 75% for STH—and the significant reduction in burden of infection– 45 communes having reached the target threshold for stopping treatment for LF. By taking advantage of sustained international financial and technical support, especially during the past eight years, Haiti’s very successful MDA campaign resulted in steady progress toward LF elimination and development of a strong foundation for ongoing STH control. These efforts, as described, have not only helped establish the global portfolio of “best practices” for NTD control but also are poised to help solve two of the most important future NTD challenges—how to maintain control of STH infections after the community-based LF “treatment platform” ceases and how to ensure appropriate morbidity management for patients currently suffering from lymphatic filarial disease.  相似文献   
The fate and transport of watershed-derived ammonium in a tidal freshwater marsh fringing the nutrient rich Scheldt River, Belgium, was quantified in a whole ecosystem 15N labeling experiment. In late summer (September) we added 15N-NH4+ to the flood water entering a 3477 m2 tidal freshwater marsh area, and traced the ammonium processing and retention in four subsequent tide cycles. In this paper we present the results for the water-phase components of the marsh system and compare them to a similar experiment conducted in spring/early summer (May). Changes in concentration and isotopic enrichment of NO3 + NO2, N2O, N2, NH4+ and suspended particulate nitrogen (SPN) were measured in concert with a mass balance study. All analyzed N-pools were labeled, and 49% of the added 15NH4+ was retained or transformed. The most important pool for 15N was nitrate, accounting for 17% of 15N-transformation. N2, N2O and SPN accounted for 2.4, 0.02 and 1.4%, respectively. The temporal and spatial patterns of 15N transformation in the water phase component of the system were remarkably similar to those observed in May, indicating good reproducibility of the whole ecosystem labeling approach, but the absolute ammonium transformation rate was 3 times higher in May. While the marsh surface area was crucial for nitrification in May this was less pronounced in September. Denitrification, on the other hand, appeared more important in September compared to May.  相似文献   
Background: Women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are at high risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).Objective: We reviewed prospective studies of antepartum glucose tolerance test results as risk factors for development of T2DM among women with a history of GDM.Methods: We searched 4 electronic databases and hand-searched 13 journals for literature published through January 2007. The search strategy consisted of medical subject headings and text words for GDM, T2DM, and other relevant terms. Articles were excluded for the following reasons: (1) not written in English; (2) no human data; (3) no original data; (4) <90% of sample was diagnosed with GDM without a separate analysis for women with GDM; (5) case report or series; (6) diagnosis of GDM not based on 3-hour 100-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) or 2-hour 75-g OGTT; (7) T2DM not evaluated as outcome; (8) no relative measure of association or incidence reported; or (9) design did not address antepartum OGTT as a predictor of T2DM. Two investigators independently reviewed citations, performed serial data abstraction on full articles, and assessed the quality of each article. Data were abstracted for study participants and characteristics, T2DM diagnosis, length of follow-up, regression model covariates, and measures of association and variability.Results: Of 11,400 unique citations, we identified 11 articles that evaluated antepartum glucose testing and risk of T2DM in women with a history of GDM. Five studies found that the fasting blood glucose (FBG) on the antepartum diagnostic OGTT was a significant predictor of T2DM (odds ratio [OR] range: 11.1–21.0; relative risk [RR] range: 1.37–1.5; relative hazard [RH] = 2.47). Risk of incident T2DM was predicted by the antepartum 2-hour OGTT plasma glucose in 3 studies (OR range: 1.02–1.03; RR = 1.3) and by the antepartum OGTT glucose AUC in 3 other studies (OR range: 3.64–15; RH = 2.13). Overall, study quality was limited by high losses to follow-up (>20% in 6 studies) and short duration. Few studies adjusted for adiposity, an established diabetes risk factor.Conclusion: FBG, OGTT 2-hour blood glucose, and OGTT glucose AUC appeared to be strong and consistent predictors of subsequent T2DM among women who met diagnostic criteria for GDM using the OGTT.  相似文献   
Hongotoxin(1) (HgTX(1)), a 39-residue peptide recently isolated from the venom of Centruroides limbatus, blocks the voltage-gated K+ channels K(v)1.1, K(v)1.2, and K(v)1.3 at picomolar toxin concentrations (Koschak, A., Bugianesi, R. M., Mitterdorfer, J., Kaczorowski, G. J., Garcia, M. L., and Knaus, H. G. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 2639-2644). In this report, we determine the three-dimensional structure of HgTX(1) using NMR spectroscopy (PDB-code: 1HLY). HgTX(1) was found to possess a structure similar to previously characterized K+ channel toxins (e.g. margatoxin) consisting of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet (residues 2-4, 26-30, and 33-37) and a helical conformation (part 3(10) helix and part alpha helix; residues 10-20). Due to the importance of residue Lys-28 for high-affinity interaction with the respective channels, lysine-reactive fluorescence dyes cannot be used to label wild-type HgTX(1). On the basis of previous studies (see above) and our NMR data, a HgTX(1) mutant (HgTX(1)-A19C) was engineered, expressed, and purified. HgTX(1)-A19C-SH was labeled using sulfhydryl-reactive Cy3-, Cy5-, and Alexa-dyes. Pharmacological characterization of fluorescently labeled HgTX(1)-A19C in radioligand binding studies indicated that these hongotoxin(1) analogues retain high-affinity for voltage-gated K+ channels and a respective pharmacological profile. Cy3- and Alexa-dye-labeled hongotoxin(1) analogues were used to investigate the localization of K+ channels in brain sections. The distribution of toxin binding closely follows the distribution of K(v)1.2 immunoreactivity with the highest expression levels in the cerebellar Purkinje cell layer. Taken together, these results demonstrate that fluorescently labeled HgTX(1) analogues comprise novel probes to characterize a subset of voltage-gated K+ channels.  相似文献   
Interactions with humans impact many aspects of behavior and ecology in nonhuman primates. Because of the complexities of the human–nonhuman primate interface, methods are needed to quantify the effects of anthropogenic interactions, including their intensity and differential impacts between nonhuman primate groups. Stable isotopes can be used to quickly and economically assess intergroup dietary variation, and provide a framework for the development of specific hypotheses about anthropogenic impact. This study uses stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to examine intraspecific variation in diet between five groups of Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus, in the Upper Rock Nature Reserve, Gibraltar. Analysis of hair from 135 macaques showed significant differences in δ13C and δ15N values between a group with minimal tourist contact and groups that were main tourist attractions. Because we observed no overt physiological or substantial behavioral differences between the groups, feeding ecology is the most likely cause of any differences in stable isotope ratios. Haphazard provisioning by tourists and Gibraltarians is a likely source of dietary variation between groups. Stable isotope analysis and observational data facilitate a deeper understanding of the feeding ecology of the Barbary macaques relevant to the role of an anthropogenic ecology for the species.  相似文献   
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