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A comparison of the proteome of eight genetically well‐characterized isolates of the Bostrychia radicans (Mont.) Mont./B. moritziana (Sond. ex Kütz.) J. Agardh species complex was undertaken to establish if genetic relationships among them can be determined using proteome data. Genetic distances were calculated on the basis of common and distinct spots in two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis (2‐DE). Proteomes of the male and female plants of each population were compared to analyze the range of genetic difference within an isolate. Haploid male and female plants of the same species had 3.7%–7.1% sex‐specific proteins. The degree of similarity of the proteome was consistent with previous DNA sequence data and sexual compatibility studies between the isolates. Two sexually compatible isolates from Venezuela showed a pair‐wise distance ranging from 0.14 to 0.21. The isolates from Mexico and Venezuela, which were partially compatible, showed a maximum pair‐wise distance of 0.26. A high level of genetic difference was found among isolates that were sexually incompatible. The isolate from Brazil was reproductively isolated from the Mexico and Venezuela isolates and showed a maximum pair‐wise distance of 0.65 and 0.58, respectively. Comparative proteomics may be helpful for studying genetic distances among algal samples, if intraisolate variation (gene expression) can be minimized or tested.  相似文献   
Binding aspects of baicalein to HIV-1 integrase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase is an essential enzyme in the life cycle of the virus. It is responsible for catalyzing the insertion of the viral genome into the host cell chromosome. This integrase is an attractive target for the design of a HIV antiviral drug, because integrase has no human counterpart. In order to know the interaction mode of HIV-1 integrase with its inhibitor, we investigated the effect of the inhibitor, baicalein, on the conformation of the HIV-1 integrase catalytic domain [IN-(50-212/F185K)] using fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. We found that baicalein binds to the hydrophobic region of the HIV-1 integrase catalytic core domain. This binding of baicalein induces the conformational change of the enzyme. We also found that the binding ratio of baicalein to the HIV-1 integrase catalytic domain is 2:1.  相似文献   
Perennial bioenergy crops have been shown to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, potentially offsetting anthropogenic C emissions. The effects of perennial bioenergy crops on SOC are typically assessed at shallow depths (<30 cm), but the deep root systems of these crops may also have substantial effects on SOC stocks at greater depths. We hypothesized that deep (>30 cm) SOC stocks would be greater under bioenergy crops relative to stocks under shallow‐rooted conventional crop cover. To test this, we sampled soils to between 1‐ and 3‐m depth at three sites in Oklahoma with 10‐ to 20‐year‐old switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) stands, and collected paired samples from nearby fields cultivated with shallow rooted annual crops. We measured root biomass, total organic C, 14C, 13C, and other soil properties in three replicate soil cores in each field and used a mixing model to estimate the proportion of recently fixed C under switchgrass based on 14C. The subsoil C stock under switchgrass (defined over 500–1500 kg/m2 equivalent soil mass, approximately 30–100 cm depth) exceeded the subsoil stock in neighboring fields by 1.5 kg C/m2 at a sandy loam site, 0.6 kg C/m2 at a site with loam soils, and showed no significant difference at a third site with clay soils. Using the mixing model, we estimated that additional SOC introduced after switchgrass cultivation comprised 31% of the subsoil C stock at the sandy loam site, 22% at the loam site, and 0% at the clay site. These results suggest that switchgrass can contribute significantly to subsoil organic C—but also indicated that this effect varies across sites. Our analysis shows that agricultural strategies that emphasize deep‐rooted grass cultivars can increase soil C relative to conventional crops while expanding energy biomass production on marginal lands.  相似文献   
Two cysteine protease families, caspase and calpain, are known to participate in cell death. We investigated whether a stress-specific protease activation pathway exists, and to what extent Bcl-2 plays a role in preventing drug-induced protease activity and cell death in a dopaminergic neuronal cell line, MN9D. Staurosporine (STS) induced caspase-dependent apoptosis while a dopaminergic neurotoxin, MPP(+) largely induced caspase-independent necrotic cell death as determined by morphological and biochemical criteria including cytochrome c release and fluorogenic caspase cleavage assay. At the late stage of both STS- and MPP(+)-induced cell death, Bax was cleaved into an 18-kDa fragment. This 18-kDa fragment appeared only in the mitochondria-enriched heavy membrane fraction of STS-treated cells, whereas it was detected exclusively in the cytosolic fraction of MPP(+)-treated cells. This proteolytic cleavage of Bax appeared to be mediated by calpain as determined by incubation with [(35)S]methionine-labelled Bax. Thus, cotreatment of cells with calpain inhibitor blocked both MPP(+)- and STS-induced Bax cleavage. Intriguingly, overexpression of baculovirus-derived inhibiting protein of caspase, p35 or cotreatment of cells with caspase inhibitor blocked STS- but not MPP(+)-induced Bax cleavage. This appears to indicate that calpain activation may be either dependent or independent of caspase activation within the same cells. However, cotreatment with calpain inhibitor rescued cells from MPP(+)-induced but not from STS-induced neuronal cell death. In these paradigms of dopaminergic cell death, overexpression of Bcl-2 prevented both STS- and MPP(+)-induced cell death and its associated cleavage of Bax. Thus, our results suggest that Bcl-2 may play a protective role by primarily blocking drug-induced caspase or calpain activity in dopaminergic neuronal cells.  相似文献   
The mitotic checkpoint (also called spindle assembly checkpoint, SAC) is a signaling pathway that safeguards proper chromosome segregation. Correct functioning of the SAC depends on adequate protein concentrations and appropriate stoichiometries between SAC proteins. Yet very little is known about the regulation of SAC gene expression. Here, we show in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe that a combination of short mRNA half‐lives and long protein half‐lives supports stable SAC protein levels. For the SAC genes mad2 + and mad3 +, their short mRNA half‐lives are caused, in part, by a high frequency of nonoptimal codons. In contrast, mad1 + mRNA has a short half‐life despite a higher frequency of optimal codons, and despite the lack of known RNA‐destabilizing motifs. Hence, different SAC genes employ different strategies of expression. We further show that Mad1 homodimers form co‐translationally, which may necessitate a certain codon usage pattern. Taken together, we propose that the codon usage of SAC genes is fine‐tuned to ensure proper SAC function. Our work shines light on gene expression features that promote spindle assembly checkpoint function and suggests that synonymous mutations may weaken the checkpoint.  相似文献   
Narrowing of arteries supplying blood to the limbs provokes critical hindlimb ischemia (CLI). Although CLI results in irreversible sequelae, such as amputation, few therapeutic options induce the formation of new functional blood vessels. Based on the proangiogenic potentials of stem cells, in this study, it was examined whether a combination of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) could result in enhanced therapeutic effects of stem cells for CLI compared with those of DPSCs or HUVECs alone. The DPSCs+ HUVECs combination therapy resulted in significantly higher blood flow and lower ischemia damage than DPSCs or HUVECs alone. The improved therapeutic effects in the DPSCs+ HUVECs group were accompanied by a significantly higher number of microvessels in the ischemic tissue than in the other groups. In vitro proliferation and tube formation assay showed that VEGF in the conditioned media of DPSCs induced proliferation and vessel-like tube formation of HUVECs. Altogether, our results demonstrated that the combination of DPSCs and HUVECs had significantly better therapeutic effects on CLI via VEGF-mediated crosstalk. This combinational strategy could be used to develop novel clinical protocols for CLI proangiogenic regenerative treatments.  相似文献   
In Japan, the P1 protein (S-type) encoded by leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) isolates detected in Honshu and southward is shorter than the P1 (N-type) of LYSV isolates from garlic grown in Hokkaido due to a large deletion in the N-terminal half. In garlic fields in Hokkaido, two types of LYSV isolate with N- and S-type P1s are sometimes found in mixed infections. In this study, we confirmed that N- and S-type P1 sequences were present in the same plant and that they belong to different evolutionary phylogenetic groups. To investigate how LYSV with S-type P1 (LYSV-S) could have invaded LYSV with N-type P1 (LYSV-N)-infected garlic, we examined wild Allium spp. plants in Hokkaido and found that LYSV was almost undetectable. On the other hand, in Honshu, LYSV-S was detected at a high frequency in Allium spp. other than garlic, suggesting that the LYSV-S can infect a wider host range of Allium spp. compared to LYSV-N. Because P1 proteins of potyviruses have been reported to promote RNA silencing suppressor (RSS) activity of HC-Pro proteins, we analyzed whether the same was true for P1 of LYSV. In onion, contrary to expectation, the P1 protein itself had RSS activity. Moreover, the RSS activity of S-type P1 was considerably stronger than that of N-type P1, suggesting that LYSV P1 may be able to enhance its RSS activity when the deletion is in the N-terminal half and that acquiring S-type P1 may have enabled LYSV to expand its host range.  相似文献   
During pathogenesis, effector proteins are secreted from the pathogen to the host plant to provide virulence activity for invasion of the host. However, once the host plant recognizes one of the delivered effectors, effector‐triggered immunity activates a robust immune and hypersensitive response (HR). In planta, the effector AvrRps4 is processed into the N‐terminus (AvrRps4N) and the C‐terminus (AvrRps4C). AvrRps4C is sufficient to trigger HR in turnip and activate AtRRS1/AtRPS4‐mediated immunity in Arabidopsis; on the other hand, AvrRps4N induces HR in lettuce. Furthermore, AvrRps4N‐mediated HR requires a conserved arginine at position 112 (R112), which is also important for full‐length AvrRps4 (AvrRps4F) processing. Here, we show that effector processing and effector recognition in lettuce are uncoupled for the AvrRps4 family. In addition, we compared effector recognition by lettuce of AvrRps4 and its homologues, HopK1 and XopO. Interestingly, unlike for AvrRps4 and HopK1, mutation of the conserved R111 in XopO by itself was insufficient to abolish recognition. The combination of amino acid substitutions arginine 111 to leucine with glutamate 114 to lysine abolished the XopO‐mediated HR, suggesting that AvrRps4 family members have distinct structural requirements for perception by lettuce. Together, our results provide an insight into the processing and recognition of AvrRps4 and its homologues.  相似文献   
Roll-to-roll dry processing enables the manufacture of high energy density and low cost Li-ion batteries (LIBs). However, as the thickness of the electrode fabricated by dry processing becomes greater (≥10 mAh cm−2), Li-ion migration resistance (Rion) and charge-transfer resistance (Rct) in the electrode dramatically increase due to long diffusion lengths for Li-ion and electron. Therefore, it is important to reduce diffusion lengths in the electrode to achieve high energy density LIBs. The dry electrode with a high areal capacity of 10 mAh cm−2 and low resistance can be achieved by following three characteristics. First, the fibrillization behavior of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) binder is controlled by adjusting the processing temperature during the fibrillization process, which enables uniform distribution of PTFE binder and carbon black (CB). Second, pore size/distribution and conducting network are engineered by multi-dimensional conducting agents, enhancing Li-ions and electrons transport in the electrode. Finally, the structural integrity of LiNi0.80Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA) particles is improved without fractures, which enables uniform pore distribution in the electrode by controlling the calendering step. The prepared 10 mAh cm−2 dry electrode with homogeneous microstructure shows reduced Rion and Rct due to short diffusion lengths, which improves electrochemical performances in LIBs with a high volumetric energy density of ≈710 Wh L−1.  相似文献   
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