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Many of the targets of structural genomics will be proteins with little or no structural similarity to those currently in the database. Therefore, novel function prediction methods that do not rely on sequence or fold similarity to other known proteins are needed. We present an automated approach to predict nucleic-acid-binding (NA-binding) proteins, specifically DNA-binding proteins. The method is based on characterizing the structural and sequence properties of large, positively charged electrostatic patches on DNA-binding protein surfaces, which typically coincide with the DNA-binding-sites. Using an ensemble of features extracted from these electrostatic patches, we predict DNA-binding proteins with high accuracy. We show that our method does not rely on sequence or structure homology and is capable of predicting proteins of novel-binding motifs and protein structures solved in an unbound state. Our method can also distinguish NA-binding proteins from other proteins that have similar, large positive electrostatic patches on their surfaces, but that do not bind nucleic acids.  相似文献   
Some amino acid substitutions in phage P22 coat protein cause a temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) phenotype. In vivo, these tsf amino acid substitutions cause coat protein to aggregate and form intracellular inclusion bodies when folded at high temperatures, but at low temperatures the proteins fold properly. Here the effects of tsf amino acid substitutions on folding and unfolding kinetics and the stability of coat protein in vitro have been investigated to determine how the substitutions change the ability of coat protein to fold properly. The equilibrium unfolding transitions of the tsf variants were best fit to a three-state model, N if I if U, where all species concerned were monomeric, a result confirmed by velocity sedimentation analytical ultracentrifugation. The primary effect of the tsf amino acid substitutions on the equilibrium unfolding pathway was to decrease the stability (DeltaG) and the solvent accessibility (m-value) of the N if I transition. The kinetics of folding and unfolding of the tsf coat proteins were investigated using tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) at 222 nm. The tsf amino acid substitutions increased the rate of unfolding by 8-14-fold, with little effect on the rate of folding, when monitored by tryptophan fluorescence. In contrast, when folding or unfolding reactions were monitored by CD, the reactions were too fast to be observed. The tsf coat proteins are natural substrates for the molecular chaperones, GroEL/S. When native tsf coat protein monomers were incubated with GroEL, they bound efficiently, indicating that a folding intermediate was significantly populated even without denaturant. Thus, the tsf coat proteins aggregate in vivo because of an increased propensity to populate this unfolding intermediate.  相似文献   
The seven-residue peptide GNNQQNY from the N-terminal region of the yeast prion protein Sup35, which forms amyloid fibers, colloidal aggregates and highly ordered nanocrystals, provides a model system for characterizing the elusively protean cross-beta conformation. Depending on preparative conditions, orthorhombic and monoclinic crystals with similar lath-shaped morphology have been obtained. Ultra high-resolution (<0.5A spacing) electron diffraction patterns from single nanocrystals show that the peptide chains pack in parallel cross-beta columns with approximately 4.86A axial spacing. Mosaic striations 20-50 nm wide observed by electron microscopy indicate lateral size-limiting crystal growth related to amyloid fiber formation. Frequently obtained orthorhombic forms, with apparent space group symmetry P2(1)2(1)2(1), have cell dimensions ranging from /a/=22.7-21.2A, /b/=39.9-39.3A, /c/=4.89-4.86A for wet to dried states. Electron diffraction data from single nanocrystals, recorded in tilt series of still frames, have been mapped in reciprocal space. However, reliable integrated intensities cannot be obtained from these series, and dynamical electron diffraction effects present problems in data analysis. The diversity of ordered structures formed under similar conditions has made it difficult to obtain reproducible X-ray diffraction data from powder specimens; and overlapping Bragg reflections in the powder patterns preclude separated structure factor measurements for these data. Model protofilaments, consisting of tightly paired, half-staggered beta strands related by a screw axis, can be fit in the crystal lattices, but model refinement will require accurate structure factor measurements. Nearly anhydrous packing of this hydrophilic peptide can account for the insolubility of the crystals, since the activation energy for rehydration may be extremely high. Water-excluding packing of paired cross-beta peptide segments in thin protofilaments may be characteristic of the wide variety of anomalously stable amyloid aggregates.  相似文献   
In eukaryotes the MSH2-MSH3 and MSH2-MSH6 heterodimers initiate mismatch repair (MMR) by recognizing and binding to DNA mismatches. The MLH1-PMS1 heterodimer then interacts with the MSH proteins at or near the mismatch site and is thought to act as a mediator to recruit downstream repair proteins. Here we analyzed five msh2 mutants that are functional in removing 3' non-homologous tails during double-strand break repair but are completely defective in MMR. Because non-homologous tail removal does not require MSH6, MLH1, or PMS1 functions, a characterization of the msh2 separation of function alleles should provide insights into early steps in MMR. Using the Taq MutS crystal structure as a model, three of the msh2 mutations, msh2-S561P, msh2-K564E, msh2-G566D, were found to map to a domain in MutS involved in stabilizing mismatch binding. Gel mobility shift and DNase I footprinting assays showed that two of these mutations conferred strong defects on MSH2-MSH6 mismatch binding. The other two mutations, msh2-S656P and msh2-R730W, mapped to the ATPase domain. DNase I footprinting, ATP hydrolysis, ATP binding, and MLH1-PMS1 interaction assays indicated that the msh2-S656P mutation caused defects in ATP-dependent dissociation of MSH2-MSH6 from mismatch DNA and in interactions between MSH2-MSH6 and MLH1-PMS1. In contrast, the msh2-R730W mutation disrupted MSH2-MSH6 ATPase activity but did not strongly affect ATP binding or interactions with MLH1-PMS1. These results support a model in which MMR can be dissected into discrete steps: stable mismatch binding and sensing, MLH1-PMS1 recruitment, and recycling of MMR components.  相似文献   
During meiotic prophase, telomeres actively attach themselves to the nuclear envelope and cluster in an arrangement called the bouquet. The bouquet is unique to meiosis, highly conserved, and thought to facilitate homologous chromosome synapsis. Analy sis of three-dimensional fluorescence in situ hybridization (3-D FISH) image data has been employed to characterize the bouquet in fixed pollen mother cells of maize (Zea mays L.). In order to examine the function of the bouquet further, several meiotic mutants were screened for telomeric defects using 3-D FISH as an assay. Two mutants, desynaptic (dy) and desynaptic1 (dsy1), were found to exhibit novel telomere-misplacement phenotypes. In both cases, the telomere-associated mutant phenotypes occurred prior to what was previously reported as the earliest affected stage. Three alleles of the desynaptic1 mutation (dsy1-1, dsy1-9101, and dsy1-9307) resulted in a partial bouquet phenotype at the zygotene stage of meiotic prophase. By contrast, dy nuclei contained apparently normal bouquets, but then resulted in a premature intranuclear localization of telomeres at the pachytene stage, when telomeres normally disperse but remain attached to the nuclear envelope. The dsy1 mutation is known to impair the fidelity and progression of homologous synapsis, whereas the dy mutation is known to reduce recombination rates. If the telomere misplacements are primary defects of these mutants, then these data would be consistent with the hypothesis that meiotic telomeres have at least two separable functions, one involving proper homologous chromosome synapsis at the bouquet stage and another involving post-bouquet cross-over control.  相似文献   
Early systemic treatment of nonobese diabetic mice with high doses of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector expressing murine IL-10 prevents type 1 diabetes. To determine the therapeutic parameters and immunological mechanisms underlying this observation, female nonobese diabetic mice at 4, 8, and 12 wk of age were given a single i.m. injection of rAAV-murine IL-10 (10(4), 10(6), 10(8), and 10(9) infectious units (IU)), rAAV-vector expressing truncated murine IL-10 fragment (10(9) IU), or saline. Transduction with rAAV-IL-10 at 10(9) IU completely prevented diabetes in all animals injected at all time points, including, surprisingly, 12-wk-old animals. Treatment with 10(8) IU provided no protection in the 12-wk-old injected mice, partial prevention in 8-wk-old mice, and full protection in all animals injected at 4 wk of age. All other treatment groups developed diabetes at a similar rate. The rAAV-IL-10 therapy attenuated pancreatic insulitis, decreased MHC II expression on CD11b+ cells, increased the population of CD11b+ cells, and modulated insulin autoantibody production. Interestingly, rAAV-IL-10 therapy dramatically increased the percentage of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells. Adoptive transfer studies suggest that rAAV-IL-10 treatment alters the capacity of splenocytes to impart type 1 diabetes in recipient animals. This study indicates the potential for immunomodulatory gene therapy to prevent autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, and implicates IL-10 as a molecule capable of increasing the percentages of regulatory cells in vivo.  相似文献   
Sulfotransferase (SULT) 1A3 catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of catecholamines and structurally related drugs. As a step toward studies of the possible contribution of inherited variation in SULT1A3 to the pathophysiology of human disease and/or variation in response to drugs related to catecholamines, we have resequenced all seven coding exons, three upstream non-coding exons, exon-intron splice junctions and the 5'-flanking region of SULT1A3 using DNA samples from 60 African-American (AA) and 60 Caucasian-American (CA) subjects. Eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were observed in AA and five in CA subjects, including one non-synonymous cSNP (Lys234Asn) that was observed only in AA subjects with an allele frequency of 4.2%. This change in amino acid sequence resulted in only 28 +/- 4.5% (mean +/- SEM) of the enzyme activity of the wild-type (WT) sequence after transient expression in COS-1 cells, with a parallel decrease (54 +/- 2.2% of WT) in level of SULT1A3 immunoreactive protein. Substrate kinetic studies failed to show significant differences in apparent Km values of the two allozymes for either dopamine (10.5 versus 10.2 micro m for WT and variant, respectively) or the cosubstrate 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (0.114 versus 0.122 micro m, respectively). The decrease in level of immunoreactive protein in response to this single change in amino acid sequence was due, at least in part, to accelerated SULT1A3 degradation through a proteasome-mediated process. These observations raise the possibility of ethnic-specific inherited alterations in catecholamine sulfation in humans.  相似文献   
Experimental crosses between Schistosoma mansoni and S. rodhaini have shown that hybrid offspring are viable, yet, until now, no naturally occurring hybrid has been identified. A collection of freshwater snails from Nyamlebi-Ngoma, Ukerewe Island, Lake Victoria, Tanzania, yielded a mixed infection within a single Biomphalaria sudanica of S. mansoni females and S. mansoni-S. rodhaini hybrid males. The hybrids were identified using deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences. Mitochondrial DNA 16S and 12S sequences of the hybrids match those of S. mansoni, whereas their nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS1 and ITS2 sequences match those of S. rodhaini. The identification of hybrids in Tanzania highlights the possibility that the genetic identity of either parasite species might be modified by introgression.  相似文献   
In mice, activation of the Notch pathway in T cells by antigen-presenting cells overexpressing Notch ligands favors differentiation of regulatory T lymphocytes responsible for antigen-specific tolerance. To determine whether this mechanism operates in human T cells, we used Epstein-Barr virus-positive lymphoblastoid cell lines (EBV-LCL) as our (viral) antigen-presenting cells and overexpressed the Notch ligand Jagged-1 (EBV-LCL J1) by adenoviral transduction. The EBV-LCL J1s were cocultured with autologous T cells, and the proliferative and cytotoxic responses to EBV antigens were measured. Transduction had no effect on EBV-LCL expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens or of costimulatory molecules CD80, CD86, and CD40. However, we observed a 35% inhibition of proliferation and a >65% reduction in cytotoxic-T-cell activity, and interleukin 10 production was increased ninefold. These EBV-LCL J1-stimulated T lymphocytes act as antigen-specific regulatory cells, since their addition to fresh autologous T cells cultured with autologous nontransduced EBV-LCL cells significantly inhibited both proliferation and cytotoxic effector function. Within the inhibitory population, CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD8(+)CD25(-) T cells had the greatest activity. This inhibition appears to be antigen-specific, since responses to Candida and cytomegalovirus antigens were unaffected. Hence, transgenic expression of Jagged-1 by antigen-presenting cells can induce antigen-specific regulatory T cells in humans and modify immune responses to viral antigens.  相似文献   
During a large serosurvey of wild-caught primates from Cameroon, we found 2 mona monkeys (Cercopithecus mona) out of 8 and 47 mustached monkeys (Cercopithecus cephus) out of 302 with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) cross-reactive antibodies. In this report, we describe the full-length genome sequences of two novel SIVs, designated SIVmon-99CMCML1 and SIVmus-01CM1085, isolated from one mona (CML1) and one mustached (1085) monkey, respectively. Interestingly, these viruses displayed the same genetic organization (i.e., presence of a vpu homologue) as members of the SIVcpz-HIV type 1 lineage and SIVgsn isolated from greater spot-nosed monkeys (Cercopithecus nictitans). Phylogenetic analyses of SIVmon and SIVmus revealed that these viruses were genetically distinct from other known primate lentiviruses but were more closely related to SIVgsn all across their genomes, thus forming a monophyletic lineage within the primate lentivirus family, which we designated the SIVgsn lineage. Interestingly, mona, mustached, and greater spot-nosed monkeys are phylogenetically related species belonging to three different groups of the genus Cercopithecus, the C. mona, C. cephus, and Cercopithecus mitis groups, respectively. The presence of new viruses closely related to SIVgsn in two other species reinforces the hypothesis that a recombination event between ancestral SIVs from the family Cercopithecinae is the origin of the present SIVcpz that is widespread among the chimpanzee population.  相似文献   
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