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[目的] 探究镉吸附细菌是否能够高效固定土壤有效镉(Cd),为土壤有效Cd的微生物固定提供理论依据。[方法] 利用含Cd2+牛肉膏蛋白胨液体培养基对细菌进行Cd的耐受性测试筛选出镉抗性强的菌株;通过16S rRNA基因相似性及系统进化分析鉴定耐镉细菌,将菌细胞加入含CdCl2溶液中进行Cd2+吸附效率测定;通过土培模拟实验,测定土壤pH、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有机质、CEC、有效Cd及微生物数量来分析镉吸附细菌对镉污染土壤的影响。[结果] 从德阳鱼腥草根际土壤中分离获得的57株细菌对Cd2+表现出不同程度的抗性,并从中筛选出3株耐Cd优势细菌普罗威登斯菌属(Providencia)DY8、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)DY3和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)DY1-4。其对溶液中的Cd2+表现出较好的吸附作用,吸附效率随着Cd2+浓度升高而降低。DY8、DY3、DY1-4能使镉污染土壤中有效Cd含量分别降低72.11%、68.55%、62.32%,同时显著提高镉污染土壤中碱解氮、有效磷的含量。[结论] Cd污染农田土壤中含有丰富的耐Cd微生物资源,Cd吸附细菌能降低土壤中有效Cd的含量,且能有效改善土壤养分条件。  相似文献   
本文报道了采自西藏喜马拉雅南坡的8个中国种子植物新记录种以及1个西藏新记录属。前者分别是吉隆牛奶菜(Marsdenia roylei)、塔基棕榈(Trachycarpus takil)、喀西蜂斗草(Sonerila khasiana)、旋花锡生藤(Cissampelos convolvulacea)、吉隆角盘兰(Herminium edgeworthii)、尼泊尔西番莲(Passiflora napalensis)、椭穗姜花(Hedychium ellipticum)和藏南象牙参(Roscoea brandisii); 1个西藏新记录属为箭药藤属(Belostemma) (箭药藤 Belostemma hirsutum)。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)和西藏自治区高原生物研究所标本室(XZ)。  相似文献   
We have studied the tissue-specific expression of GSH S-transferases in rat seminal vesicles and pituitary glands by in vitro translation and immunoprecipitation. The major GSH S-transferase subunit expressed in rat seminal vesicles belongs to the Yb mobility class whose expression diminishes when the rats are treated with pentobarbital. The pattern of GSH S-transferase expression in the pituitary gland is very similar to that of the rat brain with Yb size subunit(s) predominant. The Y beta size subunit is also expressed together with the Yc and Y delta subunits. The expression of GSH S-transferases was drastically reduced in pituitary gland poly(A) RNAs from diethylstilbestrol-treated, ovariectomized female rats. Xenobiotics such as phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene, and trans-stilbene oxide induce rat liver GSH S-transferase activities, especially the Ya- and Yb-subunit containing isozymes. Induction of GSH S-transferases by a combination of the three xenobiotics is neither additive nor synergistic, however. Our results clearly demonstrate that GSH S-transferase expression in seminal vesicles and pituitary glands can be suppressed by phenobarbital and diethylstilbestrol, respectively. Our findings suggest that different GSH S-transferase isozymes respond differently to various xenobiotics. Both induction and suppression occur in rats treated with xenobiotics. This notion helps to explain the lack of additive or synergistic induction in rats treated with more than one xenobiotic.  相似文献   
Three hemorrhagic toxins with proteolytic activity were isolated from the venom of Crotalus ruber ruber (red rattlesnake). Molecular weights of HT-1, HT-2, and HT-3 were 60,000, 25,000, and 25,500, respectively. Although HT-3 was a basic protein, HT-1 and HT-2 were slightly acidic proteins. Total amino acid residues were 482,207, and 221 for HT-1, HT-2, and HT-3, respectively. Protease activity of all the toxins was inhibited in the presence of EDTA or o-phenanthroline, suggesting that the toxins are metalloproteins. Analyses for various metals by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry indicated that sodium, potassium, zinc, and calcium atoms were present in significant quantities. With all three toxins, there was roughly 1 mol of zinc to 1 mol of protein; the results for calcium were not consistent. All three hemorrhagic toxins degraded the A alpha chain of fibrinogen, while HT-1 also degraded the B beta chain. Although fibrinogen was degraded by the three toxins, no clots were observed, indicating that the proteolytic specificities of the three toxins were different from those of thrombin. The hemorrhagic toxins increased creatine kinase activity in mice serum, indicating muscle damage, which was substantiated by histological examination.  相似文献   
Polymalic acid (PMA) is a water-soluble polyester with many attractive properties for biomedical application. Its monomer l-malic acid is widely used in the food industry and also a potential C4 platform chemical. Cofactor and CO2 donor involved in the reductive routes were investigated for PMA production by Aureobasidium pullulans. Biotin as the key cofactor of pyruvate carboxylase was favor for the PMA biosynthesis. Na2CO3 as CO2 donor can obviously improved PMA titer when compared with no CO2 supplier NaOH, and also exhibit more advantages than the other donor CaCO3 because of its water-soluble characteristic. A combinational process with addition of biotin 70 mg/L and Na2CO3 as the CO2 donor was scaled-up in 50 L fermentor, achieving the high product 34.3 g/L of PMA and productivity of 0.41 g/L h. This process provides an efficient and economical way for PMA and malic acid production, and is promising for industrial application.  相似文献   
Bacillus gibsonii Alkaline Protease (BgAP) is a recently reported subtilisin protease exhibiting activity and stability properties suitable for applications in laundry and dish washing detergents. However, BgAP suffers from a significant decrease of activity at low temperatures. In order to increase BgAP activity at 15°C, a directed evolution campaign based on the SeSaM random mutagenesis method was performed. An optimized microtiter plate expression system in B. subtilis was established and classical proteolytic detection methods were adapted for high throughput screening. In parallel, the libraries were screened for increased residual proteolytic activity after incubation at 58°C. Three iterative rounds of directed BgAP evolution yielded a set of BgAP variants with increased specific activity (Kcat) at 15°C and increased thermal resistance. Recombination of both sets of amino acid substitutions resulted finally in variant MF1 with a 1.5‐fold increased specific activity (15°C) and over 100 times prolonged half‐life at 60°C (224 min compared to 2 min of the WT BgAP). None of the introduced amino acid substitutions were close to the active site of BgAP. Activity‐altering amino acid substitutions were from non‐charged to non‐charged or from sterically demanding to less demanding. Thermal stability improvements were achieved by substitutions to negatively charged amino acids in loop areas of the BgAP surface which probably fostered ionic and hydrogen bonds interactions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 711–720. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
长叶车前花叶病毒上海分离株(HRVsh)单克隆抗体1H2,经纯化后以溴化氰活化法偶联于Sepharose 4B上制成亲和层析柱。HRVsh感染的三生烟提取液,经一次聚乙二醇沉淀初步纯化,悬浮液上亲和层析柱,于磷酸缓冲液中吸附,蒸馏水洗脱。收集的病毒制剂接种心叶烟有感染性,电镜观察见典型的HRVsh粒子,紫外吸收光谱与常规方法提纯的病毒相似,SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳呈一条带。结果表明单克隆抗体亲和层忻得到高度纯化的HRVsh。最后讨论了单克隆抗体亲和层析方法的优点。  相似文献   
The influenza A virus M2 integral membrane protein has ion channel activity that can be inhibited by the antiviral drug amantadine. Recently, a spirene-containing compound, BL-1743 (2-[3-azaspiro (5,5)undecanol]-2-imidazoline), that inhibits influenza virus growth was identified (S. Kurtz, G. Lao, K. M. Hahnenberger, C. Brooks, O. Gecha, K. Ingalls, K.-I. Numata, and M. Krystal, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 39:2204-2209, 1995). We have examined the ability of BL-1743 to inhibit the M2 ion channel when expressed in oocytes of Xenopus laevis. BL-1743 inhibition is complete as far as can be measured by electrophysiological methods and is reversible, with a reverse reaction rate constant of 4.0 x 10(-3) s(-1). In contrast, amantadine inhibition is irreversible within the time frame of the experiment. However, BL-1743 inhibition and amantadine inhibition have similar properties. The majority of isolated influenza viruses resistant to BL-1743 are also amantadine resistant. In addition, all known amino acid changes which result in amantadine resistance also confer BL-1743 resistance. However, one BL-1743-resistant virus isolated, designated M2-I35T, contained the change Ile-35-->Thr. This virus is >70-fold more resistant to BL-1743 and only 10-fold more resistant to amantadine than the wild-type virus. When the ion channel activity of M2-I35T was examined in oocytes, it was found that M2-I35T is BL-1743 resistant but is reversibly inhibited by amantadine. These findings suggest that these two drugs interact differently with the M2 protein transmembrane pore region.  相似文献   
在 0 .0 5 m ol/ L 硫酸铵溶液中 ,采用微分脉冲伏安法 ,测定沙苑子中鼠李柠檬素类黄酮含量。灵敏度达 10 - 6mol/ L,在 6 .10× 10 - 6~ 3.0 5× 10 - 5m ol/ L 浓度范围内峰电流与沙苑子苷浓度成线性关系 (r=0 .995 9) ,回收率达96 .9%~ 10 3.0 % (RSD=2 .5 4 % ,n=6 )。结果表明 ,可不经分离直接测定沙苑子提取液中鼠李柠檬素类黄酮的含量  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in modulating the neoplastic process of cancers including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). A genetic polymorphism (rs2292832, C>T) has been recently identified in the precursor of miR-149; nevertheless its clinicopathological implications remain obscure. In this study, we showed that miR-149 is down-regulated in HNSCC compared to normal mucosa and this is associated with a poorer patient survival. In addition, HNSCC patients with the T/T genotype have more advanced tumors and a worse prognosis. Multivariate analysis indicated that patients carried the T/T genotype have a 2.81-fold (95% CI: 1.58–4.97) increased risk of nodal metastasis and 1.66-fold (95% CI: 1.05–2.60) increased risk of mortality compared to other groups. T/T genotype also predicted the worse prognosis of buccal mucosa carcinoma subset of HNSCC. In vitro analysis indicated that exogenous miR-149 expression reduces the migration of HNSCC cells. Moreover, HNSCC cell subclones carrying the pri-mir-149 sequence containing the T variant show a low processing efficacy when converting the pre-mir-149 to mature miR-149. These findings suggest that miR-149 suppresses tumor cell mobility, and that the pre-mir-149 polymorphism may affect the processing of miR-149, resulting in a change in the abundance of the mature form miRNA, which, in turn, modulates tumor progression and patient survival.  相似文献   
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