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Anthropometry has been used for the assessment of growth at different ages. Among the anthropometric measurements, weight, height, arm circumference, and lower and upper limb lengths are of the most important criteria showing the development of children in school age. The aim of the present study was to measure the lengths of upper (arm, forearm, hand) and lower (thigh, leg, foot) limbs of children studying in primary schools of Aydin, a city in the western region of Turkey, and to assess the differences according to the gender (female, male) and living areas (urban, rural). In different age groups, many differences were observed when compared for gender and area. Differences were also seen when compared with the other studies done in different part of Turkey. The data was the first one for the region and it might be useful for further regional studies or for national comparisons. More studies designed with bigger sample sizes that cover many cities belonging to the same region of the country are needed. In addition to cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies may give more useful knowledge for understanding the growth of children.  相似文献   
In the present work using an established clonal mouse hippocampal (HT-22) cell line, we have examined whether the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen antagonizes the observed neuroprotective effects of estrogen against glutamate and amyloid beta protein neurotoxicity. Results obtained suggest that like estrogen, tamoxifen protects HT-22 cells against both 5mM glutamate and 2 microM amyloid beta protein induced cell death in a concentration dependent manner. Optimum protection was obtained at 500 nM tamoxifen. Tamoxifen was found to offer more potent protection at this dose against amyloid beta protein induced neurotoxicity when compared with glutamate neurotoxicity. We were unable to detect either estrogen receptor (ER)--ER alpha or ER beta presence in HT-22 cells using western blot technique. However, amyloid beta protein treatment significantly increases total glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) as determined by western blot technique, while prior treatment with estrogen or tamoxifen followed by amyloid beta protein resulted in the reduction of total GRs to the levels comparable to that observed for the control untreated cells. In addition, using confocal immunoflourescence microscopy technique, we observed that 20 h of treatment with 2 microM amyloid beta protein resulted in enhanced nuclear localization of GRs in HT-22 cells as compared to control untreated cells or 500 nM tamoxifen alone treated cells. Interestingly, 500 nM tamoxifen treatments for 24h, followed by 20 h treatment with 2 microM amyloid beta protein resulted in dramatic reduction in GRs nuclear localization. In conclusion, tamoxifen (i) protects HT-22 cells against amyloid beta protein neurotoxicity and (ii) neuroprotective effect is independent of ERs.  相似文献   
We have developed an apoptosis assay based on measurement of a neoepitope of cytokeratin-18 (CK18-Asp396) exposed after caspase-cleavage and detected by the monoclonal antibody M30. The total amount of caspase-cleaved CK18 which has accumulated in cells and tissue culture media during apoptosis is measured by ELISA. The sensitivity is sufficient for use in the 96-well format to allow high-through-put screening of drug libraries. We here describe strategies allowing classification of pro-apoptotic compounds according to their profiles of induction of apoptosis in the presence of pharmacological inhibitors. The time course of induction of CK18 cleavage can furthermore be used to distinguish structurally similar compounds. We propose that compounds that induce rapid CK18 cleavage have mechanisms of actions distinct from conventional genotoxic and microtubuli-targeting agents, and we present one example of an agent that induces almost immediate mitochondrial depolarization and cytochrome c release. Finally, CK18-Asp396 cleavage products are released from cells in tissue culture, and presumably from tumor cells in vivo. These products can be measured in sera from cancer patients. We present evidence suggesting that it will be possible to use the M30-ELISA assay for measuring chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in patient sera, opening possibilities for monitoring therapy.  相似文献   
The low-molecular-mass, cytosolic heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) is thought to be required for shuttling FA through the cytosol. Therefore, we examined the effects of an H-FABP-null mutation on FA and carbohydrate metabolism in isolated soleus muscle at rest and during a period of increased metabolic demand (30-min contraction). There were lower concentrations of creatine phosphate (-41%), ATP (-22%), glycogen (-34%), and lactate (-31%) (P < 0.05) in H-FABP-null soleus muscles, but no differences in citrate synthase and beta-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activities or in the intramuscular triacylglycerol (TAG) depots. There was a 43% increase in subsarcolemmal mitochondria in H-FABP-null solei. FA transport was reduced by 30% despite normal content of sarcolemmal long-chain fatty acid transporters fatty acid translocase/CD36 and plasma membrane-associated FABP transport proteins. Compared with wild-type soleus muscles, the H-FABP-null muscles at rest hydrolyzed less TAG (-22%), esterified less TAG (-49%), and oxidized less palmitate (-71%). The H-FABP-null soleus muscles retained a substantial capacity to increase FA metabolism during contraction (TAG esterification by +72%, CO2 production by +120%), although these rates remained lower (TAG esterification -26% and CO2 production -64%) than in contracting wild-type soleus muscles. Glycogen utilization during 30 min of contraction did not differ, whereas glucose oxidation was lower at rest (-24%) and during contraction (-32%) in H-FABP-null solei. Although these studies demonstrate that the absence of H-FABP alters rates of FA metabolism, it is also apparent that glucose oxidation is downregulated. The substantial increase in FA metabolism in contracting H-FABP-null muscle may indicate that other FABPs are also present, a possibility that we were not able to completely eliminate.  相似文献   
Mechanized production and delivery of biological pesticides presents challenges because the biological agents must remain viable during these processes. This study evaluates the effect of flow through an abrupt contraction, where flow characteristics similar to that found within bioprocesses and spray equipment are developed, on damage to a benchmark biological pest control agent, entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs). An opposed-pistons, contraction flow device generated volumetric flow rates ranging between 8.26 cm(3)/s and 41.3 cm(3)/s. Four EPN species were evaluated: Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Heterorhabditis megidis, Steinernema carpocapsae, and Steinernema glaseri. Damage was quantified by counting living and dead EPNs. Optical and cold field emission scanning electron microscope (CFE-SEM) images provided qualitative information to describe how the damage occurred. The experimental flow field was completely described using FLUENT, a computational fluid dynamics program. Local flow parameters computed in FLUENT were compared to EPN damage. The type and extent of damage varied between EPN species. Damaged Heterorhabditis spp. generally remained whole with an internal rupture located near the center of the body, while Steinernema spp. most often broke into several pieces. The fast-transient stress field generated at the entrance to the contraction caused a momentary tensile loading and then relaxation that damaged the EPNs. At high flow rates, the tensile stresses became large enough to cause failure of the EPN structural membrane. The relative elasticity of the EPN structural membrane may explain the differences in damage observed between the species. It is speculated that the internal rupture of the Heterorhabditis spp. occurred during the processes of stretching and relaxing at the contraction entrance. Appreciable damage was observed at lower average energy dissipation rates for H. bacteriophora (1.23E + 8 W/m(3)), H. megidis (1.72E + 8 W/m(3)), and S. glaseri (2.89E + 8 W/m(3)) compared to S. carpocapsae (3.70E + 8 W/m(3)). Energy dissipation rates within an equipment component should be kept below 1E + 8 W/m(3) to avoid hydrodynamic damage to EPNs. The relationship between average energy dissipation and EPN damage provides important information for future simulation efforts of actual spray equipment components.  相似文献   
A new 'phenylpropanoid', 4-(3-methyloxiran-2-yl)phenyl 2-methylbutanoate (1), a new trinorsesquiterpene, 4-(6-methylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-2-en-7-yl)butan-2-one (2), and eight known compounds (3-10) were isolated from the essential oils of several Pimpinella species growing in Turkey. The structures of the new compounds were determined by 1D- and 2D-NMR analyses. The absolute configuration of 1 was established via comparison of its optical rotation with that of 'epoxypseudoisoeugenyl 2-methylbutyrate' (11), the absolute configuration of which was determined by chemical degradation and an appropriate Mosher ester formation. Direct bioautography revealed antifungal activity of 1 and 11 against Colletotrichum acutatum, C. fragariae, and C. gloesporioides. Subsequent evaluation of antifungal compounds in a 96-well microtiter assay showed that compounds 1 and 11 produced the most-significant growth inhibition in Phomopsis spp., Colletotrichum spp., and Botrytis cinerea. Compounds 1 and 6 displayed antimicrobial activities against Mycobacterium intracellulare, with IC50 values of 2.78 and 1.29 microM, respectively.  相似文献   
Platelet aggregation was measured by an optical method in 32 patients with iron-deficiency anemia at the time of diagnosis and after a period of supplementation with iron. Epinephrine- and adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation were lower in anemic patients than in the controls (p<0.05). After iron-supplementation therapy, these values showed no significant differences. If induced by collagen or ristocetin, platelet aggregation was the same for patients and controls, but increased after treatment of patients (p<0.05). The plasma zinc values did not show significant differences among the subjects included in this study. These results show that iron is involved in the enzymatic systems that regulate platelet aggregation. The exact nature of this interaction is still to be determined.  相似文献   
In this study, the right sciatic nerves of 40 rats were used to determine whether a nerve graft within a vein graft might accelerate and facilitate axonal regeneration, compared with a nerve graft alone. The animals were separated into four groups, as follows: group 1, sham control; group 2 (control), segmental nerve resection and no repair; group 3, segmental nerve resection and nerve grafting; group 4, segmental nerve resection and reconstruction with a nerve graft within a vein conduit graft. For all groups, sciatic functional indices were calculated before the operation and on postoperative days 7 and 90. On postoperative day 90, the sciatic nerves were reexposed and nerve conduction velocities were recorded. The sciatic nerves were harvested from all groups for counting of the myelinated axons with a stereological method. No statistically significant differences with respect to return of gait function, axon count, or nerve conduction were noted between groups 3 and 4 (p > 0.05). However, functional recovery in group 4 on postoperative day 90 was significant, compared with group 2 (p < 0.05); the recovery difference between groups 2 and 3 was not significant (p > 0.05). This study was not able to demonstrate any functional benefits with the use of a nerve graft within a vein graft, compared with standard nerve grafting.  相似文献   
云南大理人工松林中小兽群落与生态因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较了云南大理不同年龄的人工松林(5-8年、10-15年、16-20年)中小兽群落的物种多度、多样性和主要小兽的丰富度,研究了小兽与森林栖境因子(乔木的密度、覆盖度和森林底层灌木和草本植物的覆盖度、密度、物种多度)的关系,探讨了小兽群落在中国西南人工森林的演替,以及地表植物和森林覆盖度对小兽群落的影响。研究结果显示,地表植物的物种多度和丰富度随着森林的年龄增长而增大,但是小兽群落的物种多度和多样性随着森林年龄的增长而变小。小兽与森林栖境因子的回归关系显示小兽群落的物种多度和多样性与地表植物(PC1)成负相关关系。小兽群落的优势物种随着森林的年龄有明显的演替。在年龄最小的森林(5-8年)中,大绒鼠(E.miletu)和齐氏姬鼠(A.chevrieri)是优势物种;在10-15年森林齐氏姬鼠(A.chevrieri)和锡金小鼠(M.pahari)是优势物种;在年龄最大的森林(16-20年)中,贝氏树(T.belangeri)和珀氏长吻松鼠(D.pernyi)成为优势物种  相似文献   
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