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Development of myometrium in young female rats was stimulated by administration of diethylstilboestrol. Plasma membrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum from rat myometrium were separated by a new and rapid method using a Percoll gradient. Calcium uptake was inhibited in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from oxytocin-treated myometrium, while no consistent effect of oxytocin was found on the Ca2+ uptake in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Oxytocin regulated the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump by decreasing its apparent affinity for Ca2+ without affecting its maximal velocity. The K1/2 for Ca2+ in the absence of calmodulin was 0.41 +/- 0.04 microM in normal membranes; this was increased to 0.93 +/- 0.12 microM in oxytocin-treated membranes. Calmodulin decreased the K1/2 for Ca2+ to 0.27 +/- 0.027 microM and oxytocin also increased this, to 0.46 +/- 0.061 microM. The effect of oxytocin on the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump was highly dependent on the hormonal status of the animals. When the diethylstilboestrol was administered together with progesterone, the inhibitory action of oxytocin was totally suppressed, consistent with the expected action of this agent. The results suggest that regulation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump may be important in the prolonged elevation of intracellular Ca2+ caused by oxytocin.  相似文献   
In a mixed endoplasmic and surface-type membrane vesicle preparation from human platelets the polyphosphoinositides PIP and PIP2, similarly to IP3, were found to induce a rapid calcium release reaction. At physiological (resting) cytoplasmic calcium concentrations (0.1-0.3 microM) the PIP2 and IP3 concentrations producing half-maximum calcium release were similar (0.7 microM) and both agents could mobilize about 30-40% of the intravesicular calcium. However, the phosphodiesteric degradation of PIP2 in the membrane vesicles was found to be negligible and the ion- and drug-sensitivities of the calcium release reactions were different. The IP3-induced calcium release was selectively inhibited by micromolar calcium concentrations and by cinnarizine, while the PIP2-induced release was blocked by magnesium ions and neomycin. The calcium release evoked by either agent was inhibited by low concentrations of lanthanum but, in contrast to the ATP-dependent calcium pump, it was insensitive to vanadate, quercetin and to the lowering of the incubation temperature. When added simultaneously or in a rapid succession, maximum effective IP3 and PIP2 concentrations produced an additive calcium release reaction. Based on these data we suggest that IP3 and PIP2, respectively, induce rapid transmembrane calcium movements involving different transport pathways and/or membrane calcium pools, which are not related to the active calcium transport systems.  相似文献   
Defects in DNA replication, DNA damage response, and DNA repair compromise genomic stability and promote cancer development. In particular, unrepaired DNA lesions can arrest the progression of the DNA replication machinery during S‐phase, causing replication stress, mutations, and DNA breaks. HUWE1 is a HECT‐type ubiquitin ligase that targets proteins involved in cell fate, survival, and differentiation. Here, we report that HUWE1 is essential for genomic stability, by promoting replication of damaged DNA. We show that HUWE1‐knockout cells are unable to mitigate replication stress, resulting in replication defects and DNA breakage. Importantly, we find that this novel role of HUWE1 requires its interaction with the replication factor PCNA, a master regulator of replication fork restart, at stalled replication forks. Finally, we provide evidence that HUWE1 mono‐ubiquitinates H2AX to promote signaling at stalled forks. Altogether, our work identifies HUWE1 as a novel regulator of the replication stress response.  相似文献   
The potassium channels in the two-pore domain family are widely expressed and regulate the excitability of neurons and other excitable cells. These channels have been shown to function as dimers, but heteromerization between the various channel subunits has not yet been reported. Here we demonstrate that two members of the TASK subfamily of potassium channels, TASK-1 and TASK-3, can form functional heterodimers when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. To recognize the two TASK channel types, we took advantage of the higher sensitivity of TASK-1 over TASK-3 to physiological pH changes and the discriminating sensitivity of TASK-3 to the cationic dye ruthenium red. These features were clearly observed when the channels were expressed individually. However, when TASK-1 and TASK-3 were expressed together, the resulting current showed intermediate pH sensitivity and ruthenium red insensitivity (characteristic of TASK-1), indicating the formation of TASK-1/TASK-3 heterodimers. Expression of a tandem construct in which TASK-3 and TASK-1 were linked together yielded currents with features very similar to those observed when coexpressing the two channels. The tandem construct also responded to AT(1a) angiotensin II receptor stimulation with an inhibition that was weaker than the inhibition of homodimeric TASK-1 and greater than that shown by TASK-3. Expression of epitope-tagged channels in mammalian cells showed their primary presence in the plasma membrane consistent with their function in this location. Heteromerization of two-pore domain potassium channels may provide a greater functional diversity and additional means by which they can be regulated in their native tissues.  相似文献   


Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) have been identified on a variety of cells of the immune system and are generally considered to trigger anti-inflammatory events. In the present study, we determine the nAChR inventory of rat alveolar macrophages (AM), and investigate the cellular events evoked by stimulation with nicotine.


Rat AM were isolated freshly by bronchoalveolar lavage. The expression of nAChR subunits was analyzed by RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, and Western blotting. To evaluate function of nAChR subunits, electrophysiological recordings and measurements of intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) were conducted.


Positive RT-PCR results were obtained for nAChR subunits α3, α5, α9, α10, β1, and β2, with most stable expression being noted for subunits α9, α10, β1, and β2. Notably, mRNA coding for subunit α7 which is proposed to convey the nicotinic anti-inflammatory response of macrophages from other sources than the lung was not detected. RT-PCR data were supported by immunohistochemistry on AM isolated by lavage, as well as in lung tissue sections and by Western blotting. Neither whole-cell patch clamp recordings nor measurements of [Ca2+]i revealed changes in membrane current in response to ACh and in [Ca2+]i in response to nicotine, respectively. However, nicotine (100 μM), given 2 min prior to ATP, significantly reduced the ATP-induced rise in [Ca2+]i by 30%. This effect was blocked by α-bungarotoxin and did not depend on the presence of extracellular calcium.


Rat AM are equipped with modulatory nAChR with properties distinct from ionotropic nAChR mediating synaptic transmission in the nervous system. Their stimulation with nicotine dampens ATP-induced Ca2+-release from intracellular stores. Thus, the present study identifies the first acute receptor-mediated nicotinic effect on AM with anti-inflammatory potential.  相似文献   
Within urban green spaces, tree species diversity is believed to correlate with aboveground biomass, though there is some disagreement within the literature on the strength and directionality of the relationship. Therefore, we assessed the relationship between the biodiversity of woody species and the aboveground biomass of woody plant species in the tropical, coastal city of Haikou in southern China. To accomplish this, we obtained comprehensive tree and site data through field sampling of 190 urban functional units (UFUs, or work units) corresponding to six types of land uses governmental‐institutional, industrial‐commercial, park‐recreational, residential, transport infrastructure, and undeveloped area. Based on our field data, we investigated the relationship between tree species diversity and aboveground biomass using multiple regression, which revealed significant relationships across all five types of land uses. Aboveground biomass in green spaces was also correlated with anthropogenic factors, especially time since urban development, or site age, annual maintenance frequency by human caretakers, and human population density. Among these factors, maintenance is the strongest predictor of aboveground biomass in urban green space. Therefore, this study highlights the critical role of maintenance of urban green space in promoting both aboveground biomass and woody biodiversity in urban ecosystems and, consequently, on urban ecosystem services. Our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the ecosystem services provided by communities of woody plant species in urban areas.  相似文献   
A plasma membrane-enriched fraction from rat myometrium shows ATP-Mg2+-dependent active calcium uptake which is independent of the presence of oxalate and is abolished by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Ca2+ loaded into vesicles via the ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake was released by extravesicular Na+. This showed that the Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the Ca2+ uptake were both occurring in plasma membrane vesicles. In a medium containing KCl, vanadate readily inhibited the Ca2+ uptake (K1/2 5 microM); when sucrose replaced KCl, 400 microM-vanadate was required for half inhibition. Only a slight stimulation of the calcium pump by calmodulin was observed in untreated membrane vesicles. Extraction of endogenous calmodulin from the membranes by EGTA decreased the activity and Ca2+ affinity of the calcium pump; both activity and affinity were fully restored by adding back calmodulin or by limited proteolysis. A monoclonal antibody (JA3) directed against the human erythrocyte Ca2+ pump reacted with the 140 kDa Ca2+-pump protein of the myometrial plasma membrane. The Ca2+-ATPase activity of these membranes is not specific for ATP, and is not inhibited by mercurial agents, whereas Ca2+ uptake has the opposite properties. Ca2+-ATPase activity is also over 100 times that of calcium transport; it appears that the ATPase responsible for transport is largely masked by the presence of another Ca2+-ATPase of unknown function. Measurements of total Ca2+-ATPase activity are, therefore, probably not directly relevant to the question of intracellular Ca2+ control.  相似文献   
In tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthinc), salicylic acid (SA) levels increase in leaves inoculated by necrotizing pathogens and in healthy leaves located above the inoculated site. Systemic SA increase may trigger disease resistance and synthesis of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR proteins). Here we report that ultraviolet (UV)-C light or ozone induced biochemical responses similar to those induced by necrotizing pathogens. Exposure of leaves to UV-C light or ozone resulted in a transient ninefold increase in SA compared to controls. In addition, in UV-light-irradiated plants, SA increased nearly fourfold to 0.77 g·g–1 fresh weight in leaves that were shielded from UV light. Increased SA levels were accompanied by accumulation of an SA conjugate and by an increase in the activity of benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase which catalyzes SA biosynthesis. In irradiated and in unirradiated leaves of plants treated with UV light, as well as in plants fumigated with ozone, PR proteins 1a and 1b accumulated. This was paralleled by the appearance of induced resistance to a subsequent challenge with tobacco mosaic virus. The results suggest that UV light, ozone fumigation and tobacco mosaic virus can activate a common signal-transduction pathway that leads to SA and PR-protein accumulation and increased disease resistance.Abbreviations PR protein pathogenesis-related protein - SA salicylic acid - TMV tobacco mosaic virus - UV ultraviolet This work was financed by grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Competitive Research Grants Office), Division of Energy Biosciences of U.S. Department of Energy, the Rockefeller Foundation, the New Jersey Commission for Science and Technology, and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the calcium pump were investigated in intact human peripheral blood lymphocytes /PBL/ and in inside-out vesicles prepared from their plasma membranes. Intact PBL were loaded with calcium by a short exposure to A23187 ionophore. After the elimination of the ionophore, calcium-loaded PBL produced an ATP-dependent, external lanthanum sensitive, uphill calcium extrusion. Calcium pump in intact PBL was insensitive to ouabain and /until cellular ATP was provided/ to oligomycin and dinitrophenol. Maximum calcium extrusion rate and the alkali cation sensitivity of the process were similar to those in human red cells. Calcium was partially sequestered by PBL, and this calcium could be released by A23187 ionophore only.Inside-out plasma membrane vesicles prepared from hypotonically lysed PBL showed and ATP + Mg2+-dependent uphill calcium uptake. This calcium transport was insensitive to ouabain, oligomycin, or dinitrophenol, while blocked by lanthanum and quercetin. Calmodulin significantly stimulated calcium pumping in EDTA-washed vesicles. ATP-dependent and -independent calcium uptake rates, respectively, showed different calcium concentration dependences.When PBL membrane vesicles were phosphorylated by γ 32P-ATP, a calcium-induced, hydroxylamine-sensitive incorporation of 32P was found in 120–150 000 molecular weight proteins. Depending on the way of membrane preparation, the molecular weight of the phosphoprotein was shifted. Similarly to that found in red cell membranes, sensitivity to calmodulin stimulation and partial proteolysis of the calcium pump molecule showed an inverse relationship.  相似文献   
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