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Foliar blight and dieback of durian seedlings and trees in Peninsular Malaysia was found to be caused by Rhizoctonia solani (teleomorph - Thanatephoms cucumeris) The fungus grew well and produced abundant sclerotia at temperatures higher than 24°C with an optimum at 28°C. It grew poorly at 35°C and did not grow at 10°C. The strains studied were found to belong to the anastomosis group AG-1. They were pathogenic on durian, papaya, cucumber, long bean, Mikania weed, padi, musk melon, mung bean, Zoysia grass, Bermuda grass, and St Augustine grass. They were mildly pathogenic on groundnut, and non-pathogenic on maize, guava and Brassica‘pak choy’. The disease was effectively controlled by foliar sprays of pencycuron and benomyl; triadimefon and an antagonistic bacterium suspension treatment were less effective and quintozene-etridiazole mixture gave poor disease control.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most efficient antigen-presenting cells and play a key role in a cellular antitumor immune response. In this study we investigated the exact localization of DCs within colorectal tumors and their relationship to tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes as well as clinical outcome of the patients. Primary tumor specimens of 104 patients with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer were identified retrospectively and analyzed with the dendritic cell markers S-100 protein and human leukocyte antigens (HLA) class II. The markers were individually combined with laminin as a second marker to facilitate the observation of the different tumor localizations. S-100 or HLA class II positive cells were found in the three different compartments of colorectal tumors: tumor epithelium, tumor stroma, and advancing tumor margin, but mainly present in tumor stroma and advancing tumor margin. S-100-positive tumor-infiltrating DCs in direct contact with tumor cells, i.e., in tumor epithelium, significantly correlated to the intraepithelial infiltration of CD4+ (p=0.02) and CD8+ (p=0.01) lymphocytes. High HLA class II+ cell infiltration in the tumor stroma correlated to a lower intraepithelial infiltration of CD8+ (p=0.02) lymphocytes. High intraepithelial infiltration of S-100-positive DCs suggested increased disease-free survival, but was not statistically significant, while high amounts of HLA class II+ cells in the tumor stroma correlated with an adverse survival outcome. Our results show that the infiltration of DCs in colorectal cancer, depending on both location and type of marker, is correlated with local immune interactions and patient prognosis, suggesting a central role for DCs in controlling local tumor immunity.  相似文献   
  1. Studies have been made of the growth in culture medium of thecomponent parts of compositesegments excised from 3 to 7-day-oldAvena sativa seedlings and comprising portions of coleoptileand first leaf bases and various lengths of first internodetissue.
  2. The effects of various concentrations of gibberellicacid (GA)and indole-3- acetic acid (IAA) alone and in combinationhavebeen studied on the growth of these organs.
  3. Both GA andIAA stimulate the growth of coleoptile base tissuebut in combinationtheir joint effects are less than additive.No synergism occurs.
  4. The growth of the first-leaf base is greatly stimulated byGAbut is inhibited by IAA. In combination, the stimulatoryeffectof GA (up to 1 0 p.p.m.) may be virtually eliminatedby evenlow concentrations of IAA (0.01 p.p.m.).
  5. The inclusionof first internode tissue in the segments considerablyincreasesthe growth of first leaf base tissue but has no consistenteffecton the growth of coleoptile base tissue. The presenceof firstinternode tissue also greatly increases the degreeof growthstimulation invoked by GA but does not influence thedegreeof IAA inhibition. It is postulated that the first internodetissue is the source of an unknown growth factor necessary forGA action in the first leaf and potentiating the action of endogenousgibberellin.
  6. Kinetin, adenine sulphate, glutarnine, glutarnicacid, asparagine,glycine, arginine, histidine, lysine, aneurin,and pyridoxinewill not simulate the effects of this unknowngrowth factorin the growth of leaf tissue. Like IAA, kinetinvirtually eliminatesthe GA stimulation of leaf growth.
  7. Astudy of extracts of internode tissue in various solvents,analysedby paper partition chromatography and assayed by thegrowthof the first leaf base, has indicated the presence ofgrowthinhibitors and gibberellin-like substances but has failedtoisolate the postulated endogenous GA-synergist.
  8. The implicationsof these results for growth correlations andthe hormone controlof shoot growth in Avena sativa seedlingsis discussed.
Exposing muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivar seedlots to N2atmosphere created totally anaerobic conditions which stimulatedethanol production and accumulation in both high and low vigourseeds. However, accumulation of ethanol was consistently higherin the low vigour seeds than in the high vigour ones. In addition,CO2 production under N2 and in air suggests the presence ofan apparent ‘Pasteur effect’ in the low vigour seedsbut not in the high vigour seeds. Acetaldehyde production underN2 was very low and did not seem to be associated with seedvigour, probably because of its nature as an intermediate inethanol production. The fast shift toward ethanol may be dueto the fact that alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme which catalyzesthe conversion of acetaldehyde to ethanol, exists in sufficientamounts in the imbibing seeds so that it is not a limiting factorin the conversion to ethanol. Alcohol dehydrogenase activitydid not appear to be related to seed vigour. Key words: Cucumis melo L., Anaerobic respiration, Germination, Seeds.  相似文献   
Improving the rate and extent of faecal decomposition in basic forms of sanitation such as pit latrines would benefit around 1.7 billion users worldwide, but to do so requires a major advance in our understanding of the biology of these systems. As a critical first step, bacterial diversity and composition was studied in 30 latrines in Tanzania and Vietnam using pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes, and correlated with a number of intrinsic environmental factors such as pH, temperature, organic matter content/composition and geographical factors. Clear differences were observed at the operational taxonomic unit, family and phylum level in terms of richness and community composition between latrines in Tanzania and Vietnam. The results also clearly show that environmental variables, particularly substrate type and availability, can exert a strong structuring influence on bacterial communities in latrines from both countries. The origins and significance of these environmental differences are discussed. This work describes the bacterial ecology of pit latrines in combination with inherent latrine characteristics at an unprecedented level of detail. As such, it provides useful baseline information for future studies that aim to understand the factors that affect decomposition rates in pit latrines.  相似文献   


Comparative sequence analysis of complex loci such as resistance gene analog clusters allows estimating the degree of sequence conservation and mechanisms of divergence at the intraspecies level. In banana (Musa sp.), two diploid wild species Musa acuminata (A genome) and Musa balbisiana (B genome) contribute to the polyploid genome of many cultivars. The M. balbisiana species is associated with vigour and tolerance to pests and disease and little is known on the genome structure and haplotype diversity within this species. Here, we compare two genomic sequences of 253 and 223 kb corresponding to two haplotypes of the RGA08 resistance gene analog locus in M. balbisiana "Pisang Klutuk Wulung" (PKW).  相似文献   
电子供体连二亚硫酸钠,甲基紫精及电子受体亚甲蓝均能强烈的抑制棕色固氮菌表达固氮活性,并引起该菌的抗氨阻遏能力减弱,适当提高氧压,能提高菌体的固氮活性近15%,但过高的氧分压反而抑制菌体的固氮活性,此外,提高氢分压能降低棕色固氮菌菌体内的还原电位,从而达到提高菌体抗氨阻遏能力的效果。  相似文献   
应用样方调查法,研究了中国分布新记录种--轮叶三棱栎(Trigonobalanus verticillata)种群结构及其所处森林群落特点。结果表明:轮叶三棱栎仅分布于海南鹦歌岭海拔1100-1400m近山脊处的热带山地雨林及热带山地常绿阔叶林群落中,与陆均松(Dacrydium pectinatum)、海南阿丁枫(Altingia obovata)等树种伴生。在2个面积为1500m^2的调查样方中共记录了90种乔灌木树种,均匀度和Shannon-Wiener指数分别为0.81、0.86和3.20、3.27,轮叶三棱栎的重要值在群落中排在第9-10位;种群结构分析结果显示该种群数量小且无Ⅰ龄级和Ⅲ龄级,属不稳定种群;轮叶三棱栎生态位宽度为1.69,在群落中仅排第19位,与陆均松和鸡毛松(Dacrycarpus imbricatus)的生态位重叠值分别为0.59和0.68,但与群落优势种的生态位重叠值多小于0.3。鹦歌岭在海拔1000m以上具有较大面积的台地和人为破坏较少可能是该种群得以幸存的重要因素,加强就地保护,开展该种植物的生物学特性研究,并建立国家级保护区,将海南中部山区各保护区有机地联合在一起为保护良策。  相似文献   
目的:构建趋化因子CXC亚族CXCR4的慢病毒表达载体并观察其转染人脐带间充质干细胞后的表达。方法:用逆转录PCR方法获取CXCR4基因编码区片段,将构建的慢病毒载体质粒pLVTHM-EGFP-CXCR4与包装质粒psPAX2和包膜质粒pMD2.G共转染293T细胞,包装生产慢病毒。用相同滴度的慢病毒转导等量间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal Stem Cell,MSCs),后采用Real time PCR检测CXCR4 mRNA、Western Blot方法检测蛋白质的表达。结果:PCR、酶切和测序结果表明成功的构建了CXCR4基因重组慢病毒载体。同时用该慢病毒载体转染MSCs后可有效地增加MSCs中CXCR4的表达。结论:成功构建了CXCR4的慢病毒表达载体并能在MSCs中表达,为进一步研究其在干细胞移植中的应用奠定基础。’  相似文献   
目的:探讨Orem自理模式在经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切患者护理中的应用,以Orem自护理论作为指导,对膀胱肿瘤患者电切术后实行护理干预,观察Orem自理模式对膀胱肿瘤电切术后患者生活质量及术后复发率的影响。方法:选择2008年10月至2012年6月我科经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术患者160例随机分为两组,即对照组和实验组,各80例。其中对照组采用术后常规护理,实验组将Orem自理模式贯穿于常规护理的全过程。比较两组患者术后下床活动时间、住院时间、患者对相关知识的掌握情况及患者满意度。结果:实验组患者术后下床活动时间、住院时间、患者对疾病的认知度、患者满意度均明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论iOrem自理模式应用于经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术后患者的护理,训练患者及家属自我护理技术和能力,不仅能调动和激发经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切患者主观能动性,变“替代护理”为“自我护理”,而且能减少并发症的发生,提高患者的自理能力及生存质量,初步实现了对经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切患者教育的个体化、系统性、连贯性和重复性。  相似文献   
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