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In Experiment 1, different vacuum pressures (30, 50, 70 and 90 mm Hg) were used to aspirate 4156 bovine follicles in vitro, to assess their effect on flow rate and the recovery, morphology and blastocyst formation of the recovered oocytes. Cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were classified according to the morphology of the cumulus cells. Data were analyzed using Chi Square analysis. Overall recovery rate declined as the aspiration pressure increased above 50 mm Hg (P<0.05). The recovery rate of Grade 1 oocytes decreased significantly (P<0.05) as the vacuum pressure increased with a corresponding increase in the number of denuded oocytes recovered (P<0.05). The blastocyst yield, expressed as a percentage of recovered COCs decreased significantly as the aspiration pressure increased beyond 50 mm Hg (P<0.05). In Experiment 2, the holding media (hepes- or bicarbonate-buffered TCM 199) and holding time (1 h or 5 h) did not affect the blastocyst formation of the oocytes (P>0.05). In Experiment 3, it was found that individual culture of the oocyte during fertilization or culture had a detrimental effect on the oocytes blastocyst formation (8.8% to 16% blastocyst yield on Day 8) when compared to control (31.3%). In Experiment 4, groups of 5, 10 and 25 oocytes were compared with singly cultured oocytes. There were no significant differences (P<0.05) in the blastocyst formation rate among groups of 5, 10, or 25 oocytes, but there was a significant difference between oocytes processed in groups and those processed individually. In Experiment 5, when groups of 10 oocytes were cultured in different drop sizes, there was no significant difference in cleavage rates between oocytes cultured in 100 microL (85.0%, n = 280) and in 10 microL (86.8%, n = 280) of media, but culture in 50 microL (79.3%, n = 280) resulted in cleavage rates significantly lower (P<0.05) than culture in 10 microL drops. There was no significant difference in the blastocyst formation. However there was a significant difference (P<0.05) in cell numbers of Day 8 blastocvsts, with oocytes cultured in 100 microL drops having significantly lower cell counts than oocytes cultured in 50 or 10 microL drops.  相似文献   
The effect of neurotensin on submaximally-stimulated hepatobiliary and pancreatic secretion was studied in 6 healthy subjects. An intravenous infusion of neurotensin 1.4 ± 0.3 pmol/kg/min, designed to reproduce plasma neurotensin immunoreactivity levels within the physiological range, produced a significant increase in pancreatic bicarbonate output. Plasma concentrations of pancreatic polypeptide rose by 83 ± 16 pmol/l and were associated with a small reduction in trypsin, but no significant change in bilirubin outputs.  相似文献   
For diseases that infect humans or livestock, transmission dynamics are at least partially dependent on human activity and therefore human behaviour. However, the impact of human behaviour on disease transmission is relatively understudied, especially in the context of heterogeneous contact structures such as described by a social network. Here, we use a strategic game, coupled with a simple disease model, to investigate how strategic agent choices impact the spread of disease over a contact network. Using beliefs that are based on disease status and that build up over time, agents choose actions that stochastically determine disease spread on the network. An agent’s disease status is therefore a function of both his own and his neighbours actions. The effect of disease on agents is modelled by a heterogeneous payoff structure. We find that the combination of network shape and distribution of payoffs has a non-trivial impact on disease prevalence, even if the mean payoff remains the same. An important scenario occurs when a small percentage (called noncooperators) have little incentive to avoid disease. For diseases that are easily acquired when taking a risk, then even when good behavior can lead to disease eradication, a small increase in the percentage of noncooperators (less than 5%) can yield a large (up to 25%) increase in prevalence.  相似文献   


The involvement of placental lactogen (PL) in the regulation of foetal growth has been investigated in different species by in vivo immunomodulation techniques. However, when circulating antibodies are present together with the hormone, the procedure for hormonal measurement becomes considerably complex. The aim of this study was the immunoneutralization of bovine placental lactogen (bPL) concentrations in bovine foetal circulation by direct infusion of rabbit anti-bPL purified immunoglobulins (IgG) via a foetal catheter (in vivo study). The ability of a RIA based on guinea pig anti-bPL antiserum, for the measurement of bPL concentrations in samples containing exogenous rabbit anti-bPL immunoglobulins, was also analyzed in in vitro and in vivo conditions.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A series of studies were conducted to assess Polysorbate 80 (PS80), Propylene Glycol (PG), and Hydroxypropyl‐β‐Cyclodextrin (HPβCD), when compared with Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (MC) in developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART) studies. METHODS: In the rat fertility study, 20 mg/kg MC, 10 mg/kg PS80, 1,000 mg/kg PG, 500 mg/kg HPβCD or 1,000 mg/kg HPβCD were administered orally before/during mating, and on gestation Day (GD) 0–7, followed by an assessment of embryonic development on GD 14. In the rat and rabbit teratology studies, the doses of MC, PS80, PG, and HPβCD were the same as those in the fertility study. In these teratology studies, pregnant females were dosed during the period of organogenesis, followed by an assessment of fetal external, visceral, and skeletal development. RESULTS: In the rat fertility and rat teratology studies, PS80, PG, and HPβCD did not exhibit toxicity, when compared with MC. Similarly, in the rabbit teratology study, there was no PS80 or PG‐related toxicity, when compared with MC. However, individual rabbits in the 500 and 1,000 mg/kg HPβCD groups exhibited maternal toxicity, which included stool findings, decreased food consumption, and body weight gain. Furthermore, one rabbit each in the 500 and 1,000 mg/kg HPβCD groups exhibited evidence of abortion, which was considered secondary to maternal toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: Although HPβCD was not well tolerated in rabbits at doses of 500 and 1,000 mg/kg, PS80 and PG were comparable to MC and should be considered for use in developmental and reproductive toxicology studies. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:504–516,2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Banksia hookeriana Meissn. (Proteaceae) is a fire‐killed shrub endemic to the northern sandplains of south‐western Australia that could be described as endangered based on its small geographical range (< 5000 km2) and area of occupancy (~500 km2). Impacts on the species’ geographical range by land clearance for farming and mining, and by altered fire regime, were investigated using three lines of evidence: records of herbarium collections, a comprehensive field survey of extant populations, and air photo and satellite images revealing the recent history of land clearance and fires. These show that the species’ range has contracted by up to 40% in area and 26% latitudinally through the loss of outlier and range limit populations since 1960. In addition, 22% of remaining native shrubland on the Eneabba sandplain has been lost over this period through clearing for farming and mining, representing further habitat loss for B. hookeriana. Detailed investigation of B. hookeriana herbarium collections (n = 46) revealed important errors that artificially affected the geographical range of the species and emphasized the importance of close examination of all data captured from collection records. Recorded locations occurred hundreds of kilometres outside the current geographical range of the species in areas with different climate and substrate. Incorrect species identification of herbarium specimens further extended the apparent geographical range of the species. On the other hand, credible records indicated the loss of the species from localities at the limits of its range. Overall, a disconcertingly high proportion of records contained errors that may be difficult to identify without close examination of the original collections and detailed ground‐truthing. Were these records to be used to model climate envelopes, identify potential habitat where the species might occur, or might migrate to either as pests or under climate change scenarios, or to analyse evolutionary or ecological theory (for example) — as is now becoming commonplace — large errors may ensue.  相似文献   
There are many ways that plants may recover vegetatively from dieback caused by fires. Compared with fire-killed species, the presence of woody resprouters in fire-prone floras increases with fire frequency, though this is affected by site productivity that may have opposing correlates along different gradients. Population recovery is enhanced by resprouting when fecundity is low and/or seedling recruitment is not guaranteed. There is resource cycling between vegetative growth and storage but no clear trade-off between fecundity and storage, and more attention needs to be given to the role of somatic mutations in reducing fecundity. Seven fitness benefits of post-fire resprouting are noted that centre around the rapid return to adult growth rates and early flowering and seed set without the risks of recruitment failure. The extent of resprouting at the individual, population, and species levels varies greatly but it is under genetic control. Recent studies on the evolution of resprouting in fire-prone systems have shown that types of resprouting (clonality, rootstocks, epicormic bud strands) are derived from surrounding parent lineages lacking these traits and confined to non-fire-prone environments. The oldest lineages with fire-related resprouting date to at least 61 million years ago, indicating that seed plants have had a long evolutionary relationship with fire. Various genetic mechanisms, including beneficial somatic mutations, have been invoked to explain how speciation of resprouters may keep pace with non-sprouters.  相似文献   
The search for rhythmicity in biological time-series   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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