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The marine biodiversity of Gabon, West Africa has not been well studied and is largely unknown. Our examination of marine communities associated with oil platforms in Gabon is the first scientific investigation of these structures and highlights the unique ecosystems associated with them. A number of species previously unknown to Gabonese waters were recorded during our surveys on these platforms. Clear distinctions in benthic communities were observed between older, larger platforms in the north and newer platforms to the south or closer to shore. The former were dominated by a solitary cup coral, Tubastraea sp., whereas the latter were dominated by the barnacle Megabalanus tintinnabulum, but with more diverse benthic assemblages compared to the northerly platforms. Previous work documented the presence of limited zooxanthellated scleractinian corals on natural rocky substrate in Gabon but none were recorded on platforms. Total estimated fish biomass on these platforms exceeded one ton at some locations and was dominated by barracuda (Sphyraena spp.), jacks (Carangids), and rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata). Thirty-four percent of fish species observed on these platforms are new records for Gabon and 6% are new to tropical West Africa. Fish assemblages closely associated with platforms had distinct amphi-Atlantic affinities and platforms likely extend the distribution of these species into coastal West Africa. At least one potential invasive species, the snowflake coral (Carijoa riisei), was observed on the platforms. Oil platforms may act as stepping stones, increasing regional biodiversity and production but they may also be vectors for invasive species. Gabon is a world leader in terrestrial conservation with a network of protected areas covering >10% of the country. Oil exploration and biodiversity conservation currently co-exist in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems in Gabon. Efforts to increase marine protection in Gabon may benefit by including oil platforms in the marine protected area design process.  相似文献   
Exogenous adenosine triphosphate (ATP) added to brush-border membrane vesicles was rapidly degraded mainly to inosine according to the high ecto-nucleotidase activities in these vesicles. In the absence of phosphate, inosine was slowly transformed into hypoxanthine, and xanthine oxidase and dehydrogenase activities were not detected. The presence of ecto-adenosine deaminase and ecto-adenosine monophosphate (AMP) nucleotidase was shown. The ecto-adenosine deaminase was inhibited by deoxycoformycin and was also detected in rat renal brush-border membrane vesicles. Using orthovanadate, levamisole, and α, β-methylene adenosine diphosphate as possible inhibitors, alkaline phosphatase was shown to be the main agent responsible for ecto-AMP nucleotidase activity. In pig renal basolateral membrane vesicles and in whole cell extracts from pig renal cortex, ecto-AMP nucleotidase was the limiting factor in ATP degradation. Comparing the ATP catabolism in the whole cell cortical extract with the catabolism in the same sample precleared of membranes, it was shown that ectonucleotidase activity is mainly bound to the membranous components. It is also shown that the whole cell extract of pig renal cortex has hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase activity, and it seems probable that the rapid and specific formation of luminal inosine and its transport into the cell in competition with adenosine may start the purine salvage pathway through the synthesis of IMP from hypoxanthine. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL, E C is the enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of triacylglycerols in plasma lipoproteins, making the fatty acids available for use by subjacent tissues. LPL is functional at the surface of endothelial cells, but it is not clear which cells synthesize the enzyme and what its distribution within tissues and vessels is. In previous studies we reported that in the major LPL-producing tissues (muscles, adipose tissue, and mammary gland) the enzyme is made by the major cell types. In the present work we have studied in adult guinea pigs some tissues that present LPL activity but in lower amounts (lung, spleen, and liver). On cryosections of these tissues we have searched for specific cell expression of the LPL gene (by in situ hybridization using a RNA probe) and for the corresponding protein distribution (by immunocytochemistry). Based on morphological criteria we can suggest that, contrary to the main LPL-producing tissues, in these tissues the enzyme is made by scattered cells, such as macrophages in the lung and spleen and Kupffer cells in the liver; endothelial cells present but do not synthesize the enzyme, indicating that the endothelial LPL originates in other cells. In the liver strong immunoreaction was detected in the sinusoid in contrast to the low level of mRNA expression, suggesting that liver takes up circulating LPL from blood.  相似文献   
Lipoprotein lipase mRNA abundance in rat brown adipose tissue increases during the first 24 h of cold exposure. Lipoprotein lipase mRNA levels do not change in brown fat throughout pregnancy and lactation, whereas enzyme activity is significantly lowered. After 5 h of acute cold or noradrenaline administration there is a 2-fold increase in lipoprotein lipase mRNA abundance, whereas lipoprotein lipase activity is stimulated to more than 6-fold the basal values. It is concluded that translational and/or posttranslational mechanisms are involved in the noradrenergic modulation of lipoprotein lipase activity in brown fat.  相似文献   
The reactivities with an excess of 5-5-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic) acid (DTNB) of sulphydryl residues present in xanthine oxidase and aldehyde oxidase were studied and compared. The results show that two classes of sulphydryl groups with quite different reactivities exist in both enzymes either native or denatured. Some of the available sulphydryl residues thus react instantaneously with the DTNB, whereas the others react very slowly following pseudo-first-order kinetics. The number of sulphydryl residues of each class and the rate constant of slowly reacting groups are, respectively, 1.7 and 0.8 in native xanthine oxidase and 1.6 and 1.7 in native aldehyde oxidase. In denatured enzymes, the number of fast- and slow-reacting sulphydryl residues obtained are, respectively, 13.9 and 7.9 in xanthine oxidase and 5.7 and 5.4 in aldehyde oxidase. Analogously, the rate constant for the slowly reacting groups is similar for the two native enzymes, but in denatured aldehyde oxidase it is double that of denatured xanthine oxidase.  相似文献   
The dormice (Gliridae) are a family of rodents represented by relatively few extant species, though the family was much more species-rich during the Early Miocene. Intergeneric phylogenetic relationships among glirids in some cases remain unresolved, despite extensive molecular and morphological analyses. Uncertainty is greatest with respect to the relationships among fossil taxa and how extinct lineages are related to modern species. The fossil genus Hypnomys from the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean Sea) includes the Late Pleistocene–Holocene species Hypnomys morpheus, which has variously been considered a close relative or subgenus of the extant Eliomys. In the present study, we sequenced ancient mitochondrial DNA from Hmorpheus, which suggests a sister relationship with the extant members of Eliomys. In addition, the pairwise sequence variation between Hypnomys and Eliomys is higher than that observed between congeneric glirid species (e.g., many Graphiurus spp.), which allows us to reject the hypothesis that Hypnomys is a subgenus of Eliomys. Our molecular dating analyses suggest that Hypnomys and Eliomys diverged 13.67 million years ago (95% highest posterior density [HPD] = 7.39–20.07). The relatively early split between these genera together with the molar morphology of early representatives of Hypnomys points to a Middle-Late Miocene origin from a continental glirid with a complex molar pattern, such as Vasseuromys or a closely related genus.  相似文献   
IntroductionMost of the patients who had a hip fragility fracture are characterized by advanced age, frailty, multimorbidity and high mortality rate into the first year. Our aim is to describe the prognostic factors of mortality one year after a hip fragility fracture.Material and methodsObservational prospective study. During the study period we included patients older than 69 years with hip fragility fracture who were admitted to the Acute Geriatric Unit.ResultsWe have followed 364 patients, 100 of them died (27.5%). The independent prognostic factors of mortality one year after a hip fragility fracture had been: have a less basis score in Lawton and Brody Scale 0.603 (0.505-0.721) (p< 0.001); have a higher score in Charlson Comorbidity Index 2.332 (1.308-4.157) p = 0.04); have a surgical waiting time ≥ 3 days 3.013 (1.330-6.829) p = 0.008); finding hydroelectrolytic disorders and/or deterioration of glomerular filtration 1.212 (1.017-1.444) p = 0.031) during hospital stay; discriminatory capacity of the area under the curve (AUC) (± 95%): 0.888 (0.880-0.891).ConclusionsPrognostic predictors of mortality at one year after a hip fragility fracture are those variables that reflect a worse state of health, complications during hospital stay and a longer surgical waiting time.  相似文献   
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