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The MSI3 gene was isolated as a multicopy suppressor of the heat shock-sensitive phenotype of the iral mutation, which causes hyperactivation of the RAS-cAMP pathway. Overexpression of MSI3 also suppresses the heat shock-sensitive phenotype of the bcyl mutant. Determination of the DNA sequence of MSI3 revealed that MSI3 can encode a 77.4 kDa protein related to the HSP70 family. The amino acid sequence of Msi3p is about 30% identical to that of the Ssalp of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This contrasts with the finding that members of the HSP70 family generally show at least 50% amino acid identity. The consensus nucleotide sequence of the heat shock element (HSE) was found in the upstream region of MSI3. Moreover, the steady-state levels of the MSI3 mRNA and protein were increased upon heat shock. These results indicate that the MSI3 gene encodes a novel HSP70-like heat shock protein. Disruption of the MSI3 gene was associated with a temperature sensitive growth phenotype but unexpectedly, thermotolerance was enhanced in the disruptant.  相似文献   
The lymphokine production by pregnant mice infected with a lethal dose of Toxoplasma gondii was evaluated in comparison with that by virgin mice infected with a sublethal dose of this protozoan parasite. Splenocytes taken from mice before and on the day after infection produced considerable amounts of IL-2 in response to concanavalin A (Con A) stimulation, but the titers rapidly declined in both pregnant and virgin mice as infection progressed. A trace amount or undetectable level of IL-2 was produced by splenocytes from acutely infected mice when stimulated with Toxoplasma lysate antigen (TLA). In contrast to the kinetics of IL-2 production, the levels of IFN-γ produced by splenocytes cultured with Con A or TLA increased steadily in the later stage of infection in both pregnant and virgin mice. Thus, the response to Con A or TLA of splenocytes to produce IL-2 and IFN-γ differed strikingly in acute toxoplasmosis in mice. The administration of rHuIL-2 resulted in a significant decrease in the mortality of pregnant mice infected with a lethal dose of Toxoplasma. The combination of rHuIL-2 and rMuIFN-γ increased the survival rate slightly but not significantly compared with pregnant mice receiving either rHuIL-2 or rMuIFN-γ. Moreover, exogenously administered rHuIL-2 enhanced the production of both IFN-α and IFN-γ in the bloodstreams of pregnant mice, in accordance with the decreased mortality. These results indicate that IL-2 may play a significant role in modulating the host defense against Toxoplasma infection in pregnant mice.  相似文献   
Abstract The DNA sequence of heat-labile enterotoxin from the chicken enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli 21d strain was determined by direct dideoxy sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified DNA and was compared with those of heat-labile enterotoxins from porcine and human enterotoxigenic E. coli strains EWD 299 and H 10407. The structural genes of the A and B subunits of chicken heat-labile enterotoxin were identical to those of human heat-labile enterotoxin from the human H 10407 strain. Moreover, 67 base pairs of the upstream and 60 base pairs of the downstream region of the chicken heat-labile enterotoxin gene were also identical to those of the human heat-labile enterotoxin from strain H 10407. However, the patterns of plasmids from the 21d and H 10407 strains were different. The 21d strain had no band corresponding to the 42-MDa plasmid of the H10407 strain encoding the heat-labile enterotoxin gene but it had a smaller plasmid. These data suggest that although the DNA sequence of chicken heat-labile enterotoxin is identical to that of human heat-labile enterotoxin, the plasmid encoding the chicken heat-labile enterotoxin gene in the chicken might be different from that encoding the human heat-labile enterotoxin gene in the H10407 strain.  相似文献   
Under the control of Kanagawa CML/HLBI phase IV study group in Japan, 18 cases out of registered 30 cases of chronic myelogeneous leukaemia consisting of 17 chronic phase and 1 accelerated phase, during July, 1991 to January, 1992, were analyzed for their hematological responses and cytogentic responses preliminarily. Hematological response rate (PR + CR) was 83.3% including 50.0% of CR, as judged by Kimura's criteria after treatment with HLBI alone (16 cases) or/and with other chemotherapy (2 cases). The dosage and duration of HLBI therapy required to get into the complete remission ranged from 212 to 1272 millions IU and between 6 to 42 weeks (mean value was 20 weeks), respectively. The clonally proliferated leukocytes and decreased physiological hematopoiesis started to recover from 2 to 4 weeks and reached their normal ranges from 16 weeks after 6 millions IU of HLBI were administered every day. In the 4 cases examined, 3 cases showed minimal cytogenetic responses and a case showed no cytogenetic response. Slight and temporary adverse effects were observed in 15 out of 18 cases (83.3%) including fever, general malaise, appetite loss, eruption, diarrhea, glossitis, hypogustation, weight loss and local muscle pain.Abbreviations HLBI Human interferon alpha originated from human lymphoblastoid cell line  相似文献   
Summary The regulation of mouse bacteremia genes (mba genes) encoded by a 6.4 kb region on the 50 kb virulence plasmid (pKDSC50) of Salmonella serovar Choleraesuis was analyzed. The genes mba1, mba2, mba3, and mba4, are arranged in this order, and form a cluster located in the 6.4 kb mba region. We prepared four antibodies, each specific for an individual Mba protein, using synthetic peptides as antigens. Their amino acid sequences were deduced from the DNA sequence of the corresponding mba genes. Each Mba peptide antiserum was able to recognize the corresponding Mba protein produced by Escherichia coli carrying a recombinant plasmid containing individual mba genes. When the recombinant plasmid contained all four mba genes (pMKD601), three Mba proteins (Mba2, Mba3, and Mba4) were identified by Western blotting analysis using Mba antisera. These proteins could not be detected when the recombinant plasmid lacked mba1 (pMKD201). Three species of mRNA for mba2, mba3, and mba4 with different chain length were detected from pMKD601 by Northern blot hybridization, and two start sites were identified by primer extension assay. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrated that Mbal specifically bound to a fragment containing the start sites of mRNAs. The amino acid sequence of Mbal had significant homology to the LysR family of DNA binding proteins, possessing a characteristic helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif. The present study provides clear evidence to show that the Mba1 protein binds to the promoter region of mba2, and positively regulates the expression of mba2, mba3, and mba4 genes.  相似文献   
Abstract Virulence of Rhocococcus equi ATCC 33701 and its plasmid-cured derivative ATCC 33701P was compared in BALB/c and C3H/HeJ mice in terms of bacterial growth kinetics and histological changes in the liver, spleen and lungs, and humoral immune responses. Injection with a sublethal dose of 106 ATCC 33701 in mice resulted in microabscess formation after rapid multiplication in the liver and spleen by day 4, and then the bacteria were gradually eliminated with the formation of granuloma and the production of specific antibodies against 15- to 17-kDa antigens of the virulent bacteria. By contrast, ATCC 33701P was avirulent as shown by early elimination of viable bacteria and no evidence of net multiplication in the organs. Histopathological changes consisted of only slight, transient infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages in the liver. Although live ATCC 33701P did not evoke any humoral or histological responses in the mice, a large inoculum (108) of killed ATCC 33701 and ATCC 33701P resulted in the formation of granuloma in the liver and accelerated extramedullary hemopoiesis in the spleen. These results suggest that the pathogenesis of R. equi infection involves at least two important virulence determinants, both of which play critical roles in the disease: one is the virulence plasmid, which is required for R. equi to resist and grow within host cells; and the other is the granulomagenic activity that is related to the lipids and nature of the cell wall of the species, which induces the characteistic pathological changes.  相似文献   
The morphological and phenological characteristics of leaf development ofDurio zibethinus Murray were investigated at an experimental field of Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM) in Selangor. Proportionality was observed in the relations of leaf length to leaf width and of leaf area to the product of leaf width and length. The proportionality was explained from the similarity of leaf shape. New leaves emerged continuously, but the number of new leaves fluctuated seasonally. The emergence of leaves was inhibited by the flower bud formation. In the survival curves of leaves, the relative fall rate was lower at the early stage of leaf development than at the late stage. Leaf longevity of 100 to 133 days was low and leaf expansion period of two weeks was short in comparison with the published data on tropical trees. From the ecophysiological viewpoint, the leaf survival strategy of the present species was discussed: the present species manages to set up a photosynthetic system in a short period by the rapid leaf growth; the lower leaf longevity is advantageous to reaching more frequently high photosynthetic production by newly emerged leaves.  相似文献   
Intravenous infection with Theiler's virus strain GD VII causes acute encephalomyelitis in mice. Endogenous IFN-γ produced in the spinal cord is important to protect the tissue in mice infected with this virus. Neither CD4+ cells nor CD8+ cells infiltrated the spinal cords of infected mice until Day 9 postinfection. However, the number of CD3+/TCR-γδ+ cells increased in the spinal cords of mice infected with the virus. These cells resided in the spinal cords of normal mice, and produced IFN-γ as a result of stimulation by immobilized anti-CD3 mAb. Elimination of CD3+ cells by the administration of a specific mAb augmented viral replication and suppressed production of endogenous IFN-γ. Depletion of TCR-αβ+ cells and ASGM1+ cells did not affect the viral replication, and did not alter the production of IFN-γ. Therefore, CD3+/TCR-αβ cells producing IFN-γ play an important role in the protection of the spinal cord against Theiler's virus infection. These results suggest that CD3+/TCR-αβ cells might be identical to TCR-γδ+ cells.  相似文献   
A maternal protein showing a unique distribution during early Cynops embryogenesis was screened by monoclonal antibody. The antigen protein, designated as ABP-25 (animal blastomere protein, molecular weight 25,000), was distributed uniformly in the uncleaved egg and concentrated into blastomeres of the animal half during cleavage. At the blastula stage, ABP-25 was definitely localized in cells of the animal half and a polarized distribution was observed within the cytoplasm. During gastrulation, immunohistochemical analysis indicated that the reactivity of the marginal zone (presumptive mesoderm) to the monoclonal antibody ABP-25 decreased after involution. At the end of gastrulation, a polarized distribution was still clearly observed in the ventral epidermis, but not in the neuroectoderm. Both Western and Northern blots indicated that the amount of antigen protein and the intensity of gene expresion were almost constant until the neurula stage. The deduced amino acid sequence of the ABP-25 cDNA showed a strong homology (84%) with that of the pag gene associated with cell proliferation.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the GSDB, DDBJ, EMBL and NCBI nucleotide sequence databases with the accession number D37808  相似文献   
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