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To investigate the intrinsic activities of the epidermal growth factor receptor and the role of its kinase domain in these functions within a cellular environment lacking endogenous ErbB protein expression, wild-type EGF receptor (WT-EGFR) and two kinase-impaired mutants, D813A and K721R, were expressed in 32D murine hematopoietic cells, a line which is normally dependent on interleukin 3 (IL3) for growth and survival. Addition of EGF in the absence of IL3 stimulates receptor autophosphorylation and, in the presence of serum, mitosis in cells expressing WT-EGFR, but not in cells expressing D813A or K721R. Unexpectedly, cells expressing WT-EGFR or K721R exhibited IL3-independent survival in the presence of fetal bovine serum; parental 32D cells and cells expressing D813A did not survive, apparently undergoing apoptosis in the absence of IL3, whether or not serum was present. Addition of EGF did not prevent the apoptosis of WT-EGFR or K721R cells in serum-free medium. Activation of Akt was not necessary to mediate the prosurvival activity of EGF receptor expression. These results suggest that the EGF receptor can mediate the prevention of apoptosis independently of both receptor-ligand binding and receptor kinase activity, and this activity is disrupted by the D813A mutation.  相似文献   
Wingreen NS  Miller J  Cox EC 《Genetics》2003,164(3):1221-1228
Mutation-selection models provide a framework to relate the parameters of microevolution to properties of populations. Like all models, these must be subject to test and refinement in light of experiments. The standard mutation-selection model assumes that the effects of a pleiotropic mutation on different characters are uncorrelated. As a consequence of this assumption, mutations of small overall effect are suppressed. For strong enough pleiotropy, the result is a nonvanishing fraction of a population with the "perfect" phenotype. However, experiments on microorganisms and experiments on protein structure and function contradict the assumptions of the standard model, and Kimura's observations of heterogeneity within populations contradict its conclusions. Guided by these observations, we present an alternative model for pleiotropic mutations. The new model allows mutations of small overall effect and thus eliminates the finite fraction of the population with the perfect phenotype.  相似文献   
The E-cadherin protein mediates Ca(2+)-dependent interepithelial adhesion. Association of E-cadherin with the catenin family of proteins is critical for the maintenance of a functional adhesive complex. We have identified a novel truncated E-cadherin species of 100-kDa (E-cad(100)) in prostate and mammary epithelial cells. E-cad(100) was generated by treatment of cells with ionomycin or TPA. Cell-permeable calpain inhibitors prevented E-cad(100) induction by ionomycin. Immunoblotting for spectrin and mu-calpain confirmed calpain activation in response to ionomycin treatment. Both the mu- and m-isoforms of calpain efficiently generated E-cad(100) in vitro. The E-cad(100) fragment was unable to bind to beta-catenin, gamma-catenin, and p120, suggesting that this cleavage event would disrupt the E-cadherin adhesion complex. Mutational analysis localized the calpain cleavage site to the cytosolic domain upstream of the beta- and gamma-catenin binding motifs of E-cadherin. Because E-cadherin is inactivated in many adenocarcinomas we hypothesized that calpain may play a role in prostate tumorigenesis. A prostate cDNA microarray data base was analyzed for calpain expression in which it was found that m-calpain was up-regulated in localized prostate cancer, and to an even higher degree in metastatic prostate cancer compared with normal prostate tissue. Furthermore, we examined the cleavage of E-cadherin in prostate cancer specimens and found that E-cad(100) accumulated in both localized and metastatic prostate tumors, supporting the cDNA microarray data. These findings demonstrate a novel mechanism by which E-cadherin is functionally inactivated through calpain-mediated proteolysis and suggests that E-cadherin is targeted by calpain during the tumorigenic progression of prostate cancer.  相似文献   
In vitro proliferation of isolated pancreaticislets has become an area of great interest given the scarcity of clinicalisletdonors and the islet mass requirements for clinical islet transplantation.Smallintestinal submucosa (SIS), a naturally occurring extracellular matrix, hasbeeninvestigated to promote wound healing, tissue remodeling and cell growth. Thisstudy evaluated recovery and function of isolated canine pancreatic isletsfollowing in vitro tissue culture. Pancreatic islets wereisolated from mongrel dogs using standard surgical procurement followed byintraductal collagenase distension, mechanical dissociation and EuroFicollpurification. Groups of purified islets were cultured in a humidifiedatmosphereof 95% air and 5% CO2 for 48 hours in standard islet cultureconditions of CMRL 1066 tissue culture media (Gibco) which had beensupplementedwith 25M HEPES, penicillin/streptomycin and either 10% heat inactivatedfetal calf serum (FCS, Gibco) or solubilized SIS solution (Cook Biotech, Inc.,West Lafayette, IN). The mean recovery of islets following the culture periodwas determined by sizing duplicate counts of a known volume and viability wasassessed by static incubation with low glucose (2.8 mM), highglucose (20 mM) and high glucose solution supplemented with 50m IBMX solution. Remaining islets were embeddedhistologically.From a consecutive series of six culture experiments, a significantly higher (p< 0.05) recovery of islets co-cultured with SIS was observed when comparedtocontrols. Mean islet recovery was 84.5 ± 2.9% (mean ± SEM) fromthe SIS cultured group compared with 64.7 ± 4.5% from the control groupcultured in FCS (p < 0.05, n=6). Islets from the SIS treated group exhibiteda significantly higher (p <, 0.05) insulin response to the high glucosestimulus than islets cultured in the standard FCS cultured solution. Thecalculated stimulation index was 12.3 ± 3.4 for the SIS-treated groupcompared with 5.6 ± 1.8 for the standard cultured group (p < 0.05).The overall mean numbers of islets recovered following invitro culture was also higher in the SIS-treated group. Theproportion of islets with a mean diameter >150 m increasedfrom 24% to 31% in the SIS-treated group, whereas the same proportion decreasedto 18% from 22% in the control (FCS-treated) group. Histological evaluation offixed tissue samples collected following the culture period identified insulinand glucagon-secreting cells in the SIS and FCS treated groups, however ahigherfrequency of insulin positive cells were detected consistently in the SIStreated group. A proliferation marker (PCNA) identified positive cells withinboth groups as well. This study suggests that co-culture of freshly isolatedcanine islets in medium supplemented with solubilized SIS can improve thepost-culture recovery and in vitro islet function. Futureinvestigations will focus on the cellular interactions of SIS, bothinvitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
The NMR spectra of the complex between the DNA-binding domain of the Dead ringer protein (DRI-DBD, Gly262-Gly398) and its DNA binding site (DRI-DBD:DNA, 26 kDa) have been optimized by biochemical and spectroscopic means. First, we demonstrate the utility of a modified 2D [F1,F2] 13C-filtered NOESY experiment that employs a 1JHC versus chemical shift optimized adiabatic 13C inversion pulse [Zwahlen, C. et al. (1997) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119, 6711–6721]. The new sequence is shown to be more sensitive than previously published pulse schemes (up to 40% in favorable cases) and its utility is demonstrated using two protein–DNA complexes. Second, we demonstrate that the targeted replacement of an interfacial aromatic residue in the DRI-DBD:DNA complex substantially reduces line broadening within its NMR spectra. The spectral changes are dramatic, salvaging a protein–DNA complex that was originally ill suited for structural analysis by NMR. This biochemical approach is not a general method, but may prove useful in the spectral optimization of other protein complexes that suffer from interfacial line broadening caused by dynamic changes in proximal aromatic rings.  相似文献   
This experiment quantified the initial disruption and subsequent adaptation of the blood pressure (BP)-heart rate (HR) relationship after spinal cord transection (SCT). BP and HR were recorded for 4 h via an implanted catheter in neurally intact, unanesthetized rats. The animals were then anesthetized, and their spinal cords were severed at T(1)-T(2) (n = 5) or T(4)-T(5) (n = 6) or sham lesioned (n = 4). BP was recorded for 4 h daily over the ensuing 6 days. The neurally intact rat showed a positive cross correlation, with HR leading BP at the peak by 1.8 +/- 0.8 (SD) s. The cross correlation in unanesthetized rats (n = 2) under neuromuscular blockade was also positive, with HR leading. After SCT at T(1)-T(2), the cross correlation became negative, with BP leading HR, and did not change during the next 6 days. The cross correlation also became negative 1-3 days after SCT at T(4)-T(5), but in four rats by day 6 and thereafter the cross correlation progressively reverted to a positive value. We propose that the positive cross correlation with HR leading BP in the intact rat results from an open-loop control that depends on intact supraspinal input to sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the spinal cord. After descending sympathetic pathways were severed at T(1)-T(2), the intact vagal pathway to the sinoatrial node dominated BP regulation via the baroreflex. We suggest that reestablishment of the positive correlation after SCT at T(4)-T(5) was attributable to the surviving sympathetic outflow to the heart and upper vasculature reasserting some effective function, perhaps in association with decreased spinal sympathetic hyperreflexia. The HR-BP cross correlation may index progression of sympathetic dysfunction in pathological processes.  相似文献   
The goal of the study was to determine whether defects in intracellular Ca(2+) signaling contribute to cardiomyopathy in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Depression in cardiac systolic and diastolic function was traced from live diabetic rats to isolated individual myocytes. The depression in contraction and relaxation in myocytes was found in parallel with depression in the rise and decline of intracellular free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) store and rates of Ca(2+) release and resequestration into SR were depressed in diabetic rat myocytes. The rate of Ca(2+) efflux via sarcolemmal Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger was also depressed. However, there was no change in the voltage-dependent L-type Ca(2+) channel current that triggers Ca(2+) release from the SR. The depression in SR function was associated with decreased SR Ca(2+)-ATPase and ryanodine receptor proteins and increased total and nonphosphorylated phospholamban proteins. The depression of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger activity was associated with a decrease in its protein level. Thus it is concluded that defects in intracellular Ca(2+) signaling caused by alteration of expression and function of the proteins that regulate [Ca(2+)](i) contribute to cardiomyopathy in STZ-induced diabetic rats. The increase in phospholamban, decrease in Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, and unchanged L-type Ca(2+) channel activity in this model of diabetic cardiomyopathy are distinct from other types of cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   
Acid secretion and proton conductive pathways across primary human airway surface epithelial cultures were investigated with the pH stat method in Ussing chambers and by single cell patch clamping. Cultures showed a basal proton secretion of 0.17 +/- 0.04 micromol.h(-1).cm(-2), and mucosal pH equilibrated at 6.85 +/- 0.26. Addition of histamine or ATP to the mucosal medium increased proton secretion by 0.27 +/- 0.09 and 0.24 +/- 0.09 micromol.h(-1).cm(-2), respectively. Addition of mast cells to the mucosal medium of airway cultures similarly activated proton secretion. Stimulated proton secretion was similar in cultures bathed mucosally with either NaCl Ringer or ion-free mannitol solutions. Proton secretion was potently blocked by mucosal ZnCl(2) and was unaffected by mucosal bafilomycin A(1), Sch-28080, or ouabain. Mucosal amiloride blocked proton secretion in tissues that showed large amiloride-sensitive potentials. Proton secretion was sensitive to the application of transepithelial current and showed outward rectification. In whole cell patch-clamp recordings a strongly outward-rectifying, zinc-sensitive, depolarization-activated proton conductance was identified with an average chord conductance of 9.2 +/- 3.8 pS/pF (at 0 mV and a pH 5.3-to-pH 7.3 gradient). We suggest that inflammatory processes activate proton secretion by the airway epithelium and acidify the airway surface liquid.  相似文献   
Dodge JE  Ramsahoye BH  Wo ZG  Okano M  Li E 《Gene》2002,283(1-2):41-48
Nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) is a highly conserved trimeric activator that recognizes with high specificity and affinity the widespread CCAAT box promoter element. We previously cloned the genes of 23 NF-Y genes of Arabidopsis thaliana (Gene 264 (2001) 173). Now that the Arabidopsis genome sequencing project is complete, we present the cloning, alignments and expression profiles of the remaining six genes coding for the three NF-Y subunits. Consistent with our previous reports, most of the new members of the three subunits show a unique tissue-specific pattern, while another AtNF-YC9 is rather ubiquitous.  相似文献   
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