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The distinctive nucleus of kainoid amino acids, (2S,3R)-(+)-2-carboxypyrrolidine-3-acetic acid 6, was synthesized by a chemoenzymatic process, exploiting the diastereomeric cis/trans methyl pyroglutamate derivatives 10a-c/11a-c as key intermediates. These mixtures, when subjected to a kinetic resolution mediated by α-chymotrypsin, reacted diastereo-, regio-, and enantioselectively to give the trans derivatives (+)-10a-c possessing the correct (2S,3R) configuration. Subsequently, the desired product (2S,3R)-(+)-6 could be obtained after well-established transformations.  相似文献   
The effects of acute and repeated nicotine administration on the extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) in the corpus striatum and the nucleus accumbens were studied in conscious, freely moving rats by in vivo microdialysis. Acute intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of nicotine (1 mg/kg) increased DA outflow both in the corpus striatum and the nucleus accumbens. Repeated daily injection of nicotine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) for 10 consecutive days caused a significant increase in basal DA outflow both in the corpus striatum and the nucleus accumbens. Acute challenge with nicotine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) in animals treated repeatedly with this drug enhanced DA extracellular levels in both brain areas. However, the effect of nicotine was potentiated in the nucleus accumbens, but not in the corpus striatum. To test the hypothesis that stimulation of 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin)(2C) receptors could affect nicotine-induced DA release, the selective 5-HT(2C) receptor agonist RO 60-0175 was used. Pretreatment with RO 60-0175 (1 and 3 mg/kg, i.p.) dose-dependently prevented the enhancement in DA release elicited by acute nicotine in the corpus striatum, but was devoid of any significant effect in the nucleus accumbens. RO 60-0175 (1 and 3 mg/kg, i.p.) dose-dependently reduced the stimulatory effect on striatal and accumbal DA release induced by an acute challenge with nicotine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) in rats treated repeatedly with this alkaloid. However, only the effect of 3 mg/kg RO 60-0175 reached statistical significance. The inhibitory effect of RO 60-0175 on DA release induced by nicotine in the corpus striatum and the nucleus accumbens was completely prevented by SB 242084 (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) and SB 243213 (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.), two selective antagonists of 5-HT(2C) receptors. It is concluded that selective activation of 5-HT(2C) receptors can block the stimulatory action of nicotine on central DA function, an effect that might be relevant for the reported antiaddictive properties of RO 60-0175.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by cerebral deposits of beta-amyloid (A beta) peptides and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) which are surrounded by inflammatory cells. Epidemiological studies have shown that prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduces the risk of developing AD and delays the onset of the disease. It has been postulated that some NSAIDs target pathological hallmarks of AD by interacting with several pathways, including the inhibition of cyclooxygenases (COX) and activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma. A variety of experimental studies indicate that a subset of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, indomethacin and sulindac also possess A beta-lowering properties in both AD transgenic mice and cell cultures of peripheral, glial and neuronal origin. While COX inhibition occurs at low concentrations in vitro (nM-low microm range), the A beta-lowering activity is observed at high concentrations (< or = 50 microm). Nonetheless, studies with flurbiprofen or ibuprofen in AD transgenic mice show that the effects on A beta levels or deposition are attained at plasma levels similar to those achieved in humans at therapeutic dosage. Still, it remains to be assessed whether adequate concentrations are reached in the brain. This is a crucial aspect that will allow defining the dose-window and the length of treatment in future clinical trials. Here, we will discuss how the combination of anti-amyloidogenic and anti-inflammatory activities of certain NSAIDs may produce a profile potentially relevant to their clinical use as disease-modifying agents for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   
Summary Many neuroblasts undergo differentiation in the lateroventral region of spinal ganglia in chick embryos at the 4th to 5th incubation day. In these neuroblasts a striking increase in the chondriome has been recorded, and the following structures have been observed. a) Whorls of membranes which are continuous with the outer nuclear membrane: ribosomelike granules lie in the intramembranous spaces of these whorls, b) Membranous whorls with a peripheral portion, crescent-shaped in the sections, containing a minute granular material, c) Membranous whorls which are continuous with the membranes of the envelope, and of the cristae of large, irregular mitochondria. d) Formations which are transitional in structure between the ones mentioned above.No significant differences were recorded of the thickness of the outer nuclear membrane, of the whorls' membranes, and of the mitochondrial membranes. Beside, the mean values of the total area of the membranes of each whorl of the type listed under a), and of the total area of the membranes of large mitochondria, such as listed under c), are of the same order of magnitude.
Zusammenfassung Während des 4. und 5. Bruttages differenzieren sich im lateroventralen Abschnitt der Spinalganglien des Hühnerembryos viele Neuroblasten. In diesen Neuroblasten nimmt das Chondriom stark zu und man findet gleichzeitig folgende Strukturen: a) Rollen, aus Membranen gebildet, die einen komplizierten, von Fall zu Fall verschiedenen Verlauf aufweisen. Die Rollen setzen sich in die äußere Nuclearmembran fort. Zwischen ihren Membranen liegen elektronenoptisch dichte, den Ribosomen ähnelnde Granula. b) Membranrollen, deren peripherer halbmondförmiger Abschnitt feinkörniges Material enthält. c) Rollen, deren Membranen sich in die Außenmembran und die Cristae umfangreicher, unregelmäßig geformten Mitochondrien fortsetzen. d) Übergangsformen zwischen denen unter b) und c) beschrieben.Die äußere Nuclearmembran, die Membranen der beschriebenen Rollen und der Mitochondrien weisen die gleiche Dicke auf. Die Membranen, welche eine der unter a) geschilderten Rollen bilden und jene, die sich in einem der umfangreichen Mitochondrien befinden (c), haben Oberflächen von gleicher Größenordnung.Unter den verschiedenen Hypothesen zur Interpretation der Befunde verdient folgende den Vorzug, da sie eine klare Deutung aller gewonnenen Befunde erlaubt: die äußere Nuclearmembran dehnt sich aus und führt auf diese Weise zur Entstehung einer Membranrolle. In dieser Rolle bildet sich sodann ein körniges Material, den Vorläufer der MitochondrienMatrix. Die Menge des körnigen Materials nimmt zu, gleichzeitig wickeln sich nach und nach die Membranenrollen ab und bilden die Hülle und die Cristae eines umfangreichen Mitochondrions. Letzteres teilt sich endlich in mehrere kleinere Mitochondrien auf. Während der Neuroblastendifferenzierung der Spinalganglien des Hühnerembryos geht also die Bildung von Mitochondrien von der Nuclearhülle aus.

Research supported by a C.N. R. grant.

I wish to thank Prof. R. Amprino and Prof. J. D. Robertson for much useful discussion and criticism, Dr. phis. S. de Petris for the help given in the statistical evaluation of the data, Mrs. G. Fiori for technical assistance, and Miss A. Bertolasi for drawing Fig. 17.  相似文献   
Summary The Autor has studied in man the structure of the periventricular glial membranes (corneal laminae) of lateral ventricles of normal and hydrocephalic brains. In normal, these membranes are constituted of three layers: ependyma, sub-ependymal fibrillar layer and vascular layer, whose thickness varies according to the region.In advanced hydrocephalus, the corneal laminae become notably thicker building up a plurilaminar structure, while many gliocytes undergo a clear hypertrophy accompanied with an increase of the intracellular proteic substance. These findings confirm the mechanic significance of the glial structures and the possibilities of structural adaptation of fibrous gliocytes to modified mechanical conditions.The structural peculiarities of corneal cytomorphosis of fibrous gliocytes allow to establish an interesting comparison with the behavior of the epidermal cells.  相似文献   
Riassunto La muscolaris mucosae passando dall'esofago allo stomaco presenta una suddivisione e poi uno sfioccamento dei fasci muscolari, che si risolvono in singole file di cellule: queste vanno a costituire una lamina continua espansa in superficie, i cui elementi sono diretti in ogni senso. Da questa lamina, che sulla faccia interna presenta un gran numero di concavità, si staccano gruppi di cellule che circondano a spirale i tubuli ghiandolari, dirigendosi verso la superficie libera della mucosa: la mucosa risulta quindi compenetrata da un dispositivo muscolare, la cui contrazione determina la spremitura delle ghiandole, delle vene e dei linfatici.Nella parte pilorica, dove la muscolaris mucosae è più robusta, in relazione alla riduzione di calibro del viscere le cellule muscolari tendono a riunirsi nuovamente in fascetti diretti in ogni senso. In corrispondenza del piloro le cellule muscolari si riuniscono in fasci a forma di robusti nastri disposti in strati sovrapposti ed assumono nuovamente, come nel cardia, una direzione longitudinale. Contraendosi, esse determinano la formazione di una piega anulare della mucosa, che può ridurre od occludere il lume, con l'effetto di rinforzare o completare o perfezionare l'azione dello sfintere.  相似文献   
A class of high affinity DA receptor sites has been identified with [3H] SPIR in the anterior and pisterior lobes of rat pituitary gland. Competitive studies with DA receptor antagonists and agonists clearly demonstrated that [3H] SPIR stereospecifically labels a true dopaminergic receptor in both lobes. The physiological significance of these receptors, although still unclear, may be that of controlling the secretion of pituitary hormones and peptides.  相似文献   
During embryogenesis, a complex interplay between extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules, regulatory molecules, and growth factors mediates morphogenetic processes involved in palatogenesis. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), retinoic acid (RA), and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic signaling systems are also potentially involved. Using [3H]glucosamine and [35S]methionine incorporation, anion exchange chromatography, semiquantitative radioactive RT-PCR, and a TGF-beta binding assay, we aimed to verify the presence of phenotypic differences between primary cultures of secondary palate (SP) fibroblasts from 2-year-old subjects with familial nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or palate (CLP-SP fibroblasts) and age-matched normal SP (N-SP) fibroblasts. The effects of RA--which, at pharmacologic doses, induces cleft palate in newborns of many species--were also studied. We found an altered ECM production in CLP-SP fibroblasts that synthesized and secreted more glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and fibronectin (FN) compared with N-SP cells. In CLP-SP cells, TGF-beta3 mRNA expression and TGF-beta receptor number were higher and RA receptor-alpha (RARA) gene expression was increased. Moreover, we demonstrated for the first time that GABA receptor (GABRB3) mRNA expression was upregulated in human CLP-SP fibroblasts. In N-SP and CLP-SP fibroblasts, RA decreased GAG and FN secretion and increased TGF-beta3 mRNA expression but reduced the number of TGF-beta receptors. TGF-beta receptor type I mRNA expression was decreased, TGF-beta receptor type II was increased, and TGF-beta receptor type III was not affected. RA treatment increased RARA gene expression in both cell populations but upregulated GABRB3 mRNA expression only in N-SP cells. These results show that CLP-SP fibroblasts compared with N-SP fibroblasts exhibit an abnormal phenotype in vitro and respond differently to RA treatment, and suggest that altered crosstalk between RA, GABAergic, and TGF-beta signaling systems could be involved in human cleft palate fibroblast phenotype.  相似文献   
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