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PURPOSE: The authors analyze their 3-year results of the "educational and early detection program for testicular cancer". The goals of the program are to reduce the duration of symptoms and to improve early detection. METHODS: Advertisements were placed in the media describing the early signs of testicular cancer, the risks factors, the correct method of self-investigation and the importance of early detection. Between 1 April, 1995 and 1 April, 1998 5056 volunteers were examined. They underwent physical and ultrasound examination of the testicles, and in case of suspicious findings, tumor markers (alpha-fetoprotein, human choriogonadotropin) were checked. RESULTS: Testicular tumors were found in 1.28% of patients with symptoms (testicular enlargement or nodules). No tumor was found in the population that was symptom-free, or in patients with pain, sensitivity to palpation, or unrelated complaints. Of the patients with a palpable lump and swollen testicles, 4.5 and 3.9% were found to have tumors respectively. In total 32 testicular tumors were detected in 30 patients: 15 (2 bilateral) seminomas, 13 non-seminomas and 4 benign tumors. The occurrence of malignant testicular tumors was most frequent, 1.6% in the age group between 15 and 40 years. The stages were as follows: 9 I/A, 9 I/B, 1 I/S, 3 II/A, 1 II/B and 2 III/B. One patient was lost to follow-up after castration. All the other patients achieved complete remission. CONCLUSION: Despite the increasing incidence of testicular cancer screening of asymptomatic men does not lead to detection of tumors. The awareness of the early signs associated with cancer, self-examination, ultrasound examination of the testicle help in establishing an early diagnosis, nevertheless a widescale program for the early detection of testicular cancer is not justifiable. Effective early detection should be based on an educational program for the population at risk, the appropriate training of doctors and staff engaged in the health care of the young, and the initiation and facilitation of early ultrasound examination at the first symptoms. Serum markers play a limited role in early diagnosis.  相似文献   
Changes in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) as well as in the phosphorylation state of proteins have been implicated in keratinocyte wound healing revealed in scratch assays. Scratching confluent HaCaT monolayers decreased the number of cells displaying repetitive Ca2+ oscillations as well as the frequency of their Ca2+-transients in cells close to the wounded area and initiated migration of the cells into the wound bed. In contrast, calyculin-A (CLA) and okadaic acid (OA), known cell permeable inhibitors of protein phosphatase-1 and 2A, increased the level of resting [Ca2+]i and suppressed cell migration and wound healing of HaCaT cells. Furthermore, neither CLA nor OA influenced how scratching affected Ca2+ oscillations. It is assumed that changes in and alterations of the phosphorylation level of Ca2+-transport and contractile proteins upon phosphatase inhibition mediates cell migration and wound healing.  相似文献   
Fire is not an integral part of terrestrial ecosystems in temperate Europe, nevertheless prescribed burning is proposed to be an alternative to traditional management applied to grasslands. Thus, anthropogenic fire represents a serious challenge to plant species, and there is no information on how the recruitment of species responds to fire. The aim of our study was to assess the effect of fire on seed germination of 16 herbaceous grassland and ruderal species belonging to four common families. We first assessed the fuel load in open habitats in early spring and measured soil temperatures during experimental fires. After that we performed a controlled pot experiment involving heat treatments and experimental fire applied to seeds and followed their germination. Our measurements showed that maximum temperatures are between 73 °C and 264 °C on the ground surface and fire passage is fast, with short residence times of high temperatures. In deeper soil layers (1 cm and 5 cm), temperature increase is negligible. Seed germination of half of the species was decreased by the passage of fire, and a heat shock of 100 °C for 5 min had an even stronger adverse effect. Seeds of three Fabaceae species were stimulated by heat or fire, while negative effects prevailed among species belonging to other families. Anthropogenic fire in grasslands of temperate Europe might reduce recruitment by seed, particularly in species of the Asteraceae and Poaceae, two very important families with a large representation in temperate grasslands. Our results indicate that prescribed burning should be carefully applied in order not to endanger the local persistence of grassland species whose seedling emergence is negatively affected by fire.  相似文献   
dUTPase is involved in preserving DNA integrity in cells. We report an efficient dUTPase silencing by RNAi-based system in stable human cell line. Repression of dUTPase induced specific expression level increments for thymidylate kinase and thymidine kinase, and also an increased sensitization to 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine and 5-fluoro-uracil. The catalytic mechanism of dUTPase was investigated for 5-fluoro-dUTP. The 5F-substitution on the uracil ring of the substrate did not change the kinetic mechanism of dUTP hydrolysis by dUTPase. Results indicate that RNAi silencing of dUTPase induces a complex cellular response wherein sensitivity towards fluoropyrimidines and gene expression levels of related enzymes are both modulated.  相似文献   
Phenotypic variation arising from populations adapting to different niches has a complex underlying genetic architecture. A major challenge in modern biology is to identify the causative variants driving phenotypic variation. Recently, the baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has emerged as a powerful model for dissecting complex traits. However, past studies using a laboratory strain were unable to reveal the complete architecture of polygenic traits. Here, we present a linkage study using 576 recombinant strains obtained from crosses of isolates representative of the major lineages. The meiotic recombinational landscape appears largely conserved between populations; however, strain-specific hotspots were also detected. Quantitative measurements of growth in 23 distinct ecologically relevant environments show that our recombinant population recapitulates most of the standing phenotypic variation described in the species. Linkage analysis detected an average of 6.3 distinct QTLs for each condition tested in all crosses, explaining on average 39% of the phenotypic variation. The QTLs detected are not constrained to a small number of loci, and the majority are specific to a single cross-combination and to a specific environment. Moreover, crosses between strains of similar phenotypes generate greater variation in the offspring, suggesting the presence of many antagonistic alleles and epistatic interactions. We found that subtelomeric regions play a key role in defining individual quantitative variation, emphasizing the importance of the adaptive nature of these regions in natural populations. This set of recombinant strains is a powerful tool for investigating the complex architecture of polygenic traits.  相似文献   
Classification of taxa into ecological guilds is based on the relation of respective taxa to nutrient enrichment and their resistance to physical disturbance. We hypothesized that ecological guild’s proportion and their taxa composition were strongly effected both by extremely changing water regime and nutrient contents. Diatom composition, guild dynamics and the diatom-based ecological status assessment index were studied in the Sebes-Körös River (South-East Hungary) in a year with extremely changing water regimes. There were highly pronounced changes in species composition during the whole vegetation period including the formation of running and standing water segments in autumn. While the proportions of ecological guilds showed no significant correlations with the studied environmental parameters, they were more balanced in high water discharge period than in the low water discharge period. Taxa compositions of segments were mainly determined by the preferences and strategies of a respective species and/or genera, regardless to their guild affiliation. These results point out that ecological guild characterisation should be refined using ecological knowledge at the subgenus level. We suggest to establish several subdivisions within the guilds to consider the differences in life strategies (CSR model) and life forms, and to implement the accumulated knowledge of nutrient preferences/indication of a respective taxa.  相似文献   
Recently, a novel procedure to isolate a highly pure and active Photosystem II preparation directly from thylakoid membranes, referred to as PS II–LHC II supercomplex, was reported [Eshaghi et al. (1999) FEBS Lett 446: 23–26]. In addition to the reaction center core proteins, the supercomplex contains all the extrinsic proteins of the oxygen evolving complex and a set of chlorophyll a/b binding proteins. In this paper, the functional properties of this isolated supercomplex are further characterized by using EPR spectroscopy, thermoluminescence, fluorescence relaxation kinetics and flash induced oxygen yield measurements. The PS II–LHC II supercomplex contains, in addition to QA and QB, a small pool of plastoquinone (PQ). Although the isolated complex is no longer membrane bound, it has preserved functional characteristics of a well defined PS II preparation with the exception of some modification of QB sites. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Carpathian Region (including mountains and plains) has for a long time been lacking good palaeoenvironmental and especially palaeolimnological records, particularly for the Late Quaternary. In the last two decades, many new sedimentary sequences were obtained and studied using a wide range of palaeoproxies. This article reviews results from 123 sequences in the Carpathian Region, all dated by radiometric methods. Our aim was to pay attention to the existence of these data; many of them published in national periodicals and journals. Palaeoenvironmental records with at least two proxies and with palaeolimnological interpretation were compiled in both tabular form and on maps. Inspite of the density of examined sites, an assessment of the dataset led us to the following conclusions: (1) very few provide firm hydrological–limnological interpretation, such as lake level and mire water-depth fluctuation, lake productivity changes and pH changes; (2) only 47 of them are real multi-proxy studies (have at least two proxies employed on the same sediment core); (3) glacial lakes in Slovakia and Romania as well as in Ukraine are seriously under-investigated although they would be ideal objects of palaeolimnological works with the many proxies applicable on them; (4) the Hungarian lowland areas are dominated by shallow tectonic lakes or palaeochannels, often with unsatisfactory preservation of certain biological proxies (e.g. diatoms, chironomids, cladocerans). Consequently, palaeolimnological studies from this region have to apply a different combination of proxies and approach than mountain lake studies.
Krisztina BuczkóEmail:
The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between four personality traits (calmness, trainability, dog sociability and boldness) of dogs (Canis familiaris) and dog and owner demographics on a large sample size with 14,004 individuals. German speaking dog owners could characterize their dog by filling out a form on the Internet. There were five demographic variables for dogs and nine for owners. Two statistical methods were used for investigating the associations between personality and demographic traits: the more traditional general linear methods and regression trees that are ideal for analyzing non-linear relationships in the structure of the data. The results showed that calmness is influenced primarily by the dog's age, the neutered status, the number of different types of professional training courses (e.g. obedience, agility) the dog had experienced and the age of acquisition. The least calm dogs were less than 2.5 years old, neutered and acquired after the first 12 weeks of age, while the calmest dogs were older than 6.9 years. Trainability was affected primarily by the training experiences, the dog's age, and the purpose of keeping the dog. The least trainable dogs had not received professional training at all and were older than 3 years. The most trainable dogs were those who participated in three or more types of professional training. Sociability toward conspecifics was mainly determined by the age, sex, training experience and time spent together. The least sociable dogs were older than 4.8 years and the owners spent less than 3 h with the dog daily. The most sociable dogs were less than 1.5 years old. Males were less sociable toward their conspecifics than females. Boldness was affected by the sex and age of the dog and the age of acquisition. The least bold were females acquired after the age of 1 year or bred by the owner. The boldest dogs were males, acquired before the age of 12 weeks, and were younger than 2 years old. Other variables, including the owner's gender, age, education, previous experience with dogs, the number of people and dogs in the household, and purpose of keeping the dogs had minor, but detectable effects. The results suggest that on-line questionnaires are a very effective means for collecting data about dog behavior, especially if owners are motivated by instant feedback. However, note that the characteristics of dogs in the present study were reported by the owners, and the associations with the traits do not necessarily represent a causal relationship.  相似文献   
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