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To propose a new objective scatter index (OSI) based in the analysis of double-pass images of a point source to rank and classify cataract patients. This classification scheme is compared with a current subjective system.


We selected a population including a group of normal young eyes as control and patients diagnosed with cataract (grades NO2, NO3 and NO4) according to the Lens Opacities Classification System (LOCS III). For each eye, we recorded double-pass retinal images of a point source. In each patient, we determined an objective scatter index (OSI) as the ratio of the intensity at an eccentric location in the image and the central part. This index provides information on the relevant forward scatter affecting vision. Since the double-pass retinal images are affected by both ocular aberrations and intraocular scattering, an analysis was performed to show the ranges of contributions of aberrations to the OSI.


We used the OSI values to classify each eye according to the degree of scatter. The young normal eyes of the control group had OSI values below 1, while the OSI for subjects in LOCS grade II were around 1 to 2. The use of the objective index showed some of the weakness of subjective classification schemes. In particular, several subjects initially classified independently as grade NO2 or NO3 had similar OSI values, and in some cases even higher than subjects classified as grade NO4. A new classification scheme based in OSI is proposed.


We introduced an objective index based in the analysis of double-pass retinal images to classify cataract patients. The method is robust and fully based in objective measurements; i.e., not depending on subjective decisions. This procedure could be used in combination with standard current methods to improve cataract patient surgery scheduling.  相似文献   
Two DNA fragments, AP-1 and AP-2, encoding amino acid sequences closely related to Ser/Thr protein phosphatases were amplified from Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA. Fragment AP-1 was used to screen. A. thaliana cDNA libraries and several positive clones were isolated. Clones EP8a and EP14a were sequenced and found to encode almost identical proteins (97% identity). Both proteins are 306 amino acids in length and are very similar (79–80% identity) to the mammalian isotypes of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A. Therefore, they have been designated PP2A-1 and PP2A-2. A third cDNA clone, EP7, was isolated and sequenced. The polypeptide encoded (308 amino acids, lacking the initial Met codon) is 80% identical with human phosphatases 2A and was named PP2A-3. The PP2A-3 protein is extremely similar (95% identity) to the predicted protein from a cDNA clone previously found in Brassica napus. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA using AP-1 and AP-2 probes, as well as probes derived from clones EP7, EP8a and EP14a strongly indicates that at least 6 genes closely related to type 2A phosphatases are present in the genome of A. thaliana. Northern blot analysis using the same set of probes demonstrates that, at the seedling stage, the mRNA levels for PP2A-1, PP2A-3 and the gene containing the AP-1 sequence are much higher than those of PP2A-2 and AP-2. These results demonstrate that a multiplicity of type 2A phosphatases might be differentially expressed in higher plants.  相似文献   
The increasing interest in the preservation of the environment and the health of consumers is changing production methods and food consumption habits. Functional foods are increasingly demanded by consumers because they contain bioactive compounds involved in health protection. In this sense biofertilization using plant probiotics is a reliable alternative to the use of chemical fertilizers, but there are few studies about the effects of plant probiotics on the yield of functional fruits and, especially, on the content of bioactive compounds. In the present work we reported that a strain of genus Phyllobacterium able to produce biofilms and to colonize strawberry roots is able to increase the yield and quality of strawberry plants. In addition, the fruits from plants inoculated with this strain have significantly higher content in vitamin C, one of the most interesting bioactive compounds in strawberries. Therefore the use of selected plant probiotics benefits the environment and human health without agronomical losses, allowing the production of highly functional foods.  相似文献   
We investigated the influence of tilling, N fertilization and crop stage on arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) fungal species diversity in a wheat monoculture in the Pampa region of Argentina. Glomalean spores were isolated by wet sieving and decanting from conventionally tilled and nontilled soils cropped with wheat with or without N fertilization, at three phenological stages of the crop (tilling, flowering and grain filling) and fallow. Morphological characterization yielded at least 24 AM fungi taxa in the field samples, belonging to six genera of AMF: Acaulospora Archaeospora, Entrophospora, Gigaspora, Glomus and Scutellospora. Tilling and fertilization treatments did not result in decreased spore biodiversity. Wheat phenology influenced AM communities, with highest spore biodiversity during grain filling.  相似文献   
Ascorbate is an important antioxidant, which also displays important functions in neuronal tissues, including the retina. The retina is responsible for the initial steps of visual processing, which is further refined in cerebral high-order centers. The retina is also a prototypical model for studying physiologic aspects of cells that comprise the nervous system. Of major importance also is the cellular messenger nitric oxide (NO). Previous studies have demonstrated the significance of NO for both survival and proliferation of cultured embryonic retinal cells. Cultured retinal cells express a high-affinity ascorbate transporter, and the release of ascorbate is delicately regulated by ionotropic glutamate receptors. Therefore, we proposed whether there is interplay between the ascorbate transport system and NO signaling pathway in retinal cells. Here we show compelling evidence that ascorbate uptake is tightly controlled by NO and its downstream signaling pathway in culture. NO also modulates the expression of SVCT-2, an effect mediated by cGMP and PKG. Kinetic studies suggest that NO increases the transport capacity for ascorbate, but not the affinity of SVCT-2 for its substrate. Interestingly, NO utilizes the NF-κB pathway, in a PKG-dependent manner, to modulate both SVCT-2 expression and ascorbate uptake. These results demonstrate that NO exerts a fine-tuned control of the availability of ascorbate to cultured retinal cells and strongly reinforces ascorbate as an important bioactive molecule in neuronal tissues.  相似文献   
The period around the time of conception is one characterised by considerable cytological and molecular restructuring as ovulation occurs, the oocyte is fertilised and the embryonic developmental programme begins. The intrinsic processes regulating peri-conceptional progression are supplemented by environmental factors, which contribute important metabolic information that influences several aspects of the developmental programme. Indeed, there is growing evidence from different mammalian animal models, reviewed here, that the peri-conceptional environment mediated through maternal nutrition can modify development throughout gestation and affect the physiological and metabolic health of adult offspring. The concept that adult disease risk may owe its origin to the quality of peri-conceptional maternal nutrition is one, which merits further research for mechanistic understanding and devising preventive strategies.  相似文献   
The biofertilization of crops with plant-growth-promoting microorganisms is currently considered as a healthy alternative to chemical fertilization. However, only microorganisms safe for humans can be used as biofertilizers, particularly in vegetables that are raw consumed, in order to avoid sanitary problems derived from the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the final products. In the present work we showed that Rhizobium strains colonize the roots of tomato and pepper plants promoting their growth in different production stages increasing yield and quality of seedlings and fruits. Our results confirmed those obtained in cereals and alimentary oil producing plants extending the number of non-legumes susceptible to be biofertilized with rhizobia to those whose fruits are raw consumed. This is a relevant conclusion since safety of rhizobia for human health has been demonstrated after several decades of legume inoculation ensuring that they are optimal bacteria for biofertilization.  相似文献   
In the course of a project carried out in two regions of Spain, Castilla y León and Andalucía, aiming to find useful biofertilizers for staple grain-legumes, an efficient rhizobia nodulating chickpea (termed as C-2/2) and a powerful in vitro phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strain (termed as PS06) were isolated. Analyses of their 16S rDNA sequence indicated that they belong to the bacterial species Mesorhizobium ciceri and Pseudomonas jessenii, respectively. Greenhouse and field experiments were carried out in order to test the effect of single and dual inoculations on chickpea (ecotype ILC-482) growth. Under greenhouse conditions, plants inoculated with Mesorhizobium ciceri C-2/2 alone had the highest shoot dry weight. The inoculation treatment with P. jessenii PS06 yielded a shoot dry weight 14% greater than the uninoculated control treatment, but it was not correlated with shoot P contents. However, the co-inoculation of C-2/2 with PS06 resulted in a decrease in shoot dry weight with respect to the inoculation with C-2/2 alone. Under field conditions, plants inoculated with M. ciceri C-2/2, in single or dual inoculation, produced higher nodule fresh weight, nodule number and shoot N content than the other treatments. Inoculation with P. jessenii PS06 had no significant effect on plant growth. However, the co-inoculation treatment ranked the highest in seed yield (52% greater than the uninoculated control treatment) and nodule fresh weight. These data suggest that P. jessenii PS06 can act synergistically with M. ciceri C-2/2 in promoting chickpea growth. The contrasting results obtained between greenhouse and field experiments are discussed.  相似文献   
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