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Plant proteinase inhibitors (PIs) are considered as candidates for increased insect resistance in transgenic plants. Insect adaptation to PI ingestion might, however, compromise the benefits received by transgenic expression of PIs. In this study, the maize proteinase inhibitor (MPI), an inhibitor of insect serine proteinases, and the potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor (PCI) were fused into a single open reading frame and introduced into rice plants. The two PIs were linked using either the processing site of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1B precursor protein or the 2A sequence from the foot‐and‐mouth disease virus (FMDV). Expression of each fusion gene was driven by the wound‐ and pathogen‐inducible mpi promoter. The mpi‐pci fusion gene was stably inherited for at least three generations with no penalty on plant phenotype. An important reduction in larval weight of Chilo suppressalis fed on mpi‐pci rice, compared with larvae fed on wild‐type plants, was observed. Expression of the mpi‐pci fusion gene confers resistance to C. suppressalis (striped stem borer), one of the most important insect pest of rice. The mpi‐pci expression systems described may represent a suitable strategy for insect pest control, better than strategies based on the use of single PI genes, by preventing insect adaptive responses. The rice plants expressing the mpi‐pci fusion gene also showed enhanced resistance to infection by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, the causal agent of the rice blast disease. Our results illustrate the usefulness of the inducible expression of the mpi‐pci fusion gene for dual resistance against insects and pathogens in rice plants.  相似文献   
FoxP3+ regulatory CD4 T cells (Tregs) help to maintain the delicate balance between pathogen-specific immunity and immune-mediated pathology. Prior studies suggest that Tregs are induced by P. falciparum both in vivo and in vitro; however, the factors influencing Treg homeostasis during acute and chronic infections, and their role in malaria immunopathogenesis, remain unclear. We assessed the frequency and phenotype of Tregs in well-characterized cohorts of children residing in a region of high malaria endemicity in Uganda. We found that both the frequency and absolute numbers of FoxP3+ Tregs in peripheral blood declined markedly with increasing prior malaria incidence. Longitudinal measurements confirmed that this decline occurred only among highly malaria-exposed children. The decline of Tregs from peripheral blood was accompanied by reduced in vitro induction of Tregs by parasite antigen and decreased expression of TNFR2 on Tregs among children who had intense prior exposure to malaria. While Treg frequencies were not associated with protection from malaria, there was a trend toward reduced risk of symptomatic malaria once infected with P. falciparum among children with lower Treg frequencies. These data demonstrate that chronic malaria exposure results in altered Treg homeostasis, which may impact the development of antimalarial immunity in naturally exposed populations.  相似文献   


The social valorisation of overweight in African populations could promote high-risk eating behaviours and therefore become a risk factor of obesity. However, existing scales to assess body image are usually not accurate enough to allow comparative studies of body weight perception in different African populations. This study aimed to develop and validate the Body Size Scale (BSS) to estimate African body weight perception.


Anthropometric measures of 80 Cameroonians and 81 Senegalese were used to evaluate three criteria of adiposity: body mass index (BMI), overall percentage of fat, and endomorphy (fat component of the somatotype). To develop the BSS, the participants were photographed in full face and profile positions. Models were selected for their representativeness of the wide variability in adiposity with a progressive increase along the scale. Then, for the validation protocol, participants self-administered the BSS to assess self-perceived current body size (CBS), desired body size (DBS) and provide a “body self-satisfaction index.” This protocol included construct validity, test-retest reliability and convergent validity and was carried out with three independent samples of respectively 201, 103 and 1115 Cameroonians.


The BSS comprises two sex-specific scales of photos of 9 models each, and ordered by increasing adiposity. Most participants were able to correctly order the BSS by increasing adiposity, using three different words to define body size. Test-retest reliability was consistent in estimating CBS, DBS and the “body self-satisfaction index.” The CBS was highly correlated to the objective BMI, and two different indexes assessed with the BSS were consistent with declarations obtained in interviews.


The BSS is the first scale with photos of real African models taken in both full face and profile and representing a wide and representative variability in adiposity. The validation protocol proved its reliability for estimating body weight perception in Africans.  相似文献   
The processing waste of the aerial roots of Rhizophora mangle was used in both its unmodified or mercaptoacetic acid (MAA) modified form for the sorption of Pb2+ from aqueous solution. The biomass rapidly and strongly sorbed Pb2+ at pH 5.0, which indicated chemisorption. A significant increase in Pb2+ sorption resulted from MAA treatment of the biomass, indicating that sorption occurs through an ion-exchange process. From sorption-capacity experiments, the unmodified and modified materials extracted, at pH 5, 31.3 and 85.5 mg of Pb2+ per gram of biomass, respectively, from aqueous solutions. Our studies may contribute to an innovative method for the economical and ecologically save removal and recovery of heavy-atom metal ions from contaminated waters through biosorption.  相似文献   
Large gaps exist in our knowledge about common patterns and variability in the endocrinology of immature nonhuman primates, and even normal hormonal profiles during that life stage are lacking for wild populations. In the present study we present steroid profiles for a wild population of baboons (Papio cynocephalus) from infancy through reproductive maturation, obtained by noninvasive fecal analyses. Fecal concentrations of glucocorticoid (fGC) and testosterone (fT) metabolites for males, and of fGC, estrogen (fE), and progestin (fP) metabolites for females were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). In males, infancy was characterized by high and declining levels of fGC and fT, whereas steroid concentrations were low during the juvenile years. During the months immediately prior to testicular enlargement, fT (but not fGC) concentration tended to increase. Males that matured early consistently had higher fT and fGC concentrations than those that matured late, but not significantly so at any age. Individual differences in fT concentrations were stable across ages, and average individual fT and fGC concentrations were positively correlated. For females, high and declining levels of fE characterized infancy, and values increased again after 3.5 years of age, as some females reached menarche by that age. Both fP and fGC were relatively low and constant throughout infancy and the juvenile period. During the months immediately prior to menarche, fGC concentration significantly decreased, while no changes were observed for fE levels. fP exhibited a complicated pattern of decrease that was subsequently followed by a more modest and nonsignificant increase as menarche approached. Early- (EM) and late-maturing (LM) females differed only in fP concentration; the higher fP concentrations in EM females reached significance at 4-4.5 years of age. Maternal rank at offspring conception did not predict concentrations of any hormone for either sex. Our results demonstrate the presence of individual endocrine variability, which could have important consequences for the timing of sexual maturation and subsequently for individual reproductive success. Further evaluation of the factors that affect hormone concentrations during the juvenile and adolescent periods should lead to a better understanding of mechanisms of life-history variability.  相似文献   
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations including water and counterions on B-DNA oligomers containing all 136 unique tetranucleotide basepair steps are reported. The objective is to obtain the calculated dynamical structure for at least two copies of each case, use the results to examine issues with regard to convergence and dynamical stability of MD on DNA, and determine the significance of sequence context effects on all unique dinucleotide steps. This information is essential to understand sequence effects on DNA structure and has implications on diverse problems in the structural biology of DNA. Calculations were carried out on the 136 cases embedded in 39 DNA oligomers with repeating tetranucleotide sequences, capped on both ends by GC pairs and each having a total length of 15 nucleotide pairs. All simulations were carried out using a well-defined state-of-the-art MD protocol, the AMBER suite of programs, and the parm94 force field. In a previous article (Beveridge et al. 2004. Biophysical Journal. 87:3799-3813), the research design, details of the simulation protocol, and informatics issues were described. Preliminary results from 15 ns MD trajectories were presented for the d(CpG) step in all 10 unique sequence contexts. The results indicated the sequence context effects to be small for this step, but revealed that MD on DNA at this length of trajectory is subject to surprisingly persistent cooperative transitions of the sugar-phosphate backbone torsion angles alpha and gamma. In this article, we report detailed analysis of the entire trajectory database and occurrence of various conformational substates and its impact on studies of context effects. The analysis reveals a possible direct correspondence between the sequence-dependent dynamical tendencies of DNA structure and the tendency to undergo transitions that "trap" them in nonstandard conformational substates. The difference in mean of the observed basepair step helicoidal parameter distribution with different flanking sequence sometimes differs by as much as one standard deviation, indicating that the extent of sequence effects could be significant. The observations reveal that the impact of a flexible dinucleotide such as CpG could extend beyond the immediate basepair neighbors. The results in general provide new insight into MD on DNA and the sequence-dependent dynamical structural characteristics of DNA.  相似文献   
Aqueous environments in living cells are crowded, with up to >50 wt% small and macromolecule-size solutes. We investigated quantitatively one important consequence of molecular crowding--reduced diffusion of biologically important solutes. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was used to measure the diffusion of a series of fluorescent small solutes and macromolecules. In water, diffusion coefficients (D(o)w) were (in cm2/s x 10(-8)): rhodamine green (270), albumin (52), dextrans (75, 10 kDa; 10, 500 kDa), double-stranded DNAs (96, 20 bp; 10, 1 kb; 3.4, 4.5 kb) and polystyrene nanospheres (5.4, 20 nm diameter; 2.3, 100 nm). Aqueous-phase diffusion (Dw) in solutions crowded with Ficoll-70 (0-60 wt%) was reduced by up to 650-fold in an exponential manner: Dw = D(o)w exp (-[C]/[C]exp), where [C]exp is the concentration (in wt%) of crowding agent reducing D(o)w by 63%. FCS data for all solutes and Ficoll-70 concentrations fitted well to a model of single-component, simple (non-anomalous) diffusion. Interestingly [C]exp were nearly identical (11+/-2 wt%, SD) for diffusion of the very different types of macromolecules in Ficoll-70 solutions. However, [C]exp was dependent on the nature of the crowding agent: for example, [C]exp for diffusion of rhodamine green was 30 wt% for glycerol and 16 wt% for 500 kDa dextran. Our results indicate that molecular crowding can greatly reduce aqueous-phase diffusion of biologically important macromolecules, and demonstrate a previously unrecognized insensitivity of crowding effects on the size and characteristics of the diffusing species.  相似文献   
Phosphocholine (PCho) is an essential metabolite for plant development because it is the precursor for the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine, which is the major lipid component in plant cell membranes. The main step in PCho biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana is the triple, sequential N-methylation of phosphoethanolamine, catalyzed by S-adenosyl-l-methionine:phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PEAMT). In screenings performed to isolate Arabidopsis mutants with altered root system architecture, a T-DNA mutagenized line showing remarkable alterations in root development was isolated. At the seedling stage, the mutant phenotype is characterized by a short primary root, a high number of lateral roots, and short epidermal cells with aberrant morphology. Genetic and biochemical characterization of this mutant showed that the T-DNA was inserted at the At3g18000 locus (XIPOTL1), which encodes PEAMT (XIPOTL1). Further analyses revealed that inhibition of PCho biosynthesis in xpl1 mutants not only alters several root developmental traits but also induces cell death in root epidermal cells. Epidermal cell death could be reversed by phosphatidic acid treatment. Taken together, our results suggest that molecules produced downstream of the PCho biosynthesis pathway play key roles in root development and act as signals for cell integrity.  相似文献   
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